OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #15

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Puff, I know you know this: It's called 'subliminal messaging'. :innocent: moo mho

I know what subliminal messages are, but don't see how it applies to my post.

Good morning, by the way.
How do you see the comments please?

About the third story down, about diving in the river, there are comments there, several hundred by now. Those are the comments but I heard a lot got deleted.
As far as the artwork goes, I know I have seen the picture of that sun before, I checked google images but when you type up sun artwork in images, my goodness there are thousands. I believe he copied that picture from a book or a picture he seen hanging somewhere. I believe it is a native style, even with the colors that he used, I'm telling you I have seen that picture before.. I'm not crazy, I wish I could locate it. So there may not be much to that one it may have even been part of their art class. Maybe they were studying Native art and were asked to draw/color a picture from a book and thats the photo he chose.
Now as far as the chipmunk/squirrel, this one is telling to me. The squirel is alone in picture while he is eating. Is this something that Kyron had to do, eat alone? The colors he chose are all dark colors, the grey blue background is a sad and depressing color. Why not use light blue or yellows to signify a bright happy sunny day?
Some early Laurel Burch jewelry comes to mind for me, but no specific piece I can find online any more. Just the style.
Regarding the e-mail: Intel in Oregon employs over 15,000 people. Think about the consequence to the investigation and to their missing child if even 1% of those people should take it upon themselves to talk with the media. Dad wanted to employ as many eyes as possible to help look for his son, without employing their mouths. moo

Someone said the letter was controlling and isolating: I would say structured. Dad is part of a huge corporation and needs to be careful how each and every word is interpreted by those in Intel. moo Suggesting to 15,000 employees to remain silent with the media is in the best interest of his missing child. Media will stay focused on finding Kyron rather than focusing on Intel employees. moo


Was the email really sent to 15.000 Intel employees?
I'm not sure why it would be feared that the media would be even interested in having lots of Intel Oregon employees talk to them. One or two maybe but 1 % would make 150 statements and I don't remember any cases offhand in which the media have published statements from 150 colleagues.

Most of the Oregon Intel employees would have never heard of Kyron Horman until he got in the news and they may not know Kaine Horman from Adam either, so they wouldn't have anything of interest to say anyway, beyond the usual "it was horrifying to hear of the disappearance and how awful the family must feel and I hope the case is solved fast". I don't think it would sell any magazines, to be honest, and it would hardly help or hinder the investigation, IMO, but maybe it would keep Kyron's face in the news. His closest coworkers might have something newsworthy to add if he's told them things about his family but for the most part the Intel employees wouldn't know anything that interests the media and people wouldn't bother to interview them in masses.

If Kyron's father had been involved in something scandalous in the workplace that everybody knew about he might have been fearful that it got out, but if that were the case I don't think an email would be enough to shut up 15.000 people; it just takes one to let the cat out of the bag, and in addition to the Intel employees he'd have had to silence all their partners and friends who they had gossiped with, and likely someone wouldn't have got the message and would have talked to the media by now.

I don't know but I think the message may have been intended to his coworkers and people who know him to tell them not to give any statements about what he's like to work with etc, and just been sent as a group email for convenience. I'm sure a shocked father has better things to do than to hunt email addresses and couldn't be sure not to leave anyone important out.

Also, I thought that the part about I am Kyron's father might be intended to let the people in his company know that yes, the KH in the news is really the same KH who works here, and make them more understanding if the personal crisis interferes with the prompt performance of his job duties somehow.
Given the circumstances and the information that we do have from LE, I'd be willing to hear any LOGICAL explanation for how Kyron disappeared.

We know that other children are not in danger.

We know that this is an isolated incident.

We know that this is a criminal investigation.

I don't have any desire to "crucify" anyone. The facts lead me to speculate the way I have. What rumor I've heard just happens to fit what the facts, to me, support.

So I'd be interested in hearing plausible, logical theories that don't amount to a crucifixion. (???)

1. Other children not in danger: there is no evidence that the children in the community or school are in any more danger now than before Kyron went missing. No evidence of a serial child murderer - so why would LE say anything different? LE did make a statement that parents/children should use the same precautions regarding safety as before this crime. moo

2. Isolated incident: No evidence of a serial child rapist/murderer. The FBI profile must have determined the perpetrator wasn't someone who raped and murdered on a nightly basis. Research shows that most murderers perpetrate their victim, do their damage, lay low for a period of time (rest), and resurface at a later time. Maybe in the same community or a different one. moo

3. Criminal investigation: Kyron was in a category of 'endangered, missing'. He wasn't found. The next logical step is to categorize the investigation into a 'criminal' allowing LE access to different tools for investigative purposes. Perhaps there was evidence found or a witness with sound information. Moving it to a criminal investigation can be for many reasons. moo

IMO speculation is what being on this site is all about. However, why speculate on rumors rather than actual data/evidence? Where are the facts? If one uses the actual facts in this case - even speculation would be at a minimum - there aren't many facts. To target one person without such facts, is to me, criminal to the family and very destructive. For me, I prefer to wait until I have some substance to go on. This is a family with a toddler who will grow up and one day will read all that is said here - how awful that will be for her. moo mho
Hi I notice alot of people are getting a bit upset about the famiy and specifically one member being suspected...

You know I think quite a few people on here are like me::::::: confused

I am not sure if the police were on top of this at the beginning or not...

I am not entirely convinced if they have a prime suspect in mind....

I dont know if I beleive they had 24 hour police presence because of maybe a kidnapping or if they were watching the family...

I am not sure if the fact that a kid saw him "later in the morning" at the south entrance is true and not being confirmed as it is a child or if the child was mistaken......

I do think however think that there have been manners of people that have got me thinking hhmmmm and can totally understand people being suspicious of them...

Also the way the whole being at school, marked absent and why the teachers did this has me going hhmmmmm

BUT I am definitely not convinced enough with the amount of official info we have to point the finger at specific people......

I do think other scenarios are also possible......I mean the list is totally endless but soughting out police quotes like "unique situation" "no kids in danger" does get rid of quite alot of possibilites ESPECIALLY stranger abduction..

my theories include being rescued by other family members, or maybe taken because of a jealous/getting back reaction, or I think an accident due to someone losing their temper.......or running off after an altercation and hiding....

It could still be an older child lured him off and I have not even given up the thought that he may be somewhere in the school....look at the guy yesterday who had his arm stuck in the furnace for three days..(may I say my hat goes off to him..) and that girl found in the wall..that one shocked me.

I dont like that they are now looking in the river and that it is because of a tip because that takes it back to ugly.
I haven't seen any direct statements from teachers. That's about as close as it gets.

I think I said earlier, though, that there's another RUMORED witness that puts them leaving together.

Rumor Control Request

Just catching up. This is another rumored witness in addition to the two teachers? Someone who's rumored to have seen them leave together?

Someone do an old lady a favor please and point me to where this new rumor is coming from? Is this more from the SI FB comments rumors? Or do we have a new rumor source?


Re: no other kids in danger.....It has been said here again as well.

Has it been said that John Walsh is to be on the Today show (15 June) this morning to talk about Kyron....

sorry I dont know who John Walsh is.....just saw it when I did a google search on the latest info.

In 1981, John Walsh's son Adam was abducted from a Sears store at a mall in Hollywood, Florida, while his mother was shopping. Adam was murdered.
His father and mother went on to be an advocates for missing children.

Adam was also 7 years old.

You should google John Walsh and read the entire story of what happened and how John Walsh turned a tragedy into a way to help others. It's a very compelling story.
Hi I notice alot of people are getting a bit upset about the famiy and specifically one member being suspected...

You know I think quite a few people on here are like me::::::: confused

I am not sure if the police were on top of this at the beginning or not...

I am not entirely convinced if they have a prime suspect in mind....

I dont know if I beleive they had 24 hour police presence because of maybe a kidnapping or if they were watching the family...

I am not sure if the fact that a kid saw him "later in the morning" at the south entrance is true and not being confirmed as it is a child or if the child was mistaken......

I do think however think that there have been manners of people that have got me thinking hhmmmm and can totally understand people being suspicious of them...

Also the way the whole being at school, marked absent and the teachers thoughts has me going hhmmmmm

BUT I am definitely not convinced enough with the amount of official info we have to point the finger at specific people......

I do think other scenarios are also possible......I mean the list is totally endless but soughting out police quotes like "unique situation" "no kids in danger" does get rid of quite alot of possibilites ESPECIALLY stranger abduction..

my theories include being rescued by other family members, or a jealous/getting back reaction, or I think an accident due to someone losing their temper.......or running off after an altercation and hiding....

It could still be an older child and I have not even given up the thought that he may be somewhere in the school....look at the guy yesterday who had his arm stuck in the furnace for three days..(may I say my hat goes off to him..) and that girl found in the wall..that one shocked me.

I dont like that they are now looking in the river and that it is because of a tip because that take it back to ugly.

BBM....is what I have been thinking ever since I saw the skill level of the science project....it's appearance was very very important to someone...who might have had a momentary lapse of control that resulted in a horrible tragedy.....and the rest has been efforts of someone back in control to mitigate the circumstances. ALL MY OPINION NOT FACT NOR ACCUSATION
I have a wild imagination..and I was thinking: what else, besides perverted motivations, would someone have to make Kyron vanish? Is it even remotely possible Kyron witnessed something awful (walking by an unused classroom, etc.) and that person had to "get rid of him" so he wouldn't report? Is it even remotely possible that some adult in that was in the school may have abused a child and Kyron saw? Every single one of those children should be questioned about possible abuse. That kid may not be saying anything because they are so ashamed or confused. That kid may have been told that they keep quiet about Kyron or they would be next. Kids can be scared into silence. =(

Every one of the parents should be questioned about their child's behavior that day...whether they were down or really angry (before Kyron's story hit the news). The parent may have no clue about the possible abuse (it happens far too often). But maybe they'd remember something from that day that was out of sorts (child hitting another or acting out)
Sure. Glad to answer that. See the press conference videos in the media thread. All is there.

Just watched all the press conference videos up through 6/10 that are linked in the media thread. I heard nothing about infrared being used in the search the first weekend (unless it was asked by a reporter who wasn't mic'd).

Guess I should go search Facebook.
It's been discussed and documented numerous times in the preceding threads.

I really hate to think of guests and people just joining us looking for facts going through all the previous threads looking for something that doesn't exist.

LE never said anything about children being safe until an article yesterday with a partial quote (nothing on video from LE, nothing in press conferences). That information will not be found in any previous threads. What will be found is people expressing their opinions that LE stating that this is an "isolated incident" meant that LE was saying children were safe.

For grins, and interestingly, LE never said it was an "isolated incident" either. LE said "isolated case". :)
In 1981, John Walsh's son Adam was abdubted from a Sears store at a mall in Hollywood, Florida, while his mother was shopping. Adam was murdered.
His father and mother went on to be an advocate for missing children.

Adam was also 7 years old.

You should google John Walsh and read the entire story of what happened and how John Walsh turned a tragedy into a way to help others. It's a very compelling story.

He's the host of America's Most Wanted. Does alot of political work about laws regarding missing children.
This is just a thought...if it were my kid, and they didn't get off the bus, I'd follow that bus to the next stop and talk to the driver (thinking they fell asleep and missed their bus stop - it happened to me when I was a kid). I wouldn't just go "Hmm...wonder why they didn't get off the bus?" I'd be calling the school while following the bus!

Totally irrelevant if not in a vehicle.

The bus driver did stop and told her/them that he did not get on the bus. The bus driver called the school and found out that he had not been in class and the school called 911.

Was the email really sent to 15.000 Intel employees?
I'm not sure why it would be feared that the media would be even interested in having lots of Intel Oregon employees talk to them. One or two maybe but 1 % would make 150 statements and I don't remember any cases offhand in which the media have published statements from 150 colleagues.

Most of the Oregon Intel employees would have never heard of Kyron Horman until he got in the news and they may not know Kaine Horman from Adam either, so they wouldn't have anything of interest to say anyway, beyond the usual "it was horrifying to hear of the disappearance and how awful the family must feel and I hope the case is solved fast". I don't think it would sell any magazines, to be honest, and it would hardly help or hinder the investigation, IMO, but maybe it would keep Kyron's face in the news. His closest coworkers might have something newsworthy to add if he's told them things about his family but for the most part the Intel employees wouldn't know anything that interests the media and people wouldn't bother to interview them in masses.

If Kyron's father had been involved in something scandalous in the workplace that everybody knew about he might have been fearful that it got out, but if that were the case I don't think an email would be enough to shut up 15.000 people; it just takes one to let the cat out of the bag, and in addition to the Intel employees he'd have had to silence all their partners and friends who they had gossiped with, and likely someone wouldn't have got the message and would have talked to the media by now.

I don't know but I think the message may have been intended to his coworkers and people who know him to tell them not to give any statements about what he's like to work with etc, and just been sent as a group email for convenience. I'm sure a shocked father has better things to do than to hunt email addresses and couldn't be sure not to leave anyone important out.

Also, I thought that the part about I am Kyron's father might be intended to let the people in his company know that yes, the KH in the news is really the same KH who works here, and make them more understanding if the personal crisis interferes with the prompt performance of his job duties somehow.

Gosh, I know it's early, but where did I say his e-mail went to 15,000 employees? :waitasec: I did say, that's how many Intel in Oregon employs.

One of my points is that dad, with the help of Intel, wanted to be safe, careful, cautious regarding what is said to the media. We all know how gossip gets out of hand and we all know there are those who thrive on gossip - so maybe he wanted to ward such possibilities off ahead of time.

Do you really think dad could speculate regarding the media and Intel employees? After all, his son went missing and why wouldn't he want to solicit the help of fellow employees, in the form of eyes, but ward off any and all gossip?

And if the media published even 2 statements by employees while a child is missing, that could be a jeopardy to the investigation - my guess is that dad didn't want ANYTHING to jeopardize finding his son.

You mention selling magazine: What???? Doesn't take much to sell a magazine nowadays - gossip often prevails. And you say 'who would care' - just read all the comments on that FB everyone was pouring over earlier. moo

Seems that attempting to control rumors and gossip in the workplace is foreign to many, so I won't go on. Some will get it and some won't. The bottom line: When a parent's worst nightmare occurs, you do what's best to bring your child home. Justice for Kyron is what I say. moo
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