OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #1

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I don't think so either. Then again, we also don't know that Lennie Ames is responsible. Whomever IS responsible has and will read every thing said here.

I've pondered all of this in the past few days...As I was pondering, it occurred to me that the theories we have come up with and the facts we have posted are viewed by the public which includes both LE and whomever IS responsible for Stephanie's disappearance.

What we have been doing is exactly what detectives do in private.
The difference is, they don't lay it all out on display.

Like everyone here, I've been getting anxious and questioning why there has not been more public info released. I came up with all these theories about hate groups and religious identity groups and the witness protection program, all the while getting angrier with LE for not doing more.

Suddenly it became clear to me: Just because Detective Hendersen is not providing information the Public does not mean he/JCSO does not have the information.

Being a Detective isn't a transient job, it's a career which like most careers require ability, passion and dedication. Although I don't know much about Detective Hendersen, I believe that for these reasons he wakes up every morning, , straps on his boots and sets his mind to do the best work he possibly can .

As I said, I'm angry at myself for some of the "sleuthing" I/we have said here.

I'm not denying that some good has come of some posts here but in the end I believe threads like these should be reserved for cold missing persons cases and murders, not active missing persons cases.

I understand what you are saying. And for that reason I don't think I should call Det. Henderson & bother him with putting her picture on the NamUs file. I'm sure he is a busy man & I did notify NamUs so I will be patient & let NamUs get the clearance to post the pics. There are so many question we want answered but we just have to trust that they cannot jeopardize the case by letting out too much info.
I understand what you are saying. And for that reason I don't think I should call Det. Henderson & bother him with putting her picture on the NamUs file. I'm sure he is a busy man & I did notify NamUs so I will be patient & let NamUs get the clearance to post the pics. There are so many question we want answered but we just have to trust that they cannot jeopardize the case by letting out too much info.
I don't think reminding him would be terrible. Advocating for Stephanie IS A GOOD THING.
I'm sorry you're upset and have regrets. You've done such a wonderful job putting together the FB page and contributing here.

I come from a default position of respect for LE. I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt, and I've posted many times trying to see their side. But having been here from almost the beginning, it concerns me that there has been such a tight lid placed on information and that the general public has lost interest. Keeping the public interested can be crucial in solving a case. That is why the FB page you started is such a valuable contribution. I'm so sorry you regret it.

As far as sleuthing open and hot cases, that's what WS does. As a local, there are things I hear that don't belong on WS, so I don't post them. There is no way I want to mess up this case. I've worked too hard, as has everyone else here. But we have legitimate questions about how this case has progressed, and we haven't been shy about asking them! There are some pieces of info that could have been released earlier that could have triggered discussion here or important information from the public to help the case.

The facts and theories we share here can't really be compared to what detectives talk about in private IMO. They have lots more info than we do, and I don't expect them to release anything that would damage their case. My humble hope is that our posts, which are a type of brainstorming, might help their process in some small way. In no way do I see how the perp could gain an advantage reading here. But if Detective Henderson feels that anything said here could damage the case, I sincerely hope he will contact the administrators and express his concerns. If we are out of line, the mods can and will tell us.

We may have to agree to disagree, OUOTP, but I, for one, value your contribution here, and I hope you'll stick around in whatever capacity you feel comfortable. :)
I'm sorry you're upset and have regrets. You've done such a wonderful job putting together the FB page and contributing here.

I come from a default position of respect for LE. I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt, and I've posted many times trying to see their side. But having been here from almost the beginning, it concerns me that there has been such a tight lid placed on information and that the general public has lost interest. Keeping the public interested can be crucial in solving a case. That is why the FB page you started is such a valuable contribution. I'm so sorry you regret it.

As far as sleuthing open and hot cases, that's what WS does. As a local, there are things I hear that don't belong on WS, so I don't post them. There is no way I want to mess up this case. I've worked too hard, as has everyone else here. But we have legitimate questions about how this case has progressed, and we haven't been shy about asking them! There are some pieces of info that could have been released earlier that could have triggered discussion here or important information from the public to help the case.

The facts and theories we share here can't really be compared to what detectives talk about in private IMO. They have lots more info than we do, and I don't expect them to release anything that would damage their case. My humble hope is that our posts, which are a type of brainstorming, might help their process in some small way. In no way do I see how the perp could gain an advantage reading here. But if Detective Henderson feels that anything said here could damage the case, I sincerely hope he will contact the administrators and express his concerns. If we are out of line, the mods can and will tell us.

We may have to agree to disagree, OUOTP, but I, for one, value your contribution here, and I hope you'll stick around in whatever capacity you feel comfortable. :)

I deleted my post for some of these reasons, lillibet, after another poster helped me see things a bit differently. I'm just mad. Venting.I hope I didn't offend anyone.
I deleted my post for some of these reasons, lillibet, after another poster helped me see things a bit differently. I'm just mad. Venting.I hope I didn't offend anyone.

No offense taken, OUOTP. It's been a frustrating experience and the last thing we want is to mess up the case. It's easy to second guess ourselves. We all need to take a deep breath and hope that the next few days bring more news.
No offense taken, OUOTP. It's been a frustrating experience and the last thing we want is to mess up the case. It's easy to second guess ourselves. We all need to take a deep breath and hope that the next few days bring more news.

GOOD NEWS!!!!!:tyou:
According to their facebook page there will be another segment coming up on morning news: "KTVL CBS 10 News, Medford
Good morning and happy Monday! What was the best part of your weekend?

Here's what's coming up on News10 Good Morning..
- Who police need to talk to, in the search for a missing Ruch woman..
- What's left of a Colorado community, after floods sweep away more than 1,000 homes..
- Why one California school district is paying someone thousands to watch what their students do on Facebook.."

The news starts at 4:55 pacific... Hope one of you is up!
Just caught the news. Great job everyone! KTVL started off the hour with the story. It was the same one that ran last night that Lilibet transcribed.

All I can say is you all seriously rock!!
Just caught the news. Great job everyone! KTVL started off the hour with the story. It was the same one that ran last night that Lilibet transcribed.

All I can say is you all seriously rock!!

I figured it might be a re-run.Thanks for reporting this info back to us!
I figured it might be a re-run.Thanks for reporting this info back to us!

I wouldn't be surprised if this story runs again on the news tonight. Weekend stories often show up on Monday night news.

I have to say that I think KTVL wins the prize for overall coverage of Stephanie's disappearance. JMO They certainly scooped the other two stations on the story last night. Great job KTVL!!!
"We don't want to mess this up for the officers they're doing a lot more than anybody knows and I'll tell you right now thumbs up O.K. [...] tell everybody to be patient," said De Keado.

Some have taken that comment personally and I’d like to remind them that we are not the only ones in the world concerned with, and discussing, Stephanie. Chuck De Keado lives in Ruch. In a small town where one store acts as the general meeting place and everyone in town knows Stephanie, you can bet a lot of people are abuzz about this case. You can bet they are mad and not very patient any more. Maybe some have pursued finding her on their own. It seemed to me his comment was in the context of his own experience and had absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

On Stephanie’s thread 95% of what has been posted has come from online sources and public records that anyone can access. We just bring it all to one place – here – and, as Lilibet says, brainstorm the details. As mentioned before, I know several missing person cases where information from a sleuther has advanced the investigation or helped the prosecution. I do not know of a case where a WS discussion has ever hindered an investigation.

There is a point in posting that people new to WS suddenly realize that everyone in the world can see these posts. Um, yes. This is the Internet! They also have the revelation that law enforcement knows more than we do. Yes again. Neither of these revelations enlightens people who’ve been on WS for a while following cases. We know it! It’s a given that LE has more info and we respect that. I’ve got another eye-opener – often sleuthers know far more about a case than they are posting. And it is discretion and forbearance that keeps them from posting it.

I am well aware that LE, the perpetrators, the media and families of the victims are often on WS following case threads. The potential audience here is everyone in the world. Which is why I craft my posts carefully.

My first post back in July mentioned Lonnie’s gold claim not far from Carberrry Creek Road – an area Lonnie (aka Lennie Ames) has known well for 20 years. I’ve harped on about cell tower pings and a court-ordered alcohol-monitoring device on Stephanie's SUV with engine starts/stops reports the day she went missing. In recent posts, I’ve made no bones about my frustration at Henderson for letting the POI who was standing in front of him wander off into the mountains. A POI who has expressed his intention to reduce the US Government to dust. Three months is a long time to go through taxpayer funds and still have a negative result – in business it’s called the burn rate. I believe Henderson has let probable cause evidence pile up unexamined. Will his efforts discover what has happened to Stephanie? Remains to be seen.
I've noticed that both helias314 and 314helias have been active lately. Why do you think that is?

I don't see anything new since Sept. 8. Can you post links? I don't have time right now to search. Off to the dentist soon. :)
Checking in and catching up...

Great news about the new coverage. Gives me hope that LE is just a slither away from breaking this wide open. Here's hoping & praying...

Someone from Stephanie's family just posted on the FB page. I don't want to quote her and I can't link directly to comments...Please go read it.
Someone from Stephanie's family just posted on the FB page. I don't want to quote her and I can't link directly to comments...Please go read it.

I can't find it. Is it the new FB page you made or her own FB page.
I tape recorded today’s broadcast (KTVL noon). Quotes:

Anchor: Last time Henderson saw Ames was when he served a warrant in Warner's home.

Henderson (on phone): He was actually living at the house when we served the warrant and within a few days ended up leaving the area.

Anchor: Investigators say they want to talk to Ames about the disappearance of Warner.

I’m trying to visualize what occurred between Lennie Ames and Det Henderson on the day he served the search warrant.

Henderson: (Knock, knock - or he just went in because no one was supposed to be there),
Ames answers.
Henderson: Oh, you’re here! So, heeeere’s a warrant… and when you get a chance, sometime in the near future after you’ve left the area, we’d like to talk to you cause you’re an interesting person… er, person of interest.
Ames: Deal. I’ll leave the area in a few days and you let everyone know you’d like to find me so we can talk.

All kidding aside... where is Ames? And why didn't Henderson have a "talk" scheduled with Ames the very next day if they couldn't do it on the day they searched her house. Or, stating the obvious here, on the very day LE dubbed Ames a person of interest. Or, on the very day she was reported missing.... ????
I got some good news for a change! NamUs posted Stephanie's picture and the rating went up 2 stars!!!! Go check it out. I was so happy.
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