OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #1

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Yay! We have Sasquatch. I'm really glad you're here. Thank you!

You are welcome! Thank you, for ashley for your kind words and warm welcome! It's great to see you, too! I have been trying to get up to speed on everything, and trying to contribute wherever I can.

It's starting to hit me that this could go on for a LONG time. I've decided to step back a bit. I've become completely consumed by this and it is really effecting me.
I have stopped fb stalking and blocked many, so no more negativity from those closest to this. That has help tremendously. The hate is not consuming me, it's still there but I'm not reminded of it constantly.
My focus is now on Stephanie, mourning, remembering, waiting, always waiting for something to break. And the realization that this could take awhile. So a shift in my way of dealing with this is a must. Longing for closure :(

And here comes the sap - I thank ALL of you for all you have done here. I am so grateful for Web Sleuths! Y'all are amazing! I look forward to every post. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :)

It is very healthy to take a break, step back and breathe! We have no control over what has happened to Stephanie, but we do have control over what we focus our attention on. You are already making great choices in controlling the things that you can. Waiting is never easy. Just know that there are a lot of Websleuthers here, extending their hands and their hearts out to you and Stephanie's other loved ones! We have to keep the hope alive that she will be found, and if she has been harmed, that the person/people responsible will be brought to justice!

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

~ Emily Dickinson
Good Morning. I found a very interesting article today about cult stuff and describing how the leader manipulates his followers that I think you all may be interested in. This is the link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/diane-benscoter/extremist-brain_b_3998314.html

Thanks for posting this, Sad Eyes. It was very interesting. Although POI may only have one follower (son) he has manipulated so far, he has many admirers on YouTube. Reading comments from some of these folks, it's clear that they are committed to "the cause" and are extremists. If he were to meet them personally, I have no doubt that he could manipulate them to do his bidding.
Today I've done my usual Google search about Stephanie and perused various FB pages with zero new info or clues showing up. It's very frustrating. I wish an inquisitive reporter would do some pushing, instead of waiting for a call from the detective.

I hope Stephanie's family is keeping the pressure on LE.

Does anyone have ideas, thoughts or theories we can chew on?

Hoping, hoping, hoping for a break soon.
I don't have anything new either. The Detectives have said nothing. The family still chooses to remain silent. Reporters wont be interested untill the detectives speak up or the family snaps themselves out of whatever it is that has stolen their ability to speak aloud.
I ASSUME Lennie Ames is still a POI. (Do police make an announcement if someone is no longer a POI?)
I hate to say it but I can feel this case going cold with the weather. It's both frustrating and infuriating all at the same time.
Also, and I really hate to say this, it kind of feels like this case was set up to go cold from the very start...
Also, and I really hate to say this, it kind of feels like this case was set up to go cold from the very start...

That has crossed my mind too, and I really, really don't want that to be true. There is only reason I could understand for deliberately letting this case slow down and letting the POI slip away. That reason would be to protect the community from danger. Even that barely makes sense because it just moves the potential danger elsewhere.

I really want to find out that LE has been on top of this, and that we are wrong about the whole thing.
That is beautiful, Sasquatch, as I type through tears. I can't thank you enough.
I swear y'all are the best. I wish I could hug each and every one of you.
Sissy's family is NOT keeping ANY pressure on LE. They believe LE has the answers and are following LE like sheep. I am no longer following the "party line." I believe that LE MUST be held accountable.

Thank you to all of you who have helped me gather the details of this case. I am grateful to those of you who have put the pieces together - you KNOW who you are! Thankfully, I am NOT a part of Steph's bio-family. You won't see them here; they have all been HUSHED. My family is the one she INSISTED on adopting. I didn't understand why she insisted on adopting us, until this horrible thing happened and her own bio-family refused to come to Rush to take care of her animals, property, etc. I did all of that. I was the one who Stephanie entrusted with the keys to her home and barn. I am the one she gave her extra gate-clicker to. I am the one she called in the morning and before she went to bed; just after she called her Mama. I am the one who called and insisted the police start the investigation; I am the one who found homes for her 5-cats, her two sheep and the goat, Bella, when Detective Henderson told me Lenny and Jared, Amanda & her mother had vacated Steph's property. Detective Henderson has maintained that we must ALL maintain silence; that talking about this case in ANY way would somehow ruin his case. I don't believe that anymore.

If you haven't seen the UTube video, please watch it. It nearly wrecked me, but my heart is filled with the fact that you CARE. Sissy was a flame; laughter and tears. When she owned the Magnolia Grill, she captured literally hundreds of stray wild cats and had them vetted & fixed, then she fed them. Stephie took in STRAYS. That's what Lonnie/Lenny was; a DANGEROUS stray. She would go without food to make sure her "babies" had food and medical care. She was an innocent who placed her faith in the WRONG man! I miss her laugh. I always will.
I am the one who called and insisted the police start the investigation

Dicentra, welcome to the Stephanie Warner thread! I have no crystal ball, but I predict you will receive a call from the good detective quite soon -- as it appears "control of perception" is his only MO in this matter. My question is, how long will his efforts toward secrecy keep a mother from finding out what happened to her child? From what you've conveyed, there was no love among siblings -- that's been pretty clear to us who've been active on this thread. We've been plowing away at shreds --- CRUMBS --- for nearly 3 months now. Today there is a YouTube video of Stephanie, highlighting the scant details of her missing person case. This video was created by a total stranger who, luckily, happens to be incredibly smart and honorable (just ask the family of Whitney Heichel -- they'll tell ya the tenacity of Sasquatch).

At this point, we're all out of subject matter. Key information has been tamped down tight by Sherlock. This case will go cold without facts. And it will become a downright freeze without action.

So far, I give the JCSO a vote of "no confidence".

How wonderful is Sasquatch?

I don't have enough adjectives! Thank you Sasquatch for putting your creativity to work for Stephanie. I "watched" you and La Louve plant a beautiful memorial garden for Whitney Heichel, sharing photos on her thread. Now you've gone and made a heartfelt and informative video for Stephanie, with the perfect song. Thank you just doesn't quite cut it. Wow!
Sasquatch has blown me away! I never knew such hairy, mysterious creatures were so intelligent!!!

My thoughts and prayers are with Stephanie's family and loved ones. I just read through this post, and I can't figure out why an arrest hasn't been made! Of course you only get one shot at the case, so I guess they figure might as well for the body. But in that region...wow...glad I'm not a searcher there! Praying that anyone with information will come forward, or that searchers will be lead to the body. Problem being, he had 10 days head start on LE/therefore he could have went anywhere! IMO!
Wow! Kudos Sasquatch on the video! Awesome!! Checking in and catching up... I don't add much here cause can only keep up between work but Stephanie is never far from my mind. I pray daily that she is located and justice comes!!!
The video Sasquatch put together is now on FB and really affected someone close to someone who is close to the case. I hope it will touch the heart of the right person and move them to share what they know.

How about those of you who do FB make it your goal today to share that video with all your friends, even if they live elsewhere. If you happen to be a FB friend with any key players (family, friends) share it with them. It really needs to be seen. It's had 60 views already. Let's make it go viral and get MSM to take notice! I can dream, can't I? :)

In answer to some of your questions: Detective Henderson has specifically asked me and the other people who are close to Stephanie, to remain silent. I've begged and pleaded for information, I've provided HIM with LOADS of information; he's given me NOTHING and even put me in a life threatening situation with Lenny. I was going to take care of the animals after Aims had moved back into Steph's house, when I discovered that Henderson actually PLAYED Lenny a TAPE he'd taken off of MY PHONE that basically said "I can't take this relationship anymore." When I asked if Henderson thought it was safe for me to deliver cat food and Hay, he told me, "sure, it should be fine, (then he added as an afterthought) but make sure you don't lie about the phone messages, I played him one yesterday." THANK GOD I called to ask him if it was safe to go! That was a "God-shot" keeping me SAFE! I then called Rush friends and asked them to just throw the hay over the fence and place the bag of cat food near he gate. I didn't go back to Sissy's house until Henderson called me and asked me to find homes for the animals.

I don't think the LE is on to anything bigger. They'd have more people on this case and would have brought in the Federal folks. I don't know if he hates Stephanie, Henderson says he "knew" Stephanie from the restaurant, but how well, I don't know - she never mentioned him, which tells me she didn't have him in her close circle. Stephanie stayed over with us 2-3 times a week.

She WAS somewhat brainwashed with the disfunctional BS Lenny fed her. She was VERY careful NOT to mention the racist parts of his sick diatribe because she KNOWS I have NO tolerance for such negative ugly. Stephanie's God daughter is biracial, MY son is biracial and she ADORED them both! I never saw Lenny's videos until after she disappeared, so I never knew the extent of his crazy.

When Williams wife started asking questions on facebook and questioning the "party line" (which is to remain SILENT), Henderson called and shut that line of inquiry down as well. The final straw for me was that my 80-year-old Mother, who adored Sissy, saw the incredible video Squastch created and through her tears said, "Sweetheart, we can't stay silent any longer. We can't live in fear of what some detective may do; Stephanie needs to be found, go to that forum and start talking."

Sister Sharon and Stephanie were NOT close. Sissy adopted my family for a REASON! She loved her Mama, and spoke with her 1-2X every day. She joked with me that she spoke with Sharon 3-times a year; Sharon's birthday, her birthday and Christmas." They were very different people; Somehow, Sharon is the family member "in charge" of the case and she follows Henderson's directives to the letter, she is absolutely entranced by him; we have all been completely "SHUT DOWN!" Sharon told me that she doesn't want "the media knocking on her door and bothering her way of life." Well, I WANT Stephie found! I've had to deal with the media IN MY OFFICE, at my front door, calling, calling, calling. I have never given an interview... UNTiL NOW! For Ashley can give you more of the early family HX piece; I've only been in the picture for the past 7 years. Of her three siblings, Steph was closest to her younger brother; he came to live with her (7 months?) when Katrina hit. She also expressed much love for brother William and his wife. I was asked by Sharon NOT to speak with either of the boys, though I would have discussed this case in a heartbeat had either of them called me. They have the RIGHT to know the details. It breaks my heart that neither of them have called me. I offered to pick family members at the airport, house them, give them one of my cars, help them with ANYTHING they may need; none of the family have offered to come and help. Sissy's Ruch family have stepped up and have helped me (AND Detective Henderson) tremendously! I am not at liberty to name names at this point because this Lonnie/Lenny IS dangerous and I won't put them in harms way. There are MANY heroic people who have come forward to give information to LE.

Please don't stop asking questions; please don't stop this thread; please help us find her.
The video Sasquatch put together is now on FB and really affected someone close to someone who is close to the case. I hope it will touch the heart of the right person and move them to share what they know.

How about those of you who do FB make it your goal today to share that video with all your friends, even if they live elsewhere. If you happen to be a FB friend with any key players (family, friends) share it with them. It really needs to be seen. It's had 60 views already. Let's make it go viral and get MSM to take notice! I can dream, can't I? :)

The hit count is actually MUCH greater than that. You tube hasn't yet taken a count of the number of times it has been watched as an embedded link on FB and twitter.
It is said that a video flyer can spark more memories than a piece of paper. It's very important that this gets shared locally. Share, Share, Share!!!
The hit count is actually MUCH greater than that. You tube hasn't yet taken a count of the number of times it has been watched as an embedded link on FB and twitter.
It is said that a video flyer can spark more memories than a piece of paper. It's very important that this gets shared locally. Share, Share, Share!!!

I hope someone shares it with Steph's sil who has FB. I'm not sure how sharing works. Does it go out to everyone on your friends list or do you need to be selective? In any case, I know some of Steph's NOLA friends friended Lonnie's son. Please send it his way if his Mom already hasn't.
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