P.I. "Cobra" searches for Haleigh, feels confident there will be a break in case soon

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This is not true. I have seen articles etc. about Ronald where people who do know him have said positive things about him and his family. One of our members knows him personally and has said some very positive things in regards to his lifestyle, work ethic, care of the children, and other aspects.

Maybe I've missed those articles. And I can admit that I tend to be blind to anything positive about him because of what I have learned personally about him. Can you share the links here? I'd like to make sure the judgement I'm making based on local and family accounts is fair to Ron and Misty.
Does revenge count as a strong motive in such cases? I think it does. She wasn't just facing paying the past child support. She was called up on Contempt of Court charges which could lead to her being arrested.

It could just as easily be argued that Ron, tired of paying for a sick child's medical bills, knowing Crystal had fallen behind on her child support (which has attached to it the contempt charge since it was court ordered to pay), planned to kill off Haleigh at the same time Crystal is served to go to court in order to cast suspicion in her direction. Crystal doesn't seem to be driven by revenge. She laid her life out there, hiding nothing, not trying to paint herself better in order for people to be sympathetic. Her past is filled with problems and a lot of those problems happened while she was involved with Ron. She stated what she went through and what she did. She has never said "Ron is a bad dad." She's no princess, but she's hardly Mata Hari, either.
It could just as easily be argued that Ron, tired of paying for a sick child's medical bills, knowing Crystal had fallen behind on her child support (which has attached to it the contempt charge since it was court ordered to pay), planned to kill off Haleigh at the same time Crystal is served to go to court in order to cast suspicion in her direction. Crystal doesn't seem to be driven by revenge. She laid her life out there, hiding nothing, not trying to paint herself better in order for people to be sympathetic. Her past is filled with problems and a lot of those problems happened while she was involved with Ron. She stated what she went through and what she did. She has never said "Ron is a bad dad." She's no princess, but she's hardly Mata Hari, either.

That's a very interesting theory that never occurred to me. I never thought about Ron doing this- I assumed an associate or Misty was the culprit.

I have considered the possibility that discipline may have gotten out of hand but that never seemed to stick in my mind.

Someone else mentioned in another thread that he may have wanted only sons- but he did seem to love Haleigh and I have a hard time reconciling that he would have personally done anything to hurt her.

Yet I've had to rethink that considering the wedding last week.
Pirate...I think you are negating that The Cummings' clan telling us it was all for Haleigh, as that is what she "wanted"....UGH

It will be interesting to see Ron and Misty's reaction to this "new guy", especially since Misty didn't like the other "new guy". If they are not cooperative, it will certainly put into question Ron's "I just want my daughter back" mantra...
I have a feeling that Ron and Misty's panties may be in a bind. Hey, Ron! I don't think this fella will be intimidated by you! :D
Maybe I've missed those articles. And I can admit that I tend to be blind to anything positive about him because of what I have learned personally about him. Can you share the links here? I'd like to make sure the judgement I'm making based on local and family accounts is fair to Ron and Misty.
Im pretty much with Pirate.
Take some of the on air interviews in the beginning of the case.

Some persons interviewed in support of RC/MC were local drug users/small time dealers. Those associations speak volumes of RC's character in my eyes.
I am unconcerned in HOW he became involved and in reading what I have about Cobra, I feel that he is looking for a CHILD no matter where it points, Misty, Crystal or whoever. His job is to help find the child and he strikes me as a no-nonsense kind of guy. I would hope that both families would be grateful for the help regardless of how it came to them. I also do believe that there are decent people out there who do pro bono work. MOO

Time will tell if both families are grateful for Cobra's help in finding Haleigh. It is going to get interesting if some of Haleigh's family have objections to Cobra searching. I say "GO, COBRA, GO, COBRA!!!!.
Maybe I've missed those articles. And I can admit that I tend to be blind to anything positive about him because of what I have learned personally about him. Can you share the links here? I'd like to make sure the judgement I'm making based on local and family accounts is fair to Ron and Misty.

I'm in agreement with you Pirate. His atttitude speaks volumes. In reading about him or seeing interviews with the local folks or family, He is either a or he walks on water......................Opinion seems to swing in extreme opposites. It is way too bad that drug screens aren't required from parents or girlfriends or boyfriends when a child becomes missing. I personally think that DNA test, Drug tests and a Lie Detector Tests should be standard procedure and could maybe cut to the chase and find a missing child much earlier.
Do you honestly think if Crystal was behind Haleigh's disappearance she would ask for assistance from an attorney and a PI in locating her daughter? Wouldn't that defeat her purpose. Then she'd really be risking jail time. Much more time than she may get for unpaid child support.

Possibly to throw suspicion away from her as we think G & K McCann did.

I personally do not think this is the case with Crystal tho. But believe it is a new trend for those under suspicion. IMO

I say GO COBRA too!
Im pretty much with Pirate.
Take some of the on air interviews in the beginning of the case.

Some persons interviewed in support of RC/MC were local drug users/small time dealers. Those associations speak volumes of RC's character in my eyes.

Hi Wam1174, I just wanted to say WELCOME to WS. :hand: {that's my hi-5 ;}
Bringing in a bad *advertiser censored* like this is a good thing, many of those who dance around the boundaries of the law won't tell LE anything - but a guy like this they will have respect for, even if they don't like him, because he is a hardcore tough guy.

Yep! I bet he speaks the language of the local boys just fine.
Hello, I've been keeping up reading here. I can't add much to what I've read, but one observation I've made is that RC seems to mumble, or his speech always seems slurred to me. The recent interview in NY turned out turrble, imo.
ok back to reading now....
I'm in agreement with you Pirate. His atttitude speaks volumes. In reading about him or seeing interviews with the local folks or family, He is either a or he walks on water......................Opinion seems to swing in extreme opposites. It is way too bad that drug screens aren't required from parents or girlfriends or boyfriends when a child becomes missing. I personally think that DNA test, Drug tests and a Lie Detector Tests should be standard procedure and could maybe cut to the chase and find a missing child much earlier.

Bolded by me... I can assure you it is NOT the latter...

Darn I hope this turns out right... Never bolded before..
Im pretty much with Pirate.
Take some of the on air interviews in the beginning of the case.

Some persons interviewed in support of RC/MC were local drug users/small time dealers. Those associations speak volumes of RC's character in my eyes.

Welcome to WS wam1174!
Always nice to see our newbies!!!

If I missed any others :hand: !!!!
Speaking from YEARS of experience on the child support angle, my son's dad had enough contempt charges filed at him to paper his bathroom....he never saw the inside of a jail cell. MOO

It probably depends on where you live.
Here if they get behind a year or $5,000 they get a court ordered to make them get a job.
If they don't get a job and start paying then they get a contempt charge and go to jail.
If they don't keep a job they go to jail again.

My x son in law was behind a year and has has been arrested 2 times already!
I wasn't aware Crystal asked for assistance from this attorney or her PI. I thought her mother did? Or was it that her mother reportedly asked for assistance from the now debunked spokesperson?

I find it interesting the order in which the resources were retained-

1st Spokespe..whoops-Attorney...

2nd PI

Interesting. Maybe the PI wasn't Crystal's call at all. If that's the case, the only call Crystal made was to the *ahem*spokesperson....:rolleyes:
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