P.I. "Cobra" searches for Haleigh, feels confident there will be a break in case soon

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I'm just sitting here waiting for a miracle to happen.....like Cobra bringing Haleigh home. Let's get going Cobra...show us your stuff.
I think the parents and other close relatives should stay away from searches. It's been over a month and if Haleigh is found deceased it will probably not be a pretty sight. How horrible if a grieving relative would stumble over her in a forest. If they need to do something to find her they should deliver flyers or create a web page for Haleigh or something.
I think the parents and other close relatives should stay away from searches. It's been over a month and if Haleigh is found deceased it will probably not be a pretty sight. How horrible if a grieving relative would stumble over her in a forest. If they need to do something to find her they should deliver flyers or create a web page for Haleigh or something.

I agree with what your saying. However, we are going to have people say well they are not searching they don't care, or they are searching but they will hide any evidence.. there is no way to win when someone is in a situation like this. I pray Cobra (Who I have goggled and since I don't know his real name I can't get any background info on him) will help bring Haleigh home safe.
I agree with what your saying. However, we are going to have people say well they are not searching they don't care, or they are searching but they will hide any evidence.. there is no way to win when someone is in a situation like this. I pray Cobra (Who I have goggled and since I don't know his real name I can't get any background info on him) will help bring Haleigh home safe.

I believe COBRA's real name is either William Stah or Staub..
(Tapping my foot) Where is that "BIG BREAK" in this case he said was coming?! Is it here yet?!
Wow owing $4k in support is definitely motive to spend the rest of your life in prison :waitasec: My ex was behind for years and owed $22k at one point and just imagine... not one child was kidnapped or turned up missing.

I would consider myself lucky as children are killed for much less than that every day by parents/perps all over the world. Some not for money, but for revenge alone. Some for jealousy. And still others for sexual abuses when the perp wants to avoid capture and doesn't want to spend time in jail.

These are all angles which I do hope Cobra is checking out.
Wow so many people with negative opinions of this person who has donated his time and resources. I have posted this same comment three or four times now, Google him. He has a lengthy list of accomplishments reported by ABC, NBC, CBS, DATELINE, 60 MINUTES, etc... Hopefully he can continue his good record and bring Haleigh home.
I hope his good record means he can find Haleigh, too. He shouldn't have been spouting about the big break if he can't deliver tho.
I will do some searching and see if I can find the article, the spokesperson contacted Marie Sheffield, and attorney, and PI followed after spokesperson. Also the gentleman setting up the command center is a event planner who volunteered his time and expertise to get it going. I do not think Crystal contacted anyone.

I wasn't aware Crystal asked for assistance from this attorney or her PI. I thought her mother did? Or was it that her mother reportedly asked for assistance from the now debunked spokesperson?
Ya know I have been thinking about the Ron and Misty saying they passed their lie detector test. I know there is the article that states LE is satisfied with Ron and Mistys lie detector test, there is no mention of Crystals test. I realize that satisfied does not mean passed, but I wonder if to Ron and Misty it does? Maybe because LE specifically names them Ron and Misty they took that as our results are in and LE says we passed. Originally Misty said they did not say much to her about the results of the test so later hearing they are satisfied maybe they are thinking Crystals and others are not in yet but ours are and they are satisfied so we passed?

Also on Ron saying Misty is not a suspect, LE officer did say he would not list Misty as a suspect, so if Ron asked if she was named a suspect LE could of simply said no. Unless LE went into an explanation that Misty was not cleared etc he went with the ok LE says she isnt a suspect.

I really think alot of things are just up to interpretation. I do not think Ron is misleading the public on purpose. It is obvious that if he tells something that a lie LE comes right out and corrects it, so would be very silly for him to be lying about these things.

I am not sure about what happened to Haleigh, and I don't know anyone involved in this case. I have noticed the actions of CS, Ron, and Misty, and just imo, the actions and comments of Ron and Misty do seem off. I don't know if any of them had anything to do with Haleigh missing, I am up in the air on who is involved.

It is strange to me that Ron got a tattoo when he did, and seemed aggravated about the news people being there. Choosing to get married when they did, and then being on the Today Show and that whole thing was just more than strange. Why would he marry someone who says well I know I told different stories about the night your daughter disappeared and I have no idea why I lied.

Why in the world would Ron go on national television and say detectives told him that Misty is not a suspect, and she passed her lie detector, if it wasn't true?

I haven't seen many interviews of CS but I don't really recall any super strange things that she has done or said.
Ya know I have been thinking about the Ron and Misty saying they passed their lie detector test. I know there is the article that states LE is satisfied with Ron and Mistys lie detector test, there is no mention of Crystals test. I realize that satisfied does not mean passed, but I wonder if to Ron and Misty it does? Maybe because LE specifically names them Ron and Misty they took that as our results are in and LE says we passed. Originally Misty said they did not say much to her about the results of the test so later hearing they are satisfied maybe they are thinking Crystals and others are not in yet but ours are and they are satisfied so we passed?

Also on Ron saying Misty is not a suspect, LE officer did say he would not list Misty as a suspect, so if Ron asked if she was named a suspect LE could of simply said no. Unless LE went into an explanation that Misty was not cleared etc he went with the ok LE says she isnt a suspect.

I really think alot of things are just up to interpretation. I do not think Ron is misleading the public on purpose. It is obvious that if he tells something that a lie LE comes right out and corrects it, so would be very silly for him to be lying about these things.

I agree. If Ron directly asked LE if Misty was a suspect LE would have to say no. If they say yes the ball game changes. I am sure when Misty walked out of the interview refusing to speak with that officer anymore, the natural thing for Ron to do would be ask LE if Misty is a suspect.

As far as the poly...I have taken one before. The man giving it did not say pass or fail because that is not how they are viewed...they are viewed per question. What he did say to me was "It looks good." Which means that the poly worked..wouldnt need redone...BUT to a 17 year old that would sound like she passed..or they passed.

If LE is worried about little inconsistencies that is crazy..now if they have major inconsistencies that would be a different story. After this length of time if LE doesn't know something I hardly think it is because Misty said Haleigh was in the big bed one time and in the tot bed another time. JMO
I agree. If Ron directly asked LE if Misty was a suspect LE would have to say no. If they say yes the ball game changes. I am sure when Misty walked out of the interview refusing to speak with that officer anymore, the natural thing for Ron to do would be ask LE if Misty is a suspect.

As far as the poly...I have taken one before. The man giving it did not say pass or fail because that is not how they are viewed...they are viewed per question. What he did say to me was "It looks good." Which means that the poly worked..wouldnt need redone...BUT to a 17 year old that would sound like she passed..or they passed.

If LE is worried about little inconsistencies that is crazy..now if they have major inconsistencies that would be a different story. After this length of time if LE doesn't know something I hardly think it is because Misty said Haleigh was in the big bed one time and in the tot bed another time. JMO

About Misty walking out of an interview. True story. I have an 18 year old young lady that works for me. Actually she reminds me of Misty so much. Long story short she took a fake bill and she knew who gave it to her. I called the police. To be honest, her story changed like 4 times. The officer spoke with her and played the "mean" cop. She asked him if she had to talk to him and he said no. She got up and left, called me crying because he was so mean to her. Mind you she was innocent in the whole thing but her story kept changing. She knew she had nothing to do with making the bill but he was so threatening that he scared her to death.

One last funny thing about this story she described the guy as being 5'4" around 25. He was 6'2" and 37. Go figure.

I know big difference fake money vs missing child but wouldn't you think that she would stay and try and convince them that she was telling the truth?
If LE is worried about little inconsistencies that is crazy..now if they have major inconsistencies that would be a different story. After this length of time if LE doesn't know something I hardly think it is because Misty said Haleigh was in the big bed one time and in the tot bed another time. JMO

Yeah, I don't think that the solution of this case hangs on knowing exactly where Haleigh was sleeping and which bathroom Misty used and whether she noticed that Haleigh was gone before or after thinking that she should call Ron etc. Those are minor details and I can't see how getting them straight would lead to the identity of the perpetrator if it was a stranger who broke in and stole the child.

However, if there happened to be plenty of little meaningless inconsistencies that were seemingly not relevant to solving the crime, but she couldn't clarify those little meaningless inconsistencies in more than 30 hours of questioning, they would suddenly start to look relevant to the LE because they might indicate that her story was a lie.
Yeah, I don't think that the solution of this case hangs on knowing exactly where Haleigh was sleeping and which bathroom Misty used and whether she noticed that Haleigh was gone before or after thinking that she should call Ron etc. Those are minor details and I can't see how getting them straight would lead to the identity of the perpetrator if it was a stranger who broke in and stole the child.

However, if there happened to be plenty of little meaningless inconsistencies that were seemingly not relevant to solving the crime, but she couldn't clarify those little meaningless inconsistencies in more than 30 hours of questioning, they would suddenly start to look relevant to the LE because they might indicate that her story was a lie.

Right except they have given her 3 polys...they know what issues she is lying about...if any....so there is no reason for LE to be concerned with the little stuff...IMO. If they dont know by now if 1) she was in the home 2)she knows who took Haleigh 3)If she harmed Haleigh then they need to go back to Investigations 101 JMO

ETA: How often do LE get a perp to take a poly...much less 3. I would think that because of the polys that both Ron and Misty took, the investigation should be much further along then LE is letting on. JMO
Yeah, I don't think that the solution of this case hangs on knowing exactly where Haleigh was sleeping and which bathroom Misty used and whether she noticed that Haleigh was gone before or after thinking that she should call Ron etc. Those are minor details and I can't see how getting them straight would lead to the identity of the perpetrator if it was a stranger who broke in and stole the child.

However, if there happened to be plenty of little meaningless inconsistencies that were seemingly not relevant to solving the crime, but she couldn't clarify those little meaningless inconsistencies in more than 30 hours of questioning, they would suddenly start to look relevant to the LE because they might indicate that her story was a lie.

I know in one of her inviews, that Misty said that she got up to go to the bathroom and notice the kitchen light on , she never got to the bathroom, she went to the kitchen and seem the door open. So has anyone asked did you ever go to the bathroom? and what bathroom did she use?
I do wonder if Ron and Misty will help the PI with the investigate?
IMO as long as the PI ask questions about Haleigh and not about other accusations I think they will cooperate fully.

I do wonder if Ron and Misty will help the PI with the investigate?
Is it true that there is a couple of experienced searchers helping search for little Haleigh? G & C A. ????:doh: I thought, early on., in Haleigh's disappearance, they (G & C) were asked to leave and not help in the investigation?????

IMHO, G & C need to clean up their own house B4 cleaning up others!
Hi, I don't have time to read through these posts, I'm working on another area in another thread but as I was working I came across an interesting connection for those who were wondering how the PI and the Attn. for CS "might have" known of each other prior to the PI being invited to work on this case...

If it's already been posted please just skip over....

Wm. E. Staubs (PI) has a potential room mate listed as M. J. P*****O. (Same surname as attn. for CS)

Relatives for M. J. P*****o include: K. A. Picazio nee' Lowrey. Attn for CS I believe, please correct me if I am mistaken. (Attn. Picazio uses maiden name initial now as middle initial.) K. L. Picazio.

Both M. J. P and the PI also have possible work histories in construction and support of that industry which may be a coincidence or could be prior connections within this industry.

Just posted this to satisfy anyone's curiosity about this aspect. It isn't a fact that is important to the case.
So, apparently yes, to answer our questions on how this PI became involved in this case through the attn. is that the attn. knew this PI prior to taking on this case.
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