GUILTY PA - Christina Regusters for kidnap, rape of 5yo girl, Philadelphia, 14 Jan 2013 - #2

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SO the bag was likely used to get N away from the house in the wee hours of the morn unnoticed. Which sort of makes sense because by the time she was released she was the subject of amber alert, news coverage, her photo was everywhere. So perps probably placed her in bag to take her out the back way, through the alleyway, to the trail which leads to the park. Once away from the houses and a ways down the trail, N was probably allowed out of the bag, pointed in the direction of the park and told "run. Go call 911"
I hope they make arrests asap!
My heart has been breaking for N and her family.
Great job sleuthing today!
how awkward would it be trying to carry the "dead" weight of a five year old stuffed in a bag down that alley.

Would that teen female we have heard facilitated her escape/let her go have been able to do that?

this case just keeps getting nuttier.
Could someone help me please? My darn cataracts won't let me see the house number in the video at about 1:37 and on. House w/number is shown several times. Is it 6243? Thank you!

edit - it's the fox video

That's what I'm seeing too. It isn't the address number I've been sleuthing so not sure what's up with that.
SO the bag was likely used to get N away from the house in the wee hours of the morn unnoticed. Which sort of makes sense because by the time she was released she was the subject of amber alert, news coverage, her photo was everywhere. So perps probably placed her in bag to take her out the back way, through the alleyway, to the trail which leads to the park. Once away from the houses and a ways down the trail, N was probably allowed out of the bag, pointed in the direction of the park and told "run. Go call 911"

Remember the early press conference when the LE spokesperson said she *had* to be *placed* into the playground? He made a gesture while he was saying it, hands out and then moving down, just like you would do putting a bag down. Wow! I never thought of that.
Could someone help me please? My darn cataracts won't let me see the house number in the video at about 1:37 and on. House w/number is shown several times. Is it 6243? Thank you!

edit - it's the fox video

I believe that is the number that was shown, although it was still difficult for me to be sure. FWIW
that is how I am reading the house number as well. Which leaves me even more puzzled than ever.
if the address of the home searched is not the one some of us have been sleuthing, that would explain why I felt the occupants of the sleuthed home did not fit with this crime. That was so off feeling to me but the name association seemed so likely to make the sleuthed address the house searched.

Sitting back and waiting for more info.
Om my!! I took a break (one of my favorite movies is on TCM)

Ugg! The 3 women are not cooperative turn them over to "N" mother they will cooperate!!
going back to read..
If the home being sleuthed earlier is not the home involved its a darn good thing Nursie came in earlier and prevented us from outing the wrong residents of the wrong home in our zeal.

Lets hear it for our mods who protect us from ourselves so adeptly

Remember the early press conference when the LE spokesperson said she *had* to be *placed* into the playground? He made a gesture while he was saying it, hands out and then moving down, just like you would do putting a bag down. Wow! I never thought of that.

I always took it to mean that she had to be lifted over the fence into the playground area but maybe not....
I don't know, I still think we were on track with the address we had.
Not discounting the address I was tracking earlier, but I am sure glad nursie gently reminded us not to get carried away with posting info about it's occupants. That video footage looks an awful lot like the address is not the same as the one I was all over earlier.

Again, not discounting, just using caution.

And for heavens sakes, does EVERYONE in that neighborhood work for or once work for or is somehow affiliated with that danged school? How very odd, all those connections.
I don't think they are sure on the name China. All reports I have seen said they were looking for a light complected African American teen who was 14-19 and MAY go by the name China or Chyna.

I sure hope the evidence gathered in the search of the home yields proof that N was there and leads to arrests.

Reports say the three female occupants have not been cooperative with police. Now if you are not involved in this crime, and LE want to search your home or interview you about possible involvement, why would you be uncooperative?

Unless you were involved in some other criminal activity, I say you would not be uncooperative unless you have something to fear. MOO
"Action News has learned detectives were re-interviewing a 19-year-old woman who lives at the house. That woman also happens to work at the daycare where the 5-year-old would go after school."

Interesting --- someone upthread (very early on) had asked if it could perhaps be someone from her daycare. I don't remember who that was. But it may be spot on.

OTOH --- I've been away from this thread all day: can someone give a brief summary of what's happening?!? Thanks! :seeya:
Hmmm - so this recent video shows 6243 but we were looking at the house 4 down from that earlier. I took a screen shot from the video earlier today and posted it - and that was 6235 (next door to red one). Are these houses connected somehow? - the 6235 addy showed a multi-unit - are some of these house sectioned off to make separate residences - like rooms for rent? This is bizarre.
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