GUILTY PA - Christina Regusters for kidnap, rape of 5yo girl, Philadelphia, 14 Jan 2013 - #3

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Can't we all just go down stairs and talk about this? we could have 30 seconds to read than delete posts..besides we can drink down there..

I was going to suggest "meeting for drinks" or something, lol. I figured out I only have soda in the house. So much for drinks. Wishing I had more chocolate.

Have a sweet tooth right now.
LOL---that's what I was hoping everyone else would know. Did someone call in the other tip?

This is my first post, so hello everybody!

I am from Upper Darby, which is where the little girl was found. I have also been following this story and the grandfather seems a little off IMO. He said that "too many people" are calling in tips and basically it was a waste of time. When I saw that interview I was like :waitasec::waitasec: who would say something like that? Yes, people may call in tips and they may not pan out but how do you know that the next tip may not lead to something?

The way the grandfather has been acting has been just plain weird. Other then calling the tips a waste of time, he also just has my spidey senses tingling. Why tell people thier Tips are "clogging" the system, how do they know what they are reporting isn't the break the cops are looking for. Also how did they use Muslim garb and know how to take the girl from the school if it was random? I feel like he may know more but doesn't want to involve the Muslim community.

They might not have had to plan around her hearing a bird, other children and names because they might have had a plan for her which excluded her talking to the police, ever. Or they are just not masterminds, the kind of brain issues that allows someone to take such huge risks and be cruel might also not require them to think the plan through past their goal ... the goal being the crime, not the doing the crime without being apprehended. Just like a kid will be sneaky enough to do something taboo without being caught in the act without any thought to the trail of evidence.

I believe there's a good chance that she was hid under the bed to keep her from the person who released her. I hope this bodes well for that person, in that the main perpetrators wanted to conceal this from her, she is hopefully not completely vulnerable.
They might not have had to plan around her hearing a bird, other children and names because they might have had a plan for her which excluded her talking to the police, ever. Or they are just not masterminds, the kind of brain issues that allows someone to take such huge risks and be cruel might also not require them to think the plan through past their goal ... the goal being the crime, not the doing the crime without being apprehended. Just like a kid will be sneaky enough to do something taboo without being caught in the act without any thought to the trail of evidence.

I believe there's a good chance that she was hid under the bed to keep her from the person who released her. I hope this bodes well for that person, in that the main perpetrators wanted to conceal this from her, she is hopefully not completely vulnerable.

Yes! yes! I think this too!!
:welcome: gsc15 so glad to have another local join our conversation.

I have been puzzled by the some of the grandfather's statements too. I think you may be right. It may be as a result of the fact that he is wearing two hats and the two roles are at war with one another in how this is playing out in the press.
Okay, there is nothing that says general facebook pages can't be posted, so I think this link is okay. If not, I'll delete.


This is a page, liked by relatives of the victim, that discusses and has links to the case. It seems to be local Muslims mostly.

NR's aunt and grandfather are both very well known and outspoken in the Muslim community. Is it possible that the man wanted revenge against the grandfather, and then used the three women to get NR for him? Could he have orchestrated this whole scheme and the three women were working for him to carry it out? He could have found a link with the daycare and paid them for their "services". They might not be talking for fear of his wrath. Just a thought...
You can link to that page. You can briefly paraphrase a comment posted there and suggest that others take a look. But, you can't discuss what is said in the post because it is considered rumor.

ETA: To clarify, not all public FB pages are allowed. Even public pages have to be approved by the mods.
Thanks for the welcome!
Just a couple things real quick:

GF's remarks have been a bit odd but maybe it is because he knew there were people already being looked at and was anxious for more leads in that direction.

I go back and forth on whether she was released or helped to escape. Either way I do think she was hidden or blind folded primarily because of the other children in the home. So she would not recognize them and they not see her. I think the other chillaren could be her school mates maybe even classmates. I think all adults in the home knew, although their roles and level of agreement in the crime probably varied. Those involved could probably trust that the adults would not talk but couldn't risk the kids seeing anything.
I also wonder if perhaps the young girl "china" might have had a change of heart and helped her escape. I could imagine a scenario where she might be left alone babysitting all kids in the home and without the pressure/fear of other adults in the home sees it as a chance to help N. She then has to rush back to the other kids she left alone at the house and makes some mention of this to N.

(I'm in middle of dinner and bath time with my kiddos, sorry this is rushed)
I thought I saw a news clip about dad being interviewed but now I cant find it. Does anyone happen to have a link.

* I am trying to say this delicately but it may be inappropriate for some*
(please don't take this offensively---I am just not educated in Islam)

What are the beliefs on sex= premarital sex, multiple partners, fidelity, divorce, and homosexuality, etc. I thought muslim women were more conservative in dress and behavior. Is "wildness" excepted within the marriage relationship?

ETA: I might sound nuts but I really do have an angle.
I thought I saw a news clip about dad being interviewed but now I cant find it. Does anyone happen to have a link.

* I am trying to say this delicately but it may be inappropriate for some*
(please don't take this offensively---I am just not well educated in Islam)

What are the beliefs of on sex= premarital sex, multiple partners, fidelity, divorce, and homosexuality, etc. I thought muslim women were more conservative in dress and behavior. Is "wildness" excepted within the marriage relationship

i've read two article on the father taking a lie detector test - one said he passed, the other said fail
A2Z I like that theory.. I am confused because the house that was searched according to MSN says the 3 adult females live there , no mention of children..
A2Z I like that theory.. I am confused because the house that was searched according to MSN says the 3 adult females live there , no mention of children..

The last report I read stated that a woman lived there with her two teenage daughters. This confuses me.

I will link up in a sec.

Some neighbors said that a woman and who appeared to be two teenage daughters lived in the house, which is about three blocks from the school, at 60th Street and Cedar Avenue.

This is coming from the neighbors so they must have seen these two girls.
Yep, we did some puzzling over whether there were two LDTs given to father or one and the whole first it was said he passed and then it was said he didn't business.
I don't know that LE or the press would tell us all the occupants would they? I know police said three adult females reside there but I din't take it to mean they were the only occupants KWIM?
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