Found Deceased PA - Lindsey Piccone, 21, Tyler State Park, 6 Sept 2016

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I was wondering if anyone who knows Lindsey could verify which parking lot she usually parks in. Is the lot where her car was found her usual spot, or did she normally park in the main lot?
I think she's still in the park too. How many of these police searches have we seen that yielded no results and yet a month or two later a jogger or a dog walker finds a body a few hundred yards from where the victims car was parked ?

The answer: A whole bunch of times.

It is possible that the search operation missed her. It happens, more often than I like to see. Searchers are human and after a long tedious day of searching and tromping through brush, poison ivy, mud, etc, attention span is sometimes not what it needs to be. Anyone who has taken FEMA ICS knows that teams need breaks and I can tell you that in smaller searches, this does not always happen to the degree it should. Searchers frequently do not look up, into drain culverts and pipes and tend not to dig into deep undergrowth and pickers thinking that if they cannot get in there, the victim could not either. All of the above depends on training, and in PA, SAR teams are all volunteer with no State or Local funding like fire companies get.
How do you know where she'd look? You clearly don't know where she is so maybe she will. I tried posting it f book but they only want to know where she is. Also the 7 grand is for info directly leading to finding her. If they think she won't be found it wouldn't be hard to offer money.

I think you are going off on a limb. We are family friendly forum, and you are dangerously close to accusing the family of misbehavior, as well as alienating other posters.
I think you are going off on a limb. We are family fiendly forum

, and you are dangerously close to accusing the family of misbehavior, as well as alienating other posters.

I have not accused the family and don't particularly care for you trying to twist my words to fit that agenda. In fact all I stated was that just because family posted a reward doesn't mean they don't know anything. It doesn't automatically mean they aren't involved. Until she's found every possibility is out there..changing identity , suicide, and foul play are all real possibilities. Thanks for trying to discredit my post and alienate me but I wont tolerate it. I'm her for Lindsey.
How do you know where she'd look? You clearly don't know where she is so maybe she will. I tried posting it f book but they only want to know where she is. Also the 7 grand is for info directly leading to finding her. If they think she won't be found it wouldn't be hard to offer money.

It Is more than 7 grand, they continue to grow thre reward every day in hopes of finding their beloved Lindsey. I know she does not even know what this site is. Of course I don't know where she is, no one does hence the search efforts. Your hopes of us not finding her and comments regarding the family have pushed those who do know her and are tirelessly searching everywhere away from this site. Especially due to the wild rumors of her sexuality, involvement of her family, and their attempt of covering something up. NONE of these ideas have a real basis. They are all rumors. This seems like entertainment to you.

Ultimately, your life will not be affected whether she is found or not. That may be why you speak so freely about thre matter. For those that were there for her before and will be here for after it is much more serious.
Might be useful; locations, individuals?

[video] _1435598386156.mp4[/video]
Lindsey Piccone - student | Bensalem

“Skateboarding or just going for long walks. If the weather is warm enough, I can walk for five hours at a stretch. I hate the cold [weather]. I can’t wait to go out and walk anywhere just to commune with nature.”

Might we assume LP went to the park for a longish ("five hour") walk and encountered a bad situation, i.e. foul play, or does the "still in the park" scenario rank higher?
So, let me backtrack a bit on this story. Doesn't Lindsey normally go to the parks in Buck County to walk her dogs? If so, why on this day would she leave her dogs home?
Was Lindsey actually spotted at the park that day? Could her car have been there for longer? Could she have met someone at the park in a different vehicle, and left her car behind to pick up later?
So, let me backtrack a bit on this story. Doesn't Lindsey normally go to the parks in Buck County to walk her dogs? If so, why on this day would she leave her dogs home?

The first thing to determine is how often did LP go to the park without her dogs... it might not be atypical.
An early comment by a friend / may also have appeared in a report, indicated: "She does not have her phone and id."

That would indicate LP either left in an immediate hurry while in a state of mind that diminished the need for her to want to take her phone and id / purse or she was involved in a situation that prevented her from having access to those items.

Where would LP leave such items (if she did in fact leave anything behind)? Home? Friends? Vehicle?

What if those items were taken away or kept from her by whomever? An attempt to keep her from leaving?

I believe LP did not intentionally leave anything behind... I believe LP may have been prevented from taking those items and she left the situation anyway.
Chunky Mo-Is it not possible that she has disappeared voluntarily and that she intentionally did not take her phone so that she could not be tracked? Perhaps that is also why she did not take her dogs with her on this day? I ask this respectfully and always value your insight.
Chunky Mo-Is it not possible that she has disappeared voluntarily and that she intentionally did not take her phone so that she could not be tracked? Perhaps that is also why she did not take her dogs with her on this day? I ask this respectfully and always value your insight.

That is possible... state of mind leads to that (doesn't want to be tracked) as well as other scenarios.

Let's keep this in focus: voluntary 'disappearance' of a 21-year-old is not in and of itself valid cause for LE to respond with "endangered" urgency.

LE did respond with "endangered" urgency. Why?

There is a reason my previous post indicated I believed LP may have been unable (whether state of mind, someone withheld it or LP left it behind with purpose) to take her phone with her when she left. I'll not comment further.

We think we know:
  • LP went "missing" in / from the park.
  • LE responded with urgency, "endangered" status.
  • LP's vehicle was discovered abandoned in Tyler State Park in a small parking lot not far from the main parking lot.
  • photos of LP's vehicle show bags / items placed on rear deck lid and / or rear window.
  • LP does not have her (cell) phone with her.
  • K-9 hit on LP's scent around LP's vehicle and / or along trail leading toward / along / across Neshaminy Creek.
  • LP was not located on searched land within Tyler State Park (but thick foliage).
  • LP was not located in searched Neshaminy Creek / some connected waterways.

We do not know:
  • if LP's vehicle contained personal items or clues.
  • if LE knows why LP initially went missing.
  • if LP is suicidal.
  • if LP is deceased.
  • if foul play.
  • if LP has **advertiser censored* cell phone / took someone else's phone with her by mistake or with purpose.
  • if LP has cash / credit / debit cards with her.
  • if LP drove her car to Tyler State Park.
  • if LP was alone in Tyler State Park.
  • if LP was ever in Tyler State Park Tuesday September 6, 2016.
  • if K-9 actually hit on LP's scent.
  • if so, form where and to where did K-9 track scent.
  • if LP "disappeared" on other occasions.
  • if "state of mind" is actually relevant.
  • if relevant, why family and LE are withholding LP's "state of mind".

Why did LE release the information "[LP] does not have her phone with her."?
  • to inform LP that family / LE have her cell phone and are aware of its contents.
  • to inform the public LP may not be contacted nor tracked via her cell phone. This is a given.
  • to encourage the public to search.
  • it's a control element for future, as-necessary verification purposes.
  • to indicate LP does not have her phone that she has someone else's phone.

Thoughts / Speculation:
  • if LP requires regular medication LE could released that information (but not necessarily identify medicine).
  • if LP is in danger from other than her own hand LE could release that information.
  • if LP is in legal jeopardy LE would not necessarily release that information unless it is warrant-related, wanted-for or similar.

At age 21 what could make someone choose:
  • suicide?
  • start anew?

I find it difficult to believe after five weeks LP hasn't contacted family, friends or LE with an "I'm alright" or "leave me alone" message......unless:
  • LP's perceived danger lies with family / friends / other and she does not want / is afraid to contact.
  • LP wants to disappear for other reason / to leave current life start anew.
  • LP is prevented (beyond her control) from contacting.
  • LP is unaware / confused / hiding / injured / deceased.
...wondering if anyone has continued with searching Tyler State Park.
So, if LE has her phone, does that mean they can track her location, up until she went to the park? I am not a tech guy, so I don't know all of the capabilities of those phones. And they know who she texted and called, before she left, if they have the phone. So they have a good idea of her state of mind, by interviewing those people.

Don't mind me, I am a little bit slow, just trying to go down the path that Chuckymo is laying out here.
Why would she have someone elses phone? Just by mistake?
As someone who lives in Bensalem, it has been remarkably quiet around town regarding Lindsey. I saw one poster in a WaWa when she first went missing and a few stories on the Philly news stations, but nothing in a few weeks now. I am sure she is still top of mind in her circle of family and friends, but I have not heard anyone even talking about her recently, except if I bring it up. Nothing like when Heather Elvis went missing down in SC. I really hope she is alive and well.
I am in Newtown frequently for lunch and/or coffee. I don't remember seeing much in terms of posters, unless I just missed them.

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