GUILTY PA - Rebecca Stahl, 37, Hempfield, 18 February 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Ms. Stahl's DOGS:
Just a glimpse of a video where a man is CARRYING out a large brown dog.
Why can the dog not walk???
She loved the dogs like children in some comments I read.
I am wondering why the words 'rescue the dogs' was made.
Usually the reports say the family will CARE for the dogs.
Could he, did he hurt or abuse the dogs also?
Did one get hurt defending the mistress.
I wish we knew more about her dogs also.
Ms. Stahl's DOGS:
Just a glimpse of a video where a man is CARRYING out a large brown dog.
Why can the dog not walk???
She loved the dogs like children in some comments I read.
I am wondering why the words 'rescue the dogs' was made.
Usually the reports say the family will CARE for the dogs.
Could he, did he hurt or abuse the dogs also?
Did one get hurt defending the mistress.
I wish we knew more about her dogs also.

Do you have a link to the video?
Ms. Stahl's DOGS:
Just a glimpse of a video where a man is CARRYING out a large brown dog.
Why can the dog not walk???
She loved the dogs like children in some comments I read.
I am wondering why the words 'rescue the dogs' was made.
Usually the reports say the family will CARE for the dogs.
Could he, did he hurt or abuse the dogs also?
Did one get hurt defending the mistress.
I wish we knew more about her dogs also.

I know for a fact that my dog would attack anyone trying to hurt me, and that includes my husband (whom the dog looks to as the pack leader here in the house). I bet they did try to protect her and he hurt them. I thought I couldn't despise him anymore than I already did. I was wrong. :furious:
Strangest thing just happened to me. I was watching a video on WPXI which I do believe was the one with the dogs in it and half way through it.........ERROR VIDEO not available at this time.......WTHeck? Never happened to me before.
Anyhow I do believe it was ATER she was found and they couldn't find husband yet.
Before they announced he was in the hospital.
Ms. Stahl's DOGS:
Just a glimpse of a video where a man is CARRYING out a large brown dog.
Why can the dog not walk???
She loved the dogs like children in some comments I read.
I am wondering why the words 'rescue the dogs' was made.
Usually the reports say the family will CARE for the dogs.
Could he, did he hurt or abuse the dogs also?
Did one get hurt defending the mistress.
I wish we knew more about her dogs also.

My first guess, having done lots of rescue, is that they went over there to get the dogs expecting to find a collar and leash for each dog. For whatever reason (possibly because they had been confiscated in the search), they didn't find them and had to carry the dogs out.

Better than walking with the dogs off-lead and risking that the dog might run off.

Since it's pretty clear that the husband is the prime (and only) suspect, I think taking the dogs would feel like rescuing them from someone who is not worthy of trust.

ETA: I carried many a dog to my vehicle before I finally learned to leave a couple spare leashes and collars there at all times.
I know for a fact that my dog would attack anyone trying to hurt me, and that includes my husband (whom the dog looks to as the pack leader here in the house). I bet they did try to protect her and he hurt them. I thought I couldn't despise him anymore than I already did. I was wrong. :furious:

SurfieTX, dominance and pack theory as applied to dog behaviour has been extensively debunked and is no longer considered accurate.

Here's a pretty good article in lay terms about the current state of research:

Your own personal dogs may be the exception to the rule but the vast majority of dogs do not attack to protect their owners. If it were that easy to find dogs willing to bite human beings, Schutzhund, Ring Sport and Police K9 breeders wouldn't have to breed as many litters as they do.

Among dogs specifically bred for a willingness to bite a human being, it's rare to find more than one or two puppies in each litter who don't wash out of training.

Considering that these dogs have been described as Golden Retrievers, I doubt that either dog attacked the husband. He may have abused the dogs as a way of manipulating his wife, poor lady, but it is highly unlikely the dogs attacked him.
I keep thinking of Nicole Simpson's was so afraid of OJ.
GRAINNEDHU I agree with the no leash, BUT, I really feel that
Ms. Stahl had allot of leashes and collars as these were her babies.
She took excellent care of these dogs.
These dogs were probably very used to her family, JMOO
I feel in my heart something happened to that dog, JMOO
Men who rough up women rough up dogs. IMO
no proof............
I need to read the first 5 pages, but is her mother alive? TIA Off I go.
Tapatalk, I think, is the mobile app for IPhone. Not sure if it works with other devices as well. Hope this helps.

In reply to wannabedetective post #328
Ms. Stahl's DOGS:
Just a glimpse of a video where a man is CARRYING out a large brown dog.
Why can the dog not walk???
She loved the dogs like children in some comments I read.
I am wondering why the words 'rescue the dogs' was made.
Usually the reports say the family will CARE for the dogs.
Could he, did he hurt or abuse the dogs also?
Did one get hurt defending the mistress.
I wish we knew more about her dogs also.

..i think it was that rebecca had "rescued" these dogs when she adopted them.

"Rebecca Stahl, who has no children, recently adopted two dogs that she was devoted to.

"She has two beautiful golden retrievers she calls her 'girls.' She never leaves them alone and she would never leave them for more than eight hours. She would never just pack up and leave," [her sister] Beltz said."

"Later yesterday, while police were at the Stahls' home gathering more evidence, her brother-in-law, Carl Beltz, took away Rebecca Stahl's dogs, two golden retrievers that she had recently adopted."
..i think it was that rebecca had "rescued" these dogs when she adopted them.

"Rebecca Stahl, who has no children, recently adopted two dogs that she was devoted to.

"She has two beautiful golden retrievers she calls her 'girls.' She never leaves them alone and she would never leave them for more than eight hours. She would never just pack up and leave," [her sister] Beltz said."

"Later yesterday, while police were at the Stahls' home gathering more evidence, her brother-in-law, Carl Beltz, took away Rebecca Stahl's dogs, two golden retrievers that she had recently adopted."

He probably had not fed or watered the dogs because they were "hers".
I keep thinking of Nicole Simpson's was so afraid of OJ.
GRAINNEDHU I agree with the no leash, BUT, I really feel that
Ms. Stahl had allot of leashes and collars as these were her babies.
She took excellent care of these dogs.
These dogs were probably very used to her family, JMOO
I feel in my heart something happened to that dog, JMOO
Men who rough up women rough up dogs. IMO
no proof............

I think I recall reading that LE removed a lot of evidence from the house.

When abusers use a weapon on their victim, it's usually not a gun, it is usually some type of household implement. Considering the reports that Rebecca Stahl was strangled, that makes me wonder exactly what was used as the ligature. His hands? Maybe. A leash? Maybe.

To me, the simplest explanation was that the house was left in disarray by the search, so the leashes and collars couldn't be found. I know I keep my leashes and collars in one of the living room closets but not the coat closet by the door. Where I keep them is more convenient for me but I doubt my family, who do not live here, would know exactly where to look for them.

The next simplest explanation is that one or more of the leashes or collars were collected as evidence.

I'm not saying I think it is impossible that the dog was injured but rather than conjuring up horrors beyond what I know to be supported by the facts known so far, I think there are simpler explanations.
Really don't understand what's taking so long as far as arrests and the coroner reporting cause of death. The silence in the case is so bizarre.

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