Peaches Geldof 25 found dead

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Normally, no, but as Peaches practised Attachment Parenting, having her two babies taken away "visiting" IS nefarious.

AP means your babies go NOWHERE without you.

I am still reading, but I think this is unfair. There is a reason it's called attachment parenting, and not attachment mothering. Fathers are able to practice AP too. My children are similarish ages (2 years and the second is 9 months) and there are times when my husband and I have them separately. Not shady, not nefarious. It's just life.
And just after she died, I spent ages going through her instagram. Someone asked if she was breastfeeding, and she replied saying that she had to stop breastfeeding both boys at 5 months as she developed a thyroid problem while pregnant which meant she didn't make enough milk.

So the theory that she only had the youngest with her because she was breastfeeding just isn't correct. If her husband thought the babies were in danger, why would he leave one with her? Especially if she wasn't breastfeeding. And even then, I think the need for a baby's safety is more important then the need to keep breastfeeding.

Her instagram has been removed, but you can see people talking about the instagram/breastfeeding comment here -

For me, having one child only for a few hours while the other is with my husband, feels like a holiday. It just doesn't seem like it needs to be an issue.
My thought is that her death was heart related, perhaps influenced by an eating disorder/maybe prescription drug use.

Police took drug dogs into her house and found no illegal drugs.

Police dogs, believed to be trained to sniff out drugs, scoured the home of rocker Bob Geldof’s 25-year-old daughter Tuesday, a day after she was found dead.
But after searching Peaches Geldof’s home outside London for more than an hour, the canines found no evidence of hard drugs on the property or inside the five-bedroom house, officials said.
Peaches was a member of the cult OTO order Templars orientis. Cult believs in higher thinking with drug use, weird.
Has OTO tatoos on left shoulder.
Just weeks ago Books by the cult were posted by peaches on Instagram.
SeekingJana, how horrible for those babies! I remember the Belush case. :( Fortunately, I think Phaedra will not remember this. I did read that her former nanny will be involved in raising the boys. I don't know how true that is, but I hope it is. Between her, their father and the boys paternal grandparents, I think they will be raised exactly how she wanted them to be. She had tweeted that Sir Bob doesn't see the boys, and said something like "well, that's his loss." (Her tweets are now protected, and her instagram is gone.)
This Katie person .. is she paid to sit there and make faces while others speak? I hope never to see a video that she is in again.

Peaches was a lovely young woman. I'm glad that she crammed as much mother-love for her children into the short time that she had with them. Very sad about this one.

Peaches actually calls her out and calls her a "rent-a-gob from the Sun."
I loved it. Paid to be controversial, and a really horrible person to boot. Here's what she said after Peaches passed.

Writing in her column she said: 'Peaches didn't want a tweet from me. She didn't welcome it in life. She certainly didn't need it in death.
'She was tough enough not to seek approval from anyone.'

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I believe she starved herself to death. Very sad. Her knuckles do tell the story. Perhaps her family already know the truth but have delayed releasing the facts. Cardiac arrest? It's very sad that Peaches' life ended. It didn't have to. RIP Peaches.
Apparently, it's not unusual for an autopsy to be inconclusive when someone dies from an eating disorder.
Eating disorders are usually associated with an increased risk of premature death with a wide range of rates and causes of mortality. “Sudden death” has been defined as the abrupt and unexpected occurrence of fatality for which no satisfactory explanation of the cause can be ascertained. In many cases of sudden death, autopsies do not clarify the main cause.
Apparently, it's not unusual for an autopsy to be inconclusive when someone dies from an eating disorder.
Eating disorders are usually associated with an increased risk of premature death with a wide range of rates and causes of mortality. “Sudden death” has been defined as the abrupt and unexpected occurrence of fatality for which no satisfactory explanation of the cause can be ascertained. In many cases of sudden death, autopsies do not clarify the main cause.

You are correct, sadly, for eating disorders are killers which do go unreported. However, I have learned down through the years that there are some markers/ signs of an eating disorder if it was of long duration or if it was severe. Postmortem signs could include ( I am going on memory here): enlarged or torn small blood vessels in the eyes and esophagus, discolored or eroded teeth, parotiditis, gastroparesis, erythema and edema of some but not all fingers, signs of chronic hypo-peristalsis OR hyper- peristalsis ( if taking laxatives), ano-rectal tears consistent with chronic constipation.

What this means in everyday terms is that bulimia leaves signs behind in the body, as does anorexia. The findings differ.
In a bulimic person, you might find the torn small blood vessels ( capillaries) from the increased pressure caused by inducing frequent vomiting and possibly from excessive gagging and holding the head down over a toilet many times a day. Likewise the stained or eroded teeth, or both are from an excess of vomitus damaging the tooth enamel as it is being expelled from the mouth.
Bulimics of long duration can have the reddish discolored and enlarged knuckles, which we have clearly seen in a photo of a living Peaches Geldof.

Both bulimics and anorexics tend to misuse laxatives after a while, but for different reasons. Bulimics take them ( and use enemas) to get rid of food in the lower gut. Anorexics use a bowel stimulant because when the food intake drops to liquids only, or half an apple a day, the bowels stop working well ( a process called peristalsis). So, they take laxatives to have a bowel movement... also, after a while, anorexics will weigh less after taking many laxative pills per day.
This goes directly back to Karen Carpenter's death. When she died, the emetic drug, syrup of Ipecac, which was taken off most drugstore shelves not too long afterwards, was found in great quantity in her closets and other " hiding" places in her bedroom at her parent's house. It was a contributing factor to her death in addition to the COD which was heart failure. A finding on autopsy was anorexia nervosa. She also had chronic GI tract changes, which I am speaking of, from memory, which are common on an autopsy of a chronically eating disordered person. I have seen the same findings reported on other autopsy reports from chronic bulimics and anorexics who succumbed to cardiac arrest, pneumonia, or sepsis, or other primary causes of death. ( usually complications of a severe eating disorder resulting in starvation).

Syrup of Ipecac had long been in home medicine chests, and once was used in hospital ER depts. as a treatment for overdoses or accidental ingestion of some noxious substances, as it was mistakenly thought to be a safe way to induce vomiting. It was proven in the late 80's to be both ineffective and to have the potential to cause toxicity. I have seen it on some drugstore shelves in the past decade, but now it has a very bad smell, like strong wintergreen, and I have read that the purchase is limited to one or two small bottles per customer in most places.

Gastroparesis refers to the slowing of the stomach emptying contents into the small intestine. On postmortem examination, if anorexia was a contributing factor to death, one might see a report describing excess liquid in the stomach ( stomach acids and possibly orally consumed liquid or a small amount of solids mixed with liquid) retained because the GI motility had chronically slowed down. The body was holding onto food for as long as possible every time food was consumed.

In bulimia, the only gastric change that I know of which might be found could be an excess of food in the gastrum if the bulimic had not yet purged before dying.

Other reports in a thorough autopsy report which point towards but do not diagnose an eating disorder are abnormal electrolytes ( potassium, sodium, chloride) but these become abnormal shortly after death so the finding is not accurate to state that an eating disorder was present, usually.

Also, there is the issue of BODY FAT present. Usually, the coroner or M.E. will measure the amount of fat on the omentum with calipers and report it in mm. or cm. it any is present. Normally, the omentum of an adult will have SOME fat present as we do need some body fat for temperature regulation and energy storage. Again, this is not diagnostic alone, because a bulimic may be normal weight, underweight or overweight. Likewise, it is possible for an active anorexic who was overweight to die of sudden cardiac failure before reaching the state of being underweight.
Lab test for liver and cardiac enzymes may be normal or may be elevated. The presence of both elevated liver and cardiac enzymes beyond that which one would expect to see as the tissues break down on a cellular level after death do point in the direction of an eating disorder, usually anorexia It would be possible for a bulimic to have abnormal liver enzymes due to what we call " fatty liver".. This should also be seen on microscopic sectioning of the liver.

IF there are notes by the M.E. upon first examination of the corpse at the scene of death, where a core liver temperature is usually taken, there could be notations of excessively poor skin turgor, dry mucous membranes inconsistent with estimated TOD, meaning dehydration. At Peaches' young age, I would not expect to see any microscopic renal cell changes due to chronic dehydration.

That reminds me: Body hair growth. While anorexics and bulimics are prone to excessive scalp hair loss, a person who is in a prolonged or chronic state of starvation ( cachexia) will often grow fine baby soft hair all over, such as a newborn baby has for a few days to a few weeks. An adult body does this to try to retain normal body temperature, as severe eating disorders cause a slowing of both heart rate and a lowering of basal body temperature. Blood pressure is also usually low chronically but this is not a postmortem finding, obviously.

This is all very gruesome, and I apologize to any who have lost a loved one to an eating disorder, or to any WSers who are recovering. I put a warning in front of the post because this is the worst thing I have ever needed to describe in medical and laymen's terms. I have read MANY autopsy reports to know what to look for specifically. As eating disorders became a more prevalent diagnosis in ICU, we could see most of these same results in our patients. Luckily, we had a very good survival and discharge rate. ( I'm not sure an eating disorder is ever truly and permanently cured. The potential for relapse due to triggers is very high).

Usually, the M.E. will simply state the things I have discussed as findings in the dissection and system review sections without comment as to cause.
So a person wondering if bulimia or anorexia was a problem may have to know what to look for in the wording.
I hope this helps.. I am so sorry for all who have taught me these things through their untimely deaths.
i never ever said she didn't love her children. It's obvious she adored them...just not herself. You don't need to defend her, my heart absolutely bleeds for her and her babies. This is a true tragedy.

Her own mother loved her and her sisters. Her death was by heroin overdose, but it was in response to fears she was going to lose custody of them herself.

The trouble with addiction is it never really goes away and it will rear its ugly head when it's least expected. It's now fairly obvious peaches was subtly destroying herself physically with bulimia, which is also an illness that needs treatment not shuffling under the metaphorical carpet.

People are now saying "why didn't anyone say anything" because experts are telling us her physical state was diagnosable by just looking at her.

why didn't anyone say anything?

i hope you get what i mean. It's a complete repeat of her mother, it happened in front of all our eyes. Peaches had just been hired to be a columnist for mother and baby for goodness sake, yet she was clearly ill. The magazine editors must have known, yet still were pitching her to the rest of us as an example to aspire to!

I'm not attacking that poor girl at all. My heart bleeds and i feel p'od with the media, the world, myself, everyone who buys into the "fame" bs - these kids are dying and it's all "juice diets" and "exhaustion" whereas it should be 24 months in a rehab farm in colorado.

The ones that cope best are the ones who have strong, loving, functional families. I fear for justin bieber, his drug addiction too is obvious and ignored.

Sir bob still has tigerlilly, who must be absolutely devastated. That little girl has suffered so much loss, all through (it seems) drugs and denial.

Please don't feel i am bashing peaches. I am desperately sorry for her, for all of them, for the world too who has lost a beautiful caring young woman.

Our kids are dying...:(

^^^^^^ this
Am sorry for Bob and the family!.
Must be hard for a child that was given everything on a plate.
Private school, no career except artificial fluff.

earned a living on back of famous mum and dad, no concept
Of the real world. Please let the other girls not be put under so much pressure!.Fifi appears not to be Pixie looks like peaches double. Tiger hope is so protected!.

Only importaint connections in this world, rich and poor are family and friends.
People matter nothing else
Bob am angry, you swan around the world as a social justice ambassador, you were passionate about helping Africans in poverty and starving, yet your own daughter was in such a crisis she died!.
**** you had means to protect her!. Most don,t. Have the means you do!..
I walk a tightrope too with alcoholism nipping at my heels.
Go days , weeks then **** up.
Wish had opurtunity of rehab, but don,t have the money ,so same old paths as liver gets worse. Unless anyone has an addiction they will never ever underdstand.
I don't understand gambling won,t even put 2p in arcade fountain, but in my mind rationalize
bottles of Gordon's gin.
Not convinced live aid worked as one generation lived for the next to starve!.
Had first generation perished second would not be suffering!.
And just after she died, I spent ages going through her instagram. Someone asked if she was breastfeeding, and she replied saying that she had to stop breastfeeding both boys at 5 months as she developed a thyroid problem while pregnant which meant she didn't make enough milk.

So the theory that she only had the youngest with her because she was breastfeeding just isn't correct. If her husband thought the babies were in danger, why would he leave one with her? Especially if she wasn't breastfeeding. And even then, I think the need for a baby's safety is more important then the need to keep breastfeeding.

Her instagram has been removed, but you can see people talking about the instagram/breastfeeding comment here -

For me, having one child only for a few hours while the other is with my husband, feels like a holiday. It just doesn't seem like it needs to be an issue.

She could be hyperthyroid.
Think Peaches. nanny says it all!.
You just about made it!.
My meaning from that is she was doing well but relapsed.
Her final journey: Peaches Geldof coffin decorated with touching family portrait
Apr 21, 2014 13:46 By


A heartbreaking family portrait is seen on Peaches Geldof's coffin, as her devastated friends and family paid tribute at the funeral service.

The coffin was painted sky blue and decorated with a picture of the beloved mother-of-two alongside her husband, her two young children and their pet dogs.

A hearse carrying Peaches' coffin, detailed with clouds and flowers, arrived into the Davington Priory estate just before 1pm.

Peaches Geldof Mourned at Funeral in England
By Alison Schwartz
04/21/2014 at 10:45 AM EDT


Mourners lined the street to pay respect to the the British model, writer and TV personality, who died earlier this month at the age of 25. A hearse carried Geldof's coffin, which was hand-painted with flowers and a portrait of her family, reports the U.K.'s The Telegraph.

I have been thinking about her poor husband a lot lately. My heart breaks for him. I've read that he wants to put the house up for sale immediately after the inquest is done. He's only 23 and this may be the first time he's even experienced death. He has lost his cherished wife, and is the sole parent to two babies under two. How utterly overwhelming! I am sure that he is torn up with guilt-"If only I had been there!" "Why didn't I encourage her to eat?" probably crosses his mind 1000 times a day. Of course it wasn't his fault, but I know we all tend to blame ourselves after the fact when something like this happens. I hope that this striking young man finds peace some day, sooner rather than later.
Yesterday, the friends and family of tragic young mum Peaches Geldof said goodbye to her at her funeral in Kent, and while it’s been reported that her devastated father Sir Bob Geldof managed to remain “stoic,” fears were growing for Peaches’ husband Tom Cohen, who was said to be a “zombie-like state.”

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