GUILTY Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #22

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Is the theory that he drugged her, took off her pants, then she kind of woke up, a fight broke out, and he murdered her? If she had evidence under her nails (per her father's statements), then she definitely put up good fight. Would a groggy person, half out of it on rohypnol, be able to scratch an attacker?

It wouldn't really take much to have DNA under her fingernails or need to be a big fight that she put up. One small scratch could be enough. It was said to be small amounts wasn't it ?
There was a rumor that Joran and his friends called themselves the pimps (something like that) and that they had been in Florida making *advertiser censored* movies. Anita has said that she and Joran were in Florida looking at post-secondary opportunities. No *advertiser censored* films have surfaced since those rumors started 5 years ago.

I don't recall it that way at all. The *advertiser censored* movie story wasn't that they were in Florida making them but that they were made in Aruba and the finished movies are what made their way to Florida. And I don't recall Anita ever responding to that specific story by saying they were in Florida to look at schools, I think you are a bit confused on that. Those stories are unconfirmed but because the movies haven't surfaced doesn't mean they exist or don't exist, just another unconfirmed story.
"... in a TV interview ... [the driver] Aparcana said van der Sloot appeared 'worried, because he kept smoking cigarettes.'

'He didn't have a cell phone but he had a laptop that he would take out, handle and then put back'."

Chain smoking and sleeping are what I remember reading in the news at the time of arrest. If the taxi driver has added taking out and putting away a computer, okay.
How do you know the man in the photo with Natalee at the casino is not Paulus? Do you have a link to a police statement confirming that?

I know that Paulus and Natalee were not at the casino at the same time. Paulus had already left when Natalee arrived. The alternative would mean that Natalee was in the casino from 4 until 10:30, and then at the bar for another 2 hours ... having drinks for 6 - 8 hours ... no dinner break. That is not what friends said.
I've been away for a couple of days and haven't had time to catch up. But I wanted to comment on this.

Forcing sex on a woman (rape) is rarely about sex. It's about control, anger and many other factors I don't have time to go into at this point. All things that characterize JVS as we've come to know of him the past five years. It angers me when one portrays what he was doing to these young women as innocent sex. If you drug them to have sex, it's rape - pure and simple.

Yes, he was known to prey on young female tourists and pose a a tourist himself to accomplish this. I guess one can pretty it up by labeling him as a 'playboy', but no matter what you call it, he was pimping them out, IMO. Which tends to confirm in my mind that he was involved in more than just innocent adolescent male behavior. MOO

The problem with the drug and rape scenario is that there is no evidence of either. Stephany did not have date rape drugs in her system, there was no evidence of sexual assault. At no time, throughout his life, has Joran been factually connected with date rape drugs and sexual assault. Joran is not a pimp, and there is no factual evidence connecting him with pimping. According to Beth, someone at the casino said that Joran preyed on young women.

I think it's important to separate what we know to be true from what Joran claims and what Beth feared.
Then who was giving Joran the money to use to go drinking and to the casinos? By accounts back then Joran wasn't working so the money came from his parents. If Joran later gave his father some money from winnings, that doesn't mean his parents weren't still bankrolling him.

Joran gave tennis lessons at the club. Maybe he used the money he earned working at that job.

If we are going to believe what is stated in the statements attributed to Paulus, then we have to believe all of it, not only that which suits our viewpoint. In the statements linked earlier, Paulus went to the bank on May 30 to deposit 400 Aruban Guldens in Joran's account. Joran gave him 500 Aruban Guldens that he won at the tournament, and Paulus was paid 100 for his seat at the table.
My boldings,

What accounts were they other than things that Joran himself said ?

Beth may have believed that but police have said things along the same lines. Wasn't it Dompig who said in an interview with Jossy Mansur that they could possibly get them on rape and didn't he say something along those lines in an American tv interview, that police think they might have drugged Natalee , I can't recall which one maybe Dateline or 48 hours ?

With due respect, having girlfriends and using date rape drugs or raping other girls doesn't really mean anything. Many a rapist has had girlfriends, wives even children. As far as Stephany, because there was no evidence of sexual contact doesn't mean that he wasn't trying to rape her and she fought to her death over it. What could her not having any pants on when she was found mean ?

Joran said that he and Natalee were fooling around. Joran is a liar. I don't think we should rely on anything he said. Joran said he removed Stphany's pants after he murdered her. Joran said that statement was coerced.

Based on evidence, and 5 years under the magnifying glass, there's no reason to believe Joran used date rape drugs or raped women.
It wouldn't really take much to have DNA under her fingernails or need to be a big fight that she put up. One small scratch could be enough. It was said to be small amounts wasn't it ?

If Stephany ingested ghb, why wasn't it found in her system during autopsy?
I don't recall it that way at all. The *advertiser censored* movie story wasn't that they were in Florida making them but that they were made in Aruba and the finished movies are what made their way to Florida. And I don't recall Anita ever responding to that specific story by saying they were in Florida to look at schools, I think you are a bit confused on that. Those stories are unconfirmed but because the movies haven't surfaced doesn't mean they exist or don't exist, just another unconfirmed story.

Anita and Joran went to Florida to look at a college.

There is no evidence that Joran made *advertiser censored* movies. It was a rumor, like so many others. According to Nancy Grace, Joran murdered two women in Bogota even though he did not leave the airport. Rumor without fact or evidence.
The problem with the drug and rape scenario is that there is no evidence of either. Stephany did not have date rape drugs in her system, there was no evidence of sexual assault. At no time, throughout his life, has Joran been factually connected with date rape drugs and sexual assault. Joran is not a pimp, and there is no factual evidence connecting him with pimping. According to Beth, someone at the casino said that Joran preyed on young women.

I think it's important to separate what we know to be true from what Joran claims and what Beth feared.

admittedly, i don't know where the report came from, but isn't thailand seeking to press charges against joran related to sex trafficking? isn't that pimping? are you saying they don't have factual evidence for these charges? how do you know what evidence they have?
As far as I have seen there has been absolutely nothing confirming this allegation about Thailand pursuing this further in the Thai press. Only CBS has said that someone in the Peruvian ministry confirmed so many stories, it gets thrown out there, grows legs and starts to go around the internet with no basis in fact. I've always thought the Thai sex traficking story was Joran finding a way to set up Peter de Vries and make him look foolish after the Patrick van der Eem tapes.
admittedly, i don't know where the report came from, but isn't thailand seeking to press charges against joran related to sex trafficking? isn't that pimping? are you saying they don't have factual evidence for these charges? how do you know what evidence they have?

Joran wasn't pimping in Thailand. A couple of years ago, Pieter de Vries and an acquaintance of Joran exposed Joran's fantasy about hiring Thai women, getting visas for them, and sending them to work in the clubs in the Netherlands. Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, so even if the women became prostitutes after arriving in the Netherlands, he is not breaking the law.
Joran wasn't pimping in Thailand. A couple of years ago, Pieter de Vries and an acquaintance of Joran exposed Joran's fantasy about hiring Thai women, getting visas for them, and sending them to work in the clubs in the Netherlands. Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, so even if the women became prostitutes after arriving in the Netherlands, he is not breaking the law.

so it's not documented that he's pimped just that he's fantasized about it...that's better...i get it now...

ETA: that (in red) sounds a lot more like a plan in progress than a fantasy...IMO, of course...
so it's not documented that he's pimped just that he's fantasized about it...that's better...i get it now...

Joran was not breaking any laws in Thailand. Maybe it's not nice for men to approach women and ask them if they want to dance for 10 hours in a club in the Netherlands, but it's certainly not illegal. It's also not illegal for women to be prostitutes in the Netherlands. What could Thai officials charge him with?
Joran was not breaking any laws in Thailand. Maybe it's not nice for men to approach women and ask them if they want to dance for 10 hours in a club in the Netherlands, but it's certainly not illegal. It's also not illegal for women to be prostitutes in the Netherlands. What could Thai officials charge him with?

i don't know their laws so i don't know what exact charge they could pursue...i'm sure with joran's high moral character he would ensure that all these women would be of legal age to make these decisions...

whether it's legal in the netherlands or not, a pimp is still a pimp...IMOO just a couple of degrees away from being a murderer...after all, these women tend to sell their souls entering this profession and only a truly evil person with no conscience (i.e. psychopath or complete narcissist) would assist with that person would probably not feel badly if someone died- "all in a day's work"...all MOO as I said...
I know that Paulus and Natalee were not at the casino at the same time. Paulus had already left when Natalee arrived. The alternative would mean that Natalee was in the casino from 4 until 10:30, and then at the bar for another 2 hours ... having drinks for 6 - 8 hours ... no dinner break. That is not what friends said.

I beg to differ....another alternative would be that Paulus was still in the casino when Natalee arrived later in the evening.

You only 'know' what time Paulus left by his own testimony. Unless you have police confirmation that Paulus left earlier, either alternative could, in fact, be valid. However, Paulus being there later rather than Natalee having arrived earlier is the more rational explanation in my mind.
I have wondered about this myself, especially since the women in de Vries' video are quite obviously already prostitutes (bar girls).

Thailand has been turning a blind eye to child prostitution for as long as I can remember, and is only now cleaning up their act because of international pressure. Prostitution is not a problem in Thailand. The women in the video were not children, and seemed like they were toying with Joran. They told him they wanted to work in the Netherlands, but then said they were students and needed to finish their studies. None of them was prepared to take a job in the clubs in the Netherlands.
i don't know their laws so i don't know what exact charge they could pursue...i'm sure with joran's high moral character he would ensure that all these women would be of legal age to make these decisions...

whether it's legal in the netherlands or not, a pimp is still a pimp...IMOO just a couple of degrees away from being a murderer...after all, these women tend to sell their souls entering this profession and only a truly evil person with no conscience (i.e. psychopath or complete narcissist) would assist with that person would probably not feel badly if someone died- "all in a day's work"...all MOO as I said...

Joran wasn't a pimp. He offered adult women a legal job in another country. None of the women accepted the job, none of them liked the terms of the job or the wage.

Prostitution in the Netherlands is a perfectly legitimate profession. Prostitutes don't sell their souls. They are regularly health checked, pay taxes, and have normal lives like everyone else. What Joran did was neither illegal nor immoral in Thailand or the Netherlands.
Joran was not breaking any laws in Thailand. Maybe it's not nice for men to approach women and ask them if they want to dance for 10 hours in a club in the Netherlands, but it's certainly not illegal. It's also not illegal for women to be prostitutes in the Netherlands. What could Thai officials charge him with?

It would be trafficking if he lied about the job in dancing and "forced" them to work prostitution. Sex trafficking is not an option for an occupation.....sort of like extortion/embezzlement don't you think?

I think there would be more believability in the fact that Joran just went bezerk on Natalee now that the homicide of Stephany has come to light. No drugs needed, except his liking of amphetamines and the help they added by him being so jacked.
It would be trafficking if he lied about the job in dancing and "forced" them to work prostitution. Sex trafficking is not an option for an occupation.....sort of like extortion/embezzlement don't you think?

I think there would be more believability in the fact that Joran just went bezerk on Natalee now that the homicide of Stephany has come to light. No drugs needed, except his liking of amphetamines and the help they added by him being so jacked.

Joran did not force anyone to work as a prostitute. He offered women in Thailand a job. What might have happened after the women arrived in the Netherlands is completely up for speculation ... but it didn't happen, so no laws were broken.

I agree with what may have happened to Natalee. Given that Joran violently attacked Stephany, no drugs, no sexual assault, I suspect the same thing happened before.
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