PI's following out of state lead on Picture of Caylee.

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Everyone has a right to their opinions.. If Seranade wants to express them, and you don't like it, then ignore it.. We are nowhere near as vicious as some others!
I'm doing something I hate to do ... posting before I read the whole thread ... but could this out-of-state guy be Casey's cousin (at least I believe that is who the black and white photo of the man with Caylee was)?

Various people have been posting pictures of him and asking who he was ... it was very important ...

Okay. Now I'll go read. :rolleyes:

Are you talking about the pic that someone had on their siggy line, that said something like, do you know who this is? A cousin huh? interesting
So, somewhere in another state there is ONE picture of Caylee, Casey and someone who is allegedly the elusive ZG but we haven't been told when or where it was taken. I might, just might try to accept this as a fact if it weren't for just a few pesky things that keep coming to mind. Why did no one at Sawgrass know about this person who lived there for how long? Why is there no phone number, no text message, no nothing in Casey's possession that can be traced back to and documented that they belong to this Nanny. Why is there not ONE picture of Caylee with this Nanny, either from one of the field trips they went on, or one from any of the theme parks they went to? If there was just one shred of evidence, aside from a name and Casey's word that this Nanny exists, I might, just might be able to look at this ONE picture with a straight face.

I guess we will just have to wait until this picture is released to the world - and I would not be the least bit surprised if this picture NEVER surfaces - and I can't wait to hear the reasons given for why it never surfaces.

Do you recall if Casey ever actually said that ZFG lived at Sawgrass?
If people would stop for a minute and think about this story...they would surely see the holes you can drive a truck through already. This is no defense for Casey. It will have no bearing on this case in the end. It is nothing more than an attempt at reasonable doubt from the defense camp. The FBI, OSCO, and the other various agencies will be able to rip it to shreds in court.
I'm doing something I hate to do ... posting before I read the whole thread ... but could this out-of-state guy be Casey's cousin (at least I believe that is who the black and white photo of the man with Caylee was)?
I don't know, but unless he's had some serious surgery I don't think even Casey would try to pass him off as a Latina woman.
That's not true. I have respectfully posted a couple of times, only to be bashed immediately and my post deleted within minutes. Thats a fact and I'm not alone. :waitasec:

Pondering... You are so right. I have never posted there but I have often seen attacks on people who have and it seems to me anyone that does post a realistic opinion or thought is flagged and deleted and on the other threads we are suppose to walk on egg shells so as not to offend.

IF Caylee were alive how anyone could pray to bring her back home is beyond me...Why would we want a child to grow up in such a dysfunctional family... It would be a 15 year sentence of hell for a child. The only thing she would learn would be manipulation and mind games.

Caylee deserved soooooo much more.
You guys stop before someone reports this thread and then it's locked down. I would like to continue reading all your comments in this thread.
And this guy has not heard of this little missing girl this ENTIRE time? He had to be tracked down in order to be told of how important this random picture is? In addition, he's a tourist, and he took pictures of RANDOM people and SAVED them from his VACATION (he's a tourist)? How often do people save pictures of strangers that they took on vacation?

You people kill me. Yeah, it's going off all right....

I think he captured those people on film when he was taking pictures of the squirrels.
Wait then, no one is saying you shouldn't. But, on the other side of the coin, some of the rest of us have different opinions, and on THIS particular thread, we have a RIGHT to express them.

My opinion only.

Nobody said you didn't have that right.
Serenade was only saying she has just as much right to post in this thread as anyone else. The title of the thread did not state:
This thread is only for those that believe Caylee is dead.

You're going to single out the one thread that the Caylee is alive posters can post without getting any grief and compare?
Apples and oranges, dude. This thread has nothing to do with that thread and if you think it does, then report it.
No, i've never read it...guess i'll have to unless you've posted a shorter version (your theory) anywhere..:) which i would like to hear! Always open for it...
I think she killed her in a fit of rage...oops..no do-overs.. She may have tossed her into the pool and walked back into the house. Used the stairs to retrieve the body and forgot to put them back..like Cindy said...the stairs were there at the pool. However...she may have had help in disposing of the body after digging her up from the backyard, IMO

I'll do this real short since it's kinda off topic. There was a fight on the night of June 15th in the Anthony household. We've all seen George's temper. We've seen Cindy pounding away with the hammer and pointing fingers. We've seen Lee coldly removing a passive protestor's sign and throwing away her dog's water. We've seen what Casey does and have some insight, not enough, into her mindset of trying to get out from under control.

I believe there was a real blowup and Caylee accidentally got in the way and was hurt badly or killed. I further believe they all know what happened and HAVE to stick together and make stuff up to CYOA and each others.

George has LE expertise and Cindy has medical expertise. I believe the "31" days that Casey emphasized in the 911 call had a meaning, a very IMPORTANT meaning, probably having something to do with the break down of the human body.

I further believe that was part of, or the, SCRIPT, that is being acted out with a lot of sidetracking.

Good Lord, I'm glad I said short.

My opinion only.

My opinion only.
Casey sure keeps the men a hoppin now don't she?? I bet she is loving every minute of it. Hey Casey, heres a clue Caylee is DESEASED per LE, she is NOT in some pic with ZG !! YOUR ZG don't exist!! Poor Caylee is probably spinning in her makeshift grave, bless her heart.

Nobody said you didn't have that right.
Serenade was only saying she has just as much right to post in this thread as anyone else. The title of the thread did not state:
This thread is only for those that believe Caylee is dead.

You're going to single out the one thread that the Caylee is alive posters can post without getting any grief and compare?
Apples and oranges, dude. This thread has nothing to do with that thread and if you think it does, then report it.

Ummm, I believe that was brought up before my post. Maybe some of us don't believe it's apples and oranges?
SS, I've seen you and Blink and several others who I know believe Caylee is dead come into the thread and make remarks. In fact, Blink has one or two in there right now. Not deleted, not challenged, appreciated in fact...
I deleted that post immediately after I posted it because I am not here to cause problems for anyone. (I would appreciate it if you would also delete it from your post also. Thanks!)

Yes, at one time I did go to that thread to try to get some answers to make sure I wasn't missing something. My intention then wasn't to be rude or anything. I was asking questions I truly wanted answers to. I have not been back on that thread since Tricia's warning nor will I ever go back to post there.
YES she did. It is in her interview with OCSO.

Drats. I'll have to read it again. Someone mentioned a few days ago that Casey said that she dropped Casey off with ZFG at Sawgrass because ZFG had friends there, not that she lived there.
Where did I say you didn't have the right to express your opinion? I am the only one being hammered for opinions on this thread, but that's ok I can take it. ;) I just feel I have a right to answer when challenged. That is ok, right?

Absolutely It Is! I know that I am jaded and sadly, I do not believe Caylee is alive, but I enjoy reading your posts Seranade and totally respect your beliefs. I would just like to be afforded the same respect. (as to previous post, you were not among any that bashed me) This is OT and the mods don't allow that on these threads, but I wanted to tell you that I think you have much to offer, but many of us are afraid to ask even the simplest of questions to those who post on that thread.. :blowkiss:
Originally Posted by Noway
I'm doing something I hate to do ... posting before I read the whole thread ... but could this out-of-state guy be Casey's cousin (at least I believe that is who the black and white photo of the man with Caylee was)?

Various people have been posting pictures of him and asking who he was ... it was very important ...
I found a photo of JG which looked so much like that photo, I believe I mentioned it to the person asking.
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