GUILTY (PLED) CT - Jeffrey, 56, & Jeanette Navin, 55, Easton, 4 Aug 2015

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

During the course of the investigation, detectives reportedly learned that Jeffrey Navin had a "history of being emotionally and verbally abusive towards his son, Kyle Navin, including an investigation by the Department of Children and Families" in 2006.

Kyle's younger brother allegedly told investigators that the relationship between his brother and parents was "not good at all."

When Kyle's brother was informed that his brother was a person of interest in the disappearance of his parents, he reportedly said, "When I heard my parents were missing I thought to myself, they either went on vacation or my brother did something to them."
And more from same link ^

WDMC detectives discovered two bullet holes in the front passenger seat of Kyle's blue 2000 Chevrolet K2500 during the execution of a search warrant on Aug. 14 ... The portion of the seat belt which would cross the passenger's chest also had a bullet hole in it, suggesting there was one person seated in the front passenger seat, with the seat belt engaged, when at least one of the two rounds was fired."
Detectives reportedly seized firearms and numerous rounds of ammunition from Kyle's residence."

In executing an Aug. 18 search-and-seizure warrant at Kyle Navin's Bridgeport residence, investigators recovered "approximately 15 hypodermic needles and dozens of glassine bags that contained what appeared to be heroin residue," according to the affidavit.

On Aug. 18 at Kyle's residence, detectives allegedly noted a large area of wall-to-wall carpet had been removed, and "the wall-to-wall carpet was processed with Luminol which yielded several luminescent stains consistent with latent bloodstains ... several of these stains appeared to be shaped like footprints ... The report indicates that the stain is a mixture of both Kyle Navin and Jeffrey Navin being contributors to the DNA profile."
I wonder why Jeffrey Navin didn't go to the police if he thought his wife was dead.

During the course of the investigation, detectives reportedly learned that Jeffrey Navin had a "history of being emotionally and verbally abusive towards his son, Kyle Navin, including an investigation by the Department of Children and Families" in 2006.

Kyle's younger brother allegedly told investigators that the relationship between his brother and parents was "not good at all."

When Kyle's brother was informed that his brother was a person of interest in the disappearance of his parents, he reportedly said, "When I heard my parents were missing I thought to myself, they either went on vacation or my brother did something to them."

wow. I am not surprised at all. :-(
2006- KN was a senior in HS
I could say there was evidence in my mind atleast from 5-6 years earlier too.
three examples indeed. So in my mind verbal and emotional abuse stemmed from BOTH parents.
hmmm although.( I could make a case for that house in bport and saddling a ( an irresponsible drug addled) young man with ridiculous accumulating debt is also stupid and very controlling) ( strange )
The crime is horrible, violent, heinous, premeditated, and clearly drugs fried both
KN and JV brains. WTH completely delusional. I think they are both going away for life.

Back to the evidence, I think it is fair to say that the basement door's busted glass must have caused injuries to KN which is why both he and his fathers dna/blood spatters are in the basement. I wonder if during LE interviews if KN had any hand or other injuries?
The blood print on garage opener ( in Easton) must have happened when he was transferring cars and trucks. I bet the little " going away on a trip " list in Easton was JV's touch. ( unplug the dehumidifier) she mentioned it in her interview!
That blood print probably set off all those searches around Easton. Although the whole time they were up here in Weston.

Yuck! SICK!

I feel so badly for the younger brother who was always a sweetheart , one child in my family went to school with him for 12 years.
I also feel terrible for the K family who were all there and found JN and JN. how awful for them.

I think we should go back and look at that account again of KN phone pings which showed him going back and forth westport, easton, and weston that day Aug 4th. Maybe he was trying to frame his dad and then had to change his plan because he came to Bport.
I bet he brought them up to weston in the middle of the night August 5. after the Home depot run.
Probably spent Aug, 6 "renovating" the basement.

Off Topic. I am now convinced I have PTSD from living in this area too long.

Thank you everyone for being here.
Definitely premeditated and I don't see any chance of them beating these charges. I think the police did a great job. I found the conversation with the drug dealer fascinating. That's a pretty expensive drug habit.

It does appear his parents went above and beyond to help him, clearly much more than they should have. His Mom picked up trash for him. IMO that says a lot about his character or lack thereof. He's too hurt to work yet is fine at the gun range and in other video surveillance. And yet he sat on his lazy *advertiser censored* and let his mother do that physically taxing work. Entitled , indeed.

Am I reading correctly that the Navins purchased the house in cash for him in April 2015? And he was responsible for the mortgage payments but failed to pay? If he's had a drug problem for some time, buying him a house was not a smart decision. Curious about how much they put down and how much his payments were. Has anyone seen if Jennifer had a job?

The 2006 investigation into the father's alleged verbal and emotional abuse was a surprise. I wonder about the results of the investigation and who sparked the inquiry. Was it entitled Kyle furious about his parents rules or were these legitimate claims. Either way, he was afforded many chances and opportunities in life that many people only dream about and he selfishly and cruelly destroyed everything. My heart is broken for the Navin and Valiante families. You try and do the best for your children and to have them grow up and make these choices is devastating.
I agree. Definitely. Entitled and more I guess. But I do know there was something off in that household sorry.
I knew them a long time ago. Though.

Thinking about them not exactly setting the best examples not paying all that $$$ and the court documents in the sketchy guilford property. As this whole thing coinciding with them moving out of their hometown and cutting him off.

This clearly Must have triggered a huge crisis for him. The viscous tone with a drug fueled maybe get rich quick mentality evident in the kn and gf texts . Shocking and stupid? Wth ! That he actually premeditated this and thought he could pull it off.

I think he could have brought the bodies up there himself easily. I don't think he would need to use machines. I don't know if ithe work briefly done there was a coincidence or part of the plan. Will be interesting.

I still think the back thing ( although real) was an old hockey injury ( I don't know why I think that ) that he used as an excuse a lot and for his drug problems.

The special circumstances must be multiple murders or murder carried out during a kidnapping. Clearly you could conclude they were kidnapped ,detained, assaulted, abducted against their will.

Sorry long and rambling.

I have to wonder if he was just in the habit of using "back injury" as an excuse for a lot of things, especially since it was probably the only reason he could get his hands on oxycodone.
Definitely premeditated and I don't see any chance of them beating these charges. I think the police did a great job. I found the conversation with the drug dealer fascinating. That's a pretty expensive drug habit.

It does appear his parents went above and beyond to help him, clearly much more than they should have. His Mom picked up trash for him. IMO that says a lot about his character or lack thereof. He's too hurt to work yet is fine at the gun range and in other video surveillance. And yet he sat on his lazy *advertiser censored* and let his mother do that physically taxing work. Entitled , indeed.

Am I reading correctly that the Navins purchased the house in cash for him in April 2015? And he was responsible for the mortgage payments but failed to pay? If he's had a drug problem for some time, buying him a house was not a smart decision. Curious about how much they put down and how much his payments were. Has anyone seen if Jennifer had a job?

The 2006 investigation into the father's alleged verbal and emotional abuse was a surprise. I wonder about the results of the investigation and who sparked the inquiry. Was it entitled Kyle furious about his parents rules or were these legitimate claims. Either way, he was afforded many chances and opportunities in life that many people only dream about and he selfishly and cruelly destroyed everything. My heart is broken for the Navin and Valiante families. You try and do the best for your children and to have them grow up and make these choices is devastating.

I know "we" do try to do our best for our children. Could KN have done better? I think so. Around here some people don't do their children justice in one way or the other. Some dont turn the matters over to professionals until it is way too late. Kids don't just kill their parents or plan to kill their parents. At least not often. Well except around here in CT some do. what about that? ( lanza not too far away, Granata, also not too far away all)( granata- um we know him too can you believe ?)

I mean this with no disrespect just as a fact. The investigation into child abuse does not surprise me in the least bit. They were abusive. The Mom definitely was and you can quote me too. She was the direct reason i would not let the kids get together anymore. Doesn't the priest state in the guilford papers they were abusive and cause him emotional injuries? A priest?

It looks like the N's gave him things and opportunities and that he was a "" ( in your words) who didnt apreciate, but all with a lot attached, including Dad's routes when he went away on vacation too. These great opportunities?A House in a really bad town, being his dad's lackey in the garbage business, and at least verbal punching bag- sometimes getting paid sometimes it appears not getting paid. I dont know. with all the things around here that the kids have grown up and gone off to do, and are becoming successful and independent at running...KN does state fire me and hire a driver. This is just a horrible story. It makes me ill.

KN was a very very quiet little boy. in elementary and middle school. I will say that. maybe the quietest of any kid that came over.

That part of the PD interviews when he gets very quiet slow flat affect- also signs of abuse.

Not to excuse one single thing he did at all. ever.
We know he abused drugs, But, I think he was abused too.
I also think he was used, possibly abused by the GF too.

I wonder where they lived before April 2015.

I know. This is from left field.
I just got done reading this whole thread and the JV arrest warrant. And....Wow, just wow.
I mean really? What were they thinking? I know opiate addiction is bad, but their brains must be really fried if they thought they were going to get away with this.
I just got done reading this whole thread and the JV arrest warrant. And....Wow, just wow.
I mean really? What were they thinking? I know opiate addiction is bad, but their brains must be really fried if they thought they were going to get away with this.

Really what were they thinking is right!

I ll be curious to see what KNs report reads like.
I saw I think in section 34 with the times of the txts with the father, that kn was seen on video in Easton at both at 9:11 am and also again just before 1 pm on August 4 I think he must have already killed the mom - where ? B port around 8 And brought her to Easton in that truck before 9:11 and was trying to get the father there around 12:47 or so. ( to set him up) But he had to go home to Bport because The father knew something was wrong because he had been trying to reach J all morning and her phone was powered off. And so he father- wouldn't go to Easton.

That'must be why k said "I'm on my way there now "and
why father said" I'm not going home. U r setting me up. "
I think he wanted it to look like the dad killed the mother and took off. Everyone was saying that at first. Legal problems money from sale of home they took off. That would have been the only plan where kn could have cashed in on any of those things he wished to gain. Profits proceeds. Ugh yeah he's set for life. Life in prison.

did kn drive all over in that truck with bullet hole and blood evidence until he ditched the car at the commuter lot at 42? And for how long? What was he driving at the shooting range and the transfer station on the 6th. The truck was found on the 7th.

What a horror show.
Maybe Jeanette really was supposed to ride with KN that morning to help him with his route, and then he killed her? I am a little shaky on the timeline, especially as it relates to all the phone calls, but maybe he had an argument with her and his father knew that (maybe she called Jeffrey and was upset)? I wonder who Jeff was on the phone with when he went to the transfer station. It sounds Kyle was pretending that his phone didn't work at some point.
From the affidavit...
* Jeanette was shot (and killed) in Kyle's truck.
* I think that Jeffrey showed up at KN's Bport home to find out where Jeanette was and KN shot and killed him there.

I hope no one else was involved. This is horrific enough.

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