GUILTY (PLED) CT - Jeffrey, 56, & Jeanette Navin, 55, Easton, 4 Aug 2015

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I am extremely against guns and have never had them in my home. I was only asked that question once.

No one I know has ever been asked that. Even though maybe we should.

It was a super long time ago. Really long time ago. I was just wondering what you guys think as you live all over.

But this and a few other odd/ off moments just are haunting me. :(

I asked a new neighbor whom I had recently just met who had a son the same age as mine (4 y/o). She answered yes, there was one -- a handgun. I did not continue our relationship because I already had a "funny" feeling about the family -- that's what prompted my question about the firearm in the first place. I do not like guns, either. We see so many bad things happen when they are not secured. JMHO.

It was the first time I had ever felt like I needed to ask, and I have never asked anyone since.
Murder with special circumstances:

Murder with special circumstances carries the harshest penalty for any crime in the State of Connecticut. There are eight ways a person can be convicted of murder with special circumstances and spend the remainder of their life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The killing of any member of the following:
State police, local police, a chief inspector or inspector in the Division of Criminal Justice, a state marshal, a judicial marshal, a constable, a special police man (29-18), a conservation officer, an employee of the Department of Corrections or any firefighter.
A murder for hire; a contract killer.
A murder committed by someone who has previously been convicted of intentional murder or felony murder.
A murder committed by someone who at the time of the murder was serving a life sentence.
A murder committed by a kidnapper either during the course of the kidnapping or prior to the return of the victim.
A murder committed during the course of a first-degree sexual assault.
A murder of two or more persons at the single time or in the course of a single criminal transaction.
A murder of anyone under the age of 16.

This statute used to be named Capital Felony and conviction could have resulted in the death penalty.
A person cannot receive duplicate sentences for capital murder and murder because it would violate double jeopardy. 145 Conn. App. 494
Life in prison does not violate the Eight Amendment of the United States Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. 265 Conn. 35
A person adjudged guilty, either as a principal or accessory, of any crime under murder, capital murder, felony murder, arson murder, manslaughter in the first degree or with a weapon are prohibited from inheriting any part of the estate of the deceased 45a 447
A parent convicted of murder of other parent ineligible to receive grant of visitation 46b-59b.
A person found guilty of murder or not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect could be liable in a wrongful death suit for “just damages” together with the cost of reasonably necessary medical, hospital and nursing services, and including funeral expenses 52-555
Murder in this statute means intentional murder. 241 Conn. 702
There is no mandatory minimum or maximum sentence for someone convicted of murder with special circumstances. The only sentence for someone who is found guilty of murder with special circumstances is life without parole.
I've already floated a theory that it's a note intended for mom (like, maybe she was already afraid of him for some reason and he approached her in a public place...) but another theory is that it was intended to be used in a bank robbery. Isn't that just the kind of note that bank robbers slide over to tellers when there are other people in the bank so that no one around will know what's going on and raise an alarm or call 911?

Like this (although the date makes it unlikely and the arrest of a serial bank robber out of Middletown was announced in the last week):


Good theory -- that's exactly what it sounds like, IMO.
Thank God they were finally found.
May they both rest in peace.
Hi all -- I am also a Weston resident. I don't know the Navins (though another family member knew Jeannette.)
I hike in the Devil's Den a few times a week. Unless you know it well, it would be a really difficult place to hide a body or two. To hike in, you go uphill from the parking lot -- I suspect it would be very difficult to carry someone. And you'd have to go at least a quarter mile to get away from the paths and into dense woods; i.e., an area where a body could really be hidden. And then hike out and do it again with a second body. Unless you were a real woodsman (and not someone with an opiate addiction and a broken back) I just don't think it's doable. Plus, there are always a lot of hikers and walkers; I don't think anything could've stayed hidden this long.
But I have been keeping my eyes peeled.
It is a terribly sad story in our town. I hope there are some answers soon.
To correct a poster above -- they lived on Osborn, not Old Farm. (But Osborn is off Old Farm.)
The old cemetery is tiny and "open". You can't hide anything there.


We're glad you're with us!!
I asked a new neighbor whom I had recently just met who had a son the same age as mine (4 y/o). She answered yes, there was one -- a handgun. I did not continue our relationship because I already had a "funny" feeling about the family -- that's what prompted my question about the firearm in the first place. I do not like guns, either. We see so many bad things happen when they are not secured. JMHO.

It was the first time I had ever felt like I needed to ask, and I have never asked anyone since.

So, she told you there was an unsecured handgun in her home?
I just get a feeling that this was such a brutally violent murder. It makes me sick.
Wowweeee!!! This is absolutely crazy. May they rest in peace. This is just awful. This heroin epidemic is disgusting. I blame it on how easy doctors write scripts for painkillers and when it is too much money they switch to dope.

What does everyone think KN reason for killing his parents was? Who even knows what was on his mind when he was whacked out on heroin and Xanax.

I wish I was more savvy and linking important things from prior posts but I am not sure how. Remember when they were looking for Kyle very early on and he was nowhere to be found? He ended up being found at a friends house I believe. Do you think this "friend" had some connection to that abandon house and helped out. I am in no way trying to accuse anybody but just thinking at all angles.

It is very curious to me that the parents were killed in Bridgeport and found in Weston. That is ALOT of hard work to physically move TWO people let alone so so risky with people watching and surveillance everywhere.

From the mug shot of his girl, she doesn't appear to be big or muscular. I said this very early on in this thread but somebody all hopped up on drugs is capable of anything, even with an injured back. I just have a sneaky suspicion there is another player in mess that we haven't been yet. But one thing I have learned from working in this mental health/drug addiction setting is birds of a feather flock together. This is all MOO but IF there is someone else involved I think there was promise for either payment of money or drugs. Someone addicted to drugs especially heroin, opiates doesn't want to do anything unless they are high. And even if they are high they are thinking about how they are going to get high next and that becomes their daily 24/7 job. I am trying to think of a "nice way" to say this but as sick as this sounds and how absolutely gut wrenching this whole case is - if there was promise of a payment then to an addict it would be an attractive deal. This is all MOO and me just thinking out loud and typing.
Weston PD states 1:4 homes have a gun.
You've asked more than 4 people and no one ever said yes? hmm

I know. I feel the same way About the phone calls. Wondering if he called them. I'm sure they know. I remember the PD making a big deal about a conversation with a friend of KN ( in news reports) where he claimed family problems and his parents missing - before the 7th. The official day they were missing.

He was busy though. That's for sure. From early August 4 th on.
I still don't feel like that note was a robbery. Or referred to a real panic button. But who knows. He left a lot of receipts and a questionable looking footprint as far as we can see. Not a good criminal or is he looking clever enough?

Where are J and J?

What a freaky freak show. Huh?


Could it have been his own note to himself? To try to keep from panicking? Reminding himself to be calm & cool? Who knoze??
Wowweeee!!! This is absolutely crazy. May they rest in peace. This is just awful. This heroin epidemic is disgusting. I blame it on how easy doctors write scripts for painkillers and when it is too much money they switch to dope.

What does everyone think KN reason for killing his parents was? Who even knows what was on his mind when he was whacked out on heroin and Xanax.

I wish I was more savvy and linking important things from prior posts but I am not sure how. Remember when they were looking for Kyle very early on and he was nowhere to be found? He ended up being found at a friends house I believe. Do you think this "friend" had some connection to that abandon house and helped out. I am in no way trying to accuse anybody but just thinking at all angles.

It is very curious to me that the parents were killed in Bridgeport and found in Weston. That is ALOT of hard work to physically move TWO people let alone so so risky with people watching and surveillance everywhere.

From the mug shot of his girl, she doesn't appear to be big or muscular. I said this very early on in this thread but somebody all hopped up on drugs is capable of anything, even with an injured back. I just have a sneaky suspicion there is another player in mess that we haven't been yet. But one thing I have learned from working in this mental health/drug addiction setting is birds of a feather flock together. This is all MOO but IF there is someone else involved I think there was promise for either payment of money or drugs. Someone addicted to drugs especially heroin, opiates doesn't want to do anything unless they are high. And even if they are high they are thinking about how they are going to get high next and that becomes their daily 24/7 job. I am trying to think of a "nice way" to say this but as sick as this sounds and how absolutely gut wrenching this whole case is - if there was promise of a payment then to an addict it would be an attractive deal. This is all MOO and me just thinking out loud and typing.

Here you go:

Sources: Kyle Navin not missing; staying with friends in Westport
So, she told you there was an unsecured handgun in her home?

No, she didn't say that -- and I didn't ask that -- I just, as I said, had a funny feeling about all of it. They didn't stay in the neighborhood long -- don't know why.

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