Police say parents are not answering vital questions #2

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I wonder why all the rooms were not fingerprinted. Apparently the intruder went in every room and touched some stuff if he put on lights and stole cell phones.
I think you would have to ask LE that. That would be solely up to them. I would think they would have fingerprinted ALL possible points of egress if they were being thorough.
I wonder why all the rooms were not fingerprinted. Apparently the intruder went in every room and touched some stuff if he put on lights and stole cell phones.

Hadn't thought of that!!! Acccording to the family, many lights were on in the house so you would think they'd fingerprint all the rooms.
LE seemed pretty positive that JI had a solid alibi for the hours he worked. What he did before and after those hours is still open for inquiry

I think his after time frame is pretty public knowledge :)
I also think that LE know for certain that Lisa was very much alive and in the house when JI went to work, confirmed by someone other than JI/DB.
I hate that LE is not saying anything. Actually, I hate that no one is saying anything. We are regurgitating the same information over and over and asking the same things time and time again. Re-reading the old MSM coverage and basing our opinions, thoughts and ideas on half truths/made up crap/innuendo.
This whole this is making ME crazy :crazy:
Nina, can I just say you are absolutely amazing :cupcake:

thank you! :blushing: i have about 97% of relevant links for this case neatly labeled in folders on my bookmark toolbar. i am amazed at my memory in this case, once i read something it sticks in my brain and i remember exactly where i read it. now if only i could remember where i put my keys...:seeya:
Steve Young has never said publicly that I know of that police analyzed hours of surveillance video of Jeremy Irwin at the Starbucks. Believe you me, I wish he had! All police have said is what was in the story you referenced. And the on tape til 3:30 a.m. was definitely not said in the video that went with the story.

Jim Spellman did say that LE knew who all his co-workers were...but I don't remember him saying they had interviewed them all, which I'm sure they have.



Police have been able to verify that Irwin was at the Starbucks until about 3:30 a.m. and nothing unusual occurred.
I am sure I read that he only allowed search of those rooms though but of course I could be wrong.

Also, do you know if police always have to have a warrant before entry to a home? Is there any circumstance they can just bust in search without owner or tenant consent?

BBM. I am sure I read this too, and now it is driving me nuts trying to remember where. Like everything else in this case, who knows if there is any truth to it. And I believe I read that it was the initial search. Maybe I read it on one of those blog style sites where anyone can be a contributor. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the local tv station, newspaper or network websites, but true or not, that story is out there. All MOO
The thing is this, for me that is, she knew BL had been sick and she knew she put her down way early ..6:40 and it was now 10:30. Why would she NOT remember going into at least check on her, check her temperature, be sure she didn't feel hot, or had puked in the bed, or had a messy diaper???? It just seems so strange that she didn't make an attempt to check on her at that time ... she surely had pooped her diaper or peed her diaper in the span of Deb's timeline of 6:40 and 10:30.

From what I have cobbled together, it sounds as if Debbie tried to put Lisa down for a nap earlier, and either she woke or never went to sleep, and Debbie took her out at 4:30.

I don't think that Lisa was sick, as in dangerously ill. I got the impression that she had a sniffly, cough-y, cold. It didn't sound like the kind of thing that a mom would be watching for fevers, convulsions or diarrhea. But probably enough to make the baby cranky and fussy. So, if she didn't nap earlier, she may have been quite ready to go night-night at 6:30, rather than 7:30-8 as usual.

At 10 months old, my baby didn't need changing during the night. I would never have gone in and woken her to change her because she might have decided that it was playtime.

And personally, I don't think I would have opened her door to check on her, if I had the baby monitor on, as Debbie says she did. Especially if she was restless from a cold - I would have just let her sleep.

I am not saying that because I personally would have done something, that Debbie must have done the same -just pointing out that her actions, as we have heard them so far, do not seem suspicious or neglectful.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqS8xEVHGn0&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]Police want to talk to Lisa' family - YouTube[/ame]
The thing is this, for me that is, she knew BL had been sick and she knew she put her down way early ..6:40 and it was now 10:30. Why would she NOT remember going into at least check on her, check her temperature, be sure she didn't feel hot, or had puked in the bed, or had a messy diaper???? It just seems so strange that she didn't make an attempt to check on her at that time ... she surely had pooped her diaper or peed her diaper in the span of Deb's timeline of 6:40 and 10:30.

Because she was drunk and was having adult time, and that meant no kids interfering.

When my daughter was 10 months old I checked her all the time when she was sick. For some reason a baby's cold seems to be unpredictable. Mine had pneumonia twice before she was 3. The neighbor saw Lisa in the bed at around 4:30 - and then she was back in bed at 6:30? Good grief, that's a lot of hours in the bed. I wonder if this was routine.
From what I have cobbled together, it sounds as if Debbie tried to put Lisa down for a nap earlier, and either she woke or never went to sleep, and Debbie took her out at 4:30.

I don't think that Lisa was sick, as in dangerously ill. I got the impression that she had a sniffly, cough-y, cold. It didn't sound like the kind of thing that a mom would be watching for fevers, convulsions or diarrhea. But probably enough to make the baby cranky and fussy. So, if she didn't nap earlier, she may have been quite ready to go night-night at 6:30, rather than 7:30-8 as usual.

At 10 months old, my baby didn't need changing during the night. I would never have gone in and woken her to change her because she might have decided that it was playtime.

And personally, I don't think I would have opened her door to check on her, if I had the baby monitor on, as Debbie says she did. Especially if she was restless from a cold - I would have just let her sleep.

I am not saying that because I personally would have done something, that Debbie must have done the same -just pointing out that her actions, as we have heard them so far, do not seem suspicious or neglectful.

I'm wondering about trying to get Lisa to nap earlier and taking her out at 4:30. What have you read about that? I am wondering when Debbie fed, bathed and got Lisa ready for bed. She left for the market with her brother at 4:30, returning at 5. She cooked supper for herself, her neighbor and the older children, they ate and she put Lisa to bed at 6:40. That is a pretty tight timeline altho I suppose it depends on how she cooked- from scratch or processed food- how fast they ate and whether she cleaned up the kitchen afterwards.

I know people see things differently, but I think drinking to possibly black out drunk while caring for three small children, one with a cough and cold is neglectul, no matter how common it may be. I checked on my baby every night, well or sick. A cold, especially with a cough can be a precursor to asthma. Babies get high fevers very easily and need to be sponged with tepid water and given baby tylenol. Runny noses can come with vomiting and dehydration hits babies quickly. I had to take my baby to the ER with asthma which started with a cold and another time, for dehydration from vomiting. She couldn't keep down pedialite and got glassy eyed in an hour's time. She had to had IV fluids. She wasn't sickly or frail. She was big for her age like Lisa. Maybe I was overprotective, but I'm glad I was. All MOO
I know people see things differently, but I think drinking to possibly black out drunk while caring for three small children, one with a cough and cold is neglectul, no matter how common it may be. I checked on my baby every night, well or sick. A cold, especially with a cough can be a precursor to asthma. Babies get high fevers very easily and need to be sponged with tepid water and given baby tylenol. Runny noses can come with vomiting and dehydration hits babies quickly. I had to take my baby to the ER with asthma which started with a cold and another time, for dehydration from vomiting. She couldn't keep down pedialite and got glassy eyed in an hour's time. She had to had IV fluids. She wasn't sickly or frail. She was big for her age like Lisa. Maybe I was overprotective, but I'm glad I was. All MOO

Going back again to why she chose to interact with the boys, make noise, etc if she was afraid just checking on Lisa would disturb her! She would remember seeing her, touching her, etc in what would have been the last day she seen her alive. Selective memory it seems to me.

The baby being ill is even MORE reason to go do a precursory check before she finally went to sleep for the night, just a look at her if nothing else, no disturbing, etc. She would remember that.
From what I have cobbled together, it sounds as if Debbie tried to put Lisa down for a nap earlier, and either she woke or never went to sleep, and Debbie took her out at 4:30.

I don't think that Lisa was sick, as in dangerously ill. I got the impression that she had a sniffly, cough-y, cold. It didn't sound like the kind of thing that a mom would be watching for fevers, convulsions or diarrhea. But probably enough to make the baby cranky and fussy. So, if she didn't nap earlier, she may have been quite ready to go night-night at 6:30, rather than 7:30-8 as usual.

At 10 months old, my baby didn't need changing during the night. I would never have gone in and woken her to change her because she might have decided that it was playtime.

And personally, I don't think I would have opened her door to check on her, if I had the baby monitor on, as Debbie says she did. Especially if she was restless from a cold - I would have just let her sleep.

I am not saying that because I personally would have done something, that Debbie must have done the same -just pointing out that her actions, as we have heard them so far, do not seem suspicious or neglectful.

I think it was kind of neglectful. ANY TIME a baby under the age of one has a cough and sniffles and a 'cold'--they are at risk of something else happening, and sometimes quickly. Fevers come out of nowhere, excessive phlegm can make an infant choke, acute rashes can come on suddenly. And these things look like just a common cold. But infants are very susceptible to sudden onsets of asthma or other respiratory problems when they seemingly just have a cold. I think that when a very young child is sick that the mom should be extra attentive. And it is not the time to drink 5 to 10 glasses of wine out on the front stoop, imo.
I never thought Lisa was ill with a cough, a cold or anything else. I think DB was using the words of illness and fussiness as a dramatic symbolic gesture of her harming Lisa.
I never thought Lisa was ill with a cough, a cold or anything else. I think DB was using the words of illness and fussiness as a dramatic symbolic gesture of her harming Lisa.

You know, interestingly enough, I never believed Lisa had a cold either.

I think she was teething. That would be in the normal time range of a baby cutting their first molars.

Ahhh. . .I remember that time well. :banghead:

If BL acted anything like my kids during that time, she was very fussy. Mine were not interested in sleeping for any length of time during that period. The poor lil things were so uncomfortable and cranky, but I got it down to a science. . .tylenol, orajel, a cold wash rag to chew on, and lots of walking the floor. I can't imagine trying to have "adult time" during that time.
Well, whoever removed Lisa from her crib did not give a hoot for her comfort since her blanket and beloved toys were left behind. That is not a good sign for a good outcome. It indicates she may have left the house already deceased or she left perhaps wearing no clothes and alive...that is if the purple shorts and top were the clothes they found at the house in the search. The parents offered nothing else missing. So the abductor was definitely not interested in Lisa's comfort level and removed her, perhaps, unclothed.
KCPD say the Bradley/Irwins have made it clear they are not willing to sit down with police. Latest word just this week from LE. Speaks volumes. They have attorney's now and still won't sit down. Looks like LE is looking to other family members to try to bridge a gap of some sort to help answer questions but only the occupants of that home can answer the questions that police could have now that their investigation entails 2 months of interviews and searches.

What a freakin shame.
Why would they want to be briefed by LE anyway? It's just some annoying detectives they don't want to talk to. What on earth could that sort of people say that would be worth listening to?
Exactly. The description would not be a synopsis of a every other night for the past month. The last time you ever laid eyes and hands on your child before they had been abducted would burn into my memory. Did I pick her up and love on her....give her some medicine for her cough and cold, cover her with an extra blanket, the way she smelled, did she laugh, did she cry when the door was shut on her....every detail would have been memorized.

It seems in most of these cases the key players more often than not seem to want everyone to believe that on this one particular day or night that their child goes missing that everything was normal, nothing out of the ordinary. No details. Then investigations start and folks are finding out that most of these days and nights are anything but normal and ordinary.JMO.

That's why I can't believe her (DB.) She's not remembering that night when she's telling her story of the events IMO. She's telling what she usually does. When a person is telling you about a night from memory, they include details and/or direct statements. DB doesn't do that. She tells it in such an odd way.

When the reporter asks about her last moments with Lisa, DB says:

DB: “Just change her, you know, put fresh clothes on her, and get her ready for bed, and gave her her bottle, and made sure her binky was in her crib in case she needed it, and she sleeps with her Barney, and she sleeps with her GloWorm and her blanket and that was, that was it.”

BBM: Just change her? Who says that? She doesn't say "I" changed her. She doesn't say "I" at all actually. Then she tells us how Lisa usually sleeps, not what happened that night. She is telling us something other than what really went down that night IMO. :snooty:

http://www.kmbc.com/r/29404237/detail.html10/6/2011 Interview with DB and JI from KMBC.
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