Poll for the Armchair Psychologists

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What Psychological Disorder do you think Jodi may have?

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I didn't think there was any sexism implied; I though it was blatant. And I'm quite clear--crystal clear--that "harlot" means a sexually promiscuous woman, that it's pejorative, and from days long past, and that it does not ever apply to a man, "p-whipped" or otherwise. Of course, you may have meant something very different by "harlett," but I don't know that word, and assumed it was simply a spelling error.

.There was nothing blatantly sexist about the post. As a I said, it could have been the converse situation. Harlot can also mean a hustler, a tart or a backup singer for Bette Midler. I did not imply that Jodi Ann Arias was a "lower class prostitute". Please do not twist what I wrote to fit your perception. You are free to think what you will, but it was neither sexist nor was it intended to be. Maybe try focusing on the content instead of spinning the context into a "sexist" diatribe.
I thought I would make a list of the personality disorder "symptoms" that Jodi has since she really has a blend of a few different personality disorders. If you want, please add to it so we can put all of our observations together for a cumulative armchair diagnoses:

Everything Jodi does is carefully schemed and has a motive and/or ulterior motive.
Everything she says is carefully schemed and motive and/or ulterior motive.
She does not have normal emotions, and is incapable of feeling emotions for others.
The emotions she does feel are only for herself and are random and completely out of context, (i.e feeling "betrayed" by the jury, or "abused" because a boyfriend wants to break up with you).
She has selective and distorted memory.
She has a distorted perception of reality.
She has a distorted perception of past events.
She has a distorted perception of the motives and actions of others.
She is a pathological liar.
She a pathological seducer.
She uses big words and forced poise to help conceal the real Jodi.
She has a false front, and will go to any extreme to make sure that the true Jodi isn't exposed.
If someone exposes the real Jodi, or if she feels threatened that someone might reveal the real Jodi she will sabotage and character assassinate (or murder) them so no one will believe them if they reveal the true Jodi.
She is unable to maintain long term relationships.
She is irresponsible with money and belongings.
She thinks she is smarter than everyone.
She thinks every guy "wants" her.
She is extremely envious and jealous.
She is extremely concerned about the way others perceive her, and this is why she is doing all the interviews. She wants to clear up the way she appeared during the trial while she was "exposing Travis for who he really was", which she was forced to do by Juan Martinez... Of course Jodi didn't want to go to trial.
She is unable to accept responsibility for anything, everything is someone else's fault.
She is always the victim.
Everything she does can be explained away by a series of totally random coincidences.
Everybody is out to get her.
She is capable of extreme rage when threatened to be exposed.

Probably more than half of the items in this list have nothing concrete to back them up. We'd have to be gods to know another's unspoken, private thoughts, such as "I'm smarter than everyone" and "every guy wants me." This is, I think, putting the cart before the horse, by deciding on the diagnosis first, and then presenting the symptoms to fit it.

What is a pathological seducer? Someone who has had more than 2 partners? How does dating and sexual activity differ from seduction? I understand that seduction is manipulation, but, again, if you decide someone is a manipulator first, then every date/relationship they've had can be defined as seduction.

I say this not just about Jodi, but anyone we think we can "know" with scant, real evidence.

And everyone, I would have to say, has a "motive" for everything they say and do. Their motives may be good or bad or neutral, but just having motives is not pathological.

I'm not saying, of course, that Jodi's psychology is not abnormal. But I don't see the value of an inflated list of flimsy or insupportable proofs, particularly when the items rely on circular arguments or confirmation bias.

Not everything Jodi does is abnormal. Some "psychologist" on HLN today was yelling about Jodi's plan to appeal the sentence, if it's the death sentence. She said that was "typical" for Jodi, that weirdo Jodi was always out for herself, by dragging things out. I found that so funny! Even standard, normal legal procedures are a sign of her personality disorder? I mean, why is this slant, which flies in the face of common sense, necessary?
There was nothing blatantly sexist about the post. As a I said, it could have been the converse situation. Please do not try twist what I wrote to fit your perception. You are free to think what you will, but it was not sexist nor was it intended to be. Maybe try focusing on the content instead of trying to spin the context.

No spin; I was focused on the words and content.
Hi. Been on several other threads, but not this particular one until now.
On the other threads I have mentioned my Sis reminds me of Jodi, just hasn't muredered, but threatened to. I guess even attempted.
She also seems like shes acting, always. She can never realize how others view her, nor understand how anybody can't completely see it her way.
She accuses others of things that never happened. And then threatens us for what we did to her (delusionally)
I think Jodi is like this. is there any salvation?
I've heard some people describe BPD as the feminine version (so to speak) of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Interesting, eh?!

It's also often the female diagnosed version of antisocial personality disorder.
Not one of the 6 or 7 professionals who looked at her and/or her test scores called her a sociopath. NOT ONE.

Don't you think the young Dr. D. would have called her a sociopath if she could? She would have jumped at the diagnosis with both feet. She didn't because she couldn't.

Normal--Normal--Normal--that's what her test scores said, except on issues of anxiety where they were off the charts.


Those professions would not want to disclose any sociopathic elements in her testing and neither would the state bc a sociopath essentially does not get sympathy/spared the death penalty.

dr D? Is this the defense psych or state psych?

The defense threw in so many psychs with so many different diagnoses of her it's hard to keep up. What did the other defense psychs say she was?

If he said she were a sociopath, it would have sealed her fate. Only cluster A schizophrenics can get insanity and be spared for life.

Plus sociopaths are difficult to detect. If you are asserting she is not a sociopath because the defense said so, then one should also assume that since they had no diagnosis or signs of autism that your autism claim is out the window.
No spin; I was focused on the words and content.

Focused on and zoned in on one single word : Harlot.
Given that whole point of my post was clearly missed, any further expenditure of energy ,with respect to it, is a huge waste of time.
Totally!! That for me was so telling... And now everyone else is seeing what Travis saw... and feeling the severe FRUSTRATION that she provokes... Poor Travis.. We've only had a small dose of Jodi...imagine how he must have felt!!!

It was actually one of the first interviews that Jodi did before the trial that very clearly alerted me to the fact that she was a sociopath and totally LOOPIE!! ...ever since then I have been glued to the case... I was so worried that no one was going to figure it out that she was a sociopath... So I watched and prayed...

Then when the text messages came into evidence I was so glad and it all made sense to me. I really believe Jodi's motive for murder was fear of being exposed.

I believe this because I have experienced this personaly from a sociopath I had in my life for a short while. I simply tried to pull away from the friendship because I didn't like some of the things that this person was involved with, and that was enough to send them into a rage, and a full sabotage on my character...etc...the things this person did to try and destroy me were horrific but thankfully she wasn't able to really do any damage... But they did threaten our lives at one point if we ever said anything... I am still afraid of this person sometimes...I get the feeling they are watching me and even driving by my house sometimes... It's so creepy...

Girlfriend I feel you. I dated a guy and fell in love. Was about to run away with him to have a fab life when he was picked up for murder. Now he is in for 20 years.

He was a complete sociopath and narcissist.

I remembered after he got arrested a conversation past that still haunts me. I said I believe that humans have souls. He told me I was stupid. That humans are made of gas and elements and are nothing more than lightbulbs. And that when ppl die, to him it was just about the same as a light going out/losing its filament/fluorescence.
Yes you might be, but the J part makes you close off too early if it is not tempered with a developed P.
J=decision making and organisation, but decision making might need more information before closing off too early.
P=deferring decision making sometimes closing off too late if not tempered with developed J.

These areas are guided by our middle letters of thinking or feeling = T/F
and sensing and intuition = S/iN
Because you are a J type, your decisions are made by extraverted feeling and then intuition.
As a P, my decision making is introverted thinking but extraverted intuition. Not the different spelling of extroversion.

I might look very silly to the average person who can open doors and do practical things, that's my intuition showing, because I am very involved in the inner world of systems and theories, and more information to me builds better theories.
So closing off is very natural to you, like using your right hand if you are right handed. Waiting for more information is like using your left hand until you get used to it. You are involved in an extraverted world of feeling and judging or decision making. (not being pejoratively judging in the classical sense)
My opposite type is ESFJ, which makes me 'write' left handed until I exercise it fully.
Our job in life is to appreciate the gifts and strengths of the opposite, to make us whole people via our gifts to each other.
It's a beautiful metaphor whatever type you are because it strengthens all of our gifts.
Neither is right or wrong, just different in approaches, and varying levels of how we make sense of the the world from our own unique perspectives.
Your type is dynamic and charismatic, but can be a bit pushy. (not being critical it's in the literature) They often make good leaders in humanitarian fields, based on firmly held values.

"Can be a bit pushy" that's kinda putting it mildly and kindly, don't ya think? lol
Those professions would not want to disclose any sociopathic elements in her testing and neither would the state bc a sociopath essentially does not get sympathy/spared the death penalty.

dr D? Is this the defense psych or state psych?

The defense threw in so many psychs with so many different diagnoses of her it's hard to keep up. What did the other defense psychs say she was?

If he said she were a sociopath, it would have sealed her fate. Only cluster A schizophrenics can get insanity and be spared for life.

Plus sociopaths are difficult to detect. If you are asserting she is not a sociopath because the defense said so, then one should also assume that since they had no diagnosis or signs of autism that your autism claim is out the window.

Dr. D. is Dr. Demarte, the state psych.

I would think she would have loved to call Jodi a psychopath if she felt she could because all sympathy for jodi would fly out the window.

It is also something you would naturally be looking for in a murderer.

I can see where one might think that, myself, because she has some of the characteristics like low/no empathy. But, other key characteristics are missing.

High functioning autism is such an out of the blue diagnosis, I'm not sure anyone would think of it, and I doubt the tests would reveal it.

And, Jodi's verbal ability would mask it.

But, for me, it answers every question I have, all the symptoms she exhibits, but also including why the friends considered her weird and closed ranks on her, and why she could not handle the mixed signals being given to her by the man she thought she would marry one day.

Even the tv interviewer said tonight, something is "off." Nobody knows what they are looking at, but they can sense it.

Psychopaths, on the other hand, are masters at fitting in when they want to and nobody would notice.

But, the biggest giveaway is the stare.

I thought I would make a list of the personality disorder "symptoms" that Jodi has since she really has a blend of a few different personality disorders. If you want, please add to it so we can put all of our observations together for a cumulative armchair diagnoses:

Everything Jodi does is carefully schemed and has a motive and/or ulterior motive.
Everything she says is carefully schemed and motive and/or ulterior motive.
She does not have normal emotions, and is incapable of feeling emotions for others.
The emotions she does feel are only for herself and are random and completely out of context, (i.e feeling "betrayed" by the jury, or "abused" because a boyfriend wants to break up with you).
She has selective and distorted memory.
She has a distorted perception of reality.
She has a distorted perception of past events.
She has a distorted perception of the motives and actions of others.
She is a pathological liar.
She a pathological seducer.
She uses big words and forced poise to help conceal the real Jodi.
She has a false front, and will go to any extreme to make sure that the true Jodi isn't exposed.
If someone exposes the real Jodi, or if she feels threatened that someone might reveal the real Jodi she will sabotage and character assassinate (or murder) them so no one will believe them if they reveal the true Jodi.
She is unable to maintain long term relationships.
She is irresponsible with money and belongings.
She thinks she is smarter than everyone.
She thinks every guy "wants" her.
She is extremely envious and jealous.
She is extremely concerned about the way others perceive her, and this is why she is doing all the interviews. She wants to clear up the way she appeared during the trial while she was "exposing Travis for who he really was", which she was forced to do by Juan Martinez... Of course Jodi didn't want to go to trial.
She is unable to accept responsibility for anything, everything is someone else's fault.
She is always the victim.
Everything she does can be explained away by a series of totally random coincidences.
Everybody is out to get her.
She is capable of extreme rage when threatened to be exposed.

Parasitic life style
Lacks empathy
Lacks remorse
Incongruent shallow affect
A tad sadistic
Superficial charm & poise
Need for stimulation
Uses sex to manipulate
Goal driven without conscious or regard to others
Repeatedly disrespecting others boundaries
Acts of aggression, triangulates, confrontational in inappropriate ways
Destroying property
It may be that we have to be careful of the intention of every person. Though I don't trust implicitly I do carry the idea that most people are good. Media filles us with the worst of human behavior. We forget that that most people care for and about each other and the planet. We all are students in life and we all need to learn from each other. We come with baggage either from birth or early life experience and the source is not always made clear.
Not one of the 6 or 7 professionals who looked at her and/or her test scores called her a sociopath. NOT ONE.

Don't you think the young Dr. D. would have called her a sociopath if she could? She would have jumped at the diagnosis with both feet. She didn't because she couldn't.

Normal--Normal--Normal--that's what her test scores said, except on issues of anxiety where they were off the charts.


Are you seriously going to NOW argue she's NORMAL ?
Her ONLY issue is ANXIETY?

Girlfriend I feel you. I dated a guy and fell in love. Was about to run away with him to have a fab life when he was picked up for murder. Now he is in for 20 years.

He was a complete sociopath and narcissist.

I remembered after he got arrested a conversation past that still haunts me. I said I believe that humans have souls. He told me I was stupid. That humans are made of gas and elements and are nothing more than lightbulbs. And that when ppl die, to him it was just about the same as a light going out/losing its filament/fluorescence.

While I wouldn't exactly phrase it that way, I'm an atheist and I also don't believe in a spiritual soul. I believe when people die, it's over.
"Can be a bit pushy" that's kinda putting it mildly and kindly, don't ya think? lol

Yah! :seeya:
Don't be too hard on yourself, they are lessons for all of us to grow and learn.
All the strides we thought we've made in women's movement and then the reality hits just how much more work is needed.
It may be that we have to be careful of the intention of every person. Though I don't trust implicitly I do carry the idea that most people are good. Media filles us with the worst of human behavior. We forget that that most people care for and about each other and the planet. We all are students in life and we all need to learn from each other. We come with baggage either from birth or early life experience and the source is not always made clear.

Beautifully expressed PC.
What's that?

It's some online test a few people here took and shared the results of. If ya scroll up and read through posts by Gecko100 she explains it.

*i* don't really understand it
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