I've never heard having a personality disorder gives leniency for crimes. Almost every single person in prison has a PD. The only issues that give rise to lessen the seeking of Death is low I.Q (mental retardation), Schizophrenia and perhaps Bipolar w/psychosis.
Almost everyone of them is anti-social at the very least. Having a personality disorder shouldn't stop the Death Penalty from being enforced. Personally, I see no problem with ridding the earth of the worst killers walking around.
Visit the prison, read some files of what they actually did, get some feces and urine thrown in the face, and one may change their mind about their so-called right to live. At that point, the death penalty may not look so bad to those who don't like it.
In my work I have been up close and personal with murders rapists and the worst of the worst. I have visited many prisons to assess suitability for parenting. Does that make me qualified to comment?
JA is not a psychopath, nothing anywhere near it. That is the opinion of the State witness and mine.
If I suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder right now, I would be terrified out of my wits at the utter lack of mindfulness and sensitivity of their 'situation' resulting from abhorrent childhood abuse.
The characterisations of their suffering is quite offensive on many levels, so I will not adopt a policy of killing them, they did nothing to earn such brutalisation now or when they were children.
I am also particularly horrified at a State which didn't identify children experiencing childhood abuse, - especially when it goes on for six years.
It is patently obvious to everybody that childhood trauma creates damaged individuals, so why clamour for a death penalty when precious funds could be used to prevent trauma to children, it would make far more sense to treat the problems
before they originate, not after?
I have serious questions about a State, public, school and family that allowed abuse to continue for six tortuous years without any intervention.
That's a sick society in my opinion, and no-one has to agree with me.
“La justice flétrit, la prison corrompt et la société a les criminels qu’elle mérite.
"Justice shrivels up, prison corrupts and society has the criminals it deserves."
Alexandre Lacassagne (1843-1924)