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What Psychological Disorder do you think Jodi may have?

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During the time she wasn't with Travis before she killed him she WAS meeting up with other men.

Even had the sense to meet up with one or two guys on the way and one guy after she killed Travis to make out.

We ask ourselves why she would go make out with someone while practically still having blood on her hands and the answer is simple:

Attention. More specifically, sexualized attention.


And a alibi

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Most interesting HIP2! the sub grouping of the narcissist personality. This I did not know. Great posts to both you and Molly. It is new to me that she spoke of contacting a lawyer must have missed that in trial. I believe Jodi may have kept men on back burners while creating new relationships. There was evidence that she exchanged information with another man on return flight from Travis funeral. She may have had other love interests that never came forward because of the trial. Is a narcistic personality one that is developed or can one be born with NPD?

I think Narcissistic PD can be inherited (nature) or developed as a result of environment ( nurture).

I think the important factor is if a person is born a narcissist, they are born without the empathy for others and the constant want for attention.

If they develop narcissist PD it could be a result of a lack of attention and empathy lavished upon one in youth by parents/peers. But I couldn't imagine this being the case with Jodi as it seems she didn't go through extreme and grave neglect.

Psychs consider essentially all PD's can be created by either nature or nurture OR a combination of both nature and nurture simultaneously.
And a alibi

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Yes most definitely an alibi. Although she was almost 10 hours late meeting him I believe. Great alibi, Jodi.

The attention from him was the bonus for her.

And to act like an entitled Borderline Narcissist,

I am going to take my selfish chance now at using the washing machine even though a random stranger came into my apartment complex to use it. (full of a whopping 4 apartments - like i wouldnt notice them using our macbine fir most 4 days straight now! lol)

My empathy is really going down and I'm considering taking their clothes out of the wash, throwing them out on the street, and putting mine in.

I suppose I'm in my psychopathic dependent mode and I'm obsessive about being orderly and Desperately need a clean bed set.

And if I don't clean my fiancee's socks hes going to wear his shoes sockless and create an ecosystem of foot funk that I, his love, will extract - and then I could throw that pedal funk cesspool in the wash cycle with this rude strangers clothes.

So in other words, talk soon lovies. I have thaaaaangs to do! (as much as I want to stay here :(
But again, I would think a narcissist would need a lot of narcissistic supply. Are you saying there is an avoidant type that doesn't? I would think they would fall into great depression. Is that what happens?

That last six weeks or so after Jodi moved away, she would have only had her telephone contacts with TA, maybe like the one we heard on May 10 when they both seemed pretty happy with each other. But, is that enough supply for a narcissist? Why wasn't she wildly dating other men?

Even at their best, the relationship between them was never very deep. Jodi strikes me more as an emotional anorexic, someone who can survive on very little emotional food from another, because that certainly seems to be what she got.


It's entirely possible that she represented 'narcissistic supply'.
During the time she wasn't with Travis before she killed him she WAS meeting up with other men.

Even had the sense to meet up with one or two guys on the way and one guy after she killed Travis to make out.

We ask ourselves why she would go make out with someone while practically still having blood on her hands and the answer is simple:

Attention. More specifically, sexualized attention.


Yes, I too heard that Jodi was with lots of men all the time. She maybe didn't have normal relationships with them per se', but she was definitely getting her narcissistic supply...

There was a woman who came forward and was on Dr. Drew one night. She said she was the mother of one of Jodi's roommates in Palm Desert, CA before she moved to Mesa.

The woman said that her daughter told her that Jodi was horrible and made her daughter stay in her room all the time... She also said that her daughter told her that Jodi had different men over ALL THE TIME at ALL HOURS day and night.

Her daughter only managed to live with Jodi for a very short time before moving...she couldn't take it anymore she said Jodi was CRAZY!

I was so interested in what this woman had to say... I 'think' her name was Debbie, and her daughter's name was something like "Brittany", or "Ashley"...her interview was cut short, but I would love to see her interviewed again...
All this talk of self, rigid or fluid, the ego, narcissism, injury and supply, made me think of a poem by Margaret Atwood. It's called "Tricks with Mirrors." It's a better read than the DSM, I think, and just as insightful!

It's no coincidence
this is a used
furniture warehouse.

I enter with you
and become a mirror.

are the perfect lovers,

that's it, carry me up the stairs
by the edges, don't drop me,

that would be bad luck,
throw me on the bed

reflecting side up,
fall into me,

it will be your own
mouth you hit, firm and glassy,

your own eyes you find you
are up against closed closed

There is more to a mirror
than you looking at

your full-length body
flawless but reversed,

there is more than this dead blue
oblong eye turned outwards to you.

Think about the frame.
The frame is carved, it is important,

it exists, it does not reflect you,
it does not recede and recede, it has limits

and reflections of its own.
There's a nail in the back

to hang it with; there are several nails,
think about the nails,

pay attention to the nail
marks in the wood,

they are important too.

Don't assume it is passive
or easy, this clarity

with which I give you yourself.
Consider what restraint it

takes: breath withheld, no anger
or joy disturbing the surface

of the ice.
You are suspended in me

beautiful and frozen, I
preserve you, in me you are safe.

It is not a trick either,
it is a craft:

mirrors are crafty.

I wanted to stop this,
this life flattened against the wall,

mute and devoid of colour,
built of pure light,

this life of vision only, split
and remote, a lucid impasse.

I confess: this is not a mirror,
it is a door

I am trapped behind.
I wanted you to see me here,

say the releasing word, whatever
that may be, open the wall.

Instead you stand in front of me
combing your hair.

You don't like these metaphors.
All right:

Perhaps I am not a mirror.
Perhaps I am a pool.

Think about pools.
wow, Emmi.

That's an amazing poem!

So glad you like it, Molly. It always gives me a little shiver, when the narrator confesses that the mirror is actually a door, that she wants to be found, released.
So glad you like it, Molly. It always gives me a little shiver, when the narrator confesses that the mirror is actually a door, that she wants to be found, released.

Terrifyingly insightful...
2Hip, you remind me a lot--at least on paper--of my teen-age daughter. Though her IQ falls within the normal range, the "profile" you're presenting of yourself is similar to hers. High reading/verbal ability, severe math/higher order learning disability, ADD, Asperger's traits, and quite a bit of trouble regulating her emotions.

I'm curious: are you physically clumsy or awkward?


This is my 12yr old daughter EXACTLY! ...we have been working with Children's hospital Autism Center in getting a diagnosis... We had to wait a year to get in and have begun testing... It's is a very slow, and long process..(lol..if that makes any sense)...

We say she has Aspergers for lack of a better diagnosis...she is extremely impressionable, in that she copies the kids she sees in movies etc... She picks up people's laughs...voice inflection, mannerisms ...etc... It is very annoying...

She gets misunderstood all the time because if she thinks she is in trouble she becomes void of emotion and facial expression, and speaks very monotone because she doesn't know how to respond...she comes across very aloof which seems like she is being disrespectful so adults get angry and mean with her.

When she gets like that the only thing we can do is give her a hug and she instantly softens and many times cries because she gets so worried in situations like this. Once we give her a hug we can then talk to her and she can answer and respond appropriately...

She is very physically clumsy and awkward... But even more socially awkward when it comes to peers however, she is fine with adults. To adults she comes across very well spoken and highly intelligent....but with kids her own age she comes across, well, very Aspergers-ish...lol..
And I'm sure people on here that deal with autism in their daily lives would appreciate you connecting autistic people with the sociopathic trait of being unable to empathize with others.

Autistic individuals have low cognitive empathy but mid range emotional empathy.

Sociopaths are the opposite.

My daughter has Autism and what I was told is that the difference between a Sociopath and Autism is that someone with Autism/Aspergers would not know how to intentionally scheme and plot evil, which is true of my daughter...

Has anyone else heard this too?
Speaking of mirrors from my own philosophical self, this whole case reflects cultural societal mores.
It is very dialectic in that we share divisions of thought. We have thesis and antithesis.
We can't approach any kind of synthesis until we have open dialogue.
Open dialogue is very available around the web, and the same thing is happening, it is taking place via satellite and beamed around the world, and we can have an opinion in cyberspace for absolutely anyone to see, so it represents a 'universally' world wide opinion.
It's no longer a 'local' argument, it is much much bigger.
It is to me, a very fitting analogy of meta-modernism in action.
I find it incredibly interesting to my lonely 1% female philosophically and metaphysically global mind. IMO;)
One last thing...

Do you remember all those female school teacher that skated pedophilia charges bc they were Borderline?

Pedophilia with women often happens in BPD..

I find it strange that Jodi moved in with Darryl, a man with a child. I know it's morbid, but there may be more to that situation than meet the eye.

She met with Darryl on her way to kill Travis. Also the man at the rental car company said there was a man that day with Jodi when she rented the car.

Did they ever find out who that man was?

I would hate to think that Travis saw some pictures that Jodi accidentally uploaded to his computer. Maybe pictures of Darryl Brewers child in a sexualized nature? Maybe she was trying to blame it on Darryl when explaining it to Travis?

Could Travis have found these and threatened to go to the cops?

Whatever it was Travis found, it was enough for Jodi to go steal the gun from her grandparents house days later.

I would interrogate Darryl much closer. Something smells off about that guy. He was going to testify for Jodi, but couldn't out of fear of being targeted.

All a theory imhoo

Could be something in that. It would give more relevance to her story of Travis being a paedophile. By that I mean that I have been long convinced that Cmja has some truth in her stories but she changes them to suit herself. It would not then be too much of a stretch to say she was the one who had those tendencies but she switched it around to discredit Travis and take the focus from herself.
That's an interesting point. If she is straddling two worlds--the world of the normal and the world of the autistic--you would think she would be happy to be alone, more than not. Yet she was never alone from the time she left home, was she? Didn't she move from one boyfriend to another?

So maybe the man acts as a type of ego armor for her? Another way to make it possible for her to interact with the outside world?

But, except for Daryl, she didn't pick loving and protective men, it seems.

Maybe the emptiness inside, the lack of an integrated personality, is not an issue as long as the external controls are in place. But when this extension of yourself starts rejecting you, it must be tremendously threatening. It must feel like your world is falling apart.

Did she feel that with her family of origin, too?

That May 10th phone call haunts me. How can they sound so much like good friends, like lovers, and three weeks later that horrendous, chaotic crime scene, that really does look like someone just lost their mind? You said a feeling of dying when losing the attachment--maybe she really did feel like her life was threatened.


Yes and poor Travis, not knowing this, was in a way signing his own death warrant when he finished with her. Just goes to show what a scary world this is when you have no idea what effect your actions will have if you cross paths with a sociopath or psychopath or whatever she turns out to be.
Could be something in that. It would give more relevance to her story of Travis being a paedophile. By that I mean that I have been long convinced that Cmja has some truth in her stories but she changes them to suit herself. It would not then be too much of a stretch to say she was the one who had those tendencies but she switched it around to discredit Travis and take the focus from herself.

Sadly, I believe the pedophilia story was borrowed from the Freeman's tragedy.
If there was evidence of incriminating nature ie. Photographs, blackmail threats would have been found on the computer hard drive from TA computer. If there was evidence of this nature we would have heard this in trial.
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