Poll: What was the duct tape used for?

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What was the duct tape used for?

  • To silence Caylee during the murder

    Votes: 333 47.9%
  • To stage a kidnapping

    Votes: 184 26.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 178 25.6%

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I don't think KC intended Caylee to die. I think she used the duct tape to keep Caylee silent in the event she woke up too soon after being chloroformed so nobody would hear Caylee cry when Caylee woke up in the trunk of the car while KC was with her boyfriend. KC was using chloroform and duct tape as a nanny. JMHO. Does anybody remember which night KC was seen pacing at the hotel (motel)? Wasn't that June 15th just after the blow-out with her mother or was it June 16th? IMHO, that is when Caylee died.
Remember, there was a blood stain on Caylee's head board which CA dismissed, "Oh, that's old." The sheriff's office said the mouth was taped. Apparently this also acted to preserve some soft tissue. They did not say loose tape had somehow landed on the mouth. If you are inhaling the chloroform by nose, you might try to breathe air through your mouth. I know I would and it would not take a heart beat.
I think it was simply used for overkill- Chloroform her, then keep her from breathing.
I think it was to keep Caylee quiet, incase she woke up from her chloroform-induced sleep. :frown:
I believe she staged a kidnapping "just in case" the body was found, there would be that bit of "evidence." IIRC, it has been reported that there were no clothes with the body, and when the last round of big searches were going on, it was reported at that time that Casey said "they haven't even found her clothes," which would suggest that Casey knew the clothes had been removed. Staged kidnapping or not, I'm hoping LE will be able to match the duct tape up with a roll in the A's house.
I believe the tape was used to stop her from Crying.Casey had been staying away since June 9th, she returned on the 15 and "let" her go with Cindy to visit the ggrandparents. The latest thievery of Casey was revealed to Cindy. When she returned, Casey and Cindy fought about Casey stealing and staying away, Cindy threatened to take Caylee and since Casey can't stand Cindy she took her "sunshine away."
She had stayed away since the 9th ,I believe she left with Caylee.
Casey never wanted the responsibility that Cindy forced on her. She said "mom owes me big time" when talking about being able to find a sitter.
Casey was angry at Cindy, it had been a long day for Caylee, she was tired and fussy. Casey said "I'll shut you up." She taped her mouth and to keep anyone from seeing her, she placed her in the trunk.Later she stopped and found Caylee dead. She had read about missing children and thought of the kidnapping story, She had to act like nothing was wrong to her friends and lovers so she could plant the Zanny the nanny story. She's at the beach, seaworld. having fun.She was moving on with her life .
When Cindy shows up wanting answers, Casey is dealing with Cindy . she believes she can talk her way out of it by saying "she is at Zannys Give me one more day."
Le shows up and she tells her story about Zanny took off with her and I was given a script to follow. She had 30 days to go over this and when asked"is there anything in your statement that isnt true she said :that;s my story and I'm sticking to it,
I believe,she taped her mouth to keep her quiet.
I don't think KC intended Caylee to die. I think she used the duct tape to keep Caylee silent in the event she woke up too soon after being chloroformed so nobody would hear Caylee cry when Caylee woke up in the trunk of the car while KC was with her boyfriend. KC was using chloroform and duct tape as a nanny. JMHO. Does anybody remember which night KC was seen pacing at the hotel (motel)? Wasn't that June 15th just after the blow-out with her mother or was it June 16th? IMHO, that is when Caylee died.

Wouldn't she have had to tie her hands as well to keep Caylee from pulling the tape off herself if she woke up too early though? That just makes me want to throw up.
I need more details. If the tape was only over the mouth, it opens to the door to several possibilities. If however, the tape was wrapped around the entire skull and the mouth, that suggests a lot more.

After reading your post, I started thinking that if the tape was only over the mouth, and the bag had been underwater and available to small animals, as the body tissue decomposed the tape would likely have not stayed on the mouth area would it? It may have floated away. Since it's been reported that the tape was definitely over the mouth area, makes me think it may have actually been completely around the head. Does that make sense?
there is also always the possibility that she wrapped Caylee's body up in a sheet, pillow case or towel and used the duct tape to keep it in place...
If we knew what else was found at the scene and in that bag that would be quite helpful..

Me, too -- I'm waiting to vote until there's more info on what else was found with her remains.
holy ! who was the poster on this thread that just mentioned the doggies bringing home a bone as a light aside? Dang! And wrapped in a covering.

Back to what Patty G said about thinking Cythia were the last one to see them and not GA...wow this is making more sense. Back before this was even a forum I had theorized that Casey had smothered Caylee in their shared bed after the argument that night, wrapped her and stashed her while everyone was asleep and came back to get her a few days later when everyone was at work.

That was my first thought too! Big argument, adrenaline and anger up, KC and Caylee go to their bedroom as usual, but only KC survives the night. Which would mean GA is lying about seeing them leave as usual on the 16th (that's never sat right with me, neither has his version of the gas cans in the trunk story).

I keep thinking back to one of the very first things I watched in this case, the video of KC, Caylee and CA.

CA uses Caylee's hand to mess up KC's face with icing, KC responds by messing up Caylee's face. Her first instinct is to go after Caylee instead of CA. I suspect because at heart she is scared spitless of CA. Remember her statement that the reason she didn't tell her mom right away about Caylee's disappearance was that she was scared of CA's reaction?

Q ....You could have called your mom five weeks ago.
A I was scared.
Q What does that mean?
A I saw my mom's reaction right off the bat and it would've been the same from the get go.
Q Well, so you're more afraid...
A (Inaudible)...
Q So wait a minute. So, you're more fraid of your mom's reaction then you are if you ever see your daughter?
A No I'm absolutely petrified. Absolutely petrified. I know my mom will never forgive me. I'm not gonna forgive myself because there's that chance that I might not see Caylee again and I don't want to think about that.
(Casey Anthony interview July 23, 2008 with Detective Melich)

She shrinks from harming CA directly, so she harms CA indirectly through Caylee - plus gets rid of a big impediment to her life with TonE. :furious:
The duct tape connected to the pesticide being taken from the Anthonys almost suggests to me that her mouth may have been taped after death. When Caylee died and Casey stashed her body, she would have started the decomp process. Possibly if her mouth was open and rigor mortis set in, Casey went back to move the body and had seen insects all over her. Sprayed her down with pesticide to kill the bugs, put duct tape over the mouth since it would not close, possibly then wrapped her up put her in the trash bag and in the back of the car. Trash bag possibly was torn, and this is how body fluids leaked into the trunk. Just a thought...
I voted other. I think she used the duct tape to block body fluids from coming out of the mouth after she died.

This is my theory for the time being as well. I know there are "other" orifices but yeah....This just made the most sense to me.
Wouldn't she have had to tie her hands as well to keep Caylee from pulling the tape off herself if she woke up too early though? That just makes me want to throw up.

Duct tape could be very hard for a panicking little girl to get off. I mentioned in another thread (maybe it was this one, I'm losing track of myself lol!) that when I was 3, my mom taped my mouth shut. I couldn't get it off. 1. I was struggling to breathe and that came first. i just didn't understand what was happening. 2. When I did try to take it off, I stopped because not only could I not get it off, but I was afraid my mother would hurt me more.

I think this is why this case is affecting me so much. My mother wasn't a *advertiser censored* who smoked pot, but she was immature and a "spiteful ."
I think she put the duct tape over caylee's mouth after she was unconscious from the chloroform rag. If caylee would have been conscious, i think she would have attempted to pull it off. I believe she duct taped her to avoid any sounds she might make when casey broke her little neck. The skull was detached, as it rolled out of the garbage bag. Even though the body was decomposed you think the skull would have remained attached unless it had a little help...like neck breaking detaching it from the spine. Gruesome!!! But maybe a possiblility????:eek:
Duct tape confuses me.. if chloroform was used... why would you need duct tape?
I hope this isn't posting over and over, but I can't get anything to submit. My apologies if it's been repeated 100 times. LOL I can't even get it to load to see.

After reading your post, I started thinking that if the tape was only over the mouth, and the bag had been underwater and available to small animals, as the body tissue decomposed the tape would likely have not stayed on the mouth area would it? It may have floated away. Since it's been reported that the tape was definitely over the mouth area, makes me think it may have actually been completely around the head. Does that make sense?

It makes perfect sense to me.

I've seen it reported where it would make one lean toward it being only over the mouth, but I've also seen it reported that it appeared it was completely wrapped around the skull to cover the mouth as well. If it was wrapped around the entire skull, there is no way whoever would do that would have any intention of ever removing the tape.

Either way, I do think it was used to silence Caylee. Be that for shutting her up if she came to after being sedated, or shutting her up as she attempted to murder her.

It doesn't matter though, even if it were chloroform, that's murder 1 in the state of Florida. Anything more sinister will likely yield the death penalty as a handed down sentence.
When I think about why the tape was there I also keep going back to the computer searches a month before..neckbreaking, death, missing children, chloroform ect.
It really leads me to believe Casey's plan wasn't to just keep Caylee quiet, drug her, tape her mouth "in case" she woke up and Caylee died by accident in the process..But more likely that the tape was used in a plan she had been thinking of for a while...One that would be to make Caylee disappear for good......jmo
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