Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

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You know, it just kills me that the A's continually shroud Caylee's murder in this fantasy of "what to do when a child goes missing." Since when are they the experts to tell the world what one should do "when a child goes missing?! Why don't they take a walk out of their fantasy world and recognize themselves for the experts they really are - as parents of a child who kills. Now that would be a best seller. :furious:
Of course I'd buy it.....
For toilet paper.

Seriously though, I would not personally spend my hard earned money on anything that the A's could profit from. I would however read about it online, read what others thought, things like that....... but I will not purchase anything.
I would buy it if I see it at a garage sale or borrow it from the library so they don't profit from it. I would read it but not buy it new.

This child was not missing. What could the A's possibly have to say about a missing child when Casey knew exactly where Caylee was? I really don't get why they think they can be helpful with missing children when they weren't helpful with their own missing grandchild. Oh, and HAIL NO would I buy this book. Waste, Huge Waste as Casey would say!
You know, it just kills me that the A's continually shroud Caylee's murder in this fantasy of "what to do when a child goes missing." Since when are they the experts to tell the world what one should do "when a child goes missing?! Why don't they take a walk out of their fantasy world and recognize themselves for the experts they really are - as parents of a child who kills. Now that would be a best seller. :furious:

I agree. I won't buy their book. But I would buy a book called "What Went Wrong" if it were an honest account of Casey's childhood, the Anthony family dynamics and the signs of trouble they missed or ignored. That would be an interesting read and much more therapeutic for the Anthonys to write.
The A's have confirmed they will write a book. No deal is in the works yet, it will not be a tell all, but will focus on what families should do if their child is missing....:no:
Will it simply tell the reader to do the opposite of what they did?
They are one audacious bunch, aren't they? Their anger was directed at LE and the public for not taking the "missing" angle seriously (even when they knew in their heart of hearts that nothing Casey said rang true). Have they ever thanked LE and displayed any sense of gratitude? They never searched high and low for Caylee, but expected others to. Now, they want to help others who have missing children by imparting their worldly wisdom?! They're gonna have to have one h*ll of a ghostwriter to pull that off.
I'd buy the book if I knew every penny of the sales went to TES....but I wouldn't read it.
No way. The book will not give insight into their mindset and what they want the public to believe happened in the months after Caylee "disappeared". We already know what they want us to believe about that anyhow. All this book will be is a guide as to how to handle it when a child goes missing. Ironically, they handled it about as horribly as a family can. I don't believe they'll make a profit off this book. CA is no Adam Walsh!
Well, we all knew that eventually even Brad would need to be compensated, we surely knew Dominick had an agreement that he could write a book in lieu of payment, and certainly we knew Cindy talking over the host questioning George about his suicide to point out she too "wrote suicide notes".... that she would be using her colorful journals for a book, but what is interesting is that it is a combined deal. You just can't make this stuff up! You have got to love Kathy B. she suffers no fools, they hate her, yet she still gets in their face, daily , to ask her questions! I'll bet Casey will be fuming! Thank God Lee has the good sense to avoid all of this drama, I still somehow feel sad for him. You can't pick your family."Yesterday, while on the way in to the states deposition of George Anthony, Brad Conway the Anthony family attorney was asked about a rumored book deal George and Cindy Anthony may have.

Reporter Kathy Belich, "I heard that you, George, Cindy and Dominic Casey went to New York and met with Simon and Schuster recently about a book deal."
Well, we all knew that eventually even Brad would need to be compensated, we surely knew Dominick had a gentlemans agreement that he could write a book in lieu of payment, and certainly we knew Cindy talking over the host questioning George about his suicide to point out she too "wrote suicide notes".... that she would be using her voluminous journals for a book, but what is interesting is that it is a combined deal. You just can't make this stuff up! You have got to love Kathy Belish, she suffers no fools and just goes for the jugular! I'll bet Casey will be fuming! Thank God Lee has the good sense to avoid all of this drama, I still somehow feel sad for him. You can't pick your family.

:confused: Is the book named "101 ways to exploit a dead child?"
I doubt KC will give a rats behind b/c she is sure mommy & daddy are going to share the profits with her. Me, I think before any of the Anthony's can profit, they should be made to reimburse TES for all their expenses in the search. I won't buy a book the Anthony's have anything to do with.
Wonder how many will buy it just to see what it says...

I hope no one...I hope that America shows this family that we won't tolerate this exploitation...and they don't sell very many if any.
From Aug. 5th
Then at 6 p.m., WFTV-Channel 9 raised the issue of a book deal, and I nearly fell out of my chair.

"We heard from a reliable tipster that the Anthonys, their private eye and their lawyer are negotiating a package deal for a book with Simon & Schuster," Kathi Belich said.

The publisher, part of the CBS Corp., was not commenting, she added.

Belich said her source was "a tipster who's been right before." A tipster of the other variety wouldn't be very helpful.

Belich, at her restrained best, asked Conway about a book deal. "I wouldn't comment on anything personal like that," Conway said.

Belich: "Why not?"

Conway: "There's no reason to."

Oh, pal, are you ever wrong on that.

Belich: "Is it true?"

Conway: "I'm not going to way whether it's true or not true."

So who's the writer? George, Cindy, Conway or private eye Dominic Casey? The mind boggles. Given the way George and Cindy have told the story so far, would that book be classified as fiction or nonfiction? Would you buy it?

From Aug. 6th
Adam Rothberg, a vice president at the publishing house, writes: "Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal with the Anthony's or anybody else associated with this case."
I wouldn't waste shoe leather walking to the FICTION section of the library for this piece of work - and I bet it's just that - a piece of fiction.
Not shocked but very dismayed. These people are TOO much. The exploitation of poor little Caylee may have officially hit bottom. No, wait, it can get worse.......surely CA will want to star as herself in the mini-series. These people are going to live off of their sins for the rest of their lives.
My question is this..."why do we need a book about this case?" We are here, we see it unfolding before our eyes every day, h3ll, we're writing most of it...
There is nothing they could write that we don't already know, except of course, WHY!
I would read a book about Caylee any day. A book about her short 2 years on this earth in her Jojo's arms, being tucked in at night, playing during the day, cute things she said, cute things she did. I would read that, if it was written by George. But I will never read a book about Casey, George, Cindy, or anyone else involved in this horrific case, NEVER!
Disgusting! These people seem to be tripping all over each other to exploit Caylee's death. They should be ashamed of themselves!
My question is this..."why do we need a book about this case?" We are here, we see it unfolding before our eyes every day, h3ll, we're writing most of it...
There is nothing they could write that we don't already know, except of course, WHY!
I would read a book about Caylee any day. A book about her short 2 years on this earth in her Jojo's arms, being tucked in at night, playing during the day, cute things she said, cute things she did. I would read that, if it was written by George. But I will never read a book about Casey, George, Cindy, or anyone else involved in this horrific case, NEVER!

EXACTLY! With all of the discovery from the FL sunshine laws, all one needs to do is read all the FACTS and EVIDENCE in this case - not read lies written by people with a personal agenda to rewrite history and put the Defendant in a good light (if that is even possible).
From Aug. 5th
Then at 6 p.m., WFTV-Channel 9 raised the issue of a book deal, and I nearly fell out of my chair.

"We heard from a reliable tipster that the Anthonys, their private eye and their lawyer are negotiating a package deal for a book with Simon & Schuster," Kathi Belich said.

The publisher, part of the CBS Corp., was not commenting, she added.

Belich said her source was "a tipster who's been right before." A tipster of the other variety wouldn't be very helpful.

Belich, at her restrained best, asked Conway about a book deal. "I wouldn't comment on anything personal like that," Conway said.

Belich: "Why not?"

Conway: "There's no reason to."

Oh, pal, are you ever wrong on that.

Belich: "Is it true?"

Conway: "I'm not going to way whether it's true or not true."

So who's the writer? George, Cindy, Conway or private eye Dominic Casey? The mind boggles. Given the way George and Cindy have told the story so far, would that book be classified as fiction or nonfiction? Would you buy it?

From Aug. 6th
Adam Rothberg, a vice president at the publishing house, writes: "Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal with the Anthony's or anybody else associated with this case."

Why wouldn't Conway admit that they went to New York to talk about the group book deal? He basically admitted that it is TRUE, by not denying it. He knows it can be verified and confirmed that they all went to New York and visited S&S.
Seems to me that other than those of us here...most people have forgotten about this case...it is losing steam.... by the time it is all over, who will even care? Even Nancy Grace has moved on.

If anyone was even slightly wondering if KC was guilty, her lying, culpable parents, looking for their 15 minutes of not just fame but fortune, stepped in and helped seal any doubt that their daughter was indeed capable of this heinous act. I would only read a book on this subject if it was about truth. No more lies. It appears that all the A's are "strangers with the truth."
Just when I think this clan has hit rock bottom a new and more disgusting bottom comes to light. I guess that's one of the things that keeps these fools in the news and it seems they can't get enough of that. What sort of book could they write...the truth ? I doubt it. It'll be more spin, more made up fantasy declaring their daughter the worlds perfect mother, victim in all of this and themselves as the authority on missing children...all to further their "foundation". People are sick of these opportunistic leaches, I for one am nauseated at the sound of their name and the idea of a book, any book written by them makes me violently ill. If I was given this "book" for free I would deposit it in the nearest trash receptacle, ashes and all.
Just when you think they can't possibly stoop any lower, they prove you wrong once again.

My mind literally hurts when I think about the "whys" of these people.

Edited to add:
Sorry Searchfortruth, I see my first line is very similar to yours.
I was busy spell checking.
On the other hand, i'm sure we're not the only ones with thoughts along this line.

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