Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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I'm sure this has been asked but I was wondering if the Anthony's could sue Casey in a civil suit like the Goldman's did to OJ???
I'm sure this has been asked but I was wondering if the Anthony's could sue Casey in a civil suit like the Goldman's did to OJ???

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I read the only ones who can sue for wrongful death are parents and spouses. So unless Caylee's father comes forward there isn't anyone who could sue for wrongful death.
I'm sure this has been asked but I was wondering if the Anthony's could sue Casey in a civil suit like the Goldman's did to OJ???

Perhaps, but I doubt they will. More likely she'll sue them...for Caylee's trade name or ashes, or profits the Anthonys made or make from photos, books, etc.. Hide and watch! George might be WANT to go after her for defamation. I've heard that he can't go after the lawyers. Could he go after KC?
I think ICA will be in for a big shock when she gets out and there aren't any media/businesses lining up to hand her money. If you can't get a gig on Jerry Springer show or a *advertiser censored* movie then who is going to touch you? There will be severe financial repercussions for any show/network that offers her money. I for one will email/write letter/phone any company that sponsors a known child killer.
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I read the only ones who can sue for wrongful death are parents and spouses. So unless Caylee's father comes forward there isn't anyone who could sue for wrongful death.

Even if the father came forward now, could he sue? He wasn't in the child's life, so what are his losses? He didn't lose the companionship since he never had it.
I think ICA will be in for a big shock when she gets out and there aren't any media/businesses lining up to hand her money. If you can't get a gig on Jerry Springer show or a *advertiser censored* movie then who is going to touch you? There will be severe financial repercussions for any show/network that offers her money. I for one will email/write letter/phone any company that sponsors a known child killer.
JA put it best on an interview he did with WFTV here in Orlando - the best punishment for ICA at this point would be if everyone just ignored her, just the opposite of what a narcissistic, spiteful ***** would want. When she gets out of jail next Sunday, turn the other way and don't even look at her. What goes around comes around ...
Looking down the road, we know that Casey's grandparents will become ill and die eventually. Isn't her grandfather already ill from a stroke and in a nursing home? If she cuts ties with family, will she suddenly reappear for g'parent funerals? Will she be the stranger in the back row with sunglasses on? Or does Casey have at least a shred of humanity left? My point is that most people love their grandparents even if they are estranged from their parents. I would think that it's not all that easy to just sever ties and go it alone for the rest of one's life. It will be interesting to see if reconciliation and reconnection occur at some point.
Perhaps, but I doubt they will. More likely she'll sue them...for Caylee's trade name or ashes, or profits the Anthonys made or make from photos, books, etc.. Hide and watch! George might be WANT to go after her for defamation. I've heard that he can't go after the lawyers. Could he go after KC?
I'm not a lawyer, but from what I understand, he could sue if she goes on TV or writes a book (or whatever) saying that he did things that she has no proof of. In other words, he couldn't sue when it was a defense tactic, but now that she's free and not on trial for her life, he could sue if she starts going around saying whatever she wants about him. I just wonder if he would really sue. That would cost money and just draw more attention.

Looking down the road, we know that Casey's grandparents will become ill and die eventually. Isn't her grandfather already ill from a stroke and in a nursing home? If she cuts ties with family, will she suddenly reappear for g'parent funerals? Will she be the stranger in the back row with sunglasses on? Or does Casey have at least a shred of humanity left? My point is that most people love their grandparents even if they are estranged from their parents. I would think that it's not all that easy to just sever ties and go it alone for the rest of one's life. It will be interesting to see if reconciliation and reconnection occur at some point.

Didn't she steal money from her grandmother?
So I guess Baez got dumped by Paradigm bc he snubbed some big wig in favor of Barbara Walters for the first interview. Is that really true? I have trouble believing that spin bc they issued a statement right after saying "it is not who we are." they would have just said it did not work out, it was more backlash than just one person,

He has not been signed anywhere else right? And who was the big wig that complained? I assume it was not anyone at ABC or Fox (since geraldo got an interview).

I thought I would emphasize just how much of a threat ICA is to those involved with her than strangers. Of course as a societal whole? I'd be VERY worried myself that she would be amongst everyone else. Everyday.

But if it's any consolation? I don't like to encourage myself to feel some type of vindication of it all. So to make myself feel better? I compare what a normal life I have? Compared to what she will have.

She had issues BEFORE all of this. Wait until she has "freedom". In a sense? Won't REALLY be freedom. ;)
Looking down the road, we know that Casey's grandparents will become ill and die eventually. Isn't her grandfather already ill from a stroke and in a nursing home? If she cuts ties with family, will she suddenly reappear for g'parent funerals? Will she be the stranger in the back row with sunglasses on? Or does Casey have at least a shred of humanity left? My point is that most people love their grandparents even if they are estranged from their parents. I would think that it's not all that easy to just sever ties and go it alone for the rest of one's life. It will be interesting to see if reconciliation and reconnection occur at some point.

Aside from the last event we ever heard about her being involved with? Which was I think that wedding where everyone was asking if she was pregnant? I can't recall anywhere in the last three years that anyone in that family, or the media either? Even mentioned her being involved with family events. It was mostly Caylee from what I remember. The check written that ICA cashed on her grandfather's account? Was supposedly a birthday check for Caylee?
Aside from the last event we ever heard about her being involved with? Which was I think that wedding where everyone was asking if she was pregnant? I can't recall anywhere in the last three years that anyone in that family, or the media either? Even mentioned her being involved with family events. It was mostly Caylee from what I remember. The check written that ICA cashed on her grandfather's account? Was supposedly a birthday check for Caylee?

I'm just thinking of those inevitable phone calls that will come when family members become critically ill and/or die. Someone will let her know, I think. If she has multiple living grandparents, then she will have to decide several times whether to "boycott" them or show up and convey at least some humanity. And attending a funeral or visiting a sick relative will throw her into awkward contact with her parents if she continues her estrangement from them. And of course her own parents could become ill. So I'm just wondering to what extent she will cut ties. Will she be selective about who she communicates with? Will Lee be her main "contact"? I'm basing my questions on my awareness of estrangement in families in our community. Bottom line is that her scorched earth policy with regard to her family will be hard to maintain.
ica and jb can now share the twizzlers without that annoying plexiglass between them now...
Ted Bundy escaped twice from LE and murdered again both times ... ICA is cut from the same cloth as Bundy ... narcissistic and a sociopath. It's just a matter of time before she's in trouble again.
Looking down the road, we know that Casey's grandparents will become ill and die eventually. Isn't her grandfather already ill from a stroke and in a nursing home? If she cuts ties with family, will she suddenly reappear for g'parent funerals? Will she be the stranger in the back row with sunglasses on? Or does Casey have at least a shred of humanity left? My point is that most people love their grandparents even if they are estranged from their parents. I would think that it's not all that easy to just sever ties and go it alone for the rest of one's life. It will be interesting to see if reconciliation and reconnection occur at some point.

BBM. No, she doesn't. She never did.

Casey lived her life by lying and making up huge stories about EVERYTHING. But now she has been exposed and the world knows the truth about everything. Maybe we do not know all of the ugly details, but we know it is ugly.

So how does she plan to live her daily life now? She is going to have to have handlers every day to keep her looking sane. She can happily sit in her apt. and clean and cook for her babysitters all day. That will work for awhile, but eventually she is going to want some freedom. There are going to be people lurking and waiting for the chance to 'meet' and interview her. Sooner or later she is going to say some very revealing things. She is going to mess up because she is a narcissistic sociopath and that will always leak out.
She can't go home. I think she murdered her own daughter. I'm very clear about that. However I have a glimpse into family life and i'm not sure where it started to go wrong. I don't believe she was sexually abused at home. But the one story Jesse Grund tells of Cindy confronting her about medical bills, then called her a "failure" or something along the line she doesn't take care of her daughter, she won't amount to anything"

Whatever that was sounded like he was telling the story as he remembered it. Call me sensitive but if either of my parents had ever called me a failure just once, I would be scarred for life. I have no idea what other things she was called and for how many years, or what contributed to what we see now.

Nothing excuses murdering your daughter. I am still curious about her behavior and is she a Bad Seed and Cindy's parenting (or lack of parenting skill) came from utter frustration of this child, or was it the other way around, is it possible she has questionable parenting and combined with a child "maybe not fully normal" this is the result we see.

I think she got away with murder. Would it be healthy to return home. No. I don't know if anyone is going to be able to help her, she would have to have a full cleansing of her soul, just spill her guts to someone (professional) and work through what she actually did. I don't know if she will do that and she seems to see the death of her daughter as freeing and not a bad thing.

I wish everyone would just take some truth serum
I can't remember who said it, but Andrea Lyon was going to help her go to law school. Will she do it? I doubt it if the easy money starts pouring in.

I expect she will make some easy money, life will be good for a while in her mind. Around 2013 when no one is paying over the easy money, all the hangers on are gone, she has blown the money, there will be some sort of melt down.

Can a felon be a lawyer?
Perhaps, but I doubt they will. More likely she'll sue them...for Caylee's trade name or ashes, or profits the Anthonys made or make from photos, books, etc.. Hide and watch! George might be WANT to go after her for defamation. I've heard that he can't go after the lawyers. Could he go after KC?

Don't know about defamation, but he could go after her with a gun.
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