Protestors ask State Atty to file charges against GA

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I cant believe Im going to say this, but it needs to be said.

It isnt accomplishing anything to protest in this manner. The protesters need to stay off the Anthony property.

And yes, they do have a right to protest, as anyone does, people have the right to protest against the war, but its really sick when they do it at soldiers funerals. Which I have personally witnessed.

In fact, I encountered a protest yesterday. On the side of the road. A bad, hilly road.

A man lost his wife by the hands of a drunk driver. Its been two + years now, but him and his family have built a huge roadside memorial and are constantly out there holding signs and protesting drinking and driving.

On one hand, I applaud their efforts and having a missing brother myself, I feel their pain.

On the other hand, when do these roadside memorials and protests cross the line and become a danger to others? Isnt this the very reason for cemetaries? Im sorry for thier loss, but when someone gets killed because of people gawking at their memorial or protest, then they have become no better than the drunk driver. It WILL turn, just a matter of time on this one if it doesnt change.




Point here is. There has got to be way more constructive ways to help, and or protest.
There has to be a way they could end the protests.. like.. I dunno... Casey could say something that wasn't a lie? I re-read the detective interviews in the 400 page doc again yesterday, and everything she said was an outright lie. Since she's been out, do you think she's been honest? I don't see a body yet, so that answer is no. The Anthony's brought this on themselves, and while the protesters could be out searching, so could the Anthony's.
(Respectfully snipped) people have the right to protest against the war, but its really sick when they do it at soldiers funerals. Which I have personally witnessed.

I have to admit this did strike home, I remember how mad I was when I'd see stories about this when my son was in Iraq... I did think the protestors at the funerals were beyond wrong.

Point here is. There has got to be way more constructive ways to help, and or protest.

But there has to be constructive ways for the Anthony's to deal with the protestors besides coming out to make it worse on a daily basis

I just hope this all ends soon so everyone has closure to this tragic, tragic situation
The story about George throwing his dad through a window at his dad's car dealership came from Cindy's brother Rick. He was posting on other boards and a thread was set up about him here. I'm not here to debate whether he's real or not. Just wanted to let everyone know where the story about George came from. Tricia understandibly took the thread down as she was not able to confirm Rick was or was not Rick. He was also talked about as a "source" on Greta. Which is not enough to confirm his identity. My sources say he's legit, they have verified him and he is now working with LE.

Rick was also the person who provided the info about Casey hiding her pregnancy for over 7 months. The fact that Casey stole money from her grandparents and also George and Cindy to the tune of at least 25K. Cindy had to cash in her 401K to pay it off.

I don't want to make this thread about Rick. Just wanted to explain the info he had and where it came from.
It is important to note that there are no charges filed, only the DA can do that.
The protestors just filed the police report and asked that charges be filed.
I think that is pathetic. These people need to go home and find a more productive was of helping. Antagonizing this family is doing nothing for Caylee. Another group looking for their 15 minutes of fame at the expense of an innocent baby.

While some of us may choose to not react to GA, CA, or LA in the manner some of these protesters have, I see nothing wrong with any citizen who sees an injustice and speaks up about it. We are speaking of an older woman who was obviously no physical threat to GA or CA, so as long as she was not trespassing or being threatening, why shouldn't she protest what she sees as an injustice. Isn't that a founding principal of our country? Isn't that part of "truth, justice and the American way?" In my opinion GA with a hammer in his hand, shoving and verbally attacking this grandma should have charges pressed against him for this. IMHO, he was over the line on this one.

It is important to note that there are no charges filed, only the DA can do that.
The protestors just filed the police report and asked that charges be filed.

I wonder if we'll see charges. Because in the grand scheme of things already being investigated, it's not LE's main concern right now. IDK.
I wonder if we'll see charges. Because in the grand scheme of things already being investigated, it's not LE's main concern right now. IDK.
I suspect they will not file. But that is jmho of course.
I suspect they will not file. But that is jmho of course.

And in MHO, there's already a laundry list of more serious crimes they are being investigated for.
Looking at this dispassionately if I were having the problems this family was having and protesters set up in my yard, yeah I would probably be yelling at them and possibly even threatening and pushing too. All of the Anthony's are under tremendous stress and the protesters are the only part of it that the Anthony's can reach. Also, the protesters are invading the Anthony's private space. Under those circumstances, anyone can break.

That said I still can't find in myself to be too sympathetic to the family. At some point they have to look at their situation. They have to look at their family. And they have to make a decision- do they destroy the whole family by protecting one member? Cindy and George both have held that hammer a little bit threateningly at some point. Both appear to be under tremendous strain. And only the family knows how Lee is coping.

I can actually see being supportive of their child, I can see loving her- but allowing the legal system to play itself out. After all she is their child no matter what she has done. But to the degree they are going now, they will destroy their own lives and the life of their son to protect her, that I cannot see.

The protesters, yeah what they are doing is legal. And I can even be supportive of them if they would leave their kids at home. But they do have to accept that they are putting tremendous stress on the family. That they family could respond in many different ways. They could attack the protesters verbally or even physically. Or they could react internally- how will the protesters live with themselves if someone in the home commits suicide or even suicide/homicide/familicide? Yes, I believe it could happen. Because someone will break eventually, and people break in different ways.
Did he push her or grab for the sign?

Were these protesters standing on his driveway?

While I do not like the Anthonys at all, I am beginning to think this protesting is causing more problems than good. Do these people have to get permission from the city to have a protest, like some do in other areas. I thought it is perfectly acceptable to protest but it must be held within a good distance away from the building or residence and not disrupt the surrounding flow of the community.

The ones I feel sorry for is the neighbors who live there. They have absolutely nothing to do with any of this yet they are being punished too.

I have to tell you that sounds great, being above things, I teach that to my kids, but I am finding that as the days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, I am becoming filled with such a hate and rage that is unhealthy. If I were there, I would have a very hard time remaining civil. It is the smugness and talking down to everybody that they do, their righteousness, etc. I so want to punch their teeth out.

This is political. What we are seeing is people frustrated with our justice system. It's supposed to be so great, but here is an instance where it really isn't, where it's failing miserably. No woman or man, no parent or guardian, should be able to 'lose a child' in their charge and when questioned about it say, 'Oh they ran away,' or 'They were kidnapped,' and stay out of jail if they refuse to co-operate in a search or if it seems the child has been missing for a while, un-reported, under circumstances that indicate foul play. That should be a chargeable crime for which there is no bail, like murder, because, my guess is, 9 times out of 10, it IS murder. We need laws to prevent these non-reporters of missing children, these people who 'misplace' their children, who then can't produce them, and/or won't help find them from roaming free while their children have been sold into slavery or rot. It's completely unjust. No wonder people protest. It's a political miscarriage that our system of justice permits such an outrage to continue. But we need to do something about it. Protest, yes, only PEACEFULLY, but we also need an adjustment to the law.
The story about George throwing his dad through a window at his dad's car dealership came from Cindy's brother Rick. He was posting on other boards and a thread was set up about him here. I'm not here to debate whether he's real or not. Just wanted to let everyone know where the story about George came from. Tricia understandibly took the thread down as she was not able to confirm Rick was or was not Rick. He was also talked about as a "source" on Greta. Which is not enough to confirm his identity. My sources say he's legit, they have verified him and he is now working with LE.

Rick was also the person who provided the info about Casey hiding her pregnancy for over 7 months. The fact that Casey stole money from her grandparents and also George and Cindy to the tune of at least 25K. Cindy had to cash in her 401K to pay it off.

I don't want to make this thread about Rick. Just wanted to explain the info he had and where it came from.

Good info, Suzi - Thanks!
She wasn't some little old lady...come on...its not like he hurt them...are you serious...and they were in their drive way...which here is considered their property...and the guy was in his face....

I'm with all you thinking hte family is whacked...but why do these people need to bring more drama to this case, they clearly weren't physically hurt...this is supposed to be about a little girl who is missing not everyone looking for their claim to fame. If you notice the camera and mic from chanel 9, were behind the protestors because they probably knew they couldn't be on the driveway....I understand people are upset, but the fact of the matter is they are just making it worse and more of a circus...someone said how was he a cop with the temper..most of the cops I know have tempers lol....

Anyway I hope this blows over...and they are going to blow their case anyway because 'if they were afraid of George' they would have left and didn't. (at least doesn't seem they did) oh well....
I hadn't seen that. Thanks for posting it. I still find it ironic that George didn't go after the guy in blue that was yelling his head off.

George is a bully like the rest of the family. They attack the weaker person.

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