Protestors ask State Atty to file charges against GA

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It astounds me that people can go on and on about they and "their" family aren't being allowed their civil rights but don't want others to have any.

The Anthony's were enraged, as was their attorney, over how Casey "has a constitutional right to bond out" and yet when these other people are protesting, which is their constitutional rights, the Anthony's don't like it.

I am appalled at how they have the attitude that "rights" only apply to them, IMHO
amen.... our first ammendment rights! And hate to beat a dead horse....but read this
~snip~ "although inflamatory speakers cannot be punished for merely arousing an audience a speaker can be arrested for incitement if he/she advocates imminent violence or specifically provokes people to commit unlawful actions" ~snip ~

The only violence in the first altercation was George...on little dude who was on the sidewalk and the throwing and wrecking of their table, umbrella, etc. The only violence in the second altercation was neighbors throwing the first punch at protestors and ripping up their signs (they hit back their bad). The violence in the third altercation was George pushing protestors and signs being ripped.

I did not see protestors calling to string up Casey or rush the house, etc. I saw them generally following what is legally allowed. They can yell, sing, dance, etc and it is protected unless they are inciting violence (like yelling kill the bi#$% or any other violent threats).

The protests will end when this case ends imhoo. I hope GA brushes up on his knowledge of first ammendment rights before he walks out of his front door again (being previous LE and all he knows the law on this).
I understand the frustration and anger he must feel. But why don't they just stay in the house and avoid all this? The provoke the reactions by going out and making themselves targets. I know it's his property, but, honestly, they can see outside and know what's going on. Why turn yourself over to an angry mob that you know doesn't like you?

Yes. I am pretty sure they could have asked someone else to go outside and put the tape up for them.
I do notice that, he had to reaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhh way over to push her.

What a hero he is. :eek:

The woman is clearly in the road by the pictures posted above when George puts his hands on her . Regardless of what was said that still does not give them the right to put their hands on anyone
They are not attacking, they are defending themselves. If people weren't there, no-one would be attached or have to defend. Agree?

What is the purpose of standing in front of their house all day and night with lights shining on them?

Respectfully asking, the lights are from the news crews. Who here hasn't looked at the webcam. Sometimes it's just a matter of degrees....
He appears to be a very violent and dangerous man!
Did you hear how many times he dropped the F bomb?
IMO, the entire family needs anger management.

I have seen several actions by this man that cause my hinky meter to raise as it concerns his being an "abuser". I have watched videos of him actually yanking Cindy's arm to try and get her into the car and get his way. I have seen him go off on protesters and the media. He has a problem, clearly.

If the Anthony's ignored these folks I bet they would go away. Bullies, protesters and just plain mean people get a kick out of rilling people up. George is just playing into their hands.

He is not capable of ignoring them. He is used to using anger to control.

It's really a good thing that someone called LE and they came and got his gun. He is , IMHO, a serious accident waiting to happen.
"You want a piece a me"-George
Wtf? who says that?

Britney Spears says that! eh, bad joke.

I think its futile to protest the A's, but if it is a right, then perhaps the A's should stay in their home and cover their ears and pretend nothing is wrong. It is what they are best at, after all. :snooty:
amen.... our first ammendment rights! And hate to beat a dead horse....but read this
~snip~ "although inflamatory speakers cannot be punished for merely arousing an audience a speaker can be arrested for incitement if he/she advocates imminent violence or specifically provokes people to commit unlawful actions" ~snip ~

The only violence in the first altercation was George...on little dude who was on the sidewalk and the throwing and wrecking of their table, umbrella, etc. The only violence in the second altercation was neighbors throwing the first punch at protestors and ripping up their signs (they hit back their bad). The violence in the third altercation was George pushing protestors and signs being ripped.

I did not see protestors calling to string up Casey or rush the house, etc. I saw them generally following what is legally allowed. They can yell, sing, dance, etc and it is protected unless they are inciting violence (like yelling kill the bi#$% or any other violent threats).

The protests will end when this case ends imhoo. I hope GA brushes up on his knowledge of first ammendment rights before he walks out of his front door again (being previous LE and all he knows the law on this).

Beautiful NurseB :clap::clap::clap:
I posted this last night on Are the Protestors Trespassing thread. And then this is all I have to say about this topic and I find it silly that there are 2 threads arguing who is in the right here. Clearly George Anthony pushed one of the protestors due to eye witness accounts. If he did, he should be charged with assult, it's as easy as that. It's my opinion that the Anthony's have brought this on themselves. READ:

posted by Nedthan Johns
Seriously folks, watch this family closely. I mean their Grand daughter is missing, persumed dead, and we have seen them putting up yellow tape and pounding in "no trespassing" signs around the perimiter of their home. Certainly they could have friends or family members do this, but you have to ask yourself WHY the Anthony's put themselves in DIRECT conflict with the protestors.????

THERE IS SOMETHING NOT RIGHT WITH THIS ENTIRE FAMILY. The last thing I am going to worry about if my GD was missing was if someone crossed the yellow tape into my yard because of their love and concern over my GD whom they had never met.

Originally Posted by Nedthan Johns
Well it sounds like this lady has clear evidence and witness to charge GA with assult. But really this is no surprise we knew this was going to happen long ago. The last thing the Anthony's want to do is to confront an angry mob outside their home. GA also know that he does NOT own the strip of land between the street and side walk, any property owner knows this. To be honest with you, I have seen some protestors get out of hand by banging on the Anthony's door, but I see NO reason for the Anthony's to continually be putting up their tape and signs. What the Anthony's should have done months ago was to shut their mouths and go out and search for their GD. They get NO sympathy from me.

Originally Posted by Nedthan Johns
Chilly, first of all George should NOT be confronting protestors in ANY way, and secondly he shouldn't be doing it with a hammer in his hand. The Anthony's have repeatedly gone out to confront posters with hammers in their hand. Cindy even waved her hammer around. They are CLEARLY trying to intimidate protestors. The LAW is the law and people have a right to peaceful assembly and they have a RIGHT to voice their opinion. Now I have seen the Anthony's run out to the grass between the sidewalk and street that they don't even own to yell at protestors to get off their property. They are so worried about protestors yet haven't shown one OUNCE of concern for Caylee. Sorry again NO pity from me, and yes Chilly, all George has to do is grab this women in a threatening manner and if he had a weapon in his hand which a hammer would be considered a weapon he can be charged with assult, which I hope he is. But trust me if not tomorrow, the next day, because this man is about to blow. Many of you say there is something wrong with these protestors who should "get a life". I agree some of them are odd, most of them have lost loved ones of their own, (several have lost children) so they are feeling a deeper connection to this case. But this story is not about the protestors, it's about Caylee and something the Anthony's again have forgotten.

I agree, especially in the text I bolded...
Britney Spears says that! eh, bad joke.

I think its futile to protest the A's, but if it is a right, then perhaps the A's should stay in their home and cover their ears and pretend nothing is wrong. It is what they are best at, after all. :snooty:
ever since i watched the video, that dang song wont get out of my head, lol
First of all, they are not threatening with hammers. They use the hammer to nail in the spikes for the caution tape. Let's not change the way it really is. They have a right to go outside and protect their home. People may have a right to protest, but to yell and scream and accuse without proof is just wrong.
I dunno... I looked at the raw footage linked above and it sure appears to me as if that hammer got between George's hand and that guy's shoulder.

Was Miss Casey peeping through the window while this was going on? More draaammmmaaa.
First of all, they are not threatening with hammers. They use the hammer to nail in the spikes for the caution tape. Let's not change the way it really is. They have a right to go outside and protect their home. People may have a right to protest, but to yell and scream and accuse without proof is just wrong.

And to have information about the whereabouts of a child that is so innocent and refuse to help find her, DOA, is just wrong. I reckon we have us a Mexican stand-off. The Constitution works both ways. :banghead:
Yep...GA lost his cool. As I stated in an earlier reply ...yes by lying all this time they have brought most of this on themselves. But...if you watch the raw video...those people were all up in their faces and screaming. LA took the hammer away from his dad so that nothing would happen...he could see that things could escalate. No I do not believe that GA was in the right to shove these people but who knows what they would do in the same situation. As I've said...take a step back and put yourselves in this familys shoes... We can sit here all day and play detective but until everything comes out we do not know what really happened.
IDK, but one of the complaints filed was battery on a person over 65. Not good at all.

i swear, if that had been my momma he shoved...he wouldnt be the only one going to jail cuz i would have flattened his butt. you dont hit a woman! i agree...after seeing that, i believe he threw his father thru a window. that man needs some help for this anger problem. but if he'd shoved me with a hammer in his hand, id take out a warrant on him! i wouldnt stop even if i had to sue him for some of that blood money they got from ABC.
IT IS THEIR HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they want to stand outside and have a vigil, it is their right. People screaming at them is just plain disgusting. A peaceful protest would MAYBE be more acceptable, but the minute they step outside, people start to scream at them and antagonize them. It's absolutely childish and ridiculous.

IF they wanted a quiet peaceful vigil they would have it in their backyard.
They WANT the media to see it.....ya know why?
Because these vigils gather sympathy so more stupid people will donate to their nasty cause! jmo moo
I wonder if a petition should keep her locked away? Just a thought

i read last night that even if this bond gets revoked -the media company that bailed her out the first time has ANOTHER 50k put aside just in case. nice. real nice.
And to have information about the whereabouts of a child that is so innocent and refuse to help find her, DOA, is just wrong. I reckon we have us a Mexican stand-off. The Constitution works both ways. :banghead:

Yes indeed.

Evidently, the protesters are in their RIGHT. They aren't being arrested. On the other hand, Casey has been arrested for her lies to police, child neglect, stolen checks and forgery... and that is just the beginning.

Protest On!
Yep...GA lost his cool. As I stated in an earlier reply ...yes by lying all this time they have brought most of this on themselves. But...if you watch the raw video...those people were all up in their faces and screaming. LA took the hammer away from his dad so that nothing would happen...he could see that things could escalate. No I do not believe that GA was in the right to shove these people but who knows what they would do in the same situation. As I've said...take a step back and put yourselves in this familys shoes... We can sit here all day and play detective but until everything comes out we do not know what really happened.

it doesnt matter what words someone says to you. thats no cause for physical altercations!

i still cant get over the fact that he shoved an older lady. i work in geriatrics. god help him had that been one of my patients!

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