Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

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I used your information and located this blog associated with the Anton blog. This was posted by Ginette on Dec 7, 2008, and she appears to be hawking her services here as well. Funny thing, she mentions Orlando, being a PI once, speaking with PI's in Orlando, but not once in naming her exploits does she mention being involved in the ONE case in Orlando that has caught the attention of everyone in the free world! Sorry, if I were involved with the Caylee Anthony case and I was listing my exploits...curious, this...
Here's a great idea, if she is having trouble locating her cell phone bill showing that she was on the phone with DC - maybe she should close her eyes and click her heals twice and she can land in Timbucktoo - OOPS I think that was Kansas. If JB paid these guys to do all of this to "throw doubt" I think they would have a better chance at winning the New Powerball.
Or dowse for those records!
I posted earlier about this, I have Verizon. I went online this morning and pulled up my phone records instantly all the way back to July. Later today - early afternoon, I called Verizon. I asked them if they could look for me back to a certain date and let me know how long my call to my son was....the cust. svc rep on the phone said "sure!" and did it right then for me...this psychic is lying about the phone bill so what else?:mad::waitasec::chicken:

Crackpot psychics make the ones that I believe are out there that are authentic look bad! :confused:
I don't know if this means anything or not. What do you folks think?

There's a phone interview from this morning (DATE ADDED: 1/14/09 7:15 AM) with the Ginette psychic and a WFTV reporter:

It mostly rehashes what she said last night, but at the very end of the piece (last 30 secs.) she says that she directed him to "the house on the corner" ... "the Gonzales house" and ... "there's no porch or no deck...", and told him to go out to look in the woods from there.

This would be where Caylee was found, but it would not be where DC was looking at the Brackenwood house.

So why was he at the Brackenwood house? Apparently not because of Psychic Ginette.
Disclaimer: I am not taking sides with the psychic...BUT:

As an office manager for over ten years, I know that the Sprint business plan does NOT give you numbers called. The psychic said something about the bill going to her dad. Perhaps he has her on his business plan? You can get the information for the business plan, but it is not sent out with the normal monthly bill.

Just in case that is the issue, I wanted to throw that out there.

I hear what you are saying, but she specifically said that her dad said THE number didn't show up. The way it was said made it sound like other numbers were on the bill, but for some reason - mysteriously DC's number was not on the bill.

ETA - okay, I'm wrong. I just heard the conversation on JVM. She said that Verizon couldn't get detailed call information - not that THE number didn't show up. She has a call into a Verizon supervisor.

You were right the first time. Right before she said that she said her dad got the bill and he said the number wasn't there and Nancy called her on it and then she said about calling verizon and they wouldn't give her a copy of the bill and she then said she had called supervisor and was waiting on that. It's all BS to me. :)

We have Verizon, I get a paper bill EVERY month with detailed calling. There are 4 phones on my account and I can see ALL incoming as well as outgoing calls. On Verizon's website I can go on and get the same info and also go back several months (believe its 4) and see what calls were made that far back too.

The bill reads like this...

Date, time, number, rate, usage type, origination, destination (this is wether it was incoming or outgoing), minutes, airtime charges, long distance charges and total. In that order.

Also, IMO, Verizon has fantastic Customer Service. If anyone would like me to call and see if a "business plan" reads the same I would be more than happy to!:)

ETA: Just went to Verizon's website and i was wrong....I CAN get archived bills as far back as December 21, 2007.
I hope she gets those records quick. On Fox35 they showed some new photos of the crime scene supposedly taken by DC on one of those day he was talking to this woman.
There was some talk that she said look for three pavers in a row. Then look for a trash bag. He told her I don't see it, and she said keep looking. They did show three pavers in a row. Then they showed a photo of the crime scene taken by LE and just not too far away 20 feet maybe were three pavers in a row. Per this report DC said he was 150ft from where the body was actually found. Maybe he was MUCH closer than that.

Hopefully it won't be too long for a link on
I posted earlier about this, I have Verizon. I went online this morning and pulled up my phone records instantly all the way back to July. Later today - early afternoon, I called Verizon. I asked them if they could look for me back to a certain date and let me know how long my call to my son was....the cust. svc rep on the phone said "sure!" and did it right then for me...this psychic is lying about the phone bill so what else?:mad::waitasec::chicken:

Crackpot psychics make the ones that I believe are out there that are authentic look bad! :confused:

And why is she lying?
Those nice people at Verizon are not going to happy with the psychic's description of their customer service.
I just got back from Dr. Bass' lecture. A LOT of good information I will post on the cremation thread later, but on NG just now, the producer for the show said a woman called and said the "psychic" took $5,000 of her money for an investigation in a family murder and all she got was worthless information and she believes she is a FAKE...............

Just like we suspected WS's.
I also forgot to DH was gone to AIT (army training) last May and June and we used our cells to stay in touch. Believe you me, somedays we were on the phone for hours, and Verizon never failed to miss those calls!
I hope she gets those records quick. On Fox35 they showed some new photos of the crime scene supposedly taken by DC on one of those day he was talking to this woman.
There was some talk that she said look for three pavers in a row. Then look for a trash bag. He told her I don't see it, and she said keep looking. They did show three pavers in a row. Then they showed a photo of the crime scene taken by LE and just not too far away 20 feet maybe were three pavers in a row. Per this report DC said he was 150ft from where the body was actually found. Maybe he was MUCH closer than that.

Hopefully it won't be too long for a link on

DC was taking pictures? Wouldn't that be "highly inappropriate?"
LP said on NG tonight and last night as well that DC and Kronk (I think) were 150 feet away from the body. I know he is trying to connect the tips on his daisy chain, but if Kronk were 150 feet off, how did he find the body? And is DC using the LP reference to say "Hey, I was no where near there. That psychic was off! Nothing to see here folks..."
I hope she gets those records quick. On Fox35 they showed some new photos of the crime scene supposedly taken by DC on one of those day he was talking to this woman.
There was some talk that she said look for three pavers in a row. Then look for a trash bag. He told her I don't see it, and she said keep looking. They did show three pavers in a row. Then they showed a photo of the crime scene taken by LE and just not too far away 20 feet maybe were three pavers in a row. Per this report DC said he was 150ft from where the body was actually found. Maybe he was MUCH closer than that.

Hopefully it won't be too long for a link on

I am looking forward to what is reported next.

In the meantime, the post below and the ones that follow are what Angel Who Cares and jusdafacts heard on their headphones when the SA's were whispering at last week's motions hearings.

Alternate: here on page 25, post 623 and forward

Apologies if not done correctly; still learning.
Why does this not surprise me?

NG is reporting that a woman is claiming that she gave GL $5K for help finding a missing person

At first GL was giving her all kinds of "Clues" but once the money ran out so did GL's "Vision".

Unfortunately this is just another example of how certain people are willing to do just about anything to insert themselves into this case.
So they didn't trust the cops when they were saying that Caylee is dead but they wasted time to check a tip sent by a psychic?

Shall I laugh or shall I cry?:bang:

Exactly! I've often thought if Casey had been the victim of
a crime Cindy would surely believe any evidence/scientific facts
that would nail the perp.

Too bad the A's couldn't be bothered to give TES a piece of Caylee's
clothing for the search dogs.
DC was taking pictures? Wouldn't that be "highly inappropriate?"
LP said on NG tonight and last night as well that DC and Kronk (I think) were 150 feet away from the body. I know he is trying to connect the tips on his daisy chain, but if Kronk were 150 feet off, how did he find the body? And is DC using the LP reference to say "Hey, I was no where near there. That psychic was off! Nothing to see here folks..."

Yep, LP mentioned the same 150ft distance. All I can pass on is what the news story said. That in one photo from LE there does show three paver/blocks in a row just a short distance from the actual location of where Caylee was found. And DC took photos of what appear to be the same three pavers/block in a row. However and whoever told him to go there I think at least from these new pics he was way closer than 150ft. We all know she has been there since June she was not put there a few weeks ago.
DC was taking pictures? Wouldn't that be "highly inappropriate?"
LP said on NG tonight and last night as well that DC and Kronk (I think) were 150 feet away from the body. I know he is trying to connect the tips on his daisy chain, but if Kronk were 150 feet off, how did he find the body? And is DC using the LP reference to say "Hey, I was no where near there. That psychic was off! Nothing to see here folks..."

This is exactly what I think he is doing. Trying to remove himself from being close or at the area Caylee was found.
Why does this not surprise me?

NG is reporting that a woman is claiming that she gave GL $5K for help finding a missing person

At first GL was giving her all kinds of "Clues" but once the money ran out so did GL's "Vision".

Unfortunately this is just another example of how certain people are willing to do just about anything to insert themselves into this case.
Please don't take this as anything but my "thinking cap". I truly believe this psychic is a phony scam artist. But,

The report of the lady that gave her $5K. They (the reporters) keep saying this lady did this 20 years ago. If you go to this psychics website:

there is a picture of her - she's NOT THAT OLD. I would like to know exactly how old she is and if this woman went to her 20 years ago - she had to have been like 10 - maybe? I know on the website it says her father started her out when she was between 7 and 9 - but still. Why would you give $5k to a KID whether psychic or not?

I'm just thinking out loud. I do believe this psychic is a phony scam artist but this other story about 20 years ago doesn't sound right to me either.

Yep, LP mentioned the same 150ft distance. All I can pass on is what the news story said. That in one photo from LE there does show three paver/blocks in a row just a short distance from the actual location of where Caylee was found. And DC took photos of what appear to be the same three pavers/block in a row. However and whoever told him to go there I think at least from these new pics he was way closer than 150ft. We all know she has been there since June she was not put there a few weeks ago.
I totally agree. I can't wait to see the pictures. My guess is LP is taking up for the cop who came out to investigate the Kronk call back in August. Monday night, I think on NG I thought I heard LP say DC was 12 feet away. Earlier that day I had heard 10 feet. Now 150ft?
I used your information and located this blog associated with the Anton blog. This was posted by Ginette on Dec 7, 2008, and she appears to be hawking her services here as well. Funny thing, she mentions Orlando, being a PI once, speaking with PI's in Orlando, but not once in naming her exploits does she mention being involved in the ONE case in Orlando that has caught the attention of everyone in the free world! Sorry, if I were involved with the Caylee Anthony case and I was listing my exploits...curious, this...

Hmm, considering all she had done? Or is it *not* done?
Good find, LL!
Lp was saying on NG show tonight that there were two different stacks of paver blocks. That in using a description of paver blocks as a landmark, the fact that there were two different stacks of them could have caused confusion. That DC was at the "wrong" set of paver blocks.
I totally agree. I can't wait to see the pictures. My guess is LP is taking up for the cop who came out to investigate the Kronk call back in August. Monday night, I think on NG I thought I heard LP say DC was 12 feet away. Earlier that day I had heard 10 feet. Now 150ft?

They may play it again in 5min I think you can watch it online

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