Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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Please excuse this post if it has been discussed I have looked for comments on this but did not find one:
Cindy states George and Simon(tow truck) walked to retrieve Casey's car while she waited at the front office, George and Simon look the car over, puts gas in etc... George gets in the vehicle drives to the front Cindy follows in her vehicle. He arrives at the house pulls the car in the garage and Cindy makes a comment about the smell and says Please tell me its the pizza or something in that nature. How does Cindy know about the pizza before her and George discuss it?

I could swear that in one of interviews with GA (possibly TV), he said Cindy walked close behind him as he went to open the trunk at the tow yard to see what the stench was coming from.

I could also swear that GA told 2 conflicting stories about June 24 when he caught Casey with the gas cans. In one version he said he saw what was in the trunk, and in another, he said she closed the truck real fast when he was near the rear passenger taillight, and he didn't get a glimpse of the trunk's interior.

If anyone else remembers something like this, I'll wade through the interviews again to confirm. Otherwise, I'll assume I'm imagining things.
I would think that when George was busy cleaning out the car and the trunk of the car, he would have wiped every surface down with a cleaning fluid like 409 or Lysol or Mr Clean or something similar. If he was such a detailing car nut like was posted before, he no doubt had every car care cleaning product ever made and would have tried them all in an effort to get rid of the decomp smell.
Wasn't it posted somewhere that George stated that the "evidence would come back inconclusive at best"? (due to his clean up of the car)
Seems like something only a former cop would say IMO.

If you think about it, GA and CA had to have known how their daughter was in her behavior. At the tow yard, GA was really worried that either Caylee or Casey or both were supposedly in the trunk because of the smell.
So, after the tow driver and George open the trunk and see no body/ies and George drives the car home, him and Cindy still don't know where Casey or the baby is. WHY would he have started to clean that car if he still had no idea where Casey was????
One would think that George would have immediately called the police and they could have taken it from there to find Casey and the child both.
But NO, George starts cleaning the trunk up.
I take this to mean that both George and Cindy knew that Casey was still alive and the baby was not.

Did George ever admit to actually cleaning that trunk (as opposed to just removing stuff from it).
Hi PM; As far as I recall Kio asked Casey if she would be interested in adopting her baby. Casey said she would think about it, then later said her mom wouldn't allow her to adopt. Jesse said in a statement that he suggested to Casey of putting the baby up for adoption, because he didn't feel they were ready to take on the responsibilities. He said Casey was very against that idea, and firmly said no. I don't think she ever mentioned to anyone that she wanted to.

Thanks! That's all I remembered too and Kio makes me go hmmm! I just keep reading it and wondering if I missed something. Personally, I don't think that Cindy ever told Casey that she "couldn't" put Caylee up for adoption. After all Casey was 19 at the time and could decide for herself and it sounds to me like Casey always got her way/did what she wanted anyway!
I could swear that in one of interviews with GA (possibly TV), he said Cindy walked close behind him as he went to open the trunk at the tow yard to see what the stench was coming from.

I could also swear that GA told 2 conflicting stories about June 24 when he caught Casey with the gas cans. In one version he said he saw what was in the trunk, and in another, he said she closed the truck real fast when he was near the rear passenger taillight, and he didn't get a glimpse of the trunk's interior.

If anyone else remembers something like this, I'll wade through the interviews again to confirm. Otherwise, I'll assume I'm imagining things.

CA was still arguing about paying. The tow yard owner walked behind him when GA went to open the trunk after GA asked him to come with him. Later at the house when GA pulled the car in the garage, CA was by George and asked him if the smell "was the pizza, right?" And GA said it was and let it go at that.
Thanks! That's all I remembered too and Kio makes me go hmmm! I just keep reading it and wondering if I missed something. Personally, I don't think that Cindy ever told Casey that she "couldn't" put Caylee up for adoption. After all Casey was 19 at the time and could decide for herself and it sounds to me like Casey always got her way/did what she wanted anyway!

I agree, I don't think Cindy said she couldn't.
Did George ever admit to actually cleaning that trunk (as opposed to just removing stuff from it).
Nope...just speculation...and knowing how fond George is of detailing the cars on a weekly basis.
Is it really impossible to search a dump? I know many times bodies have been found at dumps, it doesnt seem to me like it would be impossible. Of course, what do I know. But I dont know that if I were Casey and I had put her in a dumpster that I would be so confident that she would never be found.

The first problem in searching a dump is where to look in the dump. Most landfulls are just huge. If it is a known fact that a body was put in a cetain dumpster on a certain day, then there is a possibility of locating that particular area and searching it. But in this case, it is not even known if her body was put in a dumpster (but I personally think it was) and if it was which dumpster was it put in. Somewhere on this forum someone posted a wonderful piece about how landfills work, etc. and it really gave you all the details, wish I could remember where it was. It all comes down to 'where and in what dumpster' and remember we are talking at least 31 days after the fact. So, searching an entire landfill is simply out of the question.
Is it really impossible to search a dump? I know many times bodies have been found at dumps, it doesnt seem to me like it would be impossible. Of course, what do I know. But I dont know that if I were Casey and I had put her in a dumpster that I would be so confident that she would never be found.
At this point in time it would futile. It is extremely hazardous to people and dogs and by now there wouldn't be much of anything left of her.
In Lori Hackings case they knew the exact dumpster and the area the trash would have been dumped in the landfill so they were able to stop new dumping on top of it. Even at that, it took many weeks to find her and I think they just found a few pounds of remains. The landfill is a toxic place and to send searchers in there having no idea where to look,basically nothing left of her, and tons of new garbage dumped since June would pretty much make it impossible I am sorry to say.
I could swear that in one of interviews with GA (possibly TV), he said Cindy walked close behind him as he went to open the trunk at the tow yard to see what the stench was coming from.

I could also swear that GA told 2 conflicting stories about June 24 when he caught Casey with the gas cans. In one version he said he saw what was in the trunk, and in another, he said she closed the truck real fast when he was near the rear passenger taillight, and he didn't get a glimpse of the trunk's interior.

If anyone else remembers something like this, I'll wade through the interviews again to confirm. Otherwise, I'll assume I'm imagining things.

The interview with Greta....GA & CA are on the couch...GA said he walked to the trunk of the car and Cindy buts in (before GA could finish the sentence) saying "and there were the gas cans!"

Yes he did give a different story to LE.
I would start with the dumpsters at Sawgrass for the 18th of June.
Thanks! That's all I remembered too and Kio makes me go hmmm! I just keep reading it and wondering if I missed something. Personally, I don't think that Cindy ever told Casey that she "couldn't" put Caylee up for adoption. After all Casey was 19 at the time and could decide for herself and it sounds to me like Casey always got her way/did what she wanted anyway!

Here's another link to the article I posted about it in the thread about the family in the early years. Casey told her friend that Cindy said no.

I have a question: Investigators must not attribute any relevance to this interchange in reference to the case, right? Because I've never heard any more about it.
Another question:

In one the interviews GA said that there had been a rash of gasoline can thefts in the neighborhood around the time his were missing:

If true, I wonder if KC was the neighborhood thief?
I'm not sure I have a question, just wondering. It's odd to me that Casey would have searched "shovel" back in March. Anyone would know what one is used for and how they're made. Unless she was fantasizing and looking it up as a possible weapon along with other things to do to someone, I can't imagine why she had to google a shovel.
Hi PM; As far as I recall Kio asked Casey if she would be interested in adopting her baby. Casey said she would think about it, then later said her mom wouldn't allow her to adopt. Jesse said in a statement that he suggested to Casey of putting the baby up for adoption, because he didn't feel they were ready to take on the responsibilities. He said Casey was very against that idea, and firmly said no. I don't think she ever mentioned to anyone that she wanted to.

Now I know why Richard Grund cries whenever he speaks of missing the chance to hug little Caylee.
With all of KC's web searching, she did not find this site when she was looking for a less common name than ZFG. There are approx. 15 persons in the U.S. with LastName=GONZALES and FirstName=ZENAIDA.,ZENAIDA

This case is so bizarre and outrageous. I hope they bring Caylee home to rest soon. God bless to all those who have and are looking for her. Thank you for all your efforts and hardwork.
Assuming the trail starts in January, when do you think or have you guys heard when they would start jury selection? Seems like it wouake awhile considering the nature of coverage. And has anyone asked for a delay or even a change of venue? If not, when will this happen?
I am sure this has both been asked and answered more than once. When I search there are just 1000's of possible post to choose from. I am just wondering how/why when they have these document dumps why do they get to be selective as to what they release? For instance, why still no interview with Annie? I am sure there are others that have not been released. Is there something special about certain documents? If so I guess I am more curious about what they aren't telling us rather than what they are. Not sure how this works.

Thanks for any help!!!!!
Nope...just speculation...and knowing how fond George is of detailing the cars on a weekly basis.

Question- During all the months that the cameras were in front of the A's house- How many times did anyone see GA cleaning the inside of a car or the trunks? If one was cleaning inside a car- I would think they would open the garage doors to allow light and air in, or bring the car out on the driveway.

We mostly saw playing with the garden or hammering posts.
But yes, having been a homicide cop and admitting he knows that smell, and his daughter and granddaughter is missing- if he didn't know anything- he would have called LE immediatley. The car abandoned- the empty car seat- child's favorite doll- child's backpack, daughter's purse, the smell of death?

What part of "What's wrong with this picture?" don't they understand?
And, what part of, "What's wrong with this picture" do they expect anyone to believe they didn't know better?
I think I would have trashed anything that smelled that bad, certainly not put in my washing machine, if I didn't suspect anything was wrong.

Just me thinking again, bad habit!
I am sure this has both been asked and answered more than once. When I search there are just 1000's of possible post to choose from. I am just wondering how/why when they have these document dumps why do they get to be selective as to what they release? For instance, why still no interview with Annie? I am sure there are others that have not been released. Is there something special about certain documents? If so I guess I am more curious about what they aren't telling us rather than what they are. Not sure how this works.

Thanks for any help!!!!!

When something is filed with the county clerk, it then becomes public record and is thus 'released'.

The prosecution (and defense) may withhold documents and evidence from being filed. In other words, they do not have to file everything with the clerk of courts. That is why we aren't seeing certain records such as the Annie interview.

And it's my understanding that the 'other' side, in this case the defense, are not privy to anything until it is filed with the county Clerk of Courts.

Tho I do believe that everything must be made available to the defense (or, other side) at a certain point before the trial. Not real sure about that tho, or when that certain point might be.
This keeps bugging me, so I will go ahead and ask it, even if there may be no way to actually answer it...

A) If Casey really was thinking about doing someone in as far back as March 17 and 21, when the web searches for chloroform and other odd things were conducted, and

B) If Caylee died while in Casey's care on June 16 and Casey avoided speaking to police about it until July 15,

Then, why was her story of what happened to Caylee so incredibly lame and easily disproved by police within just a few hours? I don't buy it that she was just too stupid to come up with something more believable. After all, she had at least one month, and possibly four, to come up with a cover story that wouldn't immediately land her in a conference room at Universal with police telling her they knew she was lying.

I have read tons of Casey's communications now -- long IM conversations, text message conversations, etc., and I have read transcripts of interviews with everybody and their dog, or listened to or watched the actual interviews themselves, and it is obvious to me that Casey has at least average intelligence. And yet, if this really was a plan, it was a plan made by someone with the IQ of a second-grader. And Casey is not a person with an IQ of a second-grader.

To top it off, the car, parked at the Amscot, locked and with a briefcase type bag -- not her purse -- in the front, was NOT parked in a place where it would be easy to steal a car, or would be particularly enticing to a car thief. It was parked in a place with signs saying it would be subject to being towed. Logic tells me she was not trying to get the car stolen. And if she wanted to just lose that car, there are far better places to do that.

I don't have a theory of what actually happened. But the theories that seem to be most popular here make my mind go, "No, I can't actually see it going down like that..."

Sigh, well... 'tis a puzzlement. :waitasec:
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