Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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I would LOVE to know if GA took a shower before going to work, after driving Casey's car home from the tow yard. He has said that he could hardly breathe in the car it smelled so bad, but according to CA and GA, she told him to go on to work. You know his clothing, hair, etc. had to smell of decomp. I know it may sound like a silly question, but it's driving me nuts! Does anyone remember hearing anything about that? :waitasec:
ooh, ooh, ooooooooo, snipped: Originally Posted by magic-cat
Here is my theory on this. I have not seen the interviews where the neighbors said there was a knock down drag out at the Anthony house. I have heard it discussed over and over, but have not run up on it myself in my own research. (If anyone knows where that can be found I would sure LOVE to read it )...Anyhow, I believe that it is POSSIBLE that this knock down drag out took place on the 8th and not the 15th as we are all assuming. I believe it was at this time that Casey took Caylee from the home. I HAVE seen where she and Caylee spent several nights THAT week with Ricardo, and I think that was because she had already HAD the fight with her parents by the 9th.

If she was sleeping at RMs, remember the night that Caylee disappeared? He woke up and she wasn't there...maybe that was the night of the15th and CA had come to get her to take her for Father's day??? You are right!!! (I think) and THIS is why they all keep saying the 9th!!!!! They just forgot about the 1 day father's day. Cool! Makes sense now why they keep saying the 9th...
can someone look at a google earth map for me and where goldenrod and narcoossee kinda triangle theres a wooded area looks sqiggly dirt roads. does anyone know if these are dirt roads back in the woods ? tia
ooh, ooh, ooooooooo, snipped: Originally Posted by magic-cat
Here is my theory on this. I have not seen the interviews where the neighbors said there was a knock down drag out at the Anthony house. I have heard it discussed over and over, but have not run up on it myself in my own research. (If anyone knows where that can be found I would sure LOVE to read it )...Anyhow, I believe that it is POSSIBLE that this knock down drag out took place on the 8th and not the 15th as we are all assuming. I believe it was at this time that Casey took Caylee from the home. I HAVE seen where she and Caylee spent several nights THAT week with Ricardo, and I think that was because she had already HAD the fight with her parents by the 9th.

If she was sleeping at RMs, remember the night that Caylee disappeared? He woke up and she wasn't there...maybe that was the night of the15th and CA had come to get her to take her for Father's day??? You are right!!! (I think) and THIS is why they all keep saying the 9th!!!!! They just forgot about the 1 day father's day. Cool! Makes sense now why they keep saying the 9th...

Both have good points. I believe LA said or repeated what Casey told him or somehow he was told of a fight and words between the two by Ca & whatever her name is. It is in his interview to the Police.

(My mind can only hold so much information! I haven't seen much other than some rumors. So, if I am wrong, my sincerest apologies.)
I have a few questions that have been in the back of my mind for quite some time now and I haven't seen any answers written anywhere. Does anyone know if the trunk of Casey's car was dusted for fingerprints (such as the "inside" of the trunk lid, where one would NOT expect to see any fingerprints) to see if any were Caylee's? And, was hair from Caylee's hairbrush tested for drugs (Xanax, chloroform)?
Am I remembering correctly that the state officially has until Monday, November 24 to make a decision as to whether or not they will be seeking the death penalty? Does anyone know how their decision is "formalized"? Do they file paperwork of some sort or do they make a public announcement? How does this work?
Am I remembering correctly that the state officially has until Monday, November 24 to make a decision as to whether or not they will be seeking the death penalty? Does anyone know how their decision is "formalized"? Do they file paperwork of some sort or do they make a public announcement? How does this work?

I was just thinking about this too. Someone here will know the answer.
I've heard the rumors too and it's been long enough, it's time for them to dump again!! Weeeeeeeeee

Welcome aboard Elle! Get ready, you need eyedrops, lots of coffee or caffeine, most comfortable bathrobe and slippers, if you don't smoke, you will soon. Go to the grocery store and buy tons of junk food - this will tide the family over for the next month or so while you become married to your computer. Maybe a porta-potty by the computer would be good or you can just carry your laptop in the bathroom with you...I hope you have a patient family or a closet you can hide in!!!

At least the above is what most of us have been doing!

Yeah...I'm also new and can't get enough. It is a bad addiction! I've been glued to this page for three days and instead of checking my email this morning...I was here!! :crazy:

And welcome, Elle! I'm trying to catch up, too!
Shouldn't we be getting some documents today??? (I have no idea if they will be releasing anything but I really do think it's time!)
Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but some things I've been wondering....
If the clothes in the car, smelled as bad as the car why wouldnt you just throw them away and not try to remove smell that you couldnt remove from the car?
Lets face it, Casey isnt the brightest crayon in the box, so how on earth could she plan this out to the point it would elude LE for so long? Finding the clothes? the body? cloroform container? etc?
The staging Cindy has done in her house should not be allowed. She is obstructing justice and has all along. Are they trying to give her enough rope to hang herself or what? What is the purpose of allowing her to make all these contradictions?
If this is in the wrong place Im sorry.
I know it looks like I am new here, but I have been reading since July. I am just now finally registered. I am fairly up to spead with everything, although I can't read hourly here, I try to read daily.

So this is my question. What is the next step for this case? Are they waiting for the grand jury trial and then we will get more infomation? Is there any way that they can make the A's talk? When I was reading through the transcripts of the GA interview, it just didn't seem like they were asking any direct questions. It jsut seemed more like a buddy buddy conversation to me.

I am really just wanting to see progress with this case, as I am sure most of you are too. I am tired of waiting to hear all the evidence and the cover-ups.
I know it looks like I am new here, but I have been reading since July. I am just now finally registered. I am fairly up to spead with everything, although I can't read hourly here, I try to read daily.

So this is my question. What is the next step for this case? Are they waiting for the grand jury trial and then we will get more infomation? Is there any way that they can make the A's talk? When I was reading through the transcripts of the GA interview, it just didn't seem like they were asking any direct questions. It jsut seemed more like a buddy buddy conversation to me.

I am really just wanting to see progress with this case, as I am sure most of you are too. I am tired of waiting to hear all the evidence and the cover-ups.

Hi, welcome. I am new to posting here too, have been reading here forever though. Wish I could answer your question. Yes we are waiting for the trial which is in the first week of January....if it doesn't get rescheduled or something. Buckle your selt is going to be a bumpy ride!
Grand Jury already came and went - they concluded enough evidence to convict - so murder 1 charges for Casey

We are now waiting for jury selection, which should start soon - trial due to start at the beginning of Jan

Now we wait for Tru TV to cover the trial - as I hope they will
Wow! Things sure travelled fast today. Something has been bugging me. I originally thought that the FBI was only involved in the lab testing and the early financial charges Then I read several posts that seemed to suggest more of an interest by the FBI. Other than the money/wire transfer angle, are the FBI in interested in anything else? Could there be charges from them? Any thoughts?
Originally Posted By kgeaux

They probably don't have any hard evidence to lead them to any particular area to search.

Plus, I think every time a search is done and Caylee is not located is another tool for the defense. The more area covered without finding a body raises the possibility that the child is alive.

When you see LE or FBI heading out to conduct a search, we will know that they finally have something to justify the search.

By Peace9274:
I have for quite sometime thought that the FBI and LE know details/facts re where Caylee is.

I remember thinking, during the case in Washinton DC and VA (the 2 snipers), that LE wasn't doing a very good job and not looking in certain places that should've been.... and giving frequent news conferences with the only "info" they had. I remember so many people saying what a joke LE was.

Then we found out that they HAD been on the case and were doing a lot more than what they revealed in their press conferences.

I think that the reason LE doesn't show up at certain searches, why Casey is so blase, w/ her arrogant smirk and walk, and why the Ants aren't out searching... is because they all know that the searches are way off target. And that there's a lot more to this case than what we're being told in the doc dumps.

Was CA's therapist interviewed? The therapist she had before June 16th.... the one that I've always thought was the one that encouraged CA to stop covering for Casey and to make her more responsible. Does she know more than we do?

Is there some evidence in those 300 + photos that were deleted by Casey, that LE has seen, but not released?

Have friends / family / Casey told more to LE than we've been told?
I think so.

But if I am wrong, I think Cocoamom's theory is the best so far.
And I hope Cocoa stays on it.... just in case.
And...... I do not believe that the church has had 24/7 security and serv. cameras.

Snipped by me for space....

By Peace9274

"I think that the reason LE doesn't show up at certain searches, why Casey is so blase, w/ her arrogant smirk and walk, and why the Ants aren't out searching... is because they all know that the searches are way off target. And that there's a lot more to this case than what we're being told in the doc dumps."

If this is true, don't you think LE could find a way to inform these people not to spend all that money and waste all their time and resources searching then? Especially considering that TES spent over $100,000 searching. Seems odd that LE would sit quietly by and let searches of that magnitude go on. JMHO.

I then posted that Janis' post made some sense and that I was going back to the drawing board.
But I just couldn't find anything that convinced me to change my mind!

And so... I'm sticking to my guns and will continue to believe that there's much more that LE knows......

and they ain't telling any of us! YET!

Plus, the fact that there are so many from LE on the witness list,
that I've never heard of, who have obviously been working hard on this
case .... and that, IMOO.... have some VIP evidence to reveal!
Talking about pregnancy and rumor that CA didn't know about KC's pregnancy until she was 7 month pregnant...Remember the ultrasound picture on the wall of KC room which we all saw on recent interview from A's home? I'm very much interested to hear professional opinion on how old is the fetus on this ultrasound picture? Could anyone on WS be able to provide the answer?...
Talking about pregnancy and rumor that CA didn't know about KC's pregnancy until she was 7 month pregnant...Remember the ultrasound picture on the wall of KC room which we all saw on recent interview from A's home? I'm very much interested to hear professional opinion on how old is the fetus on this ultrasound picture? Could anyone on WS be able to provide the answer?...
OpenMind - A proffesional technician did weigh in on this in the Anthony Home Tour thread! From what I remember, they were deemed to be 3rd trimester ultrasounds.

OpenMind - A proffesional technician did weigh in on this in the Anthony Home Tour thread! From what I remember, they were deemed to be 3rd trimester ultrasounds.


O, thank you PinkPanther....I should read Anthony Home Tour thread carefully...
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