Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #3

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BC is NOT a public person.

Cosby’s attorney George Gowen argues there is no public right to access discovery motions and would violate his client’s privacy.

“Moreover, unlike a deposition in a typical case, there is a voracious media appetite for Defendant’s deposition, and public release of it would quickly become widespread public knowledge of it,” states the brief. “There is no doubt that public disclosure of the motions and Defendant’s sworn deposition testimony, which delves into the most intimate subjects imaginable, would generate a firestorm of publicity.”

Although the rules might be set up towards the presumption of public access to judicial records, the brief further argues that he “is not a public official, nor is the relevant information important to public health or safety… Defendant’s status as a well-known comedian and entertainer does not render him a ‘public’ person within the meaning of the law.”

So, now I'm sure those documents are damning to BC. Not a public person! Hah!
Per The Hollywood Reporter:

On Wednesday, Bill Cosby told a Pennsylvania judge he’s not a public figure, there’s “no legitimate public interest” in an old sex abuse lawsuit, and confidentiality should be maintained on materials described as posing a “real, specific threat of serious embarrassment.”

Per the Reporter, Cosby’s brief suggests that records “not only include more about the sexual misconduct allegations, but also issues relating to Cosby’s health, use of prescription drugs, financial affairs and personal relationships.”

The Associated Press, which has challenged the sealing in the past, has issued a new brief requesting that the records be unsealed.

Last December, amid a media frenzy as more women came forward to accuse Cosby of sexual abuse, the AP sent a letter to the court demanding a review of the sealing order under a local rule of civil procedure that presumes an unsealing of records after two years unless the judge dictates otherwise.

Cosby's attorney later argues that lifting the seal would undermine the settlement with Constand and interfere with a defamation lawsuit brought against Cosby in Massachusetts. He also takes a shot at reporters by saying "the media has had no apparent difficulty flooding the airwaves and press with reports on this story, even without access to the discovery materials. Nor is there any credible argument that public knowledge of the details of those motions will serve some public purpose."

AP is disputing:
The judge is asked to consider the fact that Constand is not objecting, the "Jane Doe" accusers in the original suit have publicly come forward, there's no longer a jury pool to be tainted, and "the Court has already ruled, in accordance with firmly established precedent, that defendant’s fear of embarrassment and humiliation is insufficient to support a finding of good cause."

AP's brief

Filed by Cosby:
OK so he's saying that although he's a celebrity he is not a public person because he is not a public official.

Under Pansy , the Court should consider whether “privacy interests are diminished” because “the person seeking protection is a public person subject to legitimate public scrutiny.”
Pansy , 23 F.3d at 787. In other words, the Court should ask “whether the information is being sought for a legitimate purpose.”
Id. Here, while the Defendant is a celebrity, as the Court already has held, Defendant is not a public official. (Doc. # 72 at 11 (“
Shingara emphasized that the issues in that case involved a matter of public concern and the defendant was a public official. Neither is present in this case.”).) Given the intensely personal nature of the matters in question, Defendant’s privacy interests should remain intact, and these factors weigh in favor of maintaining the seal.
Public Figure
A description applied in Libel and Slander actions, as well as in those alleging invasion of privacy, to anyone who has gained prominence in the community as a result of his or her name or exploits, whether willingly or unwillingly.
If a plaintiff in a libel or slander action qualifies as a public figure, he or she must show that the libelous or slanderous conduct of the defendant was motivated out of actual malice as required in the case of new york times co. v. sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S.Ct. 710, 11 L.Ed.2d 686 (1964).
West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

public figure
n. in the law of defamation (libel and slander), a personage of great public interest or familiarity like a government official, politician, celebrity, business leader, movie star, or sports hero. Incorrect harmful statements published about a public figure cannot be the basis of a lawsuit for defamation unless there is proof that the writer or publisher intentionally defamed the person with malice (hate). (See: defamation, libel, slander)
Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.

Perhaps BC's lawyers need to brush up their vocabulary skills.
Lewis Black, another comedian who has no time for BC, was recently interviewed and the subject of BC was raised by the reporter.
Those who do not care for LB may want to scroll on by.
Warning, a pithy AngloSaxon profanity is included in the interview.

“What does it take? How many women have to speak before people say enough is enough?” Black asks. “But he wasn’t a father figure to me, in terms of comedy. I really didn’t pay that much attention to his comedy. He was always, like, too slow for me. I could never get into him...."
Cosby is being sued by the AIG Property Casualty Company, Cosby’s homeowners insurance provider.

In the suit, filed in U.S. district court in Massachusetts, the insurance company asserts that it’s not financially responsible for any sexual misconduct that Cosby, who’s been accused of sexual misconduct by dozens of women, may have committed.

Bill Cosby has filed legal paperwork challenging Janice Dickinson's defamation lawsuit, claiming the former supermodel is a self-proclaimed drug addict and liar who's attempting to cash in on the current "media frenzy."


Cosby’s team also alleges that Dickinson has a “reputation as a liar and substance abuser.”

“Ms. Dickinson claims that [Cosby’s attorney] Mr. [Martin] Singer branded her a liar, when, in fact, lying is part of her ‘brand,'” the filing reads. “In her quest to remain in the public eye, Ms. Dickinson has actively cultivated a reputation for outrageous behavior that includes substance abuse, mental lapses and lying.”

Substance abuse and outrageous behavior do not constitute proof that you were never raped.
What a slimy tactic - attack Dickinson, an accuser whose credibility seems less strong. Are they planning to attack the 40+ accusers individually? Where's the logic? Slam Dickinson as a dubious victim and therefore nobody else is credible?

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Substance abuse and outrageous behavior do not constitute proof that you were never raped.

In fact, IMO, those behaviours make you a more likely target for someone intent on sexual assault and rape.
ETA: Because, who will believe a lying druggie even when she tells the truth about someone more rich and powerful than she is.
What a slimy tactic - attack Dickinson, an accuser whose credibility seems less strong. Are they planning to attack the 40+ accusers individually? Where's the logic? Slam Dickinson as a dubious victim and therefore nobody else is credible?
IMO Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Yeah. It looks like Singer is using his usual tactics to implement a kind of reverse Halo Effect. They are using that Effect to link BC to praise for supposed past good works (Dr. Cosby did all these wonderful things for the people in the black community) to make him seem an unlikely perpetrator of rape. So, it makes sense that they will be using the reverse to make the other alleged victims seem tainted by association with Dickinson.

I'm interested in what will happen when Singer realizes the truth of that old saying, lie down with dogs--get up with fleas!
Are all these statements available to read now or will be soon?

I only read about this in the beginning but since it's still going on would like to be able to form a more accurate opinion, because as someone who this happened to what I read then sounded like attention-seking, money-grabbing rubbish.

That is NOT what I felt thought said remembered or wanted and I'm sure since this is ongoing there are more reliable victims of these crimes?

Cosby lawyer: Unsealing court docs 'terribly embarrassing'

Associated Press By MARYCLAIRE DALE
June 27, 2015

Robreno had never decided whether the temporary seal on some filings should be made permanent before the case settled in 2006. Under local court rules, Cosby has the burden to show why seals should not be lifted after two years, the AP argued.

I'm glad to learn of these local rules. Especially if the judge doesn't see embarrassment of the perpetrator as a reason to keep the documents sealed. I hope AP keeps up the pressure to have the documents released--I think it can only go to help the three women suing BC in MA. At least the argument of the BCDT implies that the documents will support the arguments of those women.

"Frankly, ... it would embarrass him, (and) it would also prejudice him in eyes of the jury pool in Massachusetts," Gowen said.
BC's lawyers have been attacking Janice Dickenson for some time.
Martin Singer attempted to prevent any publication of Miss Dickenson's allegations.
"If you recklessly publish the Story instead of checking readily available information demonstrating its falsity," wrote Singer, "all those involved will be exposed to very substantial liability." "You proceed at your own peril," he added.

Letters from the BCDT do not mean BC is innocent. It's just a blatant attempt to force BC's version of reality on everyone else. So it's worth taking a look at the tactics of those who represent BC's interests.

Martin Singer is known as being a sort of pitbull to the stars, aka "Mad Dog Marty".

"My firm has filed more lawsuits against the media than any other firm," Singer said with pride as he sat down for an interview in a 24th floor Century City aerie with a jetliner view of some of the most expensive real estate in the country. Because of U.S. defamation laws that now tend to favor the media, many of those lawsuits are now filed in Europe....As one of Hollywood's longtime legal gladiators, Singer says it's getting harder to squelch rumors and win lawsuits in the internet age, even as celebrities keep tabs on what's being written about them by setting up Google alerts.
"The difference is the speed," Singer said. "I can't wait for the next day to respond. Now I'm given, literally, 15 minutes to respond. I have to be aggressive and to the point."
On Bill Maher's show Friday night, Judd Apatow spoke about his reasons for repeatedly going after BC regarding the rape allegations.
(my transcription--and my italics--definitely not official or connected to any of the participants)

BM: So you got into this just because you're outraged?

JD: Well, I'm outraged, but I actually know one of the victims who's not coming forward, and this is exactly what happened. And, I think there's probably a lot of people who are like, "I don't want to go on TV. I don't want to make this what I'm about as a person."

BM: I met a girl--met a girl, I did a movie with someone--in 1983 who had just come off a movie with Bill Cosby, and had a horrific story. It's like I never meet anybody of the female persuasion who doesn't have a story about Bill Cosby.

JD: Yeah.

BM: This guy has put more people to sleep than warm milk.

JD: Well, I think the question is, you know, you know. I think there's a larger issue which is why is there so little outrage? And, I think it's the same as old..

BM: Why? You wrote a book about him [to Micheal Eric Dyson], you give us that answer.

MED: Well, ten years ago, I did. And what was equally appropriate [apparent?] to me was the kind of an assault upon poor black people. Poor black women especially. All the stuff he said--"You're gonna have to have a DNA card in the ghetto pretty soon to determine if you're making love to your grandmother. Because, you have a baby at 16. The baby has a baby when it's 16." He says, "You do the math. You could be making love to your grandmother."
That, that's pretty nefarious. That's pretty problematic. But, nobody cared about it. Nobody paid attention to it.
And I knew, I had heard some of those stories. I talked about them to a degree.
So, my point is, that, that, if we're gonna find offence at what he said. There's so much arena there, so much area. So much real estate to talk about a bunch of stuff including that...
Good news everyone!
Today is Canada Day Eve!!!
Whether you're below, or above, or far from, the 49th parallel, sorry this can't be the real thing, but it's the thought that counts eh?

I hope that you all get a chance to enjoy some brilliant music and fireworks displays tonight.
My family and I have enjoyed the chance to spend Independence Day in Disneyland, New Orleans, St. Louis, Boston, San Francisco, Spokane, and, NYC.
Always exuberant. Always fun.

Happy 4th of July, neighbours!

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