Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #3

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Oh wait, I'll tell this one.... About 10-15 yrs ago, we had a female patient that was in the news a LOT
for stalking one of the late night talk show hosts, had even broken into his home when he wasn't home,
took his car into NY, when stopped at a toll booth, she claimed she was his wife.

She was in and out of our facility for treatment. And since it was in the news and in many of the tabloids
and People magazine, I'm not breaking any confidentiality laws... but anyway, during the last time she was
discharged from the hospital, she killed herself by throwing herself in front of an oncoming commuter train.

OK..... back to reading about the case here.

Oh, I remember that! She even knelt in front of the train to kill herself.

No you're not breaking any laws. Anyone who remembers can find the MSM link pretty darn quick!

The defense attorney showed up quickly...and "former two time district attorney" ?

I just hope justice, whatever that may be, is served where, and if, warranted. My gut feels sick over this one.

"In announcing the death of his son, Jonah Shacknai suggested memorial contributions be made to
the Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation in Scottsdale. Shacknai has served as president and director
of the foundation, which helps special-needs children."

From the above link in Paladine's post.

There were some comments in an earlier thread,
wondering where the contributions would be going.
I'm not sure what waiting on the toxicology results will mean in this case. Even if they come back with high levels of alcohol or drugs, they still can't rule whether it was a suicide or murder, right? It's all the other forensics that are key, imo.

I just realized I am connected to this case in 2 ways!!

I live in AZ (actually, 3 if you count that) and I had Dysport injections in
June 2011 right before my son's wedding.

Saturday afternoon, after I finally broke myself away from reading at WS all day, I went to go do much
needed & neglected errands, including getting a manicure/pedicure. I was in the middle of having my nails
done, at the nail spa, sitting close to the huge plate window, when an SUV at top speed, plowed into 3-4
other cars and they all hit the building. It blew out the windows, sending glass towards us like a hail storm,
made a huge noise that we thought a plane crashed or a bomb had gone off & shook the building.

I got hit (not badly) in the head with a piece of flying car debris. Another customer (also a nurse) got a
piece of glass stuck in her eye, the girl working on my nails had facial lacerations, and another head trauma.

A man putting groceries into one of the cars hit, received a broken arm. All 5 of us were taken to the
hospital via ambulance and all were released within a couple hours. The driver died, despite attempts
at CPR by the EMTs on the sidewalk right outside the shop.

SO... you ask how is this connected to this case? Well, I was reading at one of the above links to an
Arizona Republic News article about this case and came upon the news article about the incident I
was involved in Saturday!!! It also ran on News 12 & News 5 at 10 pm Saturday night.

See article below:

(Sorry that neither connection is giving any info re the case. But at least I got to tell about my very
terrifying experience yesterday. I took 30+ photos & posted them at my Facebook!
And yes..... my nails are still just half done!)

SUV hits 3 vehicles, nail salon in Surprise; driver dies

by Matt Haldane on Jul. 23, 2011, under Arizona Republic News

The driver of an SUV died Saturday after striking three vehicles and colliding with a storefront at
a business plaza in Surprise, authorities said. The SUV turned into the plaza at Reems Road and
Grand Avenue at a high speed about 5 p.m., said Bert Anzini, a spokesman for Surprise police.

A man loading groceries sustained some minor injuries as he got out of the way before his vehicle
was struck. The SUV struck two other parked cars before crashing into a nail salon. An adjacent
chiropractic business also took some damage.

Anzini said it was not known what caused the erratic driving and consequent collisions. “It’s fortunate
there weren’t more injuries,” Anzini said. “(That area) is frequently visited.”
I said earlier that I thought maybe she had the noose already hanging over the balcony.
She stool on a table below, tied her arms & legs, and then slipped her head into the noose
and then stepped off the table.

I think the rope stretched just enough so she slumped onto the ground, but still upright with knees bended...
almost kneeling. Rigor mortis set in and that is why her body is shaped as it is in the photos.

I'm almost positive the emt staff that arrived on the scene, didn't perform CPR. Rigor is a sign that death has
occured and victim cannot be revived. Plus, she still has a scarf on her neck, which they for sure would've
removed to check for pulse, tilt head back, etc.
She may have had on a floor length nightgown, which was removed to start CPR, but once they saw the
legs bent & rigor was through out her body, they would NOT have proceeded with CPR.

That was my suicide theory.

I also have a murder theory.
No way! IMO they barely touched her! If they had they'd have taken her out of the grass onto a hard suface and cut her hands free so she could lay flat. They didn't do any of that. She was beyond resuscitating!
HOWEVER (the pics aren't clear)
I do not see any livor mortis in her extremities.
HAD she been (sorry) dangling there since around 1am her feet and lower legs SHOULD have been iscolored. IM professional opinion.(based on the blurry pics I see) She never "hung" herself and was not found that way.
The electrical chord as to hide a manual stragulation, the nude tied up body to make it look like a sex crime if the suicide theory didn't fly.
I'm not sure what waiting on the toxicology results will mean in this case. Even if they come back with high levels of alcohol or drugs, they still can't rule whether it was a suicide or murder, right? It's all the other forensics that are key, imo.

IMO if she was doped up drunk and/or or narcotics there is NO way she would have had the ability to tie the knots properly to ensure that she suceeded at her attempt.
If the toxicology comes back with extemely high levels it points to murder. (knock her out then kill her)
IMO if she was doped up drunk and/or or narcotics there is NO way she would have had the ability to tie the knots properly to ensure that she suceeded at her attempt.
If the toxicology comes back with extemely high levels it points to murder. (knock her out then kill her)

You make a good point but I've also known people do some irrational things when high....things they couldn't do without drinking or drugs. She may have planned it ahead of time and then did the deed when she was wasted...or they may find nothing in her system. Who knows.

I'm leaning more towards it being ruled a suicide. There is nothing so far that indicates that it was a murder (from what we know). I don't think the toxicology report will determine MOD. It won't make or break the case. My :twocents:
I am very familiar with Coronado, having spent two weeks there every winter for about 20 years (my in-laws owned a condo at the Shores and spent their winters there- in the summer, they rented it out to zonies). I have even had the unfortunate experience of having to call 911-hubby broke leg-on Christmas Eve, no less.

What I don't understand is how-and perhaps why- the person who actually called 911 was able to get out of and away from the house before the emergency responders arrived. Coronado is about as big as a dinner napkin; the police would have been there in almost no time, certainly less than 5 minutes. Yet this person was gone from the house by the time they arrived.

Some stories say she flew back to SC immediately- unless the car or taxi to the airport was there waiting for her, that couldn't have happened. I saw one story yesterday that said she flew on the next day, so where was she in the meantime? Very sad to think of a child having to fly all day alone after having seen such a horrifying accident... And did anyone ride in the ambulance with little Max, or was he, too, alone?

His mother lived quite nearby- is it possible that she was called and was there for Max? But where did the 911 caller go to?
Huh? They needed a search warrant to cover her body with a tent??

It sounds so inherently wrong but yes, LE must have a SW to also enter and search the grounds and any out buildings on the property such as the guest house.

Usually one is obtained to search the interior of the home and then one is gained so that they are able to go onto the outside property itself and seize any evidence they may find. By doing so, they legally took custody of Rebecca's body after then.

And believe me, with this being a high powered family LE wanted to do it strickly by the books.

You make a good point but I've also known people do some irrational things when high....things they couldn't do without drinking or drugs. She may have planned it ahead of time and then did the deed when she was wasted...or they may find nothing in her system. Who knows.

I'm leaning more towards it being ruled a suicide. There is nothing so far that indicates that it was a murder (from what we know). I don't think the toxicology report will determine MOD. It won't make or break the case. My :twocents:

Well I have come full circle this morning.:waitasec: I really have felt all along it could have easily been a suicide. I no longer lean that way although I do keep it in the back of my mind as a possibility. The entire death of Rebecca seems way too complicated to be a suicide.

I don't even think it was even staged to look like a suicide. I think it is what it is. It wasnt staged at all. It was meant to look like a homicide because that is what it is.

Someone felt strongly that Rebecca deserved to die and imo they are holding her responsible for Max' death or something else they held against her. They murdered her after binding her hands and feet then they put the rope around her neck and threw her off the balcony and left her there for all to see. A message sent by 'someone.'


Since Rebecca didn't seem to be included in the vigil at the hospital could she have called her ex to come and console her?

I just don't see Jonah or Dina doing this and I cant figure out why Adam would since he wasnt even close to his brother.

Well I have come full circle this morning.:waitasec: I really have felt all along it could have easily been a suicide. I no longer lean that way although I do keep it in the back of my mind as a possibility. The entire death of Rebecca seems way too complicated to be a suicide.

I don't even think it was even staged to look like a suicide. I think it is what it is. It wasnt staged at all. It was meant to look like a homicide because that is what it is.

Someone felt strongly that Rebecca deserved to die and imo they are holding her responsible for Max' death or something else they held against her. They murdered her after binding her hands and feet then they put the rope around her neck and threw her off the balcony and left her there for all to see. A message sent by 'someone.'


Since Rebecca didn't seem to be included in the vigil at the hospital could she have called her ex to come and console her?

I just don't see Jonah or Dina doing this and I cant figure out why Adam would since he wasnt even close to his brother.


The only 2 with motive would be Jonah or Dina if there is a connection to Maxie's death. Adam may have been an accomplice (staging) Where does her ex live?

Don't you think if it was homicide, they'd have a POI by now? The last report I saw, all 3 were considered "witnesses" and cooperating.

I don't see anyone outside the 3 mentioned who would have motive unless there are other undisclosed secrets.....and perhaps Maxie's death was NOT an accident.

Gosh, I wish more details would surface. This makes for a good murder mystery novel or movie.
The only 2 with motive would be Jonah or Dina if there is a connection to Maxie's death. Adam may have been an accomplice (staging) Where does her ex live?

Don't you think if it was homicide, they'd have a POI by now? The last report I saw, all 3 were considered "witnesses" and cooperating.

I don't see anyone outside the 3 mentioned who would have motive unless there are other undisclosed secrets.....and perhaps Maxie's death was NOT an accident.

Gosh, I wish more details would surface. This makes for a good murder mystery novel or movie.

In Az. I think n/t. It isn't that far to this area is it? He has spoken out. Did he still have feelings for her I wonder?

I don't think the police are going to come out and say they have a POI. If they finally come out they will either declare Rebecca's death a suicide or a homicide. They will not move quickly on this case but cautiously. They know if it is deemed a homicide it is going to explode into another national high profile case.

Imo, if it is a homicide and they have the evidence to prove who is involved we will only know who the suspect is once an arrest has been made..

Like I said I was comfortable believing it was a suicide. I could see how Rebecca felt such pain and guilt if she held herself responsible for Max' accident but now I am just not sure what to believe. I am even questioning the 'accident' Max supposedly had. Was it an accident or did someone get frustrated and shoved him and he fell?

It gives me pause that they are waiting on the tox tests to come back first. Surely they would know now if it is lining up with a suicide or not. It makes me think they are puzzled about somethings that may not make sense when applied to a suicide death.

In Az. I think n/t. It isn't that far to this area is it? He has spoken out. Did he still have feelings for her I wonder?

I don't think the police are going to come out and say they have a POI. If they finally come out they will either declare Rebecca's death a suicide or a homicide. They will not move quickly on this case but cautiously. They know if it is deemed a homicide it is going to explode into another national high profile case.

Imo, if it is a homicide and they have the evidence to prove who is involved we will only know who the suspect is once an arrest has been made..

Like I said I was comfortable believing it was a suicide. I could see how Rebecca felt such pain and guilt if she held herself responsible for Max' accident but now I am just not sure what to believe. I am even questioning the 'accident' Max supposedly had. Was it an accident or did someone get frustrated and shoved him and he fell?

It gives me pause that they are waiting on the tox tests to come back first. Surely they would know now if it is lining up with a suicide or not. It makes me think they are puzzled about somethings that may not make sense when applied to a suicide death.


I keep going back and forth on MOD also. Like I said in a previous post, I don't think toxicology report would make or break the case unless there is something more. The report in itself can't rule out suicide or murder. If they can tie it to other forensics and evidence found, then perhaps a MOD can be determined.

If it will be ruled homicide, I think Maxie's death is connected and I hope they investigate his "accident" as well.
I keep going back and forth on MOD also. Like I said in a previous post, I don't think toxicology report would make or break the case unless there is something more. The report in itself can't rule out suicide or murder. If they can tie it to other forensics and evidence found, then perhaps a MOD can be determined.

If it will be ruled homicide, I think Maxie's death is connected and I hope they investigate his "accident" as well.

I can see how tox screen can make a difference. For instance, if they were to find a lethal amount of something in her system, then presumably she couldn't have killed herself by hanging. Or if they were to find high amounts of something, seems unlikely she would have have been able to hang herself using the complicated method (hands and feet bound).
I'm not sure what waiting on the toxicology results will mean in this case. Even if they come back with high levels of alcohol or drugs, they still can't rule whether it was a suicide or murder, right? It's all the other forensics that are key, imo.


Results of toxicology could be important towards the determination, just a piece to the puzzle. I agree if there are lethal amounts or somethng which would have knocked her out like date rape drugs (or chloroform1) it points to homicide. Something like LSD would tend to point to suicide.
And trust me I re-read every article referenced on the 3 threads and a few I'd found on my own way up into the wee hours of the am. It is rare one can't find something somewhere in Topix -there has been nothing I could find on this. There is a reason for this I think. Perhaps the sources could be sued or the police want to guarantee all is secure.

I just feel bad for Rebecca's family. The other person in her relationship for the last two years could express some type of condolences!!!- For me that speaks volumes!

I doubt LE is having any influence but I could be wrong. On another case I followed these sorts of things happened. I think it is more related to the PR machine in place or individuals/attorneys threatening to sue or contacting connections. In my opinion this happens when #1 someone has money and a higher profile and #2 something/comments about that someone may make them look guilty or at least not so great.
The only 2 with motive would be Jonah or Dina if there is a connection to Maxie's death. Adam may have been an accomplice (staging) Where does her ex live?

Don't you think if it was homicide, they'd have a POI by now? The last report I saw, all 3 were considered "witnesses" and cooperating.

I don't see anyone outside the 3 mentioned who would have motive unless there are other undisclosed secrets.....and perhaps Maxie's death was NOT an accident.

Gosh, I wish more details would surface. This makes for a good murder mystery novel or movie.

To me it would seem that every individual closely connected to this case could have murdered her, as well as faint possibility she killed herself. As far as her ex husband we know nothing at all. We don't know if they had a terrible relationship, a civil one -- was he upset that his marriage to her ended after 8 years because she met someone who was very wealthy -- and so she "let the wealth get to her head."
Results of toxicology could be important towards the determination, just a piece to the puzzle.

I don't think this woman was drugged. She did a "violent" death -- they probably wanted her very much alive and feeling every blow and being very conscious of an assault up on her. Whomever did this to her was very angry...drugging her would put her in an altered state which would likely cause her to feel less pain. I think she was meant to feel pain.
I believe there are types of drugs that could incapacitate someone while still allowing them to feel pain.
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