Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #3

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Maybe Lee went to visit her?
The media doesn't go chasing after him.
Since she has purchased her own computer and has internet the very least they can Skype..

FCA said she purchased her own computer. :liar:

Lee could be visiting her. Annie was able to sneak in/out of the A house when the web cam was up and protestors were outside. She laid down in the back seat, they pulled the SUV in the garage, then shut the door. FCA could easily be going in and out of Hopespring Drive the same way Annie did.

Maybe Lee went to visit her?
The media doesn't go chasing after him.
Since she has purchased her own computer and has internet the very least they can Skype..

I saw the pictures of Lee, they are webcam stills and wherever he is, the house is a complete pigsty which you can see in the background. Definitely not Cindy's house. He has gained a significant amount of weight and is wearing a baseball hat. One shot is full on face from the front and it is him. Smile from ear to ear. Does he have an earring? Because there is an earring in the left ear. The photos look like he was skyping, the fb page that has them claims that they come from "Lee and Casey's page" that they keep publishing, unpublishing, and changing the name of. The photo's are on Holly and Jon's fb dedicated to boycotting her future earnings. They are same people that obtained and released the first video and were able to grab these and upload them to a photobucket before they were taken down. Apparently they both (Casey and Lee) play games like that.

The photos themselves don't prove anything really other than he is skyping somebody, somewhere, from a really messy house.
I saw the pictures of Lee, they are webcam stills and wherever he is, the house is a complete pigsty which you can see in the background. Definitely not Cindy's house. He has gained a significant amount of weight and is wearing a baseball hat. One shot is full on face from the front and it is him. Smile from ear to ear. Does he have an earring? Because there is an earring in the left ear. The photos look like he was skyping, the fb page that has them claims that they come from "Lee and Casey's page" that they keep publishing, unpublishing, and changing the name of. The photo's are on Holly and Jon's fb dedicated to boycotting her future earnings. They are same people that obtained and released the first video and were able to grab these and upload them to a photobucket before they were taken down. Apparently they both (Casey and Lee) play games like that.

The photos themselves don't prove anything really other than he is skyping somebody, somewhere, from a really messy house.

Have to see it for myself - still not believing it is Lee as much as folks want it to be...
I saw the pictures of Lee, they are webcam stills and wherever he is, the house is a complete pigsty which you can see in the background. Definitely not Cindy's house. He has gained a significant amount of weight and is wearing a baseball hat. One shot is full on face from the front and it is him. Smile from ear to ear. Does he have an earring? Because there is an earring in the left ear. The photos look like he was skyping, the fb page that has them claims that they come from "Lee and Casey's page" that they keep publishing, unpublishing, and changing the name of. The photo's are on Holly and Jon's fb dedicated to boycotting her future earnings. They are same people that obtained and released the first video and were able to grab these and upload them to a photobucket before they were taken down. Apparently they both (Casey and Lee) play games like that.

The photos themselves don't prove anything really other than he is skyping somebody, somewhere, from a really messy house.

Maybe they are skyping each other in the same trailer. :p

His appearance had changed quite a bit at the chilli contest in a warehouse.

Maybe they are skyping each other in the same trailer. :p

His appearance had changed quite a bit at the chilli contest in a warehouse.


Just don't see a guy who wears tube socks getting an earring...:lol:

And let me add - I hope for the sake of his own mental health - which looked pretty rocky at the trial - that he is NOT in contact with her because if he is - I fear for him.
Have to see it for myself - still not believing it is Lee as much as folks want it to be...

I totally understand. I saw them with my own eyes that is why I am able to believe that it is him. Two of the shots are too vague for me with the hat and the way that he has his face turned. But the one shot where he faces the camera head on and smiles from ear to ear....there was no mistaking him.

He really has gained a ton of weight though. Does he have an earring? I cant remember but I seem to remember the earring tattoo craze on that cruise. Was that just George? Or does Lee have an earring as well?
Maybe they are skyping each other in the same trailer. :pIMO

lol!!!!!!!!! Sure looks like it but his background was even messier. Very unkempt from what I could see. Didn't Cindy say that he was a slob? But then again, what is a slob by her standards? She is compulsively neat. Oh and Holly And Jon first saw these pictures as far back as December 14th.
I am not following all this specific twitter stuff nor the videos, photos, etc, but I do have some questions: is this stuff related to what she claims was stolen from her computer via hacking? Or is this completely different? And if her compter wasn't hacked, didn't she send the police on another wild goose chase in her last probation report?
Well. I can see from looking at the twitter battles that I don't have time to think about this too much, but I will say that if ANS is indeed the name of a deceased person, she didn't have a social security number when she died. According to the Soc Sec Admin anyway, which I believe more than I believe Casey. Or I mean whoever is posting this garbage.
I totally understand. I saw them with my own eyes that is why I am able to believe that it is him. Two of the shots are too vague for me with the hat and the way that he has his face turned. But the one shot where he faces the camera head on and smiles from ear to ear....there was no mistaking him.

He really has gained a ton of weight though. Does he have an earring? I cant remember but I seem to remember the earring tattoo craze on that cruise. Was that just George? Or does Lee have an earring as well?

Are these public pics? I haven't seen them (but didn't go looking for them).
Well. I can see from looking at the twitter battles that I don't have time to think about this too much, but I will say that if ANS is indeed the name of a deceased person, she didn't have a social security number when she died. According to the Soc Sec Admin anyway, which I believe more than I believe Casey. Or I mean whoever is posting this garbage.

Is this person in the age range?

All this stuff is crazy and really goes in circles.
Are these public pics? I haven't seen them (but didn't go looking for them).

They are public and still sitting there on that fb for anyone to see, if you go look for them you will find them. The status and pictures are from about 20 or so hours ago though so you will have to hit "older posts" on the page to get to the status. You'll see it. There are three. One is in the status (Not clear) the others are in the comments section of the status linked to a photobucket.
Well. I can see from looking at the twitter battles that I don't have time to think about this too much, but I will say that if ANS is indeed the name of a deceased person, she didn't have a social security number when she died. According to the Soc Sec Admin anyway, which I believe more than I believe Casey. Or I mean whoever is posting this garbage.

AZ- if Casey has changed her name legally, can she then get a DL in that new name even though her original has expired? If she changes her name does her SS# ever change?
Well. I can see from looking at the twitter battles that I don't have time to think about this too much, but I will say that if ANS is indeed the name of a deceased person, she didn't have a social security number when she died. According to the Soc Sec Admin anyway, which I believe more than I believe Casey. Or I mean whoever is posting this garbage.

ANS was a pen name. She wrote the book Oy Vey which can be purchased on Amazon. I have a "find a grave" listing for her if it's okay to post.
Well. I can see from looking at the twitter battles that I don't have time to think about this too much, but I will say that if ANS is indeed the name of a deceased person, she didn't have a social security number when she died. According to the Soc Sec Admin anyway, which I believe more than I believe Casey. Or I mean whoever is posting this garbage.


Hmmmm, she uses 3 names? Sounds familiar
I started following it a few days ago.:floorlaugh: I also follow Banana Sam the monkey that was stolen from the SF zoo.

Totally off topic but the twitter account of the snake that escaped it's cage at the Bronx zoo was hilarious! I loved it.

Back on topic though, I feel that FCA is just digging herself into a bigger hole. She refused to appear for deposition but can appear online socializing and making video? Well depositions can be done online as well.

She says fears for her life and feels that she shouldn't have to appear in a deposition but yet she appears in a video exposing exactly what she looks like and what she is doing.

She is just shooting herself in the foot, left and right, and it is no small wonder that JB and DS have had enough of her. She simply doesn't have the ability to maintain real relationships over any period of time.

She simply uses people and disposes of them when they are no longer any use to her. She did it with Caylee and with her dad. She did it to her so called "friends" who she lied to and stole from. She even stole from her grandparents. That's all she knows how to do to support her lifestyle.

So it is just a matter of time before she steals again or commits a crime and this time "mommy" can't help her and cover for her.

So I say let her keep it up. She is going to end up getting herself in trouble and the Karma train is gonna roll right over her.

Not only that, she is likely to attract a bunch of losers and users like herself and they will use her and profit from it while she will end up with pretty much nothing.
I totally understand. I saw them with my own eyes that is why I am able to believe that it is him. Two of the shots are too vague for me with the hat and the way that he has his face turned. But the one shot where he faces the camera head on and smiles from ear to ear....there was no mistaking him.

He really has gained a ton of weight though. Does he have an earring? I cant remember but I seem to remember the earring tattoo craze on that cruise. Was that just George? Or does Lee have an earring as well?

Not saying I don't believe you - just saying I need to see it for myself and have him identified. Not hard to find someone who looks a lot like him to freak out the masses and get the chatter going. And it has worked.
They are public and still sitting there on that fb for anyone to see, if you go look for them you will find them. The status and pictures are from about 20 or so hours ago though so you will have to hit "older posts" on the page to get to the status. You'll see it. There are three. One is in the status (Not clear) the others are in the comments section of the status linked to a photobucket.

Not me looking at anymore sites for a few days - I keep getting bug warnings - and my big ole Mac freezes every time it happens - I'll have to catch it on the flip side thanks.
Not saying I don't believe you - just saying I need to see it for myself and have him identified. Not hard to find someone who looks a lot like him to freak out the masses and get the chatter going. And it has worked.

No worries. :blowkiss: I didn't think that you didn't believe me. I am the type that has to see something for myself as well. I get where you are coming from. Just stumbled on them on that page this morning because I am in the habit of checking it now and was convinced from what I saw. Also, those pages that are against her have been tailing her all over the internet for months. Way before the video broke, in fact this page belongs to the people that broke it and appeared on HLN shortly thereafter. Holly and John. I give more weight to any media they post then the others.

What makes me happy is that the fact that no one jumped on these pictures of Lee. (Although like I said before, they really don't prove anything, even with the screen shots from the fb) They are out there to find and see as easily as I found them. The attention that Casey anthony is receiving is proving to be perishable and had a pretty fast expiration date. :floorlaugh:
Just wanted to attach this pic of Winnie when he was a pup...if you click on it, it gets a little bigger...
He has that same curly, raggy look like KC's "adopted" dog. Yorkies have that look as pups. So, she's got a Yorkie, IMO.

What pizzes me off is that Caylee's dog, Tinkerbell, was a Yorkie, too.

This pic from one of LE's doc dumps....go to pic can see Tinkie on Caylee's bed...almost like she's waiting for her to come home. :(
I always get so teary eyed when I see that pic.

AND, now, I get infuriated that KC, who took Caylee away from her Tinkie, has the nerve to get a Yorkie for herself!!!
I've said it before, but I hope that dog poops and pees on her and chews up everything she owns!!

I hope the place she "adopted" from did a walk around to see if there's any duct tape in her place...Yorkies get a little yappy...we have first hand knowledge of how poor Caylee ended up. Hope she doesn't wrap the poor pup in duct tape!!! Training a puppy isn't easy work, as most of us know...I can't see KC taking the time or patience with a puppy...that "smoochie" phase gets a little "ruff" after you step in poop a few times going to the bathroom in the middle of the night...LOL
It always looked like she handed off Caylee every time the going got a little tough...and I can almost bet it was Cindy who changed most of the diapers....we'll see how long the honeymoon lasts with her latest attempt at "motherhood".
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