Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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You're forgetting who is claiming to have purchased these knickknacks(not that I really noticed any in any of the pics, TA appeared to be pretty minimalist). This is the person who claims that TA borrowed money from her(the same day that she asked him if he'd deposited money into her account and thanked him for it, saying she'd pay him back soon) during a time, iirc, when she was sleeping on the floor at her rented room until her friend lent her a futon, would sneak into TA's house to eat his frozen dinners, cereal, etc and make herself cookies, had detailed everything TA gave her for Christmas(making out like they were such "beloved" gifts from her soon to be husband ... nope, no ring, no lingerie, no new phone, not bath salts, perfume, etc., mostly just some religious material and a bookmark, hmm) and never once mentioned what she had got him, ever, other than iirc a frappuccino(likely a free membership one, or a two for one) and some leftover chinese food, oh and of course her sexual favours.:/

The Valentine's Day spideys don't count? :dance:
'i decided we should just be friends'

again meaning,travis told me to bog off

for the love of god...'he begged me to marry him'

she really does live in a world of her own
'Ultimately, the persons responsible will be held accountable. I, however, will not serve one day
in prison for a heinous crime in which I had no part.'

well that back fired didn't it,i just can't anymore....i am so glad T's family decided to let this in,if this doesn't get her to DR i don't know what will
I forgot to mention one more thing. This letter only confirms my belief that nothing that Arias says is to be believed. There is no way that Travis asked her to marry him or was upset about her dating other men. NO WAY. She has attempted to rewrite history. I don't believe that they were ever in a relationship. They went on a few dates---that is all. I don't believe a word out of her mouth. I am not sure whether we can even take Travis' texts/emails at face value since she snooped into his accounts and sent out messages pretending to be him.

They were never in a relationship. She meant very little to Travis. She is a jealous, angry and scorned woman. Nothing she says can change the truth.
Putting together the tweets and Paul Saunders/13th Juror, I believe it has to do with whether the fact that she lied about the triggering event on the Dr. Samuels' PTSD test negates the defense claim that she has PTSD.

JM forced an unwilling Geffner to admit yesterday that the PTSD triggering events (this trial, not last) were abuse + domestic violence. DeMarte noted that true PTSD sufferers avoid situations that "trigger" the triggering event/s. But, just as she said in her "fun-fun" voice mail to be just murdered TA, JA and Heather went to see Othello in early July (7-1 iirc).

Here's Jody looking happy as a clam as she poses with the actor who played Othello: ... JA captioned the pic "Shakespeare Festival. Ashland, OR. Peter [the black lead actor] makes a great Othello."

So less than a month after slaughtering Travis, JA is enjoying a play about a protagonist driven mad with jealously and rage by his "beloved" but supposedly (not) unfaithful spouse whom he's eventually driven to kill. No evidence at all her PTSD kicked in as she watched, enthralled enough to seek out "Othello" afterwards and pose for pics.
I'm amazed there is such a thing as a brilliant strategy for them at this point, though I'll take your word for it. They do read here, so yay to your discretion in not giving them any ideas.

The updated version:


Then she should be sent a sequel to the book. The one place you will never see and the One place you are sure to see after the needle. With full descriptions of each place.
Chris and Sky wrote an excellent book, "Our Friend, Travis".It is definitive. It will be released after she is sentenced. Until then, here is the true story of Travis and Jodi, short version. . She was clearly obsessed with Travis from the beginning of their relationship, real or imagined.

Jodi Arias' letter to the family; like her testimony, is REPLETE with lies. Here is one of his buddies, Mike, detailing how Travis was distressed when Jodi moved to Mesa, he pleaded with her not to "WE ARE NOT TOGETHER, WE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO BE IN MESA", also about how she kept sneaking in his home, when he wasn't even there, etc......etc

The truth is they were getting to know each other over the phone for a few months, in those VERY early months he had a skewed view of her and indeed did like her very very much. At that time he was proud of her and HE DID BRING HER AROUND HIS FRIENDS. tdogg.jpg

Nevertheless, he was not in love with her the way she was already completely ( in her mind with him ). This is why he was shocked at Chris/Sky's pee or get off the pot e mail, thus part of his response ( which is the part the defense NEVER includes in their witness testimony ) is Travis saying hold's just a long distance thing. I barely know the girl !!!!!

Sky explains the emails here

Travis was quickly changing his thoughts about her as her mental illness kept creeping up, her overt jealousy and insecurities and he was turned off beginning to see she was NOT as he first hoped. This happened early on. He told her over and over and over again to date others as he certainly was.

She began tracking his every move. He wasn't even dating her yet she would punch out of work and drive for five hours to go check on him if he wasn't taking her calls. Here is her co worker explaining

SHE MOVED TO MESA AND HE BEGGED HER NOT TO. She had already become obsessed, a stalker even.

She had no money, no place to go, her home foreclosed, her car to be repossessed, could barely keep a waitress job. He felt sorry for her and tried to help her by letting her clean his house and have groceries, etc. Meanwhile she threw herself at him sexually and was perfectly fine with the friends with benefits, don't ask don't tell arrangement of KNOWING HE WAS ACTIVELY SEARCHING AND DATING AND WANTING TO MARRY ANOTHER.

Here is Taylor explaining Travis said she was a nympho

She pretended to be ok with it, but inside she was hoping she could win him over, and he would see that SHE was the one for him.
She vamped up the sex and yes he told many of his buddies it was wild, GREAT sex, it sucked him in. Still....he didn't love her and he wanted to truly LOVE someone to marry so the search was still on.

Meanwhile Travis' friends started to realize he was in over his head and Jodi was some Fatal Attraction. The friends started telling her to get lost even if Travis wasn't ready to.

He continued dating the Mormon girls and she became more and more crazed following him on dates, writing letters to them, sending them texts from his phone, trying to let them know he was with her, you name it. Then she moved to breaking in to his emails, face book, my space, hacked his phone....slashing tires. She was ANGRY

He never thought of Jodi Arias as anything but sex on the side. I am sorry if that sounds crude. The thing is she was dating other men this whole while too, and Travis was her sex on the side ( so he thought ). You are all correct when it came down to who did he trust to look after his home and Naps, he called his beloved Deanna, NOT JODI. The napster and travi.jpg

Here Deanna tells she busted her breaking into his home and computer.

Poor Travis started telling people don't be surprised if you find me dead one day. Dr. Hiatt, and his family he said that to.

She recorded the sex tape, her brother admitted, to send to Travis' love interests. This is why she was trying to get him to say on the tape Mormon girls were a bore. screenshot of JodiArias' brother.jpg It was blackmail. I believe she told him she had the tape and THAT is why in that fatal last argument she mentions she'd call her lawyer. I think he told her taping that without his consent was illegal. I'm just speculating, but whatever it was a line in the sand. STILL, she had delusions she could get Travis into her web

After she killed him she STILL wanted to pretend in her own mind that things were different than they were. She wrote a lot of vile letters, ALL of them Juan has had all along. He had the one to the family. He just chose if as and when he could use it in court. He had the ones she wrote to Ryan and this one she sent to his employer.

Travis was so relieved and hopeful that she was FINALLY MOVING AWAY FOR GOOD. HE TOLD MANY OF HIS FRIENDS OF HIS RELIEF.

I believe she thought she could come to his house that last day, have some great sex, remind him what he'd been missing, they'd look at their photos together and get nostalgic and she would win him back, she had her Cancun bathing suit in those hopes and if he said no.....she had her backup plan of how to deal with this rejection once and for all. A gun, and a knife.

Jodi told Sky once she had a vision of she and Travis getting married in the temple, and since then she could never let him go as it was divined to be. There is the entire story of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander, a fantasy she worked up in her own mind.

Someone asked is Mr. Martinez done with Dr. Geffner. No. Not by a long shot.
Be assured Juan Martinez is going to continue to rip the roof off the place. He has something the defense cannot compete with. THE TRUTH.
We fight the good fight. Gram and Travi.jpg
What was the question? I can't remember.

This has to do with our exchange about why JM would have to ask Geff a certain question without the jury before he asked it with the jury in the room. AZL mentioned that is done when there is a danger the answer will cause a mistrial.

I believe the question on the table had to do with the reason JA put on the test for having PTSD symptoms. Geff answered something like JA put "TA's violence and abusiveness". This was different from the Samuels-administered version of the test which indicated the reason was the "ninja episode". It looked like JM might have been surprised at Geff's answer and/or was not aware that Geff had re-administered the test. Or that the DT had simply written in new answers on the answer sheet? Did others get that? Anyway, I thought maybe the questioning of Geff without the jury present was something like a mini "deposition" so the PT team could be generally familiar with what Geff was going to say.

So, in answer to AZL's question, I believe the question in play when JSS dismissed the jury for a moment had to do with the re-administration of the test to Jodi.
JM forced an unwilling Geffner to admit yesterday that the PTSD triggering events (this trial, not last) were abuse + domestic violence. DeMarte noted that true PTSD sufferers avoid situations that "trigger" the triggering event/s. But, just as she said in her "fun-fun" voice mail to be just murdered TA, JA and Heather went to see Othello in early July (7-1 iirc).

Here's Jody looking happy as a clam as she poses with the actor who played Othello: ... JA captioned the pic "Shakespeare Festival. Ashland, OR. Peter [the black lead actor] makes a great Othello."

So less than a month after slaughtering Travis, JA is enjoying a play about a protagonist driven mad with jealously and rage by his "beloved" but supposedly (not) unfaithful spouse whom he's eventually driven to kill. No evidence at all her PTSD kicked in as she watched, enthralled enough to seek out "Othello" afterwards and pose for pics.

I guess I don't understand what happened in court on Thursday. While Geff said the the cause was DV and death in front of the jury, the judge sent the jury out and Juan further questioned him. Upon the jury returning I thought Juan forced Geff to admit that the test results pointed to the trigger for PTSD being a nonsexual assault by a stranger (meaning the ninjas) and that Juan was then saying oh really, then her PTSD had nothing to do with Travis and oh, by the way, that nonsexual assault by a stranger never happened and therefore the PTSD diagnosis was a crock. There were questions outside of the jury's hearing where Geff admitted that lying about the events would be a problem for the profession in terms of making a diagnosis.

It was unclear from the tweets (to say the least) but once I read the 13th Juror piece on Thursday's court I thought this is what he was saying happened. I could have easily misunderstood, though.
At least 3 things prevented TA from definitively and forever banning JA from his life:

1) empathy for emotionally damaged people, as TA's horrific childhood abuse had left residual scars on him.
2) JA's repeated threats to kill herself if he "left" her. His sincere LDS beliefs made him horrified at the thought of being the cause of anyone's death, akin to being a murderer himself.
3) A realistic fear of JA going to the bishop and telling truth + lies that would likely destroy his PPL career and marital hopes for years to come.
You're forgetting who is claiming to have purchased these knickknacks(not that I really noticed any in any of the pics, TA appeared to be pretty minimalist). This is the person who claims that TA borrowed money from her(the same day that she asked him if he'd deposited money into her account and thanked him for it, saying she'd pay him back soon) during a time, iirc, when she was sleeping on the floor at her rented room until her friend lent her a futon, would sneak into TA's house to eat his frozen dinners, cereal, etc and make herself cookies, had detailed everything TA gave her for Christmas(making out like they were such "beloved" gifts from her soon to be husband ... nope, no ring, no lingerie, no new phone, not bath salts, perfume, etc., mostly just some religious material and a bookmark, hmm) and never once mentioned what she had got him, ever, other than iirc a frappuccino(likely a free membership one, or a two for one) and some leftover chinese food, oh and of course her sexual favours.:/

Agreed, but I did mention Jodi was claiming to have given the knickknacks to TA. Imagine the psychological torture for the Alexander family in having these mementos from Travis, but not knowing which ones had JA's toxins all over them or if they did at all. JA is trying to erase the Alexanders' "feel good" memories. Even this tiny detail shows how vile she is.
I guess I don't understand what happened in court on Thursday. While Geff said the the cause was DV and death in front of the jury, the judge sent the jury out and Juan further questioned him. Upon the jury returning I thought Juan forced Geff to admit that the test results pointed to the trigger for PTSD being a nonsexual assault by a stranger (meaning the ninjas) and that Juan was then saying oh really, then her PTSD had nothing to do with Travis and oh, by the way, that nonsexual assault by a stranger never happened and therefore the PTSD diagnosis was a crock. There were questions outside of the jury's hearing where Geff admitted that lying about the events would be a problem for the profession in terms of making a diagnosis.

It was unclear from the tweets (to say the least) but once I read the 13th Juror piece on Thursday's court I thought this is what he was saying happened. I could have easily misunderstood, though.

JM was showing Geffner JA's answers to Samuels PTSD test, noting she checked "nonsexual assault by a stranger/s" as the main trigger but obviously TA wasn't a "stranger"; therefore, JA lied on the test. That part of the back and forth seemed clear. it's what came after that's confusing ... hints of Geffner changing answers ... to old test? ... to new PTSD test he gave her but didn't provide to the prosecution? ... I think court ended for the day with Geffner under a cloud of suspicion "I know not why" (Jodi-speak).
Yes, DebinGA, you are right. It doesn't seem clear that we got an answer as to why the change in answers. Yikes. I need more coffee.
JM forced an unwilling Geffner to admit yesterday that the PTSD triggering events (this trial, not last) were abuse + domestic violence. DeMarte noted that true PTSD sufferers avoid situations that "trigger" the triggering event/s. But, just as she said in her "fun-fun" voice mail to be just murdered TA, JA and Heather went to see Othello in early July (7-1 iirc).

Here's Jody looking happy as a clam as she poses with the actor who played Othello: ... JA captioned the pic "Shakespeare Festival. Ashland, OR. Peter [the black lead actor] makes a great Othello."

So less than a month after slaughtering Travis, JA is enjoying a play about a protagonist driven mad with jealously and rage by his "beloved" but supposedly (not) unfaithful spouse whom he's eventually driven to kill. No evidence at all her PTSD kicked in as she watched, enthralled enough to seek out "Othello" afterwards and pose for pics.

When I first heard about the Othello reference long ago, I noted what the theme of the play was about. I thought not to post my wild thoughts here at WS about how the theme of the play was what was going on and now... :thud: FGS...she REALLY is a psycho and was thinking such and gloating in that re her phone call. And to now learn that she actually went after the murder/before she was arrested.... I.CANNOT.FATHOM.THIS.EVIL I had previously discounted it, but now knowing that she went.... just smh
:seeya: cha cha and Nurmi and Willmont... reposting below in case it hasn't sunk in yet!

:tyou: Zoey for pulling this together :goodpost:

Jodi Arias letter, like her testimony is REPLETE with lies. Here is one of his buddies, Mike, detailing how Travis was distressed when Jodi moved to Mesa, he pleaded with her not to "WE ARE NOT TOGETHER, WE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO BE IN MESA", also about how she kept sneaking in his home, when he wasn't even there, etc......etc

The truth is they were getting to know each other over the phone for a few months, in those VERY early months he had a skewed view of her and indeed did like her very very much. At that time he was proud of her and HE DID BRING HER AROUND HIS FRIENDS. View attachment 68061

Nevertheless, he was not in love with her the way she was already completely ( in her mind with him ). This is why he was shocked at Chris/Sky's pee or get off the pot e mail, thus part of his response ( which is the part the defense NEVER includes in their witness testimony ) is Travis saying hold's just a long distance thing. I barely know the girl !!!!!

Sky explains the emails here

Travis was quickly changing his thoughts about her as her mental illness kept creeping up, her overt jealousy and insecurities and he was turned off beginning to see she was NOT as he first hoped. This happened early on. He told her over and over and over again to date others as he certainly was.

She began tracking his every move. He wasn't even dating her yet she would punch out of work and drive for five hours to go check on him if he wasn't taking her calls. Here is her co worker explaining

She had no money, no place to go, her home foreclosed, her car to be repossessed, could barely keep a waitress job. He felt sorry for her and tried to help her by letting her clean his house and have groceries, etc. Meanwhile she threw herself at him sexually and was perfectly fine with the friends with benefits, don't ask don't tell arrangement of KNOWING HE WAS ACTIVELY SEARCHING AND DATING AND WANTING TO MARRY ANOTHER.

Here is Taylor explaining Travis said she was a nympho

She pretended to be ok with it, but inside she was hoping she could win him over, and he would see that SHE was the one for him.
She vamped up the sex and yes he told many of his buddies it was wild, GREAT sex, it sucked him in. Still....he didn't love her and he wanted to truly LOVE someone to marry so the search was still on.

Meanwhile Travis' friends started to realize he was in over his head and Jodi was some Fatal Attraction. The friends started telling her to get lost even if Travis wasn't ready to.

He continued dating the Mormon girls and she became more and more crazed following him on dates, writing letters to them, sending them texts from his phone, trying to let them know he was with her, you name it. Then she moved to breaking in to his emails, face book, my space, hacked his phone....slashing tires. She was ANGRY

He never thought of Jodi Arias as anything but sex on the side. I am sorry if that sounds crude. The thing is she was dating other men this whole while too, and Travis was her sex on the side ( so he thought ). You are all correct when it came down to who did he trust to look after his home and Naps, he called his beloved Deanna, NOT JODI. View attachment 68059

Here Deanna tells she busted her breaking into his home and computer.

Poor Travis started telling people don't be surprised if you find me dead one day. Dr. Hiatt, and his family he said that to

She recorded the sex tape, her brother admitted, to send to Travis' love interests. This is why she was trying to get him to say on the tape Mormon girls were a bore. View attachment 68060 It was blackmail. I believe she told him she had the tape and THAT is why in that fatal last argument she mentions she'd call her lawyer. I think he told her taping that without his consent was illegal. I'm just speculating, but whatever it was a line in the sand. STILL, she had delusions she could get Travis into her web

After she killed him she STILL wanted to pretend in her own mind that things were different than they were. She wrote a lot of vile letters, ALL of them Juan has had all along. He had the one to the family. He just chose if as and when he could use it in court. He had the ones she wrote to Ryan and this one she sent to his employer.

Travis was so relieved and hopeful that she was FINALLY MOVING AWAY FOR GOOD. HE TOLD MANY OF HIS FRIENDS OF HIS RELIEF.

I believe she thought she could come to his house that last day, have some great sex, remind him what he'd been missing, they'd look at their photos together and get nostalgic and she would win him back, she had her Cancun bathing suit in those hopes and if he said no.....she had her backup plan of how to deal with this rejection once and for all. A gun, and a knife.

Jodi told Sky once she had a vision of she and Travis getting married in the temple, and since then she could never let him go as it was divined to be. There is the entire story of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander, a fantasy she worked up in her own mind.

Be assured Juan Martinez is going to continue to rip the roof off the place. He has something the defense cannot compete with. THE TRUTH.
We fight the good fight. View attachment 68058
Did Juan ever get to finish all he wanted to ask about the ninja PTSD test? It seemed like he was never able to get all the way through it, but that could just be my fog.
I believe, when he wasn't allowed to ask whatever he wanted to ask about Geff's test do-over, JM purposely used the old test to segway into the letter which he wanted to leave the jury with over the weekend. Genius!
The only reason the judge sent the jury out was Geff was rather insisting that it was a legal problem in his work for the actual test questions to be made public. The judge allowed redacted document to be shown, ONLY to the jury, after much ado with what to turn off on monitors, shut camera off, etc. That is all it was. Juan Martinez will get in what he wants, it just took extra steps. That is all it was.
In the letter, she mentions snooping into Travis' text messages, which of course isn't exactly news to us. Then in court recently, defense introduced sexual texts between Travis and Chaitanya Lay, and some other women (?), which were strangely over the top - really laying it all out there, sexually.

Anyway, the two things together made me think that Travis and Chaitanya, et al, were faking it in a really OTT way as a joke on Arias, to give her way more than she bargained when she snooped into his messages.

All JA's intrusive ploys are working against her...Teehee
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