Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/29 thru 2/2 - Break

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What a great moment it would have been if after Willmott sarcastically said/accused/insinuated that surely Deanna’s passport/immigration papers would prove she hadn’t made a mid-mission return from Costa Rica, if Deanna could have whipped out her passport while saying, “Yes, it shows my one return date clearly here on my passport.” Would have loved to hear the comeback Willmott would have tried, unsuccessfully, to make after the proof was offered in court!

The whole "immigration papers" thing was to strike a nerve in one of the jury members, IMO. "Immigration" is a very red-flag word in Arizona with inflammatory opinions on both sides. JW was trying to intimidate DR and impress the jury with this passport/immigration stuff: BIG FAIL. I'll bet JW has never even been abroad, except maybe to Cabo for the weekend: she sure doesn't seem very knowledgeable.
I have learned that having book learnings does not always translate to being good at what you do. There are people who are motivated and driven to succeed and that gets you far but it doesn't mean you'll always be good at putting what you learn into practice. I think Willmott is intelligent and she is good at what she does and can teach the things she's learned to future lawyers. I am only observing this from a lay person's point of view but I think she does make these boneheaded mistakes and doedn't know when to quit while she's ahead. She asks TOO MANY questionsI've noticed that when she thinks she's made a good point she tried to really nail it down and keeps asking questions on that one point in many different ways and that leads her into undoing the work she just did in getting the answer she originally wanted.

For instance, when she was questioning Dr. Hayes and kept trying to drill on Dr. Demarte not doing a good job, she'd ask a question, get the answer she wanted and then keep going. She had tried to say previous that Demarte was being misleading by including work she's done before she was licensed as years that she practiced. Hayes said she would not include pre-license work in how many years she'd been practicing. And Willmott kept going and got Hayes to say that while other psychologists might do this, she personally doesn't. It's just a choice. Good job.

Or when she was trying to nail Demarte for not using the latest version of the MCMI. Willmott had gotten an answer she wanted and said, "you wouldn't just not use the latest version because your employer hadn't bought the latest version, would you?" Giving Hayes the chance to say yeah that's exactly one reason why you wouldn't. You can't use it if you don't have it. She further clarified that even though there's an updated version, using an older version is still perfectly adequate. It's just an updated version of the tests but the old test still works fine.

I think the points she wants to make are good but she doesn't always ask the questions in a way to make her point. She's too open ended.

I'm not convinced JW has a lot of high quality book learning. She doesn't seem to have had rigorous professors or mentors, otherwise she'd be much more precise. She's a sloppy thinker and a sloppy user of language: this doesn't speak very well for her standards for herself. She's not a young 'un and should be a lot more mature in her professional skills.

I agree with all the rest, MeeBee: good points!

So, now I'll look up JW's vita.....
The whole "immigration papers" thing was to strike a nerve in one of the jury members, IMO. "Immigration" is a very red-flag word in Arizona with inflammatory opinions on both sides. JW was trying to intimidate DR and impress the jury with this passport/immigration stuff: BIG FAIL. I'll bet JW has never even been abroad, except maybe to Cabo for the weekend: she sure doesn't seem very knowledgeable.

No. Not immigration into Arizona but into Costa Rica. Please read previous posts regarding entry into Costa Rica.
Just in case anyone was wondering, as I was, what a CTR ring was, the initials stand for Choose The Right. As I understand it, the message is very much like that of a What Would Jesus Do ring.

There are many different styles, and it makes sense that Travis would have bought such a ring to act as inspiration for someone whom he had baptized. I don't think it would have any other degree of affection attached to it.

Just one example of such a ring.
ctr ring.jpg
I think Travis did indeed say "You kissed my girlfriend?" However, IMO, the context of his words indicates that he was still calling her his gf.

To give context, TA said: "He's a ghost to me because what am I supposed to say? Hey you kissed my girlfriend? Wanna talk about that?" IMO, when TA says "Hey you kissed my girlfriend?", he is answering his own question of "what am I supposed to say?" incredulously - as in "You dare kiss my girlfriend and you expect me to treat you as anything other than a ghost?!"

Also, these words are immediately followed by JA saying "That was before I was your girlfriend" - meaning she understood TA's words to mean that TA thought Abe tried to kiss JA while JA was TA's girlfriend - and TA's response to her seems to support this interpretation. And he does not refute it.

Again, only my opinion though! :)

I would actually prefer if I had your point of view instead of mine - I don't like thinking JA was ever TA's girlfriend.

ETA - I'm not certain TA said "Wanna talk about that?" bc the "wanna" part is hard to understand. He could have said a different word than "wanna." But by his tone, whatever he said were words to that effect. IMO.

I can honestly see a situation where, because they lived so far apart, a discussion was had to consider themselves "exclusive" to each other. Or "official" as JA likes to call it. Or bf/gf. And I can understand why TA would agree to such a distinction. From what I have seen, he had only had sex with one other woman before JA came along with her bag of tricks. JA, however, had shown him right off the bat how "easy" she was. He probably also knew she'd been shopping herself around the PPL world or at least he knew at some point that Abe at least was interested and he was in CA, closer to where JA lived. She told him about her dates with Abe obviously to make him jealous but she omitted the details of what she was doing with him up against her car (without the benefit of any alcohol apparently). So I could see him thinking that if he was trying to get to know this girl, liked her and was having sex with her, he didn't want her to be dating and having sex with a bunch of other guys too. So of course she manipulated him into an exclusive relationship by letting him know that it would be so easy for her to have sex with other guys. And TA may have been flirtatious but there is NO evidence he was a player. There is no woman other than Deanna who has stepped forward to suggest that TA was having sex with them or multiple women no matter how JW tries to twist her words to make the jury think that.

I keep hearing about how JA saw all these text messages to other girls during the time frame of Feb - July 2007 when she snooped into his phone and ended the relationship (another lie I'm sure). Did we see any of these text messages? The DT brought some in from other girls but I thought they were from the beginning of 2008? Did I misinterpret the time frame for those texts from Chiandra (sp?) and the other woman with the kids? The "making babies" texts? Were these actually from 2007 and were the ones that JA snooped and saw? Or is that another big lie and it was Travis who ended the "official" relationship just because he caught her snooping (among other strange behaviours) but she didn't actually find anything damaging on the phone? And is the DT just trying to pass these texts off as an "example" of what she saw but don't actually have any from 2007?

I'm not convinced JW has a lot of high quality book learning. She doesn't seem to have had rigorous professors or mentors, otherwise she'd be much more precise. She's a sloppy thinker and a sloppy user of language: this doesn't speak very well for her standards for herself. She's not a young 'un and should be a lot more mature in her professional skills.

I agree with all the rest, MeeBee: good points!

So, now I'll look up JW's vita.....
I was just looking up how many murder cases she's won, if any, or any cases she's defended, with no success. I am eager to see what you find.
This is sort of OT but i know we have Mormons on here. Since only friends and family with TRs can witness the celestial union in temple is it usually followed up with a small "civilian" ceremony for ALL friends and family to be apart of

Yes, there are "ring ceremonies" that are held somewhere where anyone can attend, after the temple ceremony.
I was just looking up how many murder cases she's won, if any, or any cases she's defended, with no success. I am eager to see what you find.

IIRC she (along wit Martinez and JSS) is a graduate of Arizona State
University law school. She was a public defender but now she has a law practice with her husband who does wills, trusts, estates
No idea but those folks are scary. They are out and about! Yes Jodi has admitted murdering Travis.

Killer has not admitted to murdering him and I do not think she ever will. She has admitted she killed him.

In some instances she has referred to Travis having "passed away."

What a piece of work she is!
I'm not Mormon so I don't know what they think of their temples. I know that what happens in the temples can't be shared with outsiders, and that fits my definition of something being "secret" and because of that secrecy, it all has an air of mystery to outsiders, it does to me anyways. And in my opinion, something can be "sacred" and "secret and mysterious" at the same time. I didn't/don't see the problem with me using those words to describe it and I meant no offence.

As a Mormon, I don't have a problem with someone referring to what goes on in a temple as secret. It certainly is secret if you don't have a recommend. we did not get to juror questions for the bishop. I guess the trial by tweet has me more confused than I thought. It seems the question of whether Temple Recommendation (or loss of) follows a member no matter how many times he/she relocates was asked of the bishop by JM. I am not sure how I got the impression it was a juror question but, oh was a very good question that informed jurors that a church member's move from one state to another would not just wipe the slate clean.
Just jumping off your post, I noticed at the beginning of that sex tape when she brought Abe's name up, the first thing she said to Travis was that he had told her "the other day" that he was responsible for Travis getting his ring. Travis was curious as to when and why she was talking to Abe. She hesitated for just a second before telling him a lie about how she connected with him on myspace, she tried to post something and she didn't even realize that he had unfriended her because she hadn't communicated with him for like 4 months so she sent him another friend request and he phoned her and said he unfriended her because didn't want to deal with the situation between her and Travis blah blah blah (in my best Jodi rambling run on interpretation). Didn't Abe say on the stand that they had no contact for some time before the murder? I can't remember. According to Jodi they spoke a couple of days before the sex tape. And for some reason he told her that he was the reason Travis had earned his PPL ring.

The manipulation and lies just never ended. She was egging him on to talk poorly about anyone at PPL she knew he might have an issue with to also have THAT to hold against him as well in the blackmail tape.


AA had said after JA told him that she had told TA about their date, "we have a problem...", he removed her from his friend list(I believe that would be Dec/07, to answer the question) . Tweets and summary below.
So JA meets AA first in late August 2006 at a Super Saturday in Anaheim, CA at The Grove. She was sitting in the executive director's section... they strike up a conversation, he gets her number.

They continue contact, go on a lunch date in Nov/06 just before Thanksgiving in Palm Desert. They stay in contact. She's going to be in Pasadena to get her hair done in Dec/06 they made plans to meet again. They go to dinner in Pasadena shortly after Christmas during which JA states she is "dabbling in Mormonism". They eat then go hang out at Barnes & Nobles for awhile, he walks her back to his car and they start making out(magic panties). They stop after about 10-15 minutes and each leave in their own cars. In Jan/08 JA calls, let's just be friends.

They continue to stay in touch. Initially it was business talk(for advice... just like Gus and Dr S) then around Feb/Mar 2007 JA started talking about TA and ask AA for advice on how to get TA to commit... AA kept giving her advice for the rest of the year, suggested that maybe he just wasn't into her and she should move on. AA gets a call from JA in Dec/2007, "we have a problem". JA had told AA about their date almost a year earlier. AA never got the letter JA claims she sent him that was in fact sent to TA, Letter(Ex. 438) was dated February 18, 2007?

Read from bottom up:
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 5m5 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
In OK CITY Abe saw TA in the restroom... TA was looking at Abe in the mirror and gave his a "stoic stare" It wasn't a mean look #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 28s28 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Jodi told Abe she was dating TA on the "DL" (Downlow) but it was going to become official #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 15m15 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Dec 2007 Jodi told Abe they had a problem Jodi said she told TA about her date with Abe and it made Abe mad #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 15m15 minutes ago
#JodiArias called Abe & said "We have a problem..." Abe responded, "WE don't have a problem..." JA says she told TA about their date 1yr b4.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 16m16 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Jodi complained about Travis to Abe for most of 2007 and him not committing #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 25m25 minutes ago
Next date was in Dec 2006, dinner after #JodiArias got her hair done in Pasadena.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 25m25 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
After Abe met Jodi in Nov 06 he continued to call her and they were planning on meeting in a couple weeks #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 26m26 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Abe says they were trying to arrange a meeting in Palm Desert while he was there in Nov 06 #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 27m27 minutes ago
Abe said he was absolutely interested in #JodiArias. Called her, just to have a conversation. Their first date was a lunch.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 28m28 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Abe first called Jodi after meeting her at this event. It was a social call #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 28m28 minutes ago
Abe hit certain sales quotas which allowed him special invites 2 certain PPL functions. He met #jodiarias at a Super Saturday training sess.

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 28m28 minutes ago
Abdelhadi and #jodiarias met at a PrePaid Legal functions.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 33m33 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Abe met Jodi in Aug of 2006 during a PPL event #jodiarias #3tvarias
Not always. Some Bishops do not allow a " Ring Ceremony" as they call it. No rings are exchanged at a Mormon temple marriage/sealing. No flower girls, bridesmaids, flowers.

The new temple recommends have a barcode on them. This is to prevent any unworthy person to enter the temple. For example, if a member does not pass the worthiness interview with his/her bishop but does not hand over the temple recommend at the time of the interview, the bishop can "deactivate" the recommend so if the member tries to enter the temple when he/she should not be the temple workers would find out by scanning the recommend.

Here are the questions that would be asked of a member requesting a recommend:

The only way a member could cheat would be to lie to his/her bishop or stake president during the temple interview. MOO

I have been to many ring ceremonies in several states. I have never heard of any Bishop denying a ring ceremony though. Once the couple is married and at their reception, they can do whatever they want including having bridesmaids, groomsmen, flowers and anything else they want. Even alcohol for those that drink.

Rings are definitely exchanged in a temple marriage.

There are no longer barcodes on recommends. The greeter at the entrance just checks the expiration date and lets the person in.

No doubt there are people that lie in the interview.
AA had said after JA told him that she had told TA about their date, "we have a problem...", he removed her from his friend list(I believe that would be Dec/07, to answer the question) . Tweets and summary below.
So JA meets AA first in late August 2006 at a Super Saturday in Anaheim, CA at The Grove. She was sitting in the executive director's section... they strike up a conversation, he gets her number.

They continue contact, go on a lunch date in Nov/06 just before Thanksgiving in Palm Desert. They stay in contact. She's going to be in Pasadena to get her hair done in Dec/06 they made plans to meet again. They go to dinner in Pasadena shortly after Christmas during which JA states she is "dabbling in Mormonism". They eat then go hang out at Barnes & Nobles for awhile, he walks her back to his car and they start making out(magic panties). They stop after about 10-15 minutes and each leave in their own cars. In Jan/08 JA calls, let's just be friends.

They continue to stay in touch. Initially it was business talk(for advice... just like Gus and Dr S) then around Feb/Mar 2007 JA started talking about TA and ask AA for advice on how to get TA to commit... AA kept giving her advice for the rest of the year, suggested that maybe he just wasn't into her and she should move on. AA gets a call from JA in Dec/2007, "we have a problem". JA had told AA about their date almost a year earlier. AA never got the letter JA claims she sent him that was in fact sent to TA, Letter(Ex. 438) was dated February 18, 2007?

Read from bottom up:
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 5m5 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
In OK CITY Abe saw TA in the restroom... TA was looking at Abe in the mirror and gave his a "stoic stare" It wasn't a mean look #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 28s28 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Jodi told Abe she was dating TA on the "DL" (Downlow) but it was going to become official #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 15m15 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Dec 2007 Jodi told Abe they had a problem Jodi said she told TA about her date with Abe and it made Abe mad #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 15m15 minutes ago
#JodiArias called Abe & said "We have a problem..." Abe responded, "WE don't have a problem..." JA says she told TA about their date 1yr b4.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 16m16 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Jodi complained about Travis to Abe for most of 2007 and him not committing #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 25m25 minutes ago
Next date was in Dec 2006, dinner after #JodiArias got her hair done in Pasadena.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 25m25 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
After Abe met Jodi in Nov 06 he continued to call her and they were planning on meeting in a couple weeks #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 26m26 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Abe says they were trying to arrange a meeting in Palm Desert while he was there in Nov 06 #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 27m27 minutes ago
Abe said he was absolutely interested in #JodiArias. Called her, just to have a conversation. Their first date was a lunch.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 28m28 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Abe first called Jodi after meeting her at this event. It was a social call #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 28m28 minutes ago
Abe hit certain sales quotas which allowed him special invites 2 certain PPL functions. He met #jodiarias at a Super Saturday training sess.

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 28m28 minutes ago
Abdelhadi and #jodiarias met at a PrePaid Legal functions.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 33m33 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Abe met Jodi in Aug of 2006 during a PPL event #jodiarias #3tvarias

Thanks for looking all that up Val1!!

So the bottom line is that Abe did not indicate on the stand that he had spoken to JA after the Dec 2007 drama she tried to involve him in. And yet when she called Travis to start the blackmail tape, one of the first things she said was that she was talking to Abe the other day and he said that he was the reason you got your ring. (paraphrasing) And Travis did not pick up on the comment where he was supposed to be pissed off at Abe for saying such a thing, instead he was like...huh? Why were you talking to Abe the other day? And she hesitated then went into one of her long drawn out over-embellished lies. Because it's unlikely she was talking to him. She just wanted to plant a seed in Travis' mind that Abe had said something unkind or untrue about him. To me it seemed as though she was trying to get him to trash talk people associated with PPL so she could use that against him as well as the sex talk.

As a Mormon, I don't have a problem with someone referring to what goes on in a temple as secret. It certainly is secret if you don't have a recommend.

I honestly hadn't meant it as a reprimand, I was just referring to a previous poster that had stated that in her/his opinion the temples were considered sacred, as opposed to how some JA supporters like to make snide remarks about some kind of secret Mormon mafia... sorry for any ill will that may have caused.:truce:
Thanks for looking all that up Val1!!

So the bottom line is that Abe did not indicate on the stand that he had spoken to JA after the Dec 2007 drama she tried to involve him in. And yet when she called Travis to start the blackmail tape, one of the first things she said was that she was talking to Abe the other day and he said that he was the reason you got your ring. (paraphrasing) And Travis did not pick up on the comment where he was supposed to be pissed off at Abe for saying such a thing, instead he was like...huh? Why were you talking to Abe the other day? And she hesitated then went into one of her long drawn out over-embellished lies. Because it's unlikely she was talking to him. She just wanted to plant a seed in Travis' mind that Abe had said something unkind or untrue about him. To me it seemed as though she was trying to get him to trash talk people associated with PPL so she could use that against him as well as the sex talk.


That was my impression, though I suppose JA could have called him to find out why he had removed her, I didn't notice if anyone had picked that up anywhere ... I have enough trouble trying to follow her thought pattern, ie. why wait until Dec/07 to prove her "love" by sending this letter to TA about a "hug" almost a year after it happened?
I have been to many ring ceremonies in several states. I have never heard of any Bishop denying a ring ceremony though. Once the couple is married and at their reception, they can do whatever they want including having bridesmaids, groomsmen, flowers and anything else they want. Even alcohol for those that drink.

Rings are definitely exchanged in a temple marriage.

There are no longer barcodes on recommends. The greeter at the entrance just checks the expiration date and lets the person in.

No doubt there are people that lie in the interview.

Thanks that answered my question!
I'll bet she had a dress, too, and didn't need to borrow Skye's. JA never stinted on such things. The whole "bumping in to Travis" thing was premeditated, IMO. How could she even afford that convention?

Dr David Hughes (bro of Chris) on JVM

I introduced Travis to JA.


So she's calling Both Abe and Hughes about PPL business..

What a crock!!!!!

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