Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/13 thru 2/18 - Break

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She had a laptop AND an external HD. I don't think it was in storage, maybe she just hid it before getting arrested. Thing is, I just don't believe JA would have deleted all of her 10,000 selfies. I bet there is a HD hidden somewhere, just like the 2nd helio phone was hidden and only was "found" when needed.

The testimony was about the hard drive from her laptop. Other than her own mention of the external drive, I don't recall any info on it. As for the 10,000 selfies, Dworkin did mention thousands and thousands of images recovered from the laptop but no other details.
I still want to know when where and how LE got a hold of Jodi's broken computer. Wouldn't they need a search warrant.

They had search warrant. Jodi had smashed hard drive. They found it in bottom of clothes hamper, iirc.
You're thinking of the infamous May 26 IM exchange. The lawyer? Nobody knows, but the BMW is probably the least likely. He never sold it to her, it remained in Mesa, and he'd asked her to make payments for its repair, but didn't even push her on that very much.

I could be completely in left field, but I think she lied about who and how the BMW was hooked up, and the person liable turned out to be completely JA [scam]. U-haul had no liability. So then she could have said, sorry but email contract is not valid [scam] and I never even insured the car [scam]. She told Flores via a phone conversation how the check that was found at his house was for $200, two months payment. That means she had not paid May. So she left the check to show she WAS paying for the car, but she in reality had no intention of paying for it.

Does U-haul ever help hook-up a car? Then they would be liable, so I doubt it.

She was overly concerned over the check from the beginning.

This issue would explain the reason for the last argument...."you are a *advertiser censored*, etc.". Travis was in financial trouble and it would have hit him hard to have to continue paying for the BMW loan plus a new car and then the repairs.

U-Haul gives instructions....nothing more that I can find.

ADDED: I think Travis was finally done with Jodi over the BMW and her lying about what happened, and she knew it. "I'll call my lawyer in the morning."
Reading all of MF's testimony in one sitting makes several things really clear. Hopefully the jury sees them as clearly.

1. She can say voluminous all she wants; the reality is she looked at precious few sources other than JA's word to arrive at her conclusions.

2. She says she didn't interview the Hughes or Lisa because they were in denial about Travis; that they were "edifying" him after death.

3. Her extrapolations about who Travis was and their "relationship" from the few sources she used are laughable. Really. I can't imagine the jury the jury will find her opinions credible, especially since they'll hear from her again so shortly after DeMarte.

4. I hadn't remembered, but Nurmi did ask her about June 4. MF said that day was about "love." That she, MF wasn't in the bathroom, but that something happened there. Nurmi asked her how it could be that they were having sex just hours before what happened in the bathroom. Objection, sustained.

MF said that what happened was "psychological vomit" from the "feast" of abuse TA heaped on her May 26.

Nurmi talks about the boulder (of abuse and turmoil, blah blah) picking up speed and exploding on June 4. Says it was the end of the road. Objection, residual doubt. Sustained.

The context for Nurmi/MF bringing up June 4 was her assertion that BOTH Travis and JA were suicidal. She because she had been "snuffed out" by T's abuse, and T because of his pedophilia.

MF is slippery, but what she is saying is that Jan 21 changed everything. That he took out his guilt and anger on her, that he lost his TR because he confessed to the Bishop that he was a pedophile, and that struggling with pedophilia made him depressed, which led to his financial difficulties.

She's got quite an imagination that one. And although Dr. D couldnt interview Travis cause he's dead", apparently Fonesca can read the mind of someone who is dead. Or maybe she held a seance and his tortured spirit told her what's up :rolleyes:

And yet she then said, "I'm not accusing him of being a pedaphile :facepalm:

MF is slippery, but what she is saying is that Jan 21 changed everything. That he took out his guilt and anger on her, that he lost his TR because he confessed to the Bishop that he was a pedophile, and that struggling with pedophilia made him depressed, which led to his financial difficulties.

Unless he still intends to do it, I don't understand why JM didn't replay his cross of JA regarding the Jan. 21 pedo incident, which was thoroughly debunked by phone records, texts, and her journal entries. The few calls there were between them that day involved TA trying in vain to get JA to return his car. He'd made special arrangements to accommodate the return by riding with someone else to FHE, but JA ignored the inconvenience she'd caused him and claimed she was just too sleepy to follow through with their plan.
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The testimony was about the hard drive from her laptop. Other than her own mention of the external drive, I don't recall any info on it. As for the 10,000 selfies, Dworkin did mention thousands and thousands of images recovered from the laptop but no other details.

JA mentioned an external HD that had photos in the police interview. She said it was in her storage unit. I think there was more than one external HD. I don't think she would have destroyed her computer without a backup.

And I think she decided to destroy her laptop when Flores told her they could trace IPs to see if Travis's gmail was accessed from California. At first she told him she had not logged on to Travis' gmail for weeks, but when Flores told her about the IP address, she QUICKLY backed up and admitted she had logged onto Travis' email recently. She also could have been deleting the BMW contract email furthering her argument she was not liable for the BMW's damage. At that point she had not made even one payment.

Travis: "I am nothing but a dildo with a heartbeat"..."you are a *advertiser censored*" "You have scammed me"

Jodi" "I'll call my lawyer in the morning"

I think all these things are related, and all part of the same conversation. Jodi didn't love Travis at the end, that's why there was no remorse. He was done giving her money, she bled him dry just like she did to Darryl.

AND she had a new shiny toy to play with, another up and coming PPL guy, Ryan.

This would also explain the Golddigger article Travis wrote. He knew she was a real golddigger, not the kind he wanted. Another subtle dig at JA.
I could be completely in left field, but I think she lied about who and how the BMW was hooked up, and the person liable turned out to be completely JA [scam]. U-haul had no liability. So then she could have said, sorry but email contract is not valid [scam] and I never even insured the car [scam]. She told Flores via a phone conversation how the check that was found at his house was for $200, two months payment. That means she had not paid May. So she left the check to show she WAS paying for the car, but she in reality had no intention of paying for it.

Does U-haul ever help hook-up a car? Then they would be liable, so I doubt it.

She was overly concerned over the check from the beginning.

This issue would explain the reason for the last argument...."you are a *advertiser censored*, etc.". Travis was in financial trouble and it would have hit him hard to have to continue paying for the BMW loan plus a new car and then the repairs.

U-Haul gives instructions....nothing more that I can find.

ADDED: I think Travis was finally done with Jodi over the BMW and her lying about what happened, and she knew it.

I believe the BMW was paid off. Not sure why he let her use the BMW to go get the Uhaul. What she was paying him back was for the repairs to the BMW because insurance would not cover the damages. That is what I understood from the testimony. Anyone have a link? At $100 a month it would take her years to pay off that car.

If we believe Jodi when she claims TA gave her the BMW we have to wonder why there was no paperwork either giving her permission to use his car, no insurance policy in her name, no contract on his computer, no paper copies that either she or Travis had. Nothing. So was she paying him for the damages or the damages plus the car. You are talking about $10,000 @ $100 a month would take her literally years. He'd be tied to her for years. Really? Certainly paints a much different person of who Travis was than what Jodi wants us to believe. jmo
JA mentioned an external HD that had photos in the police interview. She said it was in her storage unit. I think there was more than one external HD. I don't think she would have destroyed her computer without a backup.

And I think she decided to destroy her laptop when Flores told her they could trace IPs to see if Travis's gmail was accessed from California. At first she told him she had not logged on to Travis' gmail for weeks, but when Flores told her about the IP address, she QUICKLY backed up and admitted she had logged onto Travis' email recently. She also could have been deleting the BMW contract email furthering her argument she was not liable for the BMW's damage. At that point she had not made even one payment.

That would have been a waste of a laptop since the public IP address LE would have been looking for comes from the internet service provider, not from the computer.

One of the more ridiculous moments in the police interview with Detective Flores:
"I haven't logged in to his Gmail."
"We can totally tell if you have."
"Oh. I can tell you right now that I have."

IIRC, nothing ever came out in the trial about her IP address and TA's Gmail.
That would have been a waste of a laptop since the public IP address LE would have been looking for comes from the internet service provider, not from the computer.

One of the more ridiculous moments in the police interview with Detective Flores:
"I haven't logged in to his Gmail."
"We can totally tell if you have."
"Oh. I can tell you right now that I have."

IIRC, nothing ever came out in the trial about her IP address and TA's Gmail.

That was an LOL moment, and she said it with a straight face. Boy can she lie.

I don't think Jodi realized how an IP address works. Plus I am sure there was more that she wanted destroyed. I really think she tried to erase the emails regarding BMW. I reviewed a lot of the interviews and phone calls...and her main concern seem to be, was the check she wrote to Travis going to be cashed.
I could be completely in left field, but I think she lied about who and how the BMW was hooked up, and the person liable turned out to be completely JA [scam]. U-haul had no liability. So then she could have said, sorry but email contract is not valid [scam] and I never even insured the car [scam]. She told Flores via a phone conversation how the check that was found at his house was for $200, two months payment. That means she had not paid May. So she left the check to show she WAS paying for the car, but she in reality had no intention of paying for it.

Does U-haul ever help hook-up a car? Then they would be liable, so I doubt it.

She was overly concerned over the check from the beginning.

This issue would explain the reason for the last argument...."you are a *advertiser censored*, etc.". Travis was in financial trouble and it would have hit him hard to have to continue paying for the BMW loan plus a new car and then the repairs.

U-Haul gives instructions....nothing more that I can find.

ADDED: I think Travis was finally done with Jodi over the BMW and her lying about what happened, and she knew it.

Hello again, fellow speculator! :)

Anything's possible about what caused the May 26th blowup. I have zero doubt that she blew up his BMW on purpose, and that UHaul wasn't to blame.

The BMW did come up on May 26. It was halfway through the conversation, and BK said JA's responsed "sarcastically" to whatever TA said about it.

The overall theme of the text is TA telling her he's finally understood that she's trying to ruin him, that he hates her for all the pain she's caused him, and that he no longer believe a word she says.

I think the BMW came up as one of the things she'd done to harm him, but that it wasn't central. I'm not even sure how make or break the car was for him financially, though it had to hurt. He may have owned it outright (bought it when he was flush), and he had the Prius. On the other hand, the repair bill was huge, he never did have it repaired, and he most likely needed the money he could have received from its sale.

About his saying "scammed." I know lots of folks think that meant something financial, and it could, but there's another interpretation. She had played him on multiple occasions with her lies about fictious men hitting on her and a make believe Michelle who told JA about what TA was up to and with whom. I hear that as scam.....
In the beginning, BOTH the state and the DT experts agreed there was no *advertiser censored*.

Then Nurmi came and said there were thousands and thousands of *advertiser censored* sites, and Juan and Flores tried to secretly delete them all.

Juan successfully battled that BS, by bring in an expert or two, to show that it was spybot that wrote those *advertiser censored* sites into the computer files. And he showed the accusations of misconduct to be false.

And Juan's own recent computer experts also spoke of the *advertiser censored* pictures and the video fragments. He did not lie about their existence. His expert did not have success playing the videos. Then Lonnie cam on and said that he did finally do so.

I do not think it is damning to Juan's integrity in any way. JMO :cow:

Katydid, look at all the years that have passed in all of this. Tech has advanced to the point that now, they can show things that could not be accessed back in the year 2008. Still, the original story the defense team was trying to sell to the jury was that 1,000's of *advertiser censored* sites had been deleted. Juan was able to show that was not true. Dworkin's testimony has finally changed somewhat also, since he has more useful technology now than he had back when the trial began. Dworkin's original testimony was on day 12 and day 13 of the trial. I may go back tomorrow and watch his original testimony and compare it to this time. I can't today because I'm leaving for a few hours.

It is true that he was the only credible 'expert' witness for the defense, but that may be in part due to the advance in technology equipment that allowed him better access to things like the fragments of videos.

Juan will lay it all out plainly in his closing. I feel confident of that.
I believe the BMW was paid off. Not sure why he let her use the BMW to go get the Uhaul. What she was paying him back was for the repairs to the BMW because insurance would not cover the damages. That is what I understood from the testimony. Anyone have a link? At $100 a month it would take her years to pay off that car.

If we believe Jodi when she claims TA gave her the BMW we have to wonder why there was no paperwork either giving her permission to use his car, no insurance policy in her name, no contract on his computer, no paper copies that either she or Travis had. Nothing. So was she paying him for the damages or the damages plus the car. You are talking about $10,000 @ $100 a month would take her literally years. He'd be tied to her for years. Really? Certainly paints a much different person of who Travis was than what Jodi wants us to believe. jmo

I never heard it was paid for. I remember some testimony about an email contract, but can't remember the details, so at one point contract existed.

$10,000 repairs would alone have hurt Travis as he was having financial issues.
I believe the BMW was paid off. Not sure why he let her use the BMW to go get the Uhaul. What she was paying him back was for the repairs to the BMW because insurance would not cover the damages. That is what I understood from the testimony. Anyone have a link? At $100 a month it would take her years to pay off that car.

If we believe Jodi when she claims TA gave her the BMW we have to wonder why there was no paperwork either giving her permission to use his car, no insurance policy in her name, no contract on his computer, no paper copies that either she or Travis had. Nothing. So was she paying him for the damages or the damages plus the car. You are talking about $10,000 @ $100 a month would take her literally years. He'd be tied to her for years. Really? Certainly paints a much different person of who Travis was than what Jodi wants us to believe. jmo

I've posted about this several times. He did NOT give her the car or intend to sell it to her. She contacted his executor shortly after she murdered him claiming T gave her the car, executor called Chris Hughes who told him it was a lie, exec. asked her to provide proof, she MANUFACTURED an email exchange between herself and TA, the attorney told her to scram. All that per Chris Hughes.
I think she may have gotten help with how to manipulate the recordings too.

Like piecing parts of the recording from 1 spot and piecing it together onto another spot.
So much of that recording sounded like it was edited. It did not sound like 1 fluid recording to me.

And the way Travis voice was so garbled. Something was really off about that tape and I know Travis was tired and maybe on sleeping medicine but I think there is even more to it than that. I suspect JA really manipulated that recording in more ways than 1.

Even to the point of manufacturing words that he may not have even said by piecing together parts of his voice from 1 spot to another spot.
Remember the patent we talked about before. It had to do with voice recognition software if I am not mistaken. There is no telling how much hands on training JA got to be able to generate that recording.

All JMO of course.

That was Neumeister! You're right. He finally admitted he was not a 'computer expert', but he could claim 'audio expert'. He likely helped her just as LaViolette and Samuels helped her, by slyly advising her or giving her books to read that could plant in her head how to act, or not; what to say, or not; etc.
I've posted about this several times. He did NOT give her the car or intend to sell it to her. She contacted his executor shortly after she murdered him claiming T gave her the car, executor called Chris Hughes who told him it was a lie, exec. asked her to provide proof, she MANUFACTURED an email exchange between herself and TA, the attorney told her to scram. All that per Chris Hughes.

hmmmm. Not sure Travis would have told executor right away. But, maybe he did not give her the car, just wanted her to paid for damages.

I am still leaning toward scam being about the BMW and not who she was dating. I don't think Travis cared who she was dating at the end. He wanted her OUTOFHISHAIR. He had moved on and seemed happy she had moved back to CA and was not calling him daily. In Flores interview, JA claimed lawyers were still working things out regarding damages.

If Travis wanted to be paid he had to not aggravate her too much, I think that's why he stayed in communication at all. And maybe that's why he let her in on June 4th. She brought photos and check.
There is one thing that has bothered me about the evidence. It’s a minor thing, and it doesn’t diminish the guilty verdict, but I know it to be incorrect. The evidence was about the credit card charges when Jodi rented the car. She said her reason for changing her mind on something was due to what Priceline offered on the rental car. Juan said she didn’t go to Priceline to rent the car. His proof was credit card charges were shown that the rental car agency was the vendor on her credit card receipt. He said if she had rented the car through Priceline, then Priceline would be shown as the vendor on her credit card receipt. That’s not correct. His proof was her credit card receipt showing the rental car agency as vendor as opposed to an airline ticket she purchased – Priceline was shown as the vendor for the plane fare purchase.

I’m not sure as to their current policy, but during the timeframe when Jodi rented the car, when a car was rented through Priceline, it was just a reservation. Priceline held the reservation, but no charges were made. The rental car company *would* charge credit cards directly. When the person picked up the car, that was the only time credit card information was exchanged. Priceline’s name would not appear anywhere on the credit card receipt.

For air fares, it was different. The moment the reservation was made, the ticket was purchased by Priceline, and Priceline would show up on credit card statements.

I know this to be a fact because I handled travel arrangements where I worked, and that’s just the way it transpired.

It doesn’t change anything, and that one data point is insignificant in the whole scheme of things, however.

Signed – new member anxiously awaiting transcript from testimony given chambers due to be released.
Do you (or anyone else) have a reference to her laptop being smashed up when recovered by LE? Was it in testimony or elsewhere? I don't doubt it but haven't seen where that originally came from. I did read (I believe in a minute entry) that its hard drive was first thought to be inaccessble but was taken to (TLSI?) and most sectors were assessible after some work on it and a mirror image was made of what could be recovered. I'm just curious about the condition it was found in and where that info came from.

The hard drive that Lonny D spoke about was an external hard drive, that external was damage and LE sent it out to try and recover what they could. I don't remember him speaking about a computer/ laptop that belonged to ja.

I haven't listened to Det M so don't know what he said about the computers.


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JA mentioned an external HD that had photos in the police interview. She said it was in her storage unit. I think there was more than one external HD. I don't think she would have destroyed her computer without a backup.

And I think she decided to destroy her laptop when Flores told her they could trace IPs to see if Travis's gmail was accessed from California. At first she told him she had not logged on to Travis' gmail for weeks, but when Flores told her about the IP address, she QUICKLY backed up and admitted she had logged onto Travis' email recently. She also could have been deleting the BMW contract email furthering her argument she was not liable for the BMW's damage. At that point she had not made even one payment.

Travis: "I am nothing but a dildo with a heartbeat"..."you are a *advertiser censored*" "You have scammed me"

Jodi" "I'll call my lawyer in the morning"

I think all these things are related, and all part of the same conversation. Jodi didn't love Travis at the end, that's why there was no remorse. He was done giving her money, she bled him dry just like she did to Darryl.

AND she had a new shiny toy to play with, another up and coming PPL guy, Ryan.

This would also explain the Golddigger article Travis wrote. He knew she was a real golddigger, not the kind he wanted. Another subtle dig at JA.

BBM. IMO Travis was maturing. This sentence shows insight: "I am nothing but a dildo with a heartbeat". He had finally developed insight that JA had no regard for him as a person, that he was just an 'object' to be used for her own needs. My opinion only.
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