Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 31

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Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Aimee knows of no physical or sexual abuse from parents or siblings. I never saw them get spanked & they were all spoiled #jodiarias
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 1m1 minute ago
Dr. DeMarte reading an interview from Amy, #JodiArias' cousin who says she never saw any physical abuse.

Just emotional abuse of her family by JA
Spoiled and never even spanked according to cousin Aimee in Yreka.

I'm of a mind sometimes over-indulging kids (like never holding them accountable for anything and always giving them everything they want) may lead to personality disorder. I've seen it in a lot of cases where there's no abuse - like Scott Peterson.
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · now 3 seconds ago
DeMarte- Neither one let anyone know about the sexual relationship #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 50s 51 seconds ago
Geffner and Fonseca said TA made his sexual relationship with JA a you agree? #jodiarias #3tvarias
From MK:

Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 44s 44 seconds ago

Martinez: Is there a psychological significance to keeping a sexual relationship secret?

DeMarte: No, it's normal
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 36s 37 seconds ago
Juan- Is this typical to not talk about your sex life with others?
DeMarte- It's typical and normal #jodiarias #3tvarias
I get why he said it. It doesn't mean they weren't mean things to say but I get it. Completely.

In the end, knowing what happened to Travis, I am so thankful he did get to tell her how he felt. The way he said it shows he had a lot of pentup hurt.
Just emotional abuse of her family by JA

I don't remember "My parents were very mean to me when they found out I'd been growing weed on their roof" making into her secret testimony ... or anything else regarding her teen hooliganisms.
From CS @ CNN:

Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN · 31s 32 seconds ago

#jodiarias appears to be writing something at defense table, she's not wearing her glasses right now.

Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN · 24s 25 seconds ago

sidebar #jodiarias
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 12s 13 seconds ago
Juan- Are you aware Fon put significance on the fact that TA didn't report his sexual relationship w/ JA to the Bishop?
SIdebar #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 49s 50 seconds ago
Juan- Do you feel keeping the sex a secret manipulative on TA's part?
DeMarte- No I don't agree with that #jodiarias #3tvarias
The video interview will probably be considered as too prejudicial. Grr.

Maybe not though Nali :thinking:
I don't think either one of them EVEN mentioned the magic in her panties :smile:
From MK:

Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 59s 59 seconds ago

Martinez says Geffner placed significance on Alexander not telling bishop about sex.

Nurmi objects that he misstates testimony.

I'm smiling to myself imagining the defense table right now: smoke steadily coming out of Nurmi's ears, Wilmott's deer-in-the-headlights face, and Jodi furiously carving mad scribbles on her paper.
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 50s 51 seconds ago
Geffner and Fonseca said TA made his sexual relationship with JA a you agree? #jodiarias #3tvarias

THIS ^^^ I don't understand why the defense is making him not telling anyone about their sexual relationship a crime. Who goes out shouting to the world i'm screwing Tom, Dick, Harry and Jodi? Like are you supposed to meet with friends over coffee to talk about your three hole wonder, poundings, tootsie's up the wahzoo? I'm 28 and no prude but I don't sit my friends down to a weekly briefing of my sex life.
In the end, knowing what happened to Travis, I am so thankful he did get to tell her how he felt. The way he said it shows he had a lot of pentup hurt.

Well, personally I'm glad Demarte said what she said. It shows she is not biased and doedn't try to downplay things that we can all see. She DID give context and she DID say there was no pattern there.

Like I said before, not everything is black and white. Travis said some very hurtful things in response to feeling betrayed and hurt very deeply by Jodi.
Behind again, but since Dr. DeMarte will probably be talking in depth about the MMPI-2 that she administered to JA, I thought I'd post this for those who are interested should trial watchers tweet JA's scores on this instrument. There are 10 Clinical Scales 1-0 (with many subscales within each of the 10 basic Clinical Scales).

Consider "High"--to be T65 or more (often stated as "Clinically Significant") on the MMPI-2. The higher a scale, the more the more pathological descriptors apply. Consider "Low" to be about T40 and below.

1 (Hs) Hypochondriasis - (32 items). High: Preoccupation about one's health, a tendency to exaggerate physical symptoms, demanding, whiny, immature, little psychological mindedness, poor prognosis for any kind of treatment. Low: Healthy, insightful, optimistic.
2 (D) Depression -(57 items) Very High: Often associated with Major Depression. High: Clinical depression, pessimism, guilt feelings. Low: Absence of depression, cheerful, competitive.
3 (Hy) Hysteria - (60 items). High: Tendency to convert conflicts concerning dependency, sexuality or aggression, and express them as physical symptoms. Psychologically immature, self-centered, narcissistic, and lacking insight. Superficially friendly and naive but manipulative. There are neurotic and borderline levels of hysteria. Low: Overly constrictive, conventional and distrusting.
4(Pd) Psychopathic Deviate - (50 items). High: Poor impulse control, dis-identification with societal standards, authority conflicts, marital and family conflicts, inconsiderate, narcissistic, poor judgment, extroverted, self-confident, hostile, parasitic and externalizes blame. Low: Overly conventional and conforming, passive, trusting and non-competitive. In a nutshell, high scorers are found to engage in antisocial behavior and are rebellious toward authority figures. They show stormy family relationships and usually blame others for their problems. They are immature, childish, narcissistic, self-centered, and selfish. They tend to be interested in others in terms of how they can be used. They are often thought to be likeable and usually create a good first impression but are shallow and superficial in relationships and unable to form warm attachments. They tend to act out and have antagonistic behavior and aggressive outbursts. Some are assaultive and may show little guilt over negative behavior.
5 (Mf) Masculinity-Femininity - (56 items). High: (For Males) Passive, aesthetic and artistic interests, intelligent, sensitive to others, tolerant and has good controls. If very high - possible sex role identity conflicts. High: (For Females) Rejects the stereotypic female role, has masculine interests in work and hobbies, and may be aggressive and dominating. Low: (For Males) Limited intellectual ability, narrow range of interests, practical, aggressive, and has traditional male interests. Low: (For Females) Passive, submissive, constricted and sensitive. Side note: Not correlated to any scales of psychopathology.
6 (Pa) Paranoia - (40 items). High: Suspicious, hostile, overly sensitive, ideas of reference, delusions of persecution or grandiosity, vengeful, and utilizes projection. Low: Insensitive, defensive, and shy.
7 (Pt) Psychasthenia - (48 items). High: Obsessive-compulsive anxiety, tendency towards phobias, irrational fears, high-strung, difficulty concentrating, lack of self-confidence, rigidly moralistic, perfectionistic and dependent. Low: Well adjusted, free from anxiety, self-confident, and a wide range of interests.
8 (Sc) Schizophrenia -(78 items). High: breakdown of reality testing, feelings of unreality, insecurities, schizoidal trends, alienation, shy, anxiety, over-investment in fantasy, sexual preoccupation, non-conforming, immature and disorganized thinking. Low: Friendly, reasonable, conventional, practical, and unimaginative. Side note--When scale 8 is one of the highest elevated scales on the profile, consider a borderline or psychotic personality structure.
9 (Ma) Hypomania - (46 items). High: Hyperactive, impulsive, difficulty in delaying gratification, narcissistic, irritable and extroverted. Low: Low energy and activity level, fatigue, depression and withdrawn.
O (Si) Social Introversion - (69 items). High: Timid, shy, hard to get to know, overly-sensitive, over-controlled, submissive, conventional, cautious, rigid and moody. Low: Socially extroverted, talkative, energetic, interest in status and recognition, competitive, narcissistic, superficial, and manipulative. Side note--Low scores can sometimes be the only sign of narcissism on the profile.
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
DeMarte- This falls into same category and sexual relationships aren't always announced #jodiarias #3tvarias
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