Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 31

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Hey, do you think we can invite JD to be a WS member and an expert :giggle: Dayum....she is summing up everything soooooooooooo well. Like the comment just now that PTSD creates an avoidance, and she certainly didn't avoid talking about Travis.

I would actually be shocked/surprised if she were to agree only because it really would reflect on her professionalism and would certainly be used against her in any future trial she were to testify in. UNLESS she could do it totally incognito. Hmmm
Over in Jodiland they are claiming that Dr. D had to make up all the mean things Daryl, Matt M., Sky, family, friends, etc. said about Jodi. They said unless the information is in sworn affidavits - like you know, Witness #1's - the info must be a lie. :facepalm:
It was a joke. Like, he needs to consult with her to figure out how to cross examine. Usually it's the other way around. Jodi is directing his questioning.

But its not a joke. It's his duty to advise her that they probably just lost the jury, and will definitely lose them if he continues with her strategy.
This disorder does not give one a pass on murder. Nor does it mean she had no choice but to act upon her vile, vicious impulses. JMO

I fail to understand how anyone can have any sympathy for Arias but I respect all opinions whatever they may be.

As for as me personally, the more I hear about this wretched woman... the more evil she becomes. and I have more disdain for her than before... if possible.

She is totally heartless, and hurting so many that happened to cross paths with her leaving deep scars that will never heal. She deserves death..not only for slaughtering a good man who was trying to escape her death grip, but for almost destroying his family in the process. We have seen Travis' family have to endure this torture for years now, and have seen what a toll it has taken on them .......with some of them even contemplating suicide.:( I cant even imagine what its been like for them having to sit there all the while knowing the DT has pushed nothing but disparaging lies about Travis. It shows what a lovely family he has to be able to sit there respectfully throughout all of it. So JA has made multiple victims by murdering Travis.

I don't have once ounce of sympathy for this horrid creature. She had no right to slaughter Travis just because she couldn't consume his life and own him. She sucks the life out of everyone she ever dated. And I said early, she doesn't have remorse because she felt entitled to murder Travis and I am glad to see that Dr. DeMarte agrees.

I have watched and read about more death penalty cases than I can remember and never ever have I seen as much evil as this one defendant possesses.

I keep thinking back to when she sat in the interview room alone waiting for Det. Flores to return and she threw her head back, and let out the most evil laugh. I knew then this woman is evil to the core. I knew she would become someone we don't often get to see. We have seen her evil at work for years now and she never gets enough of trashing Travis.

You are correct, her disorder doesn't give her a pass on murder. She had choices which she made, and she gleefully made them because Travis dared to say 'no more.' She is even more diabolical and evil than men who have murdered someone who tried to get away from the bad relationship. And I think we all know if this defendant had been a male there wouldn't be one ounce of sympathy for him, rightly so, and he would also been sent to death row last year.

I hope the first thing they do is put gender aside when deciding the fate of this murderer, and look solely on the crime itself, and what she has done in the aftermath that is equally as cruel, and hideous as the murder was.

I feel she didn't murder the others because they weren't as good of a catch as Travis was. He had everything. A beautiful home, good paying job, prestige, a go getter, intelligent, handsome, compassionate to those in need, and much loved by all those who knew him.

She had a choice to move on to another man and stalk them and make their lives a living hell like she tried to do to every man that no longer wanted her. She chose to slaughter instead, and then she moved on like nothing ever happened, and began her trail of lies in order to devalue Travis' life. I don't think she loved Travis. What she did is not love. She caused him much fear and heartache. She wanted to possess him as if he was an bright ornament she could wear on her arm that made her appear better.

Yesterday and today Travis' gentle spirit was with Juan in the courtroom, and the truth finally came forth so loud that it knocked the lies down like a house of cards, and revealed how truly evil JA is. No matter what Geff and MF says they will never undo what Dr. DeMarte, and Juan has done for Travis. The truth has been revealed, and it will resonate with this jury. Now they know this vile wicked woman killed a good man, and then lied and lied about him after death. No one is more deserving of death than JA.

Nurmi probably gets the chance to question DeMarte since he hadn't seen her notes in time to interview her about them. Nurmi always wiggles out of starting cross at the end of the day, just like he did with Bishop Parker.

Juan always gets up and is prepared to cross, no matter when Nurmi or Willmott stop.
I am totally floored by some of days revelations. For me the only missing piece I would like to know would be what the May 26 fight was about. Other than that I feel that I completely understand what happened here with this tragic "relationship"
Yeah Nurmi- they are- thanks to Travis and by the grace of God- they are. Apparently Travis took one for the team without even knowing! STFU NURMI!!!!!!!

The difference may be that Travis finally saw through her and threatened to expose her, while the others didn't. So she had to murder Travis.

For those who feel a BPD diagnosis means she couldn't help it, I'd like to bring up the fact that at the very start of this she vowed to "drag travis's reputation through the mud," if the state didn't agree to a plea deal of 2nd degree/manslaughter.

That right there throws all the "she can't help it" right out the window. I'm not trying to attack anyone else's belief of how BPD fits into her sentencing, but for me, that threat is as calculated, and premeditated as the actual murder itself. And just like the premeditated murder, she carried out that threat to a level that no one could have imagined. I wouldn't be surprise to learn that even JM is shocked by how far she was willing to take it.


The jury doesn't know any of that.
Because she thinks he deserved it, fits the whole "devaluing BPD thing". Devaluing her parents as well. The utter filth about Travis= Devaluing him again. All BPD.

This is what I'm getting from the testimony. I'm just being honest here.

Yet I recall reading in JA's journals where she actually comes out and says all her angst isn't even about TA, it's her...
he was just who she took out her anger on, it could have been anyone.

For those who feel a BPD diagnosis means she couldn't help it, I'd like to bring up the fact that at the very start of this she vowed to "drag travis's reputation through the mud," if the state didn't agree to a plea deal of 2nd degree/manslaughter.

That right there throws all the "she can't help it" right out the window. I'm not trying to attack anyone else's belief of how BPD fits into her sentencing, but for me, that threat is as calculated, and premeditated as the actual murder itself. And just like the premeditated murder, she carried out that threat to a level that no one could have imagined. I wouldn't be surprise to learn that even JM is shocked by how far she was willing to take it.


Right. Saying she can't help the lies she's telling is like saying she couldn't help the murder she committed even though she planned it all out. The lies are calculated and goal driven. She used them to her whims, she doesn't see Travis as a pedophile and physical abuser, because those things never happened. She may see it as Travis wronged her somehow, but it doesn't explain why she upped the ante and fabricated things about him that aren't true. They are manipulative lies. These are not things she can't dontrol. BPD is an emotional disorder. She sees things in black and white including Travis. She does devalue him enough that she can do those things to him and say those things to him and not care because she has decided he is worthless. The acting on the anger in the way she did and continues to (the murder, the lies)is, IMO, not BPD at all but sociopathy.
I don't know. I'm probably alone in this... But this testimony is humanizing her for me. Basically from an empty shell full of evil to someone with actual feelings. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I'm tired.

Of course she has feelings. They are all invariably negative.
Wow! What a day. Smart strategy for defense is to take what Dr D had to say and rest! They do not need PTSD or "bad" Travis to get to their mitigating factors. If she would show some remorse during allocation and sit down. Her attorneys could plead with jury to spare her life due to BPD and remorse. Maybe add that Travis is truly the victim of having to deal with someone who needed help. He is not a bad guy.
Any bets they will do the smart thing to save her life?
Is this a real trial? The defense wants the rest of today to prepare for cross. JSS just says sure Nurmi, whatever you desire.

Remember that several times during the original trial one of the defense attorney's (usually Wilmott) would end her questioning with 20 minutes of the day left to go? Obviously, they figured it would totally unsettle Juan -- and yet it never did. He usually came out with some zinger. But you can see why the DT figured it would be a problem for Juan. It's a problem for THEM.
But its not a joke. It's his duty to advise her that they probably just lost the jury, and will definitely lose them if he continues with her strategy.

Yeah it was a joke. I'm not talking about him advising her, I'm talking about him consulting with HER about how to continue since she is driving this thing. He's letting her guide him. That was the joke.
I'm smiling to myself imagining the defense table right now: smoke steadily coming out of Nurmi's ears, Wilmott's deer-in-the-headlights face, and Jodi furiously carving mad scribbles on her paper.

I can picture that! :lol: Good one Becky Sharp!! :rockon:

For those who feel a BPD diagnosis means she couldn't help it, I'd like to bring up the fact that at the very start of this she vowed to "drag travis's reputation through the mud," if the state didn't agree to a plea deal of 2nd degree/manslaughter.

That right there throws all the "she can't help it" right out the window. I'm not trying to attack anyone else's belief of how BPD fits into her sentencing, but for me, that threat is as calculated, and premeditated as the actual murder itself. And just like the premeditated murder, she carried out that threat to a level that no one could have imagined. I wouldn't be surprise to learn that even JM is shocked by how far she was willing to take it.


But that is something we all know but the jury cant learn until after this phase of her trial is over. I seem to remember discussion about that before/during the guilt phase. But, I could be wrong. It wont be the first time.
Think about it. Demarte has repeatedly talked about Arias' fear of abandonment. Would an ordinary juror dare to give the death penalty to someone like that? Some might consider it to be cruel and unusual punishment.

I'm still choosing to be optimistic about this jury though.

But they are charged with weighing whether her having BPD outweighs the cruelness of how she slaughtered Travis. JMO but I would have no problem voting for death.
How could anyone think she lacked the ability to behave differently? Seriously, no one HAS to or is FORCED to shoot someone, stab them 29 times and then slit their throat. Then leave them a happy, can't wait to see you voicemail, then grind with someone else, then go to their memorial AND tour the site of the murder, with a happy face. NO ONE HAD TO DO THAT. She planned it. I cannot believe the jury will think she lacked anything...she premeditated it, took the right tools, etc. ugh.

Climbing over that fence (hi Nali!)

It would be negligent of the jurors not to weigh her BPD as mitigating. They are obligated to consider each and every onevof the mitigators on the list, and they're allowed to create their own for her, based on what they've been presented.

The job is to weigh the especially cruel against mitigators. Not to ignore or dismiss either.
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