Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 6- Part 2

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Your last did the networks know? This is very bothersome to me. Since no one in the courtroom but staff, attys a jury and JA, why were there leaks to the press? And how could CNN know in advance? there a justice system in America anymore? Think of it! And are the judges and prosecutors a part of it? Too scary for me to entertain.

I'll say it. It is my personal belief that Michael Kiefer knows everything that's going on with that defense. I'll go further to state I believe he is actually doing things to help them with their case (and I will cite the Daryl Brewer interview to support my opinion). I believe he is likely one of the 3 sources and only didn't "break" this story to draw more obvious heat to himself after outing the jury foreperson last year (and getting busted on it). Last year he was either in contact WITH that foreperson or someone close to the jury who knew that detail.
From Thursday:

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · Oct 30
Viewing room is also closed. Video will be sealed.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · Oct 30
ICYMI: Judge ruled we can't know who's testifying. Court closed, viewing room closed. Testimony will be recorded but sealed. No cameras.


If The Court of Appeals doesn't overturn JSS' ruling, it's possible this testimony could remain sealed until JA's appeals are heard and ruled on, imo. I believe her goal is to never let the public see whatever she plans to lie/admit to during this retrial.

To never see part of a trial that is supposedly public domain...scary stuff.
It's my understanding that after the trial the media can appeal to get those records unsealed. And you know that will happen in one hot minute.
What exactly is the platform or message of the JAII and the other one? She has been found guilty. All evidence verifies she murdered TA. Are these members just anti death penalty? What is the payoff for them?

As my mother has always said, "Water seeks its own level". I would hate to think this is a group of people who justify CMJA actions. I bet they do...

It's the Law of Attraction, Jodi-style, don'tcha know!
It's my understanding that after the trial the media can appeal to get those records unsealed. And you know that will happen in one hot minute.

But will we ever see the records.....someone will file for them to be sealed for the next 100 years....and then the battle going to the Supremem Courts will begin. I hope not, just saying anything is possible right defense team...I better stop there I don't wan tot be band...but they are breaking the law
William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2h2 hours ago

Nurmi: if #JodiArias gets death, our (Nurmi and Wilmott) representation will get scrutinized for years.
That statement was made at yesterday's hearing, and I cannot get it out of my head. I do believe that this is what it is all about. Nurmi has threatened the court that he was forced to stay on as council, and cannot do his job with the public scrutiny.
I don't see the trial continuing until this matter is resolved. If the media wins their appeal, does the defense get a chance to appeal the appeal. Can and will any loosing parties take this all the way to the Arizona Supreme Court? How long of a delay can this turn into? If the media wins will it be grounds for a mistrial, because Jodi has already been on the stand and now won't testify? So many questions.

Ineffective counsel are surely grounds for appeal.
I agree with your theory--while I do not like the ruling, I have to believe JSS knows what she is doing.


If JSS knew what she was doing, JA would already be sitting in her cell on death row working on her appeals. IMO

I am still waiting for something other than these reports to Hayden. I'm hoping he's been duped, and that JSS wasn't really willing to cave in to blackmail by a convicted murderer. A fair trial is supposed to be fair to both sides, with the state representing both the victim and the people. Very little in this courtroom has been fair, and from what I see it's JA who has now taken the role as victim, instead of the good man she murdered.
It's my understanding that after the trial the media can appeal to get those records unsealed. And you know that will happen in one hot minute.

MK tweeted this yesterday
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 15m15 minutes ago
Stephens says there is minimal harm to the media and public because video and transcript will be available after trial. Denied. #JodiArias
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So which is it , JSS? Sealed or not?
Consider this possibility, if it was CMJA on the stand yesterday. Warning- its twisted.

Add it up. Remorse is added to her mitigators this time. Nurmi's opening dwelt upon Travis loving her, and she him-- also a new twist.

Her one consistent storyline, from on the stand to the post conviction interview and beyond is that she didn't WANT to destroy Travis' reputation by telling the truth about him on the stand. That she had no choice. That she had to respond to the questions being asked by her attys.

See where this is going?
Part II

She wrote in her blog this past summer (?) what I thought would essentially be her opening statement acting pro per.

Summarized- the remorse expressed is that of exposing Travis for who he was, an abuser and a pedophile. She wishes it hadn't come to that. I can hear her saying that she felt remorse too for not forcing Travis to get the help he needed.

Well,one solution is to demand the court room be sealed. For Travis. And to spare his family further pain.

CMJA the considerate, devoted, victim.
Part II

She wrote in her blog this past summer (?) what I thought would essentially be her opening statement acting pro per.

Summarized- the remorse expressed is that of exposing Travis for who he was, an abuser and a pedophile. She wishes it hadn't come to that.

Well,one solution is to demand the court room be sealed. For Travis. And to spare his family further pain.

She's twisted!
If JSS knew what she was doing, JA would already be sitting in her cell on death row working on her appeals. IMO

I am still waiting for something other than these reports to Hayden. I'm hoping he's been duped, and that JSS wasn't really willing to cave in to blackmail by a convicted murderer. A fair trial is supposed to be fair to both sides, with the state representing both the victim and the people. Very little in this courtroom has been fair, and from what I see it's JA who has now taken the role as victim, instead of the good man she murdered.

Yes, sadly, it's not about fairness, it's about justice, which should also be a 2-way street.
ICAM. And I have faith that the jurors will balance whatever is said by the secret witness against the VIS they just heard. It will be painfully clear which words come from the heart and which words come from the mouth of a killer.

I totally agree. I truly don't care whether it is CMJA on the stand or not. In closed court or not. It is not like we, the public, can clue the jurors in to her lies. I just want this trial to be over for the Alexanders, so they can move on. They have been treading water for over 6 years, with both these trials looming over their heads. They have had to deal with postponement after postponement, CMJA antics, and huge scrutiny from people all over the world who are interested in this case.

Most people crack under this pressure and Thursday, we learned of the personal toll TA death and trials have taken on at least 2 members of the family. From what we have read and heard about TA, I truly doubt he would want this for his family. If closed court is a means to an end of this excruciating trial, so be it. JMV
Part III

If true, can you imagine the fun she's having now??? Hearing about all the demands to make her testimony public?

A twofer. She would get to trash Travis AND it would not be her fault.
MK tweeted this yesterday
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 15m15 minutes ago
Stephens says there is minimal harm to the media and public because video and transcript will be available after trial. Denied. #JodiArias
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So which is it , JSS? Sealed or not?

I'm not a lawyer, but I think what JSS means by "sealed" in this instance is that the video & transcripts will be sealed until after the verdict, just like the rest of it is sealed.
It sounds like JA to me. If it were another witness who did not want their testimony or ID revealed it is going to happen anyway once the trial is over. Everyone will hear it and read what was said. The only person vested in not letting the public know what is going on is Jodi. A secret witness makes no sense if their identity and testimony will eventually be released.

So if Jodi is the one testifying there is no reason to keep her identity a secret. I'm willing to bet that the judge is just waiting to be overruled. Let's hope so. jmo

BBM: These are my thoughts as well.
From my own perspective this entire orchestrated dramatic event is rooted in vanity.

For years Arias has tried to sway public opinion by always promoting herself in the best light favorable. It was a dismal failure. However; what a sociopath will do is banish anyone who does not buy into their manipulative lies. That way they feel they can work on the ones that really don't know how manipulative and cunning they can be. To many of them they feel the ones who are disbelievers really aren't worthy of being in their midst so often they banish and punish those they see as adversaries.

And she couldn't have picked a better Judge to put her orchestrated play in motion.

This is how manipulative she is. She perhaps has told JSS she is intimidated with having to testify in front of the media and gallery. Yet, instead of JSS relying on evidence entered showing that just cant be true, she falls for the bs just like so many others before her. Instead JSS has the evidence in her hand to refute that foolish nonsense excuse. This is a defendant who has put her mug out for the entire world to see on every show that would have her on. This is the same defendant that gave an interview 20 minutes after she was found guilty. The facts are there to support that JA is once again lying in order to continue to orchestrated this trial which she has done from the beginning starting in 2008. All of a sudden she is some wilting wallflower? Who would buy such nonsense? Never mind, we know.

If she has planned to throw her family under the bus and tell lie #2427094202 then she could have requested that her family be removed from hearing the testimony.

Yet, JA knows the last time she went round by round with Juan things did not go as planned. She is so vain that she doesn't want anyone in the media and public to know just how badly he will make her look this time around. She has inside contacts in the jail. She knows about the hundreds of videos making Juan into a hero and making her into a stone cold pathological liar and killer that she is. She knows how many negative cartoons have been made about her. She micro-manages everything.

So she tries to control the game she plays trying to prevent the negative comments that would surely come if her testimony were known by either the media and the court gallery.

She is controlling this case and sadly she has found a willing participant to such shenanigans.

The citizens of Arizona are paying for this case yet they are all locked out from viewing the proceedings in what is supposed to be a public courtroom.
I wholeheartedly agree! AZL already said JA is a convicted murderer - she doesn't not have the ability to control the judge like this. JSS would not risk the "administration of justice" for JA's wants & wishes.

This is someone that JSS felt had more rights than the media. There are very few categories that legally JSS could rule this way. IMO

I'm still reading and am pages back. I think, deep in her heart, JSS wouldn't mind if the appeals court overruled her. That would take away an issue in any appeal JA might want to file.

As for JA being the "mystery witness," I don't believe that for a second. Her personal death threat is a 12-0 vote by the jury. It is a real possibility and legal in AZ.

This person could be anybody. It could be an expert witness, a "friend" of JA, or a member of her family.

I promised myself not to follow the re-trial too closely, yet, here I am.

IMHO, the media circus surrounding this trial was 100% caused by JA... from the first interview she gave the day she was arrested in 2008 to the last one before Arpaio shut her road show down. She's used social media to fan the flames of circusdom continuously via Facebook and Twitter.

She has amassed a huge bunch of crazy people who thrive on playing internet games. That includes member(s) of her family and the press. :rant: :moo:
It's going to take a little more proof for me to believe this. Not that I don't think Troy Hayden believes it, but I just cannot imagine what could make JSS close the courtroom for JA...makes no sense to me at all. She doesn't need protection, she's surrounded by guards and sleeps in jail. If she doesn't want to testify to abuse in front of her family? Tough, others do it every day of the week. I don't get it... going to bed early. With a huge glass of wine. And some dark chocolate.

Just catching up this morning, so this post might be out of the loop.

I'm with LinTX and others who don't buy it. It just doesn't make sense, legally or strategically. I'm also suspicious that the information that JA is testifying came from someone who "bumped into" the courtroom. Um, courtrooms have guards, no? I highly doubt that someone could just accidentally walk into a closed courtroom.

All just my own humble opinion, of course. :moo:
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