Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 7

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Here you go - it's on the house - round for everyone! :D


You mean I have to share??
On hold for my conf call so still watching--KN seems so much more confident--maybe because of the weight loss?

Well I'm sure getting a judge to grant your requests that you KNOW trample all over the constitution would give you an extra bit of swagger. I'd love to read the papers that he submitted that allowed Judge Stephens to say the hell with the first amendment.
I must have misunderstood. I thought the AC ruling had been handed down. But it sounds like it was just the video of the actual hearing.

Off to finish the laundry...
I tell you - I've been an avid Bundy-phile for many, many years - and I see a lot of similarity here.

DISCLAIMER - I'm NOT claiming Jodi Arias is the equivalent of Ted Bundy (although, in my opinion, if you kill one human you kill them all...), but I'm talking in terms of psychopathic/sociopathic behaviour...

Bundy LOVED to talk. It was his weapon. He was charismatic, engaging. "Talk to them long enough, I will get them on my side". That was his motto. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence - he thought he could talk his way out of it. He ONLY confessed with literally faced with the spectre of the electric chair. THEN he started bargaining. NOT remorse: Bargaining. "Give me more time, I will tell you about more bodies". And he held court in prison until the very end.

I see a lot of similarities between Bundy (a rare stone-cold psychopath) and Arias. NOT in terms of crimes - just to be clear - but in terms of behaviours. Talk talk talk, manipulate, make everyone dance to your tune till the very bitter end. Never relinquish the spotlight. Bloody hell... FINISH HER!!

I am in complete agreement. I am also fascinated by Ted Bundy and see some similarities in the personalities of these two defendants.

I am also in complete agreement with you on number of victims. I do not personally subscribe to the idea that the number of victims is what makes one more deserving of the death penalty than another. IMO, if you plan to and then go on to kill someone in a cruel and heinous way, and if you feel no remorse for it and no qualms about doing it again, then it doesn't matter if you've killed 1 or 100. A life is a life. It's all sacred, it all has value. You have demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the value of another human. That's my opinion. You deserve death if that's how you feel. Why pay to keep alive a person who will never be rehabilitated and will never be suitable for release into society, who will never contribute anything? What's the point?
Nurmi just wants his foot in the door, if he wins for one witness there will be more no doubt. He is really trying hard to make a name for himself. imo

:seeya: Agree ... and still -- still trying for a misssssssssssssstrial !

Off Topic, just read Joran van der sloot stabbed in Peruvian Prison and is in critical condition.

Sorry, edit to say it is an outright lie by his wife per "officials"
To each their own for sure. Someone else just posted the opposite. I tend to dwell, so I know I would think of them everyday.

Speaking As a homicide survivor, one cannot maintain sanity and think of the killer everyday. I don't. I do however, think of my brother everyday and wish he was alive. Giving the murderer more than a second of thought, is a second wasted. However, I have had my moments....
You know this how? You have a list?? California has executed prisoners since the Death Penalty was reinstituted in the 1970's. The leader of the Cripps gang Stanley Took, IIRC was one of the last before the drug methods were questioned. Jerry Brown is very much in favor of the DP, but this is not the thread for this continued discussion.

Current number of prisoners on death row in CA as of July 2014: 743
Number of prisoners on death row ahead of Scott Peterson (counting men & women) is somewhere in the neighborhood of 640.
No prisoner has been executed in California since January 2006

Relating this back to Arias: no woman has been executed in AZ in over 80 years. 2 women are ahead of Arias and have been on death row for a couple decades. Therefore, in essence, they are spending LWOP in Perryvale prison. The best Arias can possibly hope for is life in prison.
Its actually 743, but us here in Oklahoma..Only 49. Arizona, 123. Last prisoner was indeed only a few years ago, in 2006 at S.Q

Thanks for this! Knew it wasn't that long ago- less than 8 years since we've executed someone. It's just that the drug methods keep getting challenged. We need to move to another alternative method. Doesn't need to be humane, these killers aren't humane.
I believe that Arias IS the equivalent of Ted Bundy. She just never had the time and opportunity to commit more murders. She did have a gun and knives with her post-murder so we know a bloodbath was on her mind.

I don't think she's the equivalent of Bundy, in that sense that Bundy murdered because he just frigging loved murder. But I think Jodi did - and WILL - murder when she thinks it serves her purpose. I absolutely think she will kill again if she thinks she has to. And my blood ran cold when I heard she was hiding a gun in her 'getaway' car. I'm just speculating, but I think Mimi & the Hughes' can consider themselves VERY lucky she was arrested...
Judge asked Nurmi if he wants secrecy for just this witness alone, Nurmi answered, no just for the ones that are threatened and fearful for their lives, lol, I gather court would be closed to public and media for all the remaining witnesses, because he will probably claim they are all fearful and/or feel threatened, this doesn't sound right.

I'd tell him "Look Jodi is locked up" She was and is the only thing they need to be afraid of and that is taken care of.....NEXT!
I think she deserves the DP, but I have a feeling after all this she won't. I'm just so anxious that this judge gives her LWP. She'd still be relatively young. I hope I'm wrong.
Off Topic, just read Joran van der sloot stabbed in Peruvian Prison and is in critical condition.

Not surprised- at all.

I am surprised, however, that it took this long for him to piss off someone worse than himself.

Good riddance... I hope.
I am in complete agreement. I am also fascinated by Ted Bundy and see some similarities in the personalities of these two defendants.

I am also in complete agreement with you on number of victims. I do not personally subscribe to the idea that the number of victims is what makes one more deserving of the death penalty than another. IMO, if you plan to and then go on to kill someone in a cruel and heinous way, and if you feel no remorse for it and no qualms about doing it again, then it doesn't matter if you've killed 1 or 100. A life is a life. It's all sacred, it all has value. You have demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the value of another human That's my opinion. You deserve death if that's how you feel. Why pay to keep alive a person who will never be rehabilitate and will never be suitable for release into society, who will never contribute anything? What's the point?

Absolutely MeeBee. You've shown what you're capable of once. And in pre-meditated first degree murder, there's no excuse for that. One or 100, you are now sub-human. GET RID.
Thanks for this! Knew it wasn't that long ago- less than 8 years since we've executed someone. It's just that the drug methods keep getting challenged. We need to move to another alternative method. Doesn't need to be humane, these killers aren't humane.

I agree, firing squad could be used. I think in China they do that still, along with other means.
Off Topic, just read Joran van der sloot stabbed in Peruvian Prison and is in critical condition.

Sorry, edit to say it is an outright lie by his wife per "officials"

:seeya: I saw this earlier and I thought hmmm ... this sounds just like a "stunt" Her Majesty would pull !
I don't think she's the equivalent of Bundy, in that sense that Bundy murdered because he just frigging loved murder. But I think Jodi did - and WILL - murder when she thinks it serves her purpose. I absolutely think she will kill again if she thinks she has to. And my blood ran cold when I heard she was hiding a gun in her 'getaway' car. I'm just speculating, but I think Mimi & the Hughes' can consider themselves VERY lucky she was arrested...

Gerard, I think Jodi loves it too. I think she absolutely enjoyed gutting Travis. She won't go around murdering strangers but since her list of enemies is growing by the day lord help them all.
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