Ron Jr.'s Fate

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Do you think Florida Social Services should remove Ron Jr. from his father Ron Sr?

  • Yes

    Votes: 140 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 68 22.9%
  • Put him in Foster Care

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • Let him live with stable family members!

    Votes: 80 26.9%

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Couple things, until someone can tell me what F-stop and exposure setting were being used there's no way to determine if the car is moving except it's an opinion.

F stops and exposure settings are often used to make the subject clear and background blurred. Also they can be used to make things in the foreground and background clear.

Look at the photo again, you can tell it was taken from someone in the front seat to CS in the rear passenger seat. So far everything I've seen is just someones IMO.

Do I have to prove the pictures of subject and background blurs?

It was a cell phone camera, don't think you're going to get fstops or anything else from it
Not really. What if the child grabs the wheel in excitement and steers into a tree? If someone were to back out of their drive-way and into a car traveling to their own drive-way, wouldn't the air bag inflate? How would that work out for a child on an adult's lap? An accident can happen anywhere.
Going probably 5 mph with dad able to grab the wheel...nothing is going to happen where they run into anything. He wouldn't let her actually "drive" the car. Sheesh! Ronald is not some kind of monster. He loves Haleigh.

However, going 60+ mph on a highway with a child on your lap and no restraints that I can see on Crystal in the photo would have killed Rj in an accident. Forget about airbags! The adult weight of a human body going 60 mph as she crushed him against the seat in front of her would be devastating or Rj flying through the air and hitting the window or windshield would have the same effect. Everyone can agree that you pull over to satisfy the needs of a crying child when in a moving car on a highway. You do not take them out of the carseat to hold them and continue down the road. She loves Rj, but it was not responsible on her part or the part of the driver.

I do hope someone emailed this photo to his attorneys. I am quite certain it should go with the confidential memos to CFS and LE.
I have been out of the loop for a few days, but I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that this picture is being torn apart and interpreted this way. When did we stop believing people? When was a piece of information received by either side in this considered a lie, miss-truth or half truth? People please!!

This picture was explained. Crystal was holding Rj in a gas station parking lot, or stop and shop or whatever. Rj was sick and she was giving him medicine. That is what they stopped at the gas station for. Are we to believe that this young mother who is involved in a dispute with the father of her children, and at the center of an investigation for her missing daughter, under the microscope of HER general public(Satsuma), and the reported person taking the picture was the mother's lawyer, I mean goodness gracious. This is getting to be too much of a stretch.

I will never ever choose a side in this mess. In my opinion there shouldn't be sides. And the statements being made about this picture are JUST AS RIDICULOUS as when Kim Picazio plastered pictures of Haleigh's face everywhere and tried to insinuate that Ronald abused Haleigh and RJ. Simply way to much to assume! Poor Haleigh, IN MY OPINION this is the kind of thinking that took the focus of off finding her in the early hours of her disappearance. Look it, I am a mom and a darn good one. I breastfed all of my children(except for my oldest) for 3 full years after their birth because it was what was best for them according to many pediatricians. We were on our way home from somewhere....gosh it's been so long I can't remember the exact details....but my son was screaming.....screaming bloody murder, starving. I took my seat-belt off and climbed into the back and undid my blouse, then unfastened his car seat and pulled him into my loving arms. I let him nurse just until he stopped screaming and then put him back in his seat. Okay I broke the law, Now I am smarter and think quicker on my feet and I would have told my husband to pull over, or maybe we were in a rush to get somewhere I don't point is, I believe that Crystal loves RJ...I believe she wouldn't do anything intentionally to harm RJ, and I am really shocked to read that some of you believe that DCF should be called because of this picture. They shouldn't be called....neither should have Picazio have made such ridiculous accusations against Ronald, but can we give these parents who are missing their daughter, longing for her to come home.....I mean can we give them both the benefit of the doubt please? Those of you that choose to think Crystal took RJ out of a carseat that day to risk him being thrown through the windshield of a car or hurt in some other way, I really want to hear from it your position that Crystal should be ridiculed and investigated? Should I too? We know very few facts in this case, but one fact I BELIEVE is that Ronald and Crystal BOTH love Haleigh and RJ, and would never do anything intentionally to put them in harms way, all parents make mistakes///
Going probably 5 mph with dad able to grab the wheel...nothing is going to happen where they run into anything. He wouldn't let her actually "drive" the car. Sheesh! Ronald is not some kind of monster. He loves Haleigh.

However, going 60+ mph on a highway with a child on your lap and no restraints that I can see on Crystal in the photo would have killed Rj in an accident. Forget about airbags! The adult weight of a human body going 60 mph as she crushed him against the seat in front of her would be devastating or Rj flying through the air and hitting the window or windshield would have the same effect. Everyone can agree that you pull over to satisfy the needs of a crying child when in a moving car on a highway. You do not take them out of the carseat to hold them and continue down the road. She loves Rj, but it was not responsible on her part or the part of the driver.

I do hope someone emailed this photo to his attorneys. I am quite certain it should go with the confidential memos to CFS and LE.

IF Crystal was riding down the road with JR in her lap, unrestrained, she was wrong. IF Ron was letting Haleigh sit in his lap and drive, he was wrong.

Now, where do we go from here? Where is Haleigh?
Respectfully snipped

I will never ever choose a side in this mess. In my opinion there shouldn't be sides. And the statements being made about this picture are JUST AS RIDICULOUS as when Kim Picazio plastered pictures of Haleigh's face everywhere and tried to insinuate that Ronald abused Haleigh and RJ. Simply way to much to assume! Poor Haleigh, IN MY OPINION this is the kind of thinking that took the focus of off finding her in the early hours of her disappearance. Look it, I am a mom and a darn good one. I breastfed all of my children(except for my oldest) for 3 full years after their birth because it was what was best for them according to many pediatricians. We were on our way home from somewhere....gosh it's been so long I can't remember the exact details....but my son was screaming.....screaming bloody murder, starving. I took my seat-belt off and climbed into the back and undid my blouse, then unfastened his car seat and pulled him into my loving arms. I let him nurse just until he stopped screaming and then put him back in his seat. Okay I broke the law, Now I am smarter and think quicker on my feet and I would have told my husband to pull over, or maybe we were in a rush to get somewhere I don't point is, I believe that Crystal loves RJ...I believe she wouldn't do anything intentionally to harm RJ, and I am really shocked to read that some of you believe that DCF should be called because of this picture. They shouldn't be called....neither should have Picazio have made such ridiculous accusations against Ronald, but can we give these parents who are missing their daughter, longing for her to come home.....I mean can we give them both the benefit of the doubt please? Those of you that choose to think Crystal took RJ out of a carseat that day to risk him being thrown through the windshield of a car or hurt in some other way, I really want to hear from it your position that Crystal should be ridiculed and investigated? Should I too? We know very few facts in this case, but one fact I BELIEVE is that Ronald and Crystal BOTH love Haleigh and RJ, and would never do anything intentionally to put them in harms way, all parents make mistakes///

I, too, believe both parents loved their children. However, I also think it possible Haleigh met some sort of accident while in the care of Ron and Misty. Now, I believe, love or not, there may be coverup to keep one or both of the "caretakers/Ron, Misty" out of jail, or trouble or whatever.

But, this is only my opinion. Stuff happens and it isn't always meant to happen. Fear of discovery makes people do weird things at times.
She should be investigated imo Elle.

Thank you for your honesty. In your opinion does Crystal love RJ? Haleigh? If we are going to ask that Crystal be investigated because of a picture then perhaps there was justification for Ronald to be investigated because of a picture as well. FACT.....only the people in that car know where that pic was taken. Until someone can truthfully and unbiasedly report that that car was in motion I can't comment, and I shouldn't comment anyway because I have heard a screaming child.....a child I love dearly that is now 16 years old, and unbuckled them from their carseat for a reason I thought was good enough. Anyway, we do not know if that care was moving. So, I guess we might never know.;)
Going probably 5 mph with dad able to grab the wheel...nothing is going to happen where they run into anything. He wouldn't let her actually "drive" the car. Sheesh! Ronald is not some kind of monster. He loves Haleigh.

However, going 60+ mph on a highway with a child on your lap and no restraints that I can see on Crystal in the photo would have killed Rj in an accident. Forget about airbags! The adult weight of a human body going 60 mph as she crushed him against the seat in front of her would be devastating or Rj flying through the air and hitting the window or windshield would have the same effect. Everyone can agree that you pull over to satisfy the needs of a crying child when in a moving car on a highway. You do not take them out of the carseat to hold them and continue down the road. She loves Rj, but it was not responsible on her part or the part of the driver.

I do hope someone emailed this photo to his attorneys. I am quite certain it should go with the confidential memos to CFS and LE.

Got a link or a statement from KP or LE that the pic was taken while the car was traveling 60+ miles an hour? Absent a ticket from LE or a witness willing to testify in court, the attorney can do absolutely nothing about it. No proof...that's why RC is still free. Works both ways are often stating there is no proof for RC...well goose and gander. My take is...proof RC broke the law, pay the consequensces, proof Crystal did...same, same. That is called equal justice. Lady Justice is blind.
Thank you for your honesty. In your opinion does Crystal love RJ? Haleigh? If we are going to ask that Crystal be investigated because of a picture then perhaps there was justification for Ronald to be investigated because of a picture as well. FACT.....only the people in that car know where that pic was taken. Until someone can truthfully and unbiasedly report that that car was in motion I can't comment, and I shouldn't comment anyway because I have heard a screaming child.....a child I love dearly that is now 16 years old, and unbuckled them from their carseat for a reason I thought was good enough. Anyway, we do not know if that care was moving. So, I guess we might never know.;)

I believe the car was moving, and agree with you that we don't have facts, yet. Imo she loves the children, but imo that's not all that's required to be a Mom. I don't think she's really interested, I believe she moved on years ago. I also wasn't saying she should be investigated based on that picture. That's the tip of the iceberg imo, and no, there are no links for my opinion.
Could it be because the pic was taken the same day I was on the phone with KP, therefore I am comfortable knowing when the pic was taken and not taking KPs word for it. The pic to me looks like the vehicle is moving and that concerns me, we were not discussing RC and yes if Haleigh was in the vehicle not in a child safety seat that would concern me as well regardless of who was driving the vehicle.

Hi Busy, did anyone provide you with a link for what they are saying Ron said about his drive home from the bus stop with HaLeigh? It's very strange imo, as I have seen Ron in video discussing that, and he does not say anything like what it's being claimed he said.
I believe the car was moving, and agree with you that we don't have facts, yet. Imo she loves the children, but imo that's not all that's required to be a Mom. I don't think she's really interested, I believe she moved on years ago. I also wasn't saying she should be investigated based on that picture. That's the tip of the iceberg imo, and no, there are no links for my opinion.

Of course a mothers love is not all thats required to be a mom. A fathers love is not all that is required to be a dad...You are certainly entitled to your opinion that Crystal may have moved on years ago, or that she was disinterested in being a parent to Haleigh and RJ. In my opinion, she made some mistakes well as Ronald....and between the two of them the courts gave custody to Ronald. Crystal might not have been pleased that he got custody, but she appeared to have moved and, met someone, and had a baby, mistakes can't be erased, But I cannot place judgment on the security of RJ when I am not privy to all the facts. I am not a social worker and certainly not an investigator....I will leave those matters to the experts.
Going probably 5 mph with dad able to grab the wheel...nothing is going to happen where they run into anything. He wouldn't let her actually "drive" the car. Sheesh! Ronald is not some kind of monster. He loves Haleigh.

His father's undoubted love and greatness of character won't protect the child sitting in his father's lap if there is an accident. If they are moving when there is a sudden stop, the child and the parent will continue to move due to the laws of physics, regardless of whether the father is a monster, and the child may get crushed between the steering wheel and the dad or be thrown against the windshield. What if a child suddenly runs from behind a fence in front of the car and they have to brake, and the airbag goes off? If they're going very slowly maybe they will be able to avoid hitting anything themselves but since there are other people in the town, you never can be sure someone else won't hit you. I've been stalking the PCSO arrests long enough to know that the town is rampant with drivers under the influence, people driving without a licence etc.

Small children should be strapped to proper child seats at all times.
His father's undoubted love and greatness of character won't protect the child sitting in his father's lap if there is an accident. If they are moving when there is a sudden stop, the child and the parent will continue to move due to the laws of physics, regardless of whether the father is a monster, and the child may get crushed between the steering wheel and the dad or be thrown against the windshield. What if a child suddenly runs from behind a fence in front of the car and they have to brake, and the airbag goes off? If they're going very slowly maybe they will be able to avoid hitting anything themselves but since there are other people in the town, you never can be sure someone else won't hit you. I've been stalking the PCSO arrests long enough to know that the town is rampant with drivers under the influence, people driving without a licence etc.

Small children should be strapped to proper child seats at all times.

That is the "law", EVEN IN FLORIDA, is it not? Why on earth would ANYONE think it OK for Ron to have little Haleigh DRIVING? This is just outrageous in my opinion, and against the law.
That is the "law", EVEN IN FLORIDA, is it not? Why on earth would ANYONE think it OK for Ron to have little Haleigh DRIVING? This is just outrageous in my opinion, and against the law.

You mean the laws in Florida actually apply to RC also?????????

It is outrageous, and par for the course. RC does it and it is not illegal...what is everyone complaining about? He is the bestest thing since sliced bread. I certainly hope for JR's safety that RC discontinues his practice of doing things with minor children that are illegal. Letting a child drive is ...well...I'm gonna self edit so that Tom's Girl doesn't kick me out. ;):silenced:
O/T Kinda- Didn't Brittany Spears catch a LOT of heat for doing this very same thing with one of her sons on her lap while driving?

Accidents do happen, so leave the children in the carseats at all time when being in the vehicle, and that includes when the car is in park. i had pulled off the highway and before i had unbuckled my seatbelt i got slammed in the rear of my car, the purpose of me stopping was to change my son's diaper. my car was totalled. my only thought was thank god i had not unbuckled my son yet, because had i done that, we would both have been hurt very badly. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you are going, anything can happen at anytime.
His father's undoubted love and greatness of character won't protect the child sitting in his father's lap if there is an accident. If they are moving when there is a sudden stop, the child and the parent will continue to move due to the laws of physics, regardless of whether the father is a monster, and the child may get crushed between the steering wheel and the dad or be thrown against the windshield. What if a child suddenly runs from behind a fence in front of the car and they have to brake, and the airbag goes off? If they're going very slowly maybe they will be able to avoid hitting anything themselves but since there are other people in the town, you never can be sure someone else won't hit you. I've been stalking the PCSO arrests long enough to know that the town is rampant with drivers under the influence, people driving without a licence etc.

Small children should be strapped to proper child seats at all times.
bbm, I agree 100%.
Then you ARE agreeing Ron should not have had Haleigh on his lap "driving", if it was true? Just want us all on the same page here.
Of course. I don't care who it is, it's wrong imo. I don't believe he did it, and have asked for a link of him saying that.
Of course. I don't care who it is, it's wrong imo. I don't believe he did it, and have asked for a link of him saying that.

I know I have heard him say that in a video... He said he let her do the turn signals. But I don't expect anyone to believe I heard that without a link.

It has been discussed here before.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I'll try to see if I can find the video.
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