Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin named POI *report updated and comment removed*

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If that's the case, it seems a little odd to me that family members might get so worked up over 3 words like "Person of Interest" being applied to Mr. Cummings while statements regarding family members being untruthful are still standing:


Could it be because the POI wording was a reporter speaking, and the familly members being untruthful from day one is actually LE speaking?

If that's the case, it seems a little odd to me that family members might get so worked up over 3 words like "Person of Interest" being applied to Mr. Cummings while statements regarding family members being untruthful are still standing:

well, if it was the family who demanded a retraction, I can only assume that LE is standing by these other words, & refused to retract them.
Could it be because the POI wording was a reporter speaking, and the familly members being untruthful from day one is actually LE speaking?

well, if it was the family who demanded a retraction, I can only assume that LE is standing by these other words, & refused to retract them.

That's precisely my point. Whether or not family member's statements regarding Haleigh's disappearance were truthful appears to be something they're unable to challenge.

It may also explain why this one hasn’t been retracted:

“They believe, based on the information they have, it is a FAMILY MEMBER”
That's precisely my point. Whether or not family member's statements regarding Haleigh's disappearance were truthful appears to be something they're unable to challenge.

It may also explain why this one hasn’t been retracted:
that last quote is the tricky one. If we take it at face value, then Misty & her family weren't Haleigh's family members, (yet), so LE couldn't have been referring to them. But, this LE likes to play with words, & they could've been referring to a family member, based on the short time that Misty & Ron were married. I wish the would clarify.
that last quote is the tricky one. If we take it at face value, then Misty & her family weren't Haleigh's family members, (yet), so LE couldn't have been referring to them. But, this LE likes to play with words, & they could've been referring to a family member, based on the short time that Misty & Ron were married. I wish the would clarify.

Could be...but...

Misty was not a family member at the time of the crime.

Misty was not a family member at the time the statement was made.

Sorta sounds like they are not referring to Misty as the "family member."

LE may have named Misty "the key" and still may see her as such, but they have never named her a suspect, and may still not see her as one.

All JMO.
that last quote is the tricky one. If we take it at face value, then Misty & her family weren't Haleigh's family members, (yet), so LE couldn't have been referring to them. But, this LE likes to play with words, & they could've been referring to a family member, based on the short time that Misty & Ron were married. I wish the would clarify.

IF, in fact, LE was cryptically referring to Misty and/or her family with the statement, seems to me THAT would be a valid reason for the actual family members to raise hell and demand a retraction.

The longer that statement stands, the louder the words speak.
Could be...but...

Misty was not a family member at the time of the crime.

Misty was not a family member at the time the statement was made.

Sorta sounds like they are not referring to Misty as the "family member."

LE may have named Misty "the key" and still may see her as such, but they have never named her a suspect, and may still not see her as one.

All JMO.

IMO, the cops know Ron did this and Misty is being the good super girlfriend Teresa says she is and is covering up for Ron, its pretty obvious thats whats going on here, and just because Misty said, they wont listen to me about Ronald, and all that, I dont buy it at all.
IMO, the cops know Ron did this and Misty is being the good super girlfriend Teresa says she is and is covering up for Ron, its pretty obvious thats whats going on here, and just because Misty said, they wont listen to me about Ronald, and all that, I dont buy it at all.
If Ron did this, then Misty's attitude runs a lot deeper than that of a good girlfriend. IMO, LE hounding her, didn't help, & them charging her in 2 counties & disqualifying her for a youth program, just made things worse, . She got pizzed & even more defiant. What they were probably trying to do was push her back against a wall, so her only recourse, would be to spill the beans, but instead, it's like she just gave up fighting, & resigned herself to this fate. I'm worried that the hounding from LE has had a permanent effect on Misty. She may be to the point of being so hardened, that she sees that night as involving a different girl than herself. If she has gotten to that point of detachment, I don't know if LE can ever pull her back.
If Ron did this, then Misty's attitude runs a lot deeper than that of a good girlfriend. IMO, LE hounding her, didn't help, & them charging her in 2 counties & disqualifying her for a youth program, just made things worse, . She got pizzed & even more defiant. What they were probably trying to do was push her back against a wall, so her only recourse, would be to spill the beans, but instead, it's like she just gave up fighting, & resigned herself to this fate. I'm worried that the hounding from LE has had a permanent effect on Misty. She may be to the point of being so hardened, that she sees that night as involving a different girl than herself. If she has gotten to that point of detachment, I don't know if LE can ever pull her back.

If the child died as a result of a fight between Ron and Misty, she would keep the secret for many reasons. Remember, NG will fight an angel if Ron did this, or was involved in any way, if Misty did say Ron did this all, he could implicate her and more than likely, some would believe him, so its really a no win all the way around, and more than likely, the child was injured with a blow meant for Misty, so she has to feel some guilt for making the childs father so mad, Misty WAS abused by Ronald.
I can see Misty keeping the secret if she thinks this has gone too far, or if she thinks noone will believe her, or if telling, in her eyes would only cause more trouble. I don't remember Levi's exact quote, but it was made clear to him, how LE feels about Misty. Where's the overriding motive to talk? On the one hand, she has a 'loving, supportive' group of people, who want her to keep her mouth shut. On the other hand, she has a group of people who can't stand her or her family, who want her to talk. Oh, what a dilemma for an 18 year old teenager. NOT. I do believe LE misjudged this girl's loyalty, & they're not happy about it. If she's not the perp, LE seems just fine with people thinking she is...& if she IS the perp, then what's the problem? Get her. MOO.
That's precisely my point. Whether or not family member's statements regarding Haleigh's disappearance were truthful appears to be something they're unable to challenge.

It may also explain why this one hasn’t been retracted:

I would imagine it's simply LE considering the Croslin folks to be "family".
They have been mentioned as 'step grandma' etc. At least at the beginning.
Nothing nefarious.
Of course that's just my take on the statement. :waitasec:
I can see Misty keeping the secret if she thinks this has gone too far, or if she thinks noone will believe her, or if telling, in her eyes would only cause more trouble. I don't remember Levi's exact quote, but it was made clear to him, how LE feels about Misty. Where's the overriding motive to talk? On the one hand, she has a 'loving, supportive' group of people, who want her to keep her mouth shut. On the other hand, she has a group of people who can't stand her or her family, who want her to talk. Oh, what a dilemma for an 18 year old teenager. NOT. I do believe LE misjudged this girl's loyalty, & they're not happy about it. If she's not the perp, LE seems just fine with people thinking she is...& if she IS the perp, then what's the problem? Get her. MOO.

For certain I agree there are some who definitely want her to keep her mouth shut, however I do not agree they are loving or supportive of Misty in anyway though..They are only pretending to be. Now she may very well believe they care because she is receiving money and letters from them however I suspect any interest shown or money sent is only an attempt (by some) to keep her from telling the truth.. Hopefully, she is capable of seeing the whole forest rather than just looking at the tree..JMHO
I can see Misty keeping the secret if she thinks this has gone too far, or if she thinks noone will believe her, or if telling, in her eyes would only cause more trouble. I don't remember Levi's exact quote, but it was made clear to him, how LE feels about Misty. Where's the overriding motive to talk? On the one hand, she has a 'loving, supportive' group of people, who want her to keep her mouth shut. On the other hand, she has a group of people who can't stand her or her family, who want her to talk. Oh, what a dilemma for an 18 year old teenager. NOT. I do believe LE misjudged this girl's loyalty, & they're not happy about it. If she's not the perp, LE seems just fine with people thinking she is...& if she IS the perp, then what's the problem? Get her. MOO.

But Misty IS keeping a secret, and being untruthful, none of us here know Misty or know what she is capable of, or what she may keep secret for a "man" whose name she got tattooed AFTER their "divorce"

I am not in the mindset Ron was all laissez-faire about Misty being gone and out sleeping with Greg Page, the DAY before this all happened. I think when they finally saw each other Ron lost control and Haleigh paid the price, and Misty feels guilty. And shes not the perp- shes the "key"
But Misty IS keeping a secret, and being untruthful, none of us here know Misty or know what she is capable of, or what she may keep secret for a "man" whose name she got tattooed AFTER their "divorce"

I am not in the mindset Ron was all laissez-faire about Misty being gone and out sleeping with Greg Page, the DAY before this all happened. I think when they finally saw each other Ron lost control and Haleigh paid the price, and Misty feels guilty. And shes not the perp- shes the "key"

The prevailing attitude towards Mr. Page seems far from cavalier:

“Misty’s Mom and sister saw me and said, ‘Where does White Boy Greg live?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know,’ and they said, ‘Ronald … and their Dad are looking for him and want to kill him. Ronald’s going to shove eleven inches down his throat.’”

.....assistant chief James Griffiths, second in command of Palatka’s finest, says the patrols began last week after Page’s mother, Lyn, heard about threats purportedly made against her son.

......a white neighbor, a 43 year old divorced mother of two, reported a red pickup drove through the ‘hood, with two white men inside. In an exclusive phone interview with me, she said one rolled down the window and offered her $50 to tell them where they could find White Boy Greg and Cobra.

......the mystery neighbor tells me the driver matched a mug shot of Cummings father, Lester.
Here's a case where a guy was initially questioned but not considered a suspect, but was later arrested:

Here is what I've concluded. Law enforcement CANNOT clear a person who hires a defense lawyer before any of the players, refuses to cooperate, lies, associates with individuals that may hold information about what happened to their missing family member, and has a history of abusing women, children and is involved in the drug trade/criminal element in the town.

Since Ronald Cummings refused to cooperate and resisted questioning, and according to Chelsea Croslin, even INFORMED MISTY NOT TO TALK TO THE POLICE. The police thought in order to get this guy to talk, let's say he isn't a suspect.

Simple as that. Tell him he isn't a suspect and he will be more comfortable to talk with us. Give him a deal so he will be comfortable to talk with us.

Let's face it. Misty and Tommy have done plenty of talking. Most of it lies, most of it HURT THEM. As soon as they find a body, we know those two are going down in some way, shape or fashion.

Ron hasn't talked that much... So they say he isn't a suspect, and give him a deal. They are handing him the rope, in hopes he will hang himself.

Does that make sense?
IMO, the cops know Ron did this and Misty is being the good super girlfriend Teresa says she is and is covering up for Ron, its pretty obvious thats whats going on here, and just because Misty said, they wont listen to me about Ronald, and all that, I dont buy it at all.

AGREED, simple as that.

How often do girlfriends cover for their boyfriends? Happens all the time.

And I think if Misty has said something about Ron, it's a bunch of bull. Like saying it was a drug dealer connected to Ron.
Here is what I've concluded. Law enforcement CANNOT clear a person who hires a defense lawyer before any of the players, refuses to cooperate, lies, associates with individuals that may hold information about what happened to their missing family member, and has a history of abusing women, children and is involved in the drug trade/criminal element in the town.

Since Ronald Cummings refused to cooperate and resisted questioning, and according to Chelsea Croslin, even INFORMED MISTY NOT TO TALK TO THE POLICE. The police thought in order to get this guy to talk, let's say he isn't a suspect.

Simple as that. Tell him he isn't a suspect and he will be more comfortable to talk with us. Give him a deal so he will be comfortable to talk with us.

Let's face it. Misty and Tommy have done plenty of talking. Most of it lies, most of it HURT THEM. As soon as they find a body, we know those two are going down in some way, shape or fashion.

Ron hasn't talked that much... So they say he isn't a suspect, and give him a deal. They are handing him the rope, in hopes he will hang himself.

Does that make sense?

Not a bit.
LE cleared Ron because they could verify where he was for the hours in question.
Not a bit.
LE cleared Ron because they could verify where he was for the hours in question.

Exactly what hours in question are you referring to? Beyond the actual 911 call/report itself (3:27 am) to report HaLeigh missing, last I knew no one, including LE, knows the actual time, let alone the actual crime, that occurred & caused HaLeigh's disappearance. Without that critical piece of info/evidence, it's really impossible to narrow down the exact hours in question. And more importantly, IMO, it is even more unreliable when a particular time-frame or window of time is built upon the word of individuals who are related to a (very) possible suspect in a case. Oftentimes LE does not openly name persons a POI or suspect in a case due to the legalities involved, including the loss of access to an individual in order to question them. With that said, I've never read and/or heard the actual words "Ronald Cummings has been cleared..." from LE. Not to say I didn't miss it somewhere along the line. If that's the case, could you please provide me with a link to the article or video. Thank you.

Exactly what hours in question are you referring to? Beyond the actual 911 call/report itself (3:27 am) to report HaLeigh missing, last I knew no one, including LE, knows the actual time, let alone the actual crime, that occurred & caused HaLeigh's disappearance. Without that critical piece of info/evidence, it's really impossible to narrow down the exact hours in question. And more importantly, IMO, it is even more unreliable when a particular time-frame or window of time is built upon the word of individuals who are related to a (very) possible suspect in a case. Oftentimes LE does not openly name persons a POI or suspect in a case due to the legalities involved, including the loss of access to an individual in order to question them. With that said, I've never read and/or heard the actual words "Ronald Cummings has been cleared..." from LE. Not to say I didn't miss it somewhere along the line. If that's the case, could you please provide me with a link to the article or video. Thank you.



And IIRC, LE's actual statement was that they were satisfied with Ron's work hours but they went on to clarify that they do not know what time whatever happened to Haleigh happened.

And IIRC, LE's actual statement was that they were satisfied with Ron's work hours but they went on to clarify that they do not know what time whatever happened to Haleigh happened.

LE in that county seems to like to use that word "satisfied", remember?

Police confirmed that both Ronald and Misty have taken polygraph tests and they are "satisfied" with the results.

LE said they were "satisfied" with Misty's polygraph, yet when she "miserably failed" the tests arranged by Tim Miller several months later, LE said this:

Putnam County Sheriff's Office says they have been made aware of the tests and the results. The Putnam County Sheriff's Office said Miller met with investigators Tuesday about the tests.

Major Gary Bowling with the Putnam County Sheriff's Office said the information solidifies what investigators already knew.

Seems "satisfied" has a double entendre for LE.
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