SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #15

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<Mod Snip>

IMO, she would have to truly hate her family, to have run off and not made contact in two months, and there are no signs of that.
I won't quote your whole post again.

I just don't see that he intended for anything bad to happen to Heather that night. I think he was followed and didn't see what was coming any more than Heather did.

My opinion is that they had backed off for awhile, and something happened at home (argument) to make him contact Heather that night. I'm also betting there was a GPS on his vehicle that he didn't know about, and that GPS information will help LE solve this.


Yes, imo he saw Heather moving on in her life without him. She got a apartment with her GF and she was starting a new job. I think he heard about that Heather was going out on a date and he knew he was losing her. I think that was the argument they had.
<Mod Snip>

IMO, she would have to truly hate her family, to have run off and not made contact in two months, and there are no signs of that.
As a thought, could she just not care or understand how this would affect her family? Not that I necessarily think she disappeared herself, but some people are more concerned with their own welfare (as they see it) than other people's welfare, including their family. IF HE disappeared herself to another state, completely cutting off all contact with anyone from her hometown, and started a new life, she may have no idea what has happened. As I said before, anyone in my state would have no idea of what is going on with this in SC. They might see a passing article about a missing girl, but not much else.

I'm only saying that someone might not hate their family and still disappear themselves. IMO.
Yes, imo he saw Heather moving on in her life without him. She got a apartment with her GF and she was starting a new job. I think he heard about that Heather was going out on a date and he knew he was losing her. I think that was the argument they had.

I don't know...for some reason, I am not convinced she was really moving on. I feel like she moved in with BW to accommodate the relationship, in a way, i.e to not be living with another man (assuming she was) and therefore making herself available. I also feel the date was a platonic dinner with an old friend. But this is all JMO, but I just do not think she was "over" him.
<Mod Snip>

IMO, she would have to truly hate her family, to have run off and not made contact in two months, and there are no signs of that.

I'm actually sitting on the couch beside a man that disappeared for three months. I had heard he was dead. His parents didn't know where he was. He thought his life was in danger and disappeared. A skip tracer found him. His car was at the airport though. Her car wasn't far from the airport. He took a book bag with money and some clothes. Went thousands of miles away. So, it does happen.

You could certainly be correct on the 30-minute time frame, but I have always felt that HE's disappearance was planned in advance, including her disposal. The short version is this...I believe that the perp or perps (I think there were 2 of them) went to meet her with the intention of eliminating her and it was not a spontaneous action . They planned to operate under the cloak of darkness to help conceal their identity. The the 3:41 am call was about the time HE lost control of her phone and she was subdued near that time. Whatever the perps did to HE, was done and they were back home by 6 am or at least one of them were. That would have given them a little over 2 hours (an hour each way) to get where they were going, bury the body and return home. I feel that the phone calls/texts that were made from HE's phone after 3:41 were the perps trying to set up their alibi. In other words they were saying how could I/we have done anything to her? We were home at 6 am and she was still trying to contact us. All f this is just my theory. I am not certain exactly when the grave was dug, I just think it was dug prior to them meeting HE at the PTL.

All of this is just my theory and I could be totally wrong.
Thank you. I see where you are coming from. Knowing where HE's phone made it's communication from would definitely be telling. I just don't see there being quite enough time for a one hour drive, plus murder/burying/disposing of the body, clean up (if needed-it may not have been if strangled on the spot and dropped over the edge of an incline) and being back by 6, although it is possible. It is also possible, as you said, that if there were two people involved, one was still out disposing/whatever and one was home and that makes it totally doable. I have the feeling there is some evidence somewhere that there is no probable cause to search, so no warrant can be issued.
I know people run fact, most MP's probably do. Not feeling it in this case at all.
I think that's very likely. I also think it could have happened like that only that maybe SM fell asleep, [modsnip].

The only problem I have is we would think there would be evidence found in a vehicle if HE was suprised by someone when she jumped in another car.

But then again we dont know if LE even searched anyones vehicles. You would think that LE would have enough to get a judge to give a search warrant for all vehicles of certain people but maybe not.

This is one of my fears is that LE did not even search some vehicles that they should have. And they still may have not done that and evidence may be waiting to be found.
Hi everyone, first post here. As far as I know, Heather came home and was on Tumblr at or around 2 am. The content of those posts on Tumblr is very revealing, IMO and can inform us as to what was going on between her and OMM.

One of them reads, "You are the aurora borealis; magical and unbelievably rare-and not just for me. It's probably too much for me to hope that I alone could hold you. (It would be like putting the northern lights in a bottle.) No, I must be patient like the earth and grateful for your light, even if I wish you were all mine."

I know that she didn't write that, but she did re-post it along with several others along the same lines.
Since her phone and keys are missing, car found locked...I think she left her car willingly and got into another.
Since her phone and keys are missing, car found locked...I think she left her car willingly and got into another.

I agree with this also. It was dark at the time, and also cold, so if she were meeting someone to talk, I doubt they would stand outside. The way she was parked leads me to believe she got there first, driver side outwards, while the passenger side faced the woods. If she didn't get there first, I would imagine, she would park next to the other car, which doesn't make sense considering where her car was parked.
Hi everyone, first post here. As far as I know, Heather came home and was on Tumblr at or around 2 am. The content of those posts on Tumblr is very revealing, IMO and can inform us as to what was going on between her and OMM.

One of them reads, "You are the aurora borealis; magical and unbelievably rare-and not just for me. It's probably too much for me to hope that I alone could hold you. (It would be like putting the northern lights in a bottle.) No, I must be patient like the earth and grateful for your light, even if I wish you were all mine."

I know that she didn't write that, but she did re-post it along with several others along the same lines.

Thanks for the update about the Tumbler posts. And WELCOME !!!

At this point, I honestly can't see HE leaving of her own free will. It's been too long and just doesn't make any sense. None at all.

I don't post on here but I'm following this case closely. Hugs and prayers to HE's family and friends.
If you can't post it or discuss it here then please don't say I think something but can't post it because its against TOS. It you can't post it and discuss it here then please don't.

<Mod Snip> I can't imagine she would disappear and not even contact a friend, or even Le. She seems to have had a lot of female friends at TK, most likely they would have helped her, financially or otherwise, but no way, IMO, would she or they allow this case to have become what it has. People, including her father and sister, are in possible danger, her father could have a heart attack or a stroke any day, someone could be killed. Also I doubt she would want SM being made out to be a monster. Just makes no sense. JMO
IMO ......The "walked away" scenario could make more sense to me if Heather hadn't been in such close contact with her family. With Christmas coming, I just can't accept that she would walk away then and leave her family in anguish!(no matter what the reason for leaving)I have two grown sons and I can't imagine either ever leaving voluntarily and not letting their dad and me in on the reason- I also can't imagine they could walk away and even entertain the idea that I wouldn't go completely crazy with worry- we are just too close for that. I realize that we never know what is going on in other people's minds and people's actions can't be predicted - but I feel that my kids would let me know the "why" just so I could know they were safe ! I can't even imagine the HELL that the family is going thru , not knowing . I pray if she is all right, she will contact them soon. Of course, before we become parents, we don't have the ability to think this way ! I'm not proclaiming to have perfect kids- just if one disappeared, I would know that something was bad wrong!!! It's just not the norm!
O/T but I haven't seen many of our Myrtle Beach, heck southern anywhere peeps, I wonder if the big storm has knocked out the power. I live in N.E. Tennessee and it has been snowing like crazy since about 12:30-1:00 pm. We have been told to expect up to 10 inches in our area, which would be a first since I moved here a decade ago. I am a Colorado native, but I have forgotten how to drive in the snow. :(

Anyway, stay safe and warm, wherever you are! Hopefully things will pick back up here and Heather will be found soon.

I havent posted very often on Heathers case a [modsnip] so I will try again.

I am definitely on the fence as to what I think happened to Heather. I have followed enough cases to never be surprised with information that suddenly comes to light even when it seems there is an obvious perp. I have a hard time relating to HE dating a married older man, especially at her age of 20. For me at 20, a guy that old would have been "ancient" and I was having fun with more than my share of men my own age. A married man certainly would have been off limits in my mind-my attitude was "we women have to stick together".

SM [modsnip] played her hard and for this I am disgusted. <Mod Snip>

If I was the parent of a missing I think I would fall apart, except for the fact that I have other children and would continue on with strength and focus for them. I think the Elvis's are being so strong in the midst of their horror.

Where is Heather?

Thank you. I see where you are coming from. Knowing where HE's phone made it's communication from would definitely be telling. I just don't see there being quite enough time for a one hour drive, plus murder/burying/disposing of the body, clean up (if needed-it may not have been if strangled on the spot and dropped over the edge of an incline) and being back by 6, although it is possible. It is also possible, as you said, that if there were two people involved, one was still out disposing/whatever and one was home and that makes it totally doable. I have the feeling there is some evidence somewhere that there is no probable cause to search, so no warrant can be issued.

I think one of the perps probably took HE's phone to PTL and/or her apartment complex to make the last calls/texts to make it appear HE was calling from PTL or from her home.
<Mod Snip> I can't imagine she would disappear and not even contact a friend, or even Le. She seems to have had a lot of female friends at TK, most likely they would have helped her, financially or otherwise, but no way, IMO, would she or they allow this case to have become what it has. People, including her father and sister, are in possible danger, her father could have a heart attack or a stroke any day, someone could be killed. Also I doubt she would want SM being made out to be a monster. Just makes no sense. JMO

Agreed. Also, even is she had left voluntarily,she would have almost assuredly contacted her family before now
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