SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #29***ARREST**

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I consider the 3:17 am call the "luring call" it was 4 minutes and after THAT call is when Heather drove to PTL.

The 1:35 am call to Heather from SM using the payphone did not cause her to drive to the PTL

Okay, me too. I guess it took quite a conversation to get her to come out? But using their own phone, or SM's, is so stupid for a "luring" call it is almost beyond belief. Especially since a pay phone was used earlier. This is where I have trouble over S's intentions. Why use their own number for this call? No matter who made it? An immediate link to them.

It makes me think the earlier was sincere by SM and that he got busted in between those two hours. JMO

(Starting to think TM had him wired SM somehow without him knowing, and overheard the pay phone call...some kind of 007 shoe recorder...)
Need a little bit of help, please! Just realized that I don't have the $5,000 withdrawal on Dec 18 on the timeline, and am looking for a good source to link to but not finding anything in MSM. Anyone got a link handy?
I firmly believe HE had real feelings for SM. WHY, I cannot figure out, but she did. Disney was HIS fixation, not hers, yet she wanted Disney rings and to be a Disney princess... I just cannot for the LIFE of me figure out what she saw in this guy. If he called her that night to say he was leaving TM and wanted to be with her, it's not a stretch to see she'd be upset and confused and, if she still had feelings for him, go to see him willingly. I am guessing she went to PTL to talk to him and I also think she would have gotten in the car willingly, maybe just to sit and talk to SM. She was a young woman in love with a married man and she was probably confused and hopeful, too.

On another note... iPhones don't float, right? I think they chucked the phone in the water after she was dead. She probably died with that thing in her hand. :(
Thank you Hoppy for all the pics and the info, it is greatly appreciated it. When I click on the picture link of Hoppy's, I cannot view them all as there is a circle at the bottom that just circles and circles and circles and never loads all of them. I even went and searched FB pages and found the pics with same link and it does the same thing to me. Does anybody have any suggestions on how else I could view the pics? I have tried probably 50 times and am still unsuccessful. Help please and thanking in advance!

RSBM: I am having the exact same problem, I am only able to see maybe the 1st 20-30 photos. Please, if anyone can help because I am getting very frustrated by not being able to view all of Hoppy's great photos. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :tantrum: :tantrum:
I've heard people say get sober from drugs. That's why I'm curious if anyone has looked into that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Tehnically, WITH ALCOHOL IT IS REFERRED TO AS GETING "SOBER" and with narcotics/street drugs, it is referred to as getting "clean". A person not familiar with treatment programs might use the word "sober" for either of the conditions- however, some are what is referred to a dual-addicted, meaning they are addicted to narcotics/street drugs as well as alcohol . Then it is referred to as clean and sober.( if that helps answer the question)
Just catching up and a little late on my reply to your comment.

Before a recent trip to Las Vegas, DH went to the bank and talked to his personal banker. Since we have a good amount of savings there at the moment, the bank changed his account to allow more than one $1000 withdrawal in a week. That way, he didn't need to carry too much cash with him.

The first withdrawal went ok. A few days later, the second one was denied and the account frozen. It took 20 minutes on the phone to get the bank to allow the second $1000 transaction. Mind you, he had already made the arrangements with the bank!

Under no circumstances would our bank allow a $5000 withdrawal all at once.

The only way to get $5000 would be to take a cash advance on a credit card.

This whole issue sure sets off my hinky meter. Either way, I'd like to see the bank photos!


I have taken more than that out.
I'm working my way backwards through the threads. I tried to read it all last night, but WS reached its breaking point with me and refused to reload... bedtime!

I apologize if this has already been posted, but I do think that the locksmith was called back to open the safe where they found the $10,000. I also think that the $5,000 taken out of the bank after the murder was to fund their trip out of town they took afterwards.

Perhaps it was a down payment on some land in Orlando?

maybe the $5,000 taken out of the bank was all the money they had in the bank??If there were financial improprieties maybe they figured they'd better get that out b4 confiscated??
Or if they figured they were going to be sued,all the more reason not to have any available assets.If TM's money had run out from the settlement it would seem to me that she wasn't really doing anything about it,except maybe drinking??
There had to be some money coming from somewhere-or support from family members.Sounds like TM was losing it,turning old,and facing the facts that she really didn't have anything to show for her "life of luxury".
And not much money to look forward to......
in searching for the article regarding the solicitor and not finding the body at PTL, i spotted this quote in this article:

"Elder said during initial interviews with police, the Moorers admitted to going to different areas of the Myrtle Beach area in the early morning hours of Dec. 18 after Elvis’ disappearance to have sexual relations. Those incidents led to the indecent exposure charges.".

besides being crucial to the timeline of's DEPRAVED!!!

If true, this would mean there is more video surveillance of them leaving their home and returning....
So after they killed her, they were in the mood for sex :sick:

That right there shows he wasn't bothered by what had just transpired. Who in their right mind could rise to the occasion like that twice with a woman he'd been married to for years if he was disturbed by what had happened at PTL???
Do we know TM or SM texted HE a photo of themselves having sex or is that a rumor? I am unclear if this was mentioned in court yesterday (Hoppy?) or what the original source was? TIA
But she likely had some kind of tracking device on his car, IMO.

That's easy to do. My idiotic BIL put one on my sister's car. It was his from work, his work truck was in the shop so he took the device off it and put it on her car.
I consider the 3:17 am call the "luring call" it was 4 minutes and after THAT call is when Heather drove to PTL.

The 1:35 am call to Heather from SM using the payphone did not cause her to drive to the PTL

So after not going at 1:35, she is sitting there ready to walk out the door at 3:17? I think someone called from her phone to his phone and spoke to someone at 3:17, and someone drove her car to PTL.

Why the repeated, to me almost desperate calls to his cell phone before the arrival at PTL of the truck?

We all know something stinks here, wish we could be told what.

IDK if SM knew HE was on a date or if him and TM had a fight. I think he went to the pay phone and called HE and told her he was leaving TM. When HE called his cell TM saw it and went Psycho. She probably texted HE back and acted like it was SM to meet her. I think she very well may have been in a rage or a drunken rage and ran over HE. It could have all happened so fast he couldnt stop her.. She probably told him he was going with her and settle this once and for all. Then when she saw HE everything got out of control. Then SM is stuck too and helps cover it up.

I could buy this scenario for sure. I could even believe she got there first and it was all over by the time SM knew about it.
ITA!!! That river at PTL is not very deep near the banks. They would have had to 'throw' her far enough that she would not be found immediately. I think the M's wanted to make it look like Heather may have run away and would n ot have risked leaving her in the water.

Is it shallow enough near the riverbank that Heather could have been shot while standing in the water? If a pickup was backed up to the water's edge and her body lifted into the bed of the pickup, any blood evidence would have washed away in the current by the time Heather's car was found. If the above is possible, maybe the evidence that LE has searched for in the water at PTL is a bullet or a casing. :dunno:
That right there shows he wasn't bothered by what had just transpired. Who in their right mind could rise to the occasion like that twice with a woman he'd been married to for years if he was disturbed by what had happened at PTL???

Maybe one that's terrified that the woman who just killed a girl she had never met would also be capable of doing the same to him?

IDK...but I do agree with you. He is guilty.
Um - the 'going to work with SM' was for a 6month period - RECENTLY (alluded that it started in Oct-ish/Nov)

This was not a years long thing. It was a SIX MONTH agreement between TM and SM - ACCORDING to SM (during an interview with LE)

Gosh - I feel like I've spent the morning clarifying stuff! LOL I thought I wrote pretty specifically and clearly but I guess I need to work on that!! LOL


Thank you SO MUCH for all you have done with pictures, notes,input..that we would all be scrambling even harder to try and obtain! You are a gem for sure :)
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