SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #3

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I'm so distressed over this and what her family is going through. I pray for news soon.
What I didn't understand was her Bitstrip "her roommate eats her for breakfast every morning"

On the FB site it has been said over and over that this was all a joke and their was no relationship between the two other than friends.

I don't buy that ???

Also except for a few photos I haven't seen one post from her roommate or lover in any of her posts anywhere else.

I agree with you on everything, except what I bolded. I don't disagree per se, only question it bc her Facebook (that her family was on) was entirely different than her Tumblr. Her Tumblr was way more graphic. Maybe she was exploring? Idk, don't care, might not even matter. However, the main reason I asked about her church and if her parents were pastors earlier is bc I had a very good great grand wonderful beautiful best friend that killed himself when we were 17 bc he was gay, his parents were very religious Baptists that wouldn't accept it bc they were taught it was a sin. He was told he'd be excommunicated as well as disowned. So he ended his life. His twin brother has never gotten over it. He is the reason I'll never ever judge orientation, race, creed, status...yada yada. Not all churches are like that, I know this, but it made me wonder when I read how religious her family & loved ones are.

I really hate to say this~but, deep in my heart, I have the same feeling and I can't handle it. :cry:

I'm so sorry LadyHawkke, I can only imagine how hard it must be. I wish you could have answers. :hug:
You read my mind. It does seem so much like the Natalie Holloway case.

I'm going to be blunt and hope this doesn't break the rules

Warning Discretion Advised!!!

90 + % of females that choose suicide hang themselves. Not to get anymore graphic of how and why it is just that. Extremely heart breaking when investigating.

And usually planned well and in a well known area in the woods where they have been several times before or inside their residences.

Jumping in the water it's very uncommon unless off a bridge.

According to all public information there is nothing indicating this.

However here is the catch 22. She did go boating what appeared often and in the same area if I read correctly from her twitter post. Which I believe she was very familiar with the local waterways.

Sexual identity issue ? What I got from reading her posts is it appeared she liked both genders but I didn't see any identity issues nor did she mind saying who or what turned her on.

Typical 20 + Y/O ?? I don't think so. IMO she appeared comfortable with expressing every detail in a how can I say , profound way ?

Her parents appear to be god loving church attending people. But on her SM it was like she is and was in a 20 YO rebellious living out in her own type way if that makes any sense.

And this is why some people judged her for that , this is why I believe she was very capable of handling her own.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with song lyrics but, much of what appears on HE's Twitter are one or two lines of songs. If you copy some of the 'darker' ramblings and do a search ~ you will find the entire song. I made the mistake of thinking...Wow, that's deep thinking for a 20 year old...then, my son enlightened me. Nevertheless, I'm heart broken that after 15 days we still don't have answers.
No worries.

Again my statistics come from actual events.

Not to nitpick but I think that might be backwards. Women are far more likely to use poisoning and other "nonviolent" methods as opposed to male-preferred methods like guns and hanging. It accounts for why more women attempt suicide but are prevented from completing it; overdosing isn't immediate and you're likely to be found by someone in the meantime.

Overall, suicide victims are found rather quickly after being reported missing. It's hard to hide yourself unless you're an avid outdoorsman, which I don't think anyone believes HE to be. JMO

I really hate to say this~but, deep in my heart, I have the same feeling and I can't handle it. :cry:

My heart hurts for you and I know that nothing will make it better until you find your niece safe. Our community will be with you all the way, she may be your brother's child and your niece but she is also one of our own. I wish there were words that could help.
I think that too much influence is being placed on HE social media, especially tumblr. tumblr is the new version of a diary. It is for anything that a person finds interesting/tittivating/shocking/whatever it does not mean Heather is gay. It doesn't mean she's not. She is young, in an age where young people fully believe that any bodily expression of love is beautiful, like the Hippies.

I know it may be a shock to her family, but her tumblr doesn't mean anything. Gosh, if I went missing my tumblr and other SM would suggest all kinds of things but in my RL it would be 99.9% my x was involved.

MOO I think she met up with an on/off boyfriend and something happened. OR she met up with her on/off boyfriend and his girlfriend and something happened. I wouldn't be surprised if she was found in the water somewhere close and it turned out to be a sad, pathetic, case of jealousy and immaturity. JMOO.

You could be right but I do think her Tumblr is important bc it was started years ago and she made very personal posts about disappearing, etc. She also stated numerous times that she wasn't eating except if her family was watching or something to that effect. If a person has an eating disorder or skinny fixation, chances are something's off - no matter how old they are. It can start in the teens and can get worse as time goes on. Sometimes it can turn into drugs &/or self destruction of sorts. Nobody should ever pass off an eating disorder & depression signals just bc of a persons young age. Whether they're being dramatic or not is totally beside the point and never worth taking the chance. Any doctor will back up what I just said. I know this, I lived it. I was 5'5 85lbs when I graduated HS. I modeled a tad. Was very afraid of gaining weight. Can't tell you how many times I ate lettuce for meals - like 2 pieces...only sipped water. It took me years to heal. The internal damage can be severe. I'm lucky. I had a warped sense of what beauty was supposed to look like - which is ridiculous.
Let me say this. Why wife keeps asking why I am spending so much time with Heathers case. My answer is I feel led to do so. I am living some of your pain with you. I can't take it all away and will never fully understand the full terror and horror your family is going through but I have been praying every single day for your family.

I am going to see if I can get a babysitter for this weekend and possibly travel to MB to assist with the upcoming search.

And I truly am sorry for saying the next part but it's the truth

Because of Heathers case so much is changing for so many families. The recent remains found ? Bringing attention back to Brittanee's case

And if there is a serial issue maybe just maybe this will be the last time it happens and justice gets served.

And look how many people nationwide are praying for your family and trying to take some of the pain away.

The support I've seen is unbelievable

I'm not sure how familiar you are with song lyrics but, much of what appears on HE's Twitter are one or two lines of songs. If you copy some of the 'darker' ramblings and do a search ~ you will find the entire song. I made the mistake of thinking...Wow, that's deep thinking for a 20 year old...then, my son enlightened me. Nevertheless, I'm heart broken that after 15 days we still don't have answers.
I don't know. I personally witnessed a male take his life just a few yards from me.

Till the day I die I have always ask why how or what if.

No study or statistic will ever make sense of it.

Not too long ago we had a young girl take her life because of family issues.

It's so sad and yes all the signs were there before hand but most of the cases I've heard of and seen you'd never have expected it. Especially from the young girl.

Sign of the times, CC880...

Every 40 Seconds Someone Asks ... Why?
Rascal Flatts "Why" - Every 40 Seconds Someone Asks ... Why? - Official Music Video - YouTube
I wonder if there happened to be any "after parties" with the Tilted Kilt crew. I know that folks in the service industry like to get together with each other sometimes after work. Even though Heather didn't work that night, maybe she left to go meet up with some friends from work at one of their houses, or bar/club (any after hour clubs?) If this is the case, I would think LE would know about this from her cellphone records, etc. And one would think someone at the party would have mentioned this. Unless there was something to hide...
What I didn't understand was her Bitstrip "her roommate eats her for breakfast every morning"

On the FB site it has been said over and over that this was all a joke and their was no relationship between the two other than friends.

I don't buy that ???

Also except for a few photos I haven't seen one post from her roommate or lover in any of her posts anywhere else.

This is pure speculation on my part but maybe she didn't want her family to know she was attracted to both sexes, and maybe also her roommate doesn't want her personal life out. Maybe they were in the closet? Maybe it was all a joke? Idk. IMVHO, too much of a fixation on lesbians for there to be zero truth to any of it at all. Words can't describe how bad I feel for Heather...for her entire family. So many questions & the saddest thing of all is that her orientation probably had nada to do with her disappearance.
More speculative brainstorming/thinking out loud..., re: Heather's date that night...could this date have possibly had a current or former mate who was jealous of Heather?
I want to add so much to this but I believe it would be breaking the rules.

This is pure speculation on my part but maybe she didn't want her family to know she was attracted to both sexes, and maybe also her roommate doesn't want her personal life out. Maybe they were in the closet? Maybe it was all a joke? Idk. IMVHO, too much of a fixation on lesbians for there to be zero truth to any of it at all. Words can't describe how bad I feel for Heather...for her entire family. So many questions & the saddest thing of all is that her orientation probably had nada to do with her disappearance.
I wish I had a list of names with whom Heather might have been romantically associated, past and present, so I could run them and see if any of them have any history of violence, etc. LE is most certainly doing this, and the fact that we're not hearing that anybody has been officially cleared as a result is interesting. jmo
I wish I had a list of names with whom Heather might have been romantically associated so I could run them and see if any of them have any history of violence, etc. LE is most certainly doing this, and the fact that we're not hearing that anybody has been officially cleared as a result is interesting. jmo


*thank you Kimi for the updated, high resolution flyer.
The people who had the chance to read her private FB postings and tumblr

Did she ever mention personally using any marijuana ?

Please don't take offense to this question and not trying to say she was a druggie of any kind ?
It was said that her roommate was away on break & that's why Heather called her to say she had fun on her date... Where did her roommate go and when exactly did she leave? I'm only asking bc I thought I read she went to FL to visit family but I thought her family was from NJ? Maybe she has family in FL too, duh. But when did she leave to go away? Was she gone before Heather left for her date that night? Could there have been enough time that Heather was gone for somebody to gain access to her place & hide in a closet or something?
I just want to reply to the thoughts about PTL being "on the way to somewhere" or a fake LE official pulling her over at PTL:

PTL is not "on the way" to anything. It is 2.5 miles away from any routes she'd be travelling (unless it was the family's other property out there, which is still about a mile/mile and a half from PTL). It is almost 3/4 of a mile down a dead end road that ends at the water there. So, even if she was travelling Peachtree Road to Hwy 814 (which is an "avoid summer traffic" shortcut many of us locals know and use), she would still be, at minimum, 3/4 mile from the landing. There would have been no traffic to avoid and 814 is out of the way otherwise, especially from her condo.

If a fake LE was pulling her over, even close to the landing for whatever reason, she would pull over on Peachtree or Mill Pond. No reason to lead LE to the end of a fairly deserted 3/4 mile long dead end road before pulling over.

As for meeting someone at PTL, there are places much closer to her condo that would be equally far from prying eyes if she didn't want to be seen meeting someone.

I just don't buy these theories.
Charlie J. I responded to your post on page 40 of the old thread. Just some ideas. Any thoughts on when another search will be? Any idea if any major media outlets are picking up Heather's disappearance?

I hope Heather's dad will continue to stay in the media, that seems to be a major factor that tugs on everyones heart strings. I've heard Dawn Drexel has been helping the Elvis family, I dont know where she gets her strength.

I am not sure when the next CUE search for Heather will take place. I do know plans are in the works, though. Don't flame me for saying it that way - IDK a better way to put it.

FoxNews picked up the story, so national media is now involved. I hope others are reporting on it, too.

I saw Dawn Drexel at the search IC Saturday, so I would assume you're right about her helping the Elvis family. I don't know the level of her involvement, though. Her strength and resolve are amazing, though.
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