SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #34

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I never said they weren't being defense lawyers. Their client got on the stand and lied and their experts made no sense. Now they are trying to discredit others that expose those lies by suggesting those people are either lying themselves, being unethical because they are mad or that they just don't know what they are talking about. I get that they are being defense lawyers. Doesn't mean it's okay to behave the way DH has been behaving.

Aren't all defense attorneys trying to discredit witnesses that can expose the defendent to a conviction?
Dick and Jim have been all over the airways for the past year and a half, shaping the narrative they prefer. Most media has just eaten it up because most media is lazy these days. Plus, Alex hired a PR firm long ago. I’m convinced the Murdaugh camp has paid minions to spread their narrative on social media.

Yes, they know that the majority of people have not listened to every minute of the trial like many of us here have and, most importantly, the jury.

Then the masses flip out when a jury decision doesn't go the way their favorite commentator says it is likely to go.

It's actually amusing to watch it happen.
For those who are not yet convinced of Alex’s guilt, could you please describe an alternate reasonable way these murders could have happened? I’m just not seeing how anyone else could have committed the murders.

I think he did it but that's not really the defense's job. It's the prosecution's job to prove AM did it.

ETA- I mean, providing other potential theories would obviously help the defense create doubt but it still is up to the state to prove he did it, not that there aren't any other good alternatives
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When experts don't agree and have differing expert testimony it gives room for jurors to have reasonable doubt.

I dont think I have ever seen a case where the defense and prosecution expert testimonies agreed. They are only used in the defense when they disagree. And every case I have ever seen have used defense experts that disagreed....every case.

Makes me think experts make their money just to debate prosecution findings...
Dr. Riemer did a good job disproving the defense's expert witness, especially regarding the skin tags. I think the jury will not see it as a differing of opinions, but as a correction to what the defense's witness had stated, Riemer did a very good job proving it. She is the one who actually performed the autopsies.
I agree.
I think he did it but that's not really the defense's job. It's the prosecution's job to prove AM did it.
The prosecution has proved that no one else could have committed these murders. There simply is not a reasonable alternative version. That’s the very definition of “beyond reasonable doubt.”
I’ve been dancing around this the entire trial but I just going to say it, DH is a piece of #&*$.
His true slimy self is revealed today. So disrespectful to all the witnesses especially Dr R who is a respected professional. DH DOES NOT WANT THE TRUTH! He would rather use smoke and mirrors and impugn the reputation of good people just to get his lying, stealing, murdering client off.
DH acts like he might have something to lose personally if AM is found guilty, just sayin'.

Are they back from recess? I’m having my oil changed and on my phone and their Wi-Fi, but I’m still seeing the recess.
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