SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #34

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While I do think he did it or somehow was involved. I am on the fence on if they proved there is no other reasonable explanation for the murders. I think he is most likely guilty, but there is a chance someone else did it. His family is so influential in that area who knows what people helped him cover things or "looked the other way" when investigating for evidence. He is still on the hook for 99+ other charges after this as well that are much easier to prove
The timeline is impossibly short. AM has testified that he did not see or hear others at Moselle. The dogs did not alert. He left after the time of the murders. All documented.
What did I miss about blue lights that required a rebuttal witness?? I really hope the state calls a drug counselor or doctor. You would think one or both sides would call someone from AM's rehab days
One of the Sheriff's Alex said gave him permission to install blue lights in his personal Suburban said he never gave him permission nor did he ever have a conversation with Alex about it.

Dick and Jim have been all over the airways for the past year and a half, shaping the narrative they prefer. Most media has just eaten it up because most media is lazy these days. Plus, Alex hired a PR firm long ago. I’m convinced the Murdaugh camp has paid minions to spread their narrative on social media.
For anyone who saw the Netflix doc, that narrative has been shredded.
I mean, one could say SLED had tunnel vision and didn't exert much energy into looking into other theories. For me, the amount of money that's been changing hands with AM, Curtis Eddie Smith, the amount spent on pills, etc...just doesn't add up to me. I've said since the beginning and I still feel there is much more to what happened. I'm wrong all the time but it just don't add up to me.
Oh I agree that there’s much more to this than we know, but as far as the murders go there is no plausible way anyone besides Alex could have committed them. That’s irrespective of any mistakes SLED made and irrespective of what else Alex was involved in.
Yes it appears. And I believe there was some earlier thread discussion perhaps last week about perjury, and how it might occur.

This might be a good example. If the defendant was under oath, and gave testimony later determined to be false through evidence and other sworn testimony.

I am not a lawyer so would defer to an expert on that. And I am also not quite certain who the defendant alleged under oath on the stand, to have asked or informed about his intention to place ‘blue lights’ on this vehicle.
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What did I miss about blue lights that required a rebuttal witness?? I really hope the state calls a drug counselor or doctor. You would think one or both sides would call someone from AM's rehab days
That AM lied under oath about getting the Sheriff's permission to install blue cop lights in his personal a nutshell
Watched Ms. Smith last night. Seems caught up in a story she embellished.

Dr. R, on re-direct, pitiful and fell apart.

Mr. Crosby - established that Paul was the blackout lover.

Reasonable doubt.

Hung jury.
I’m not at all trying to be combative here, but you are one of the posters who seems to solidly be in the “not guilty” camp. I honestly want to know- who/how do you think this happened, based on what we know? Someone else knew they were at the kennels, pulled up, unheard by Alex, picked up 2 of the M’s guns, killed them (again unheard by Alex) took Maggie’s phone, and left, all within minutes of Alex being there? And all without leaving any evidence they were ever there? Just want to know what you think, it might help persuade me or others otherwise.

The state calls its fourth reply witness, Paul McManigal, Charleston County digital forensics examiner. He testified Jan. 31 about trying - and failing - to break into Paul's phone. Ultimately, a Secret Service agent accomplished that in March 2022, revealing the kennel video.

McManigal testifies he ran an iPhone of the same make and model as Maggie’s through a battery of tests to see when its screen would turn on. (Trying to establish when Maggie’s phone was chucked onto the side of the road).

McManigal testifies he tossed the phone like a frisbee, tossed it end over end, etc. Did each movement 20 times or so. Could an iPhone be thrown and the screen not turn on? “If the phone is thrown, the screen will not always turn on.”

“Nine out of 10 times, the screen doesn’t turn on when you throw it like a frisbee,” McManigal says. On cross-examination, defense attorney Phillip Barber establishes that McManigal did these experiments this past weekend and didn't record any of his results or generate a report

“You just played with the phone, and you’re coming here to express your observations?” Barber asked. “Correct,” McManigal said. Barber: "Do you never do experiments where you don't record data or record anything?" McManigal: "It never crossed my mind.”

Barber establishes that McManigal didn't bring the phone with him today.

Barber: “So you were alone in your office, recording no measurements, throwing your phone around, and now you’re coming in here and testifying as an expert? McManigal: Correct. B: Have you ever done any experiments like this before? M: No.

Barber: “Your honor, based on the previous answer, I would move to strike the expert opinion. The witness just testified he has no expertise on this. … He has no more knowledge about this than anyone in the courtroom.”

Prosecutor John Conrad: This witness performed a series of tests. Newman: We know that. Conrad: He is expressing his opinion. Barber: He was proffered as an expert for this testimony. He’s an expert in extracting data, not physics. Newman sides with prosecutors.

How many people back home are throwing their iPhones right now to verify McManigal's results?

TIL: If you pick up your iPhone gently, the screen comes on. If you pick it up aggressively and wave it around like one of those used car lot inflatable stick figure dudes, it does not turn on

McManigal steps down from the stand. The state's 5th reply witness is Parker Law Group attorney Mark Ball, one of AM's old friends and former law partners at PMPED. Ball was a defense witness last week.
Mr. Harpo is an excellent trial lawyer as is the other defense attorney. As good as it gets.

With all the half-truths, lies from the past, stealing, drugs, it still doesn't prove that AM killed his family.

What motive? Having Paul dead would not affect the boat lawsuit at all.

Mags was going to divorce him? So what? Nothing from nothing is nothing.

They hid his pills? So what? He can get more.

SLED was shady AF with the shirt lie and the raincoat.

I would have to vote NG.
If it’s not proven, describe a plausible theory of who, besides Alex, could have murdered Paul and Maggie. The State doesn’t have to prove the motive if they’ve proved conclusively that he committed the murders. There are some questions that will remain unanswered, but that does not equate to reasonable doubt about the murderer.
The cellphone toss testimony was not riveting, but I would like to point out that Maggie's phone did get itself to the side of the road, by somebody. Thrown or set down. Tossed or Frisbeed. And IMO it's BARD that it came from the vehicle that was on that road at that time, slowing down before accelerating, en route to Moselle, seeing as that driver had just been in close proximity to MM. And had no legitimate reason to have her phone apart from her.

I toss the phone toss expert.

I hug the GPS data.

I wonder if Alec regrets his decision. Two more bullets and he could've assassinated the phones too.

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