Searching for Anna - #1

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Great work, Hope. It does seem like it is coincidence that "Anna" and "Joka" appeared on this page.

Nice find, SherlockJr - It looked promising. You must be going blurry-eyed if you are now scouring foriegn language sites for clues! LOL! Thanks for your dedication.
Kyllä minä aina olen pyrkinyt jonkinlaiseen analyyttiseen katsomiseen, etten
tekisi sitä pelkän katsomisen vuoksi, vaan että siinä olisi mukana pohdintaa
siitä, mikä on se systeemi, joka menee enkä vain anna sen mennä toisesta silmästä

Finally I can help ;)

sort-of-literal translation:
"I have always strived for a sort of analytical seeing, so that I wouldn't do that just for the sake of seeing, but that it would include also reasoning about what is the system, that goes, instead of letting it go through the other eye."

(in other words, the poster describes how he wants to not simply "see" things, but "see and at the same time understand/analyze" them. If the English sounds complicated/weird, the Finnish kinda is, too...)

Note: "anna" in Finnish is not only a girl's name, but also a form of the verb "antaa", "to give / to let". (and "joka" means "that/which".)

So, yeah. It doesn't help any in the search, unfortunately...
Ah, those wacky Finns. Sounds like the sort of stuff that Brody used to recite to Waters (not that this site has anything to do with Anna or Brody or Waters).

Thanks, Spikydragon.
spikydragon said:
Finally I can help ;)

sort-of-literal translation:
"I have always strived for a sort of analytical seeing, so that I wouldn't do that just for the sake of seeing, but that it would include also reasoning about what is the system, that goes, instead of letting it go through the other eye."

(in other words, the poster describes how he wants to not simply "see" things, but "see and at the same time understand/analyze" them. If the English sounds complicated/weird, the Finnish kinda is, too...)

Note: "anna" in Finnish is not only a girl's name, but also a form of the verb "antaa", "to give / to let". (and "joka" means "that/which".)

So, yeah. It doesn't help any in the search, unfortunately...

I was waaayyyy off! Ha ha! :laugh:
hoping4truth said:
I was waaayyyy off! Ha ha! :laugh:
Now you know why some of those instruction manuals written in Asia are so funny to read. :waitasec:
SherlockJr said:
Annasmom, What information were you able to get from the passport office I forwarded to you? Could they tell you anything?
It has been a while since I tried to get them, since we've been away from home. I hadn't been able to get a live person on the line, just a taped message. I'll look up the number and try again Monday. Thanks for reminding me!
GraceBlue said:
Thinking of Anna. Any new information?
I wish that I could say yes, but we are presently stymied as far as new leads.

Now that Annasmom is back from vacation, she is persuing a few ideas such as tracking any activity on passports that may be suspicious. We also are going to try and get the supplemental Sheriff's reports and the District Attorney's files where they reviewed the possibility that Anna was Sharon Marshall.

We are also still exploring possible national media exposure for Anna's case. Annasunc was involved in the NY bureau for one of the major news networks and still has connections there that may lead to us getting airtime. One major concern is that media interviews be focused on searching for Anna and not on the "victimhood" of Annasmom or the rest of the family. The last thing that Annasmom wants is to forced into the role of "grieving mother" in an attempt at ratings for media outlets. The story of the search is one of a family rejecting the passive role of victim and agressively seeking answers when the authorities had given up or lost interest in Anna. We are attempting to find the right venue to spread the message, yet maintain control on how the message is presented.
One major concern is that media interviews be focused on searching for Anna and not on the "victimhood" of Annasmom or the rest of the family. The last thing that Annasmom wants is to forced into the role of "grieving mother" in an attempt at ratings for media outlets.
I certainly respect and understand the family's concerns over being betrayed as victims; however, in this case, I recommend they forego any ego bruising and do whatever they can to get national media attention. National media could play a powerful role in finding Anna, and I don't think its importance can be overstated. Any inaccurate or overly dramatic representations can be explained to family and close personal friends... and the rest of the world really isn't important in the big picture.
HeartofTexas said:
I certainly respect and understand the family's concerns over being betrayed as victims; however, in this case, I recommend they forego any ego bruising and do whatever they can to get national media attention. National media could play a powerful role in finding Anna, and I don't think its importance can be overstated. Any inaccurate or overly dramatic representations can be explained to family and close personal friends... and the rest of the world really isn't important in the big picture.
I believe that we are coming to that conclusion, but we do want to minimize the possibility of sensationalizing the story. Just today, in my local newspaper is a large, "above-the-fold" picture of a mother crying over a cancer diagnosis for her son in an article dealing with how families deal with serious illness - is it really neccesary to show the private moments of grief to tell a story? No, but it satisfies the prurient interests of enough people to make it "good journalism". I just do not buy it.
Oh, I agree, Doogie. I detest what the media has allowed to happen to itself in order to "sell a story". I just feel like getting national media coverage for Anna is so important that, if at all possible, the family needs to do whatever they can to get that media coverage. Anna's mom comes across in all of her writings like a true lady of intelligence and dignity, and I think that image would come through very clearly in any interviews she might give.

BTW, I said in my previous post "betrayed as victims", and I meant "portrayed as victims". Sorry my brain wasn't working at the time!
HeartofTexas said:
BTW, I said in my previous post "betrayed as victims", and I meant "portrayed as victims". Sorry my brain wasn't working at the time!
You know, I have to edit my posts at least a couple times each to finally get all of the misspellings and grammatical errors corrected. If I had known that I was going to be spending this much time on a computer when I was younger, I would have learned how to type. :doh:
SherlockJr said:
Annasmom, What information were you able to get from the passport office I forwarded to you? Could they tell you anything?
I finally got through to the Research department, and they said they couldn't give me any information on whether a passport had been issued to Anna without her permission. I explained that she was missing, etc., but they wouldn't budge and said it was a privacy issue. However, they might release information about GW's passport activity if I can furnish them with all the papers they need. I'll start accumulating these. Doogie, was there a death certificate for him in the BFH? I don't think there was....I'll need to get this from San Francisco in order to proceed. Thanks again, Sherlock, for finding this telephone number for me.
Annasmom said:
Doogie, was there a death certificate for him in the BFH? I don't think there was....
I have a copy in the BFH. I will send it to you pronto.
HeartofTexas said:
Oh, I agree, Doogie. I detest what the media has allowed to happen to itself in order to "sell a story". I just feel like getting national media coverage for Anna is so important that, if at all possible, the family needs to do whatever they can to get that media coverage. Anna's mom comes across in all of her writings like a true lady of intelligence and dignity, and I think that image would come through very clearly in any interviews she might give.

BTW, I said in my previous post "betrayed as victims", and I meant "portrayed as victims". Sorry my brain wasn't working at the time!
I agree. I dont see how our journalism today is much differnt from yellow journalism that was so scorned in the late 1800's. Its deplorable to be sensationalistic in times of others grief just to boost your circulation numbers.
they wont relase any passport info on anna what is with that she is missing for how many years. i think thats bull and they should relase that info to you maybe if you got a court order or something?
Annasmom said:
I finally got through to the Research department, and they said they couldn't give me any information on whether a passport had been issued to Anna without her permission. I explained that she was missing, etc., but they wouldn't budge and said it was a privacy issue. However, they might release information about GW's passport activity if I can furnish them with all the papers they need. I'll start accumulating these. Doogie, was there a death certificate for him in the BFH? I don't think there was....I'll need to get this from San Francisco in order to proceed. Thanks again, Sherlock, for finding this telephone number for me.
This may be a promising lead if there is one country that was visited more than others. This could reveal his whereabouts soon after Anna's dissappearance. Even if they can't give out specific information about Anna, maybe they can verify if a passport was issued in 1973. Are they requesting this in writing? You may want to ask for a fax number to send the request to. Some gov't offices will accept faxes and give out the information right then on the phone.
Dr. Doogie said:
... We are also still exploring possible national media exposure for Anna's case. Annasunc was involved in the NY bureau for one of the major news networks and still has connections there that may lead to us getting airtime. One major concern is that media interviews be focused on searching for Anna and not on the "victimhood" of Annasmom or the rest of the family. The last thing that Annasmom wants is to forced into the role of "grieving mother" in an attempt at ratings for media outlets. The story of the search is one of a family rejecting the passive role of victim and agressively seeking answers when the authorities had given up or lost interest in Anna. We are attempting to find the right venue to spread the message, yet maintain control on how the message is presented.

The story I hope we can get out is one of hope and perseverance, and how a virtual community has sprung up in cyberspace to offer support and assistance. But as many politicians and others have found out to their chagrin, despite your best efforts to try to manage the message, it's beyond your control once it's out there. The best strategy is to go for forums that are likely to be sympathetic rather than exploitive, an "Oprah" rather than a "Maury."

I've been in situations where I've had to tell the interviewee "I can't guarantee that you're going to like the story, but I can guarantee I'm going to be fair." The best we can realistically hope for is to be portrayed fairly and accurately, and do our homework to make it easy for them do so, but like much of life it's going to happen in ways that may be unpredictable.
Annasunc said:
The story I hope we can get out is one of hope and perseverance, and how a virtual community has sprung up in cyberspace to offer support and assistance. But as many politicians and others have found out to their chagrin, despite your best efforts to try to manage the message, it's beyond your control once it's out there. The best strategy is to go for forums that are likely to be sympathetic rather than exploitive, an "Oprah" rather than a "Maury."

I've been in situations where I've had to tell the interviewee "I can't guarantee that you're going to like the story, but I can guarantee I'm going to be fair." The best we can realistically hope for is to be portrayed fairly and accurately, and do our homework to make it easy for them do so, but like much of life it's going to happen in ways that may be unpredictable.
Well said, Annasunc. Any time you put your message out, you give up some control of that message and there are inherent risks that hopefully are outweighed by the benefits.

Those of you who have read the book will recall how the family got burned by the local Half Moon Bay Review newspaper when they printed a detailed article that got a great deal of the details wrong, leaving incorrect impressions that hurt the local search. The local paper was notorious for getting facts wrong and sensationalizing details (One famous example was when a local resident of the community of Montara had a pet rhesus monkey get loose for awhile before it was captured - the headline in the paper was "Mad Ape Loose in Montara!") This is an example of a bad venue for the story - a venue that wants to create headlines instead of providing facts.

Annasunc, your example of Oprah vs. Maury is dead-on. I would put Montel somewhere between the two, but feel that he would probably provide an acceptable forum. Obviously, Springer is out - I don't see any opportunity for Annasmom or myself to end up in a fistfight, and I know that I would not look too good dancing on the stripper pole (LOL).
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