Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #5

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You know, she had the CDs with her on her trip to Mesa, I wonder if she uploaded those Flickr pics from those on the CDs while at Matt's? I had wondered where she may have gotten pics to upload during the trip (before JMs book and I hadn't known the CDs were found in T's office, thought it was another of her lies) but I bet that's where, the only question is Why?

We discussed this some weeks ago. She uploaded the pics to Flickr on June 2 (I looked at the EXIF data) at approx. the same time she would have supposedly been with Matt and Kareem, changing the mood at a karaoke bar with her surpassingly awesome voice, after dining a bit earlier on tuna tartare.

The why? Dunno, but it's perhaps of interest that IIRC, she asked TA by text in April whether or not he had pics from that specific trip.
Let me have a couple of more beers. Then ice cream next door. When I get home I will post it once again. I have done so several times as has Trialwatcher IIRC

Just a time on the video will do, thanks.
What's most hinky to me about the timestamps (or lack thereof) on the pics isn't even about sex, TexMex, it's about the timeline.

Just doesn't add up, in so many ways.....One at random: she the once a week bather took a shower after the alleged sex, but he the ultra-fastidious waited another 3 plus hours?

Maybe the shower was after his bike ride? She ambushed him in his garage after hanging out reading his journals in his car. He told her to get lost. He thought she had, but she surprised him in the shower.
Wait what? That lunatic admitted that she bathes once a week? I missed that interesting tidbit of information for sure.

IIRC, that was a tidbit from Nurmi's book. That she in her natural state is not inclined to bathe, and had to be encouraged to shower at Estrella. Showers are mandatory at Perryville, perhaps because others' stink riles up prison inmates?
Wait what? That lunatic admitted that she bathes once a week? I missed that interesting tidbit of information for sure.

Aaahhh, yes, but she bathes her hair 5 times a day and peroxides it once a week. She gets brazilians every fortnight. She goes through 50 oz of hair products per month and 5 hair dryers per year.

I believe in jail she only bathed once a week? In prison, bathing is a requirement. IIRC, it's 3x per week. No bathing=infraction. Since she's accompanied by CO's everywhere and even shackled in the shower, it's not like she can easily get around the warden's bathing standard.
:Welcome1::greetings: plus another then another and another and even another largely lurking members joining in over the past week or so. AWESOME!!! :)
IIRC, that was a tidbit from Nurmi's book. That she in her natural state is not inclined to bathe, and had to be encouraged to shower at Estrella. Showers are mandatory at Perryville, perhaps because others' stink riles up prison inmates?

I never realized showers were a requirement for inmates in jail or prison. Thanks for the information. I want to read the book but I'm not sure if it's worth the money.

Aaahhh, yes, but she bathes her hair 5 times a day and peroxides it once a week. She gets brazilians every fortnight. She goes through 50 oz of hair products per month and 5 hair dryers per year.

I believe in jail she only bathed once a week? In prison, bathing is a requirement. IIRC, it's 3x per week. No bathing=infraction. Since she's accompanied by CO's everywhere and even shackled in the shower, it's not like she can easily get around the warden's bathing standard.

The thought of her standing in the shower shackled makes me laugh. She deserves it.

:Welcome1::greetings: plus another then another and another and even another largely lurking members joining in over the past week or so. AWESOME!!! :)

We discussed this some weeks ago. She uploaded the pics to Flickr on June 2 (I looked at the EXIF data) at approx. the same time she would have supposedly been with Matt and Kareem, changing the mood at a karaoke bar with her surpassingly awesome voice, after dining a bit earlier on tuna tartare.

The why? Dunno, but it's perhaps of interest that IIRC, she asked TA by text in April whether or not he had pics from that specific trip.

I was thinking about that, her evening with Matt and the Red Room or whatever it was called, with all of the details she slung around, and no one at all testifying about that evening, I have doubts. Made a good cover story for whatever she had been doing, and probably did crash at Matt's that night (and played on the computer and uploaded the pics), but the rest of it I'll have to be convinced of, I think.
I never realized showers were a requirement for inmates in jail or prison. Thanks for the information. I want to read the book but I'm not sure if it's worth the money.

The thought of her standing in the shower shackled makes me laugh. She deserves it.

I'll bet they even require her to soap up and wash armpits and other orifices.I wonder how you do that? Feet too, while shackled. Oh, and I'll bet she has to straighten out the *advertiser censored*, for everyone's sake. Gotta look presentable, smell like a princess. Even in solitary.

The pic in JM's book of inside the double-doored garage shows a small door on the side gate side of the house. TA's car is parked on the left, a roommate's car is parked on the right hand side of the garage, blocking entry through that side garage door.

There's one door straight ahead, presumably leading into the house....the laundry room door?
I was thinking about that, her evening with Matt and the Red Room or whatever it was called, with all of the details she slung around, and no one at all testifying about that evening, I have doubts. Made a good cover story for whatever she had been doing, and probably did crash at Matt's that night (and played on the computer and uploaded the pics), but the rest of it I'll have to be convinced of, I think.

The YouTube acct she seems to have lined up for after the murder. The Flickr acct, in his name, set up en route to kill him...that is so odd, IMO, especially since she was supposedly bringing him trip CD's, and especially since what innocent reason is there for setting up an account in HIS name?

Unless... maybe she planned it as a manipulation...a look what I did for you, Travis, set up a Flickr account for you, and even uploaded some of those trip pics we've spoken about, but I hadn't given to you yet.
I never realized showers were a requirement for inmates in jail or prison. Thanks for the information. I want to read the book but I'm not sure if it's worth the money.

The thought of her standing in the shower shackled makes me laugh. She deserves it.


Umm. I couldn't help but notice that you may not post a great deal, but you already know how to multi-quote. :thinking:
The YouTube acct she seems to have lined up for after the murder. The Flickr acct, in his name, set up en route to kill him...that is so odd, IMO, especially since she was supposedly bringing him trip CD's, and especially since what innocent reason is there for setting up an account in HIS name?

Unless... maybe she planned it as a manipulation...a look what I did for you, Travis, set up a Flickr account for you, and even uploaded some of those trip pics we've spoken about, but I hadn't given to you yet.

It's just so strange, it's hard to fathom she'd think he'd have been pleased with her posting pics of him online, in his name, without his consent, but then she never thought anyone would figure out all of the steps she took for the premeditation and murder. Sure wish JM would do Tricia's radio show and she could ask him about it, would love to know what he really thinks that was all about.
FO: I was just going to ask you if he was happy to see you that week – that day?


FO: That looked like you’re saying, “Yeah, he was.”

JA: (Jodi throws used toilet paper in trash can behind her) No, I didn’t say that.

FO: Okay.

JA: He was always happy to see me, though. I’m trying to think…

FO: Were you happy to see him?


(Jodi runs hand through her hair – uses her hand to cover her mouth)


FO: You at least know that.

(Jodi wipes her nose)

FO: I don’t believe you went there with the intention to hurt him.


FO: Maybe you did.


(Jodi sighs)

FO: How is seeing those pictures again going to help you?

JA: I just thought it would help me piece things together.

FO: What is it that you’re trying to piece together?

JA: Umm. I don’t know. There’s also a bit of morbid curiosity, I think. ((Crying) I just want to see the pictures. He showed me a good picture of him yesterday.

FO: Is it the one with him in the shower?

JA: He had water all over his face or something.

FO: You took a nice picture of him.

JA: He would never let me take pictures of him in the shower, you know, despite our intimacy he was very private about his showers. You know, like he had a room. I don’t think you’ve seen the room, but

(Jodi becomes animated and proceeds to use her hands to draw a diagram of Travis’ rooms on the table)

it was here. There were double doors here leading into the room, a walk-in closet here and a hallway, sort of short hallway here that went this way, and then there was a bathtub here, a shower here and a bathroom here, full enclosure, and so if he was taking a shower you couldn’t see if you were in the bedroom unless you walked down the hall, and I never went in the bathroom when he would shower because he was just private about it, you know. It’s not like we were a married couple ever. We had a time when we did something and then after that it was …you know…we weren’t a couple, you know…

FO: Are you saying that those pictures were taken without his consent?

JA: I’m just saying that whoever took those pictures must have (MUST HAVE WHAT?), I mean it’s hard to imagine because I got pictures of him once shaving and he was already weird about that.

FO: Well, Jodi, when you say things like that, it’s obvious to me that you don’t want to do the right thing for the family, you don’t want to unburden yourself, you don’t want to give them closure, and you’re jerking my chain, because there’s no doubt, and I’ve already told you there’s no doubt in my mind or anybody else’s mind that you were responsible for his death, and I don’t appreciate my chain being jerked. I don’t appreciate you thinking I’m some sort of fool.

JA: Well, the detective says he has pictures of me.

FO: Mmm hmmm. I’ve seen those pictures. They were taken the same day.

JA: Well, certainly not the same time.

(Jodi takes a drink of water)

FO: Within the same time frame.
The YouTube acct she seems to have lined up for after the murder. The Flickr acct, in his name, set up en route to kill him...that is so odd, IMO, especially since she was supposedly bringing him trip CD's, and especially since what innocent reason is there for setting up an account in HIS name?

Unless... maybe she planned it as a manipulation...a look what I did for you, Travis, set up a Flickr account for you, and even uploaded some of those trip pics we've spoken about, but I hadn't given to you yet.

Or she lied about having brought those CDs, once she saw the crime scene pics, thinking they gave her the "in" that she seemed to need to validate her presence there that day? Perhaps we've been wrong and TA already had those CDs and did the Flickr acct for himself, noting none of the pics have her in them, though the title of the one pic, "Trav's Rockys" do leave room to speculate if only because having grown up in sight of them the spelling was normally the Rockies.
I have to admit that I've given up on trying to figure out what happened on June 4. There is just no way of knowing, IMO, unless and until we have access to more information--probably years and years from now, after her appeals are exhausted.

All I feel I "know" is that Travis wasn't expecting her, that she didn't sneak into his house until after he had gone to sleep, and that there is no way she slept in his bed that night, so even if they did have sex, if the timestamps are correct (and I don't think they are), all the hours before 1:00-1:30ish PM are unaccounted for, same thing for between 1:47 and 5:20.

I don't believe he knew she was ( still ) in the house when he took a shower, I think she ambushed him there (the second time that day), and I think he turned towards her in the shower because she had pulled a gun on him. I think she used the gun as a prop to recreate (mock him) with his almost -died fear story, and that she likely threw the gun on the ground knowing he'd lunge for it, and she pulled out the knife as he did so.

I think she took a great deal of time cleaning up and staging the scene, and that she couldn't resist (beforehand or afterwards) going through all his texts (deleting many), searching through his papers and journals, and rifling through his wallet, helping herself to his cash.

I think she was still there when Zach returned at 3, was caught off guard, retreated to TA's office, closed the door, and that's it's likely she was responsible for the afternoon's computer activity, whenever and whatever it was.

Obviously JMO, but until and unless proven otherwise, I'm convinced Travis was courageous enough to insist upon truth, and that at a very steep personal cost (not referring to his murder), he did see her for who she was on May 26th, and that he was done with her.

Because I am so sure for myself that is so, I find it painful to keep trying to imagine what happened that day, because what I keep returning to is a haunting realization of how terrified he must have been when he first saw her, and how afraid throughout. Because of that feeling, I hope in one way he never saw her until she surprised him in the shower, because at least then he would have been spared hours of psychological torment.

Did they have sex that day? Dunno, and frankly, for me it isn't a decisive question. If they did, IMO it was coerced in the sense he was acting on survival instincts, doing whatever he had to do to appease her in order to stay alive. Travis of all people knew what her response was to even perceived slights, much less flat out rejection- he wouldn't have chanced it in that situation. He was a survivor of severe child abuse, and he was a DV victim.

He wanted to live.
Or she lied about having brought those CDs, once she saw the crime scene pics, thinking they gave her the "in" that she seemed to need to validate her presence there that day? Perhaps we've been wrong and TA already had those CDs and did the Flickr acct for himself, noting none of the pics have her in them, though the title of the one pic, "Trav's Rockys" do leave room to speculate if only because having grown up in sight of them the spelling was normally the Rockies.

Plus IIRC, didn't she tell the female officer that something was wrong and she wasn't able to make CD's and she didn't have the right tools to make them (it might have been when she was telling about some ones wedding pics)???
I have to admit that I've given up on trying to figure out what happened on June 4. There is just no way of knowing, IMO, unless and until we have access to more information--probably years and years from now, after her appeals are exhausted.

All I feel I "know" is that Travis wasn't expecting her, that she didn't sneak into his house until after he had gone to sleep, and that there is no way she slept in his bed that night, so even if they did have sex, if the timestamps are correct (and I don't think they are), all the hours before 1:00-1:30ish PM are unaccounted for, same thing for between 1:47 and 5:20.

I don't believe he knew she was ( still ) in the house when he took a shower, I think she ambushed him there (the second time that day), and I think he turned towards her in the shower because she had pulled a gun on him. I think she used the gun as a prop to recreate (mock him) with his almost -died fear story, and that she likely threw the gun on the ground knowing he'd lunge for it, and she pulled out the knife as he did so.

I think she took a great deal of time cleaning up and staging the scene, and that she couldn't resist (beforehand or afterwards) going through all his texts (deleting many), searching through his papers and journals, and rifling through his wallet, helping herself to his cash.

I think she was still there when Zach returned at 3, was caught off guard, retreated to TA's office, closed the door, and that's it's likely she was responsible for the afternoon's computer activity, whenever and whatever it was.

Obviously JMO, but until and unless proven otherwise, I'm convinced Travis was courageous enough to insist upon truth, and that at a very steep personal cost (not referring to his murder), he did see her for who she was on May 26th, and that he was done with her.

Because I am so sure for myself that is so, I find it painful to keep trying to imagine what happened that day, because what I keep returning to is a haunting realization of how terrified he must have been when he first saw her, and how afraid throughout. Because of that feeling, I hope in one way he never saw her until she surprised him in the shower, because at least then he would have been spared hours of psychological torment.

Did they have sex that day? Dunno, and frankly, for me it isn't a decisive question. If they did, IMO it was coerced in the sense he was acting on survival instincts, doing whatever he had to do to appease her in order to stay alive. Travis of all people knew what her response was to even perceived slights, much less flat out rejection- he wouldn't have chanced it in that situation. He was a survivor of severe child abuse, and he was a DV victim.

He wanted to live.

Wow, that's deep Hope. I am dropping anything to do with the sex talk also, for me, I really don't care anymore. I still have my firm unchanged opinion and it has not wavered. Your post brought a tear to my eye. I was sitting here thinking about a personal thing, and it made me realize.. life really is, too short. Off for the night. Hugggsss!!!
I have to admit that I've given up on trying to figure out what happened on June 4. There is just no way of knowing, IMO, unless and until we have access to more information--probably years and years from now, after her appeals are exhausted.

All I feel I "know" is that Travis wasn't expecting her, that she didn't sneak into his house until after he had gone to sleep, and that there is no way she slept in his bed that night, so even if they did have sex, if the timestamps are correct (and I don't think they are), all the hours before 1:00-1:30ish PM are unaccounted for, same thing for between 1:47 and 5:20.

I don't believe he knew she was ( still ) in the house when he took a shower, I think she ambushed him there (the second time that day), and I think he turned towards her in the shower because she had pulled a gun on him. I think she used the gun as a prop to recreate (mock him) with his almost -died fear story, and that she likely threw the gun on the ground knowing he'd lunge for it, and she pulled out the knife as he did so.

I think she took a great deal of time cleaning up and staging the scene, and that she couldn't resist (beforehand or afterwards) going through all his texts (deleting many), searching through his papers and journals, and rifling through his wallet, helping herself to his cash.

I think she was still there when Zach returned at 3, was caught off guard, retreated to TA's office, closed the door, and that's it's likely she was responsible for the afternoon's computer activity, whenever and whatever it was.

Obviously JMO, but until and unless proven otherwise, I'm convinced Travis was courageous enough to insist upon truth, and that at a very steep personal cost (not referring to his murder), he did see her for who she was on May 26th, and that he was done with her.

Because I am so sure for myself that is so, I find it painful to keep trying to imagine what happened that day, because what I keep returning to is a haunting realization of how terrified he must have been when he first saw her, and how afraid throughout. Because of that feeling, I hope in one way he never saw her until she surprised him in the shower, because at least then he would have been spared hours of psychological torment.

Did they have sex that day? Dunno, and frankly, for me it isn't a decisive question. If they did, IMO it was coerced in the sense he was acting on survival instincts, doing whatever he had to do to appease her in order to stay alive. Travis of all people knew what her response was to even perceived slights, much less flat out rejection- he wouldn't have chanced it in that situation. He was a survivor of severe child abuse, and he was a DV victim.

He wanted to live.

That was a very touching post Hope, and I'm right there with you. Unless we have more information, we just can't know what happened that day, we've analyzed, debated and surmised and will never get any closer to knowing until everything is unsealed, and even then I expect blank spots in the full picture. That makes me sad really, it's bad enough the mayhem she visited upon him, but to have her have the last lying words on the matter just makes my heart ache.
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