Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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Maybe we could give in. Each sendher a roll of toilet paper ~ for she is full of Chit!!!:laughing:

Nore, I'll save my empty rolls and send them to her!
I was up in Yreka a few days ago. I had forgotten what a desert of nothing it is there. I mean, there's no reason to leave the highway right there, even for a meal: it's so bleak and uninviting, and most people stop at Weed or Shasta. I'm thinking the Ariases must originally have moved there to escape something, either because of themselves or their psychopath daughter. Had they got the attention of the law before? Did Jodi have a juvenile record that got expunged?

It says something about the glaring ineptitude of the Perryville Princess that she never figured out just to up and move away from Yreka. All by her little self. No running after a boyfriend to get herself a new situation.

Well, supposedly her mother admitted to some drug use, JA accused her father or cocaine use...

I dunno, don't really care... no one deserves a parent like that, but JA was responsible for her own actions every step of the way. A 30+ year old female, she had years to 'grow' from whatever had happened in that environment and decide to not be a reckless and emotionally abusive person. You can't even say she was sheltered, she had a few experiences, she should have learned to stop depending on someone else for every rejection she faced. But she preferred to take the time to get revenge, when she should have been keeping her head down at her job(s).
Sept 29 entry on court docket orders "appellee" to respond to Motion on or before October 8. Thinking appellee must indicate COA, and this refers to the motion to disqualify.
I was up in Yreka a few days ago. I had forgotten what a desert of nothing it is there. I mean, there's no reason to leave the highway right there, even for a meal: it's so bleak and uninviting, and most people stop at Weed or Shasta. I'm thinking the Ariases must originally have moved there to escape something, either because of themselves or their psychopath daughter. Had they got the attention of the law before? Did Jodi have a juvenile record that got expunged?

It says something about the glaring ineptitude of the Perryville Princess that she never figured out just to up and move away from Yreka. All by her little self. No running after a boyfriend to get herself a new situation.

I've stopped at Black Bear Diner there a couple of times, but even the food there went downhill from one visit to the next. (They think they're Jefferson, LOL!) A friend of my daughters' got her a bumper sticker from Weed High.
The COA motion (10 pages) has been posted on twitter under the #jodiarias hashtag. It is against the State of Arizona, and is about the article that Judge Cattani wrote. But it says b/c of his impropriety, the whole COA (both divisions) are incapable of being impartial. They want to skip COA and go directly to Supreme Court.
The COA motion (10 pages) has been posted on twitter under the #jodiarias hashtag. It is against the State of Arizona, and is about the article that Judge Cattani wrote. But it says b/c of his impropriety, the whole COA (both divisions) are incapable of being impartial. They want to skip COA and go directly to Supreme Court.
Wow this case just keeps on making history
I read somewhere that the manslayer is actively involved in wanting to start a prison program wherein we law abiding, non felon good people can "adopt" an inmate and help them to secure (send $$$$) more TP, soap, sanitary pads, and other necessities. Oh, and Shawna Ford is also involved. LMAO. If 281129 is so caring, possibly she could waive her appeals donations, and let those poor misguided felons get their needs met. :shame: The site is something like "Lifers Caring 4 Life"

I thought she wasn't allowed to solicit money? I know she can't in regular mail.
I thought she wasn't allowed to solicit money? I know she can't in regular mail.

JA's name is not being mentioned in the plan, only Shawna Forde's. They only mention lifers that talk w/Forde so that JA's 'generosity' is known without her name being used. Which tells me that if anyone gets in trouble for this @ PV, it won't be JA. Supposedly they want to set up kind of an inmate lifer's committee to decide which inmates need $ help. As if AZ DOC will let that fly...The woman heading this on FB is being used, IMO, and has her head filled with the idea that only JA supporters can be trusted and everyone else is out to get her. Doesn't seem to know or understand the DOC rules and shuts down anyone who tries to question her. Slightly entertaining, but at the same time kind of maddening to watch JA manipulation in action...
The COA motion (10 pages) has been posted on twitter under the #jodiarias hashtag. It is against the State of Arizona, and is about the article that Judge Cattani wrote. But it says b/c of his impropriety, the whole COA (both divisions) are incapable of being impartial. They want to skip COA and go directly to Supreme Court.

FGS! Because one judge " erred" therefore every other judge on every panel of CoA judges is tainted, therefore onto the SC?

The COA is going to slap that ridiculous argument silly. I'm beginning to think even her name typed on paper is enough to make otherwise rational people lose their bearings. What were those 2 appellate "attys" thinking???
JA's name is not being mentioned in the plan, only Shawna Forde's. They only mention lifers that talk w/Forde so that JA's 'generosity' is known without her name being used. Which tells me that if anyone gets in trouble for this @ PV, it won't be JA. Supposedly they want to set up kind of an inmate lifer's committee to decide which inmates need $ help. As if AZ DOC will let that fly...The woman heading this on FB is being used, IMO, and has her head filled with the idea that only JA supporters can be trusted and everyone else is out to get her. Doesn't seem to know or understand the DOC rules and shuts down anyone who tries to question her. Slightly entertaining, but at the same time kind of maddening to watch JA manipulation in action...

Oh, I think she understands perfectly well that using CMJA's name is the only reason her web traffic increased from 3 people to 40 odd lost souls and the curious.

I think she pokes and hopes to stir up enough controversy that more folks flock to her site. And I'm sure the child killer and the Travis killer each assume they've figured out a way to use the other. Whatever. Talk about drama on the microscopic scale.

The child killer is on DR, has no funds and has to beg for $$ to buy tampons. Just how is she supposed to attend those committee meetings or contribute $$?

And the butcherer ? Oh how I hope she's deluded enough to fancy herself a queen of philanthropy amongst her fellow lifers. That should endear her to those warm and fuzzy and grateful folks. Snort.
The COA motion (10 pages) has been posted on twitter under the #jodiarias hashtag. It is against the State of Arizona, and is about the article that Judge Cattani wrote. But it says b/c of his impropriety, the whole COA (both divisions) are incapable of being impartial. They want to skip COA and go directly to Supreme Court.

She wants to go to Arizona State Supreme Court... is that what they want? Hrm.. on the other hand, I have no problem with less time she spends in the news... hah.

But, COA is no joke, they respect the lower courts and the process, lol, she's not special. But yeah, just the mention of her name might be enough for some judge to pull a Nurmi... "oh alright, let's just get rid of her once and for all."
Oh, I think she understands perfectly well that using CMJA's name is the only reason her web traffic increased from 3 people to 40 odd lost souls and the curious.

I think she pokes and hopes to stir up enough controversy that more folks flock to her site. And I'm sure the child killer and the Travis killer each assume they've figured out a way to use the other. Whatever. Talk about drama on the microscopic scale.

The child killer is on DR, has no funds and has to beg for $$ to buy tampons. Just how is she supposed to attend those committee meetings or contribute $$?

And the butcherer ? Oh how I hope she's deluded enough to fancy herself a queen of philanthropy amongst her fellow lifers. That should endear her to those warm and fuzzy and grateful folks. Snort.

BBM Thank you so much for putting this all into its proper perspective... :detective:
I read somewhere that the manslayer is actively involved in wanting to start a prison program wherein we law abiding, non felon good people can "adopt" an inmate and help them to secure (send $$$$) more TP, soap, sanitary pads, and other necessities. Oh, and Shawna Ford is also involved. LMAO. If 281129 is so caring, possibly she could waive her appeals donations, and let those poor misguided felons get their needs met. :shame: The site is something like "Lifers Caring 4 Life"

Who are they kidding? Every prison, jail, and detention center has an indigent supply. The inmates with no money will get pencils, paper, and envelopes once a month as well as their letters being stamped for mailing. They get toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and so forth. The females get pads, no tampons. All is off-brand and generally not enough, but they do not do without all of the time. I suppose the inmates feel they deserve name brand and as much of it as they want??? NO, this is prison so they need to get used to it!

May Arias never know another peaceful or comfortable day as long as she lives!

Just read the whole 9 page masterpiece Motion. OMG, how pathetic! Seriously. As in, its difficult to believe attorneys actually wrote it.

8 pages of repeating over and over the silly accusation that Judge C. doesn't respect the murderer enough as a human being, which the attorneys give equal or greater weight to than the appearance of bias by Judge C.

On the 9th and final page comes their most glorious failure of logic, commonsense, and grasp of the law (paraphrasing):

Judge C. is biased, therefore the entire division one of the COA shouldn't hear the appeal, and because the COA is one court , that means division two shouldn't hear the appeal either, therefore the appeal should go straight to the supreme Court.

With absolutely NO precedent cited for disqualifying an entire court because of the alleged conduct of a single judge, because....oh wait!! There ISN'T any precedent, FGS.

I don't know which possibility is more comical and satisfying... that CMJA insisted on this approach and her two attorneys gave her what she asked for, or that her two hapless attorneys are so incompetent they thought this BS would fly.
The reality of prison life at Perryville from a former prisoner.

Sure, first let me say my heart goes out to the Alexander family, especially at the sentencing when Jodi was cruel enough to get up and talked about how Travis was still alive when she slit his throat, that was just plain mean spirited. Hopefully, this will ease their burden and they’ll know that Jodi’s not going to have a very pleasant rest of her life. The Lumley Unit houses the higher custody inmates and has 4 separate ‘yards’ that have 4 connected ‘pods’ (A, B, C & D) with 2 floors, Motel 6 style, that are L shaped and have 6 cells on each line of the L, depending on the custody level of the inmate. The first is 24 yard, that was medium custody overflow when I was there, but, from talking to some girls that got out after I did have told me that it’s been changed. If you’re already in a higher custody level and start trouble (start a riot, get into a fight, something that’s more dangerous than just, say, stealing from another inmate), they send you to a place called Central Detention Unit, or CDU. CDU used to be in the same building as what they call the Minor’s Unit (people that were under 18 that were charged as adults are held here until they turn 18, then they moved to a normal yard) & was located over by the main complex building, they’ve since moved it to 24 yard on Lumley. According to the DOC website, this is where Jodi is now, more for her own protection than anything else. The Corrections Officers (CO’s) keep their eye more on high profile inmates, like Jodi, and some others whose names you wouldn’t know, but the other inmates know who they are, I’ll get to that in a minute. They’re more isolated in CDU, they’re in their cells alone. The only other contact they have with others is talking through the cell vents that connect 4 cells. The problem with these vents is, if someone’s going off, you can hear them in all 4 cells, more about that in a minute also. The next is 26 yard, where I was. This is closed custody, it’s 1 step down from maximum custody. You’re in your cell 23 hours a day, you may or may not have a job, like working in the kitchen on the yard, being a porter cleaning up the yard, stuff that would keep you on your yard, but get you out of your cell more than others who don’t have a job. You only get to shower if you get one hour recreation per day, that’s when you have to make your phone calls, too. If you don’t get rec because they’re short staffed or whatever, you’re stuck in your cell for everything but meals. Each pod eats together & recs together, there’s line’s for the showers and the phones. If you ordered commissary, you are escorted, about 10 inmates at a time, to the yard office where the commissary is and escorted back to the yard. Other than that, you’re in your cell the whole time, the only thing to do is read, sleep, watch TV if you have one & write letters. I worked in the kitchen during breakfast and we used to have to take the trays down to the max unit every morning. Most of the girls are cool, but there are some that are total *****es. One girl literally threatened to beat me up just because she didn’t like me. I told her bring it on, she didn’t know what I had been trained in in the Army!! Lol She never did anything. I did see fights on this yard, no one says anything, if you do, you get your *advertiser censored* kicked later on. I had one thing some of these girls, including Jodi, don’t have – a release date. Consequently, some of them don’t care, what are they going to do, take away their good time? They’re not getting out anyway, so, they don’t have a lot to lose except some privileges, like how much commissary you can order, for a month or whatever. One woman who I was on this yard with had been sentenced to natural life, like Jodi. She had been in Perryville since July, 1963, Kennedy was President, I wasn’t even born yet!! She’s since been released, having served 50 years, she was pardoned by Jan Brewer in 2013, she was 20 when she went in, she was 70 when she got out. Talk about culture shock!! The next yard, 28 yard, houses Reception and Assessment (RNA). When most people go into prison, DOC knows what the charges are, but they do all kind of assessments, like how many times you’ve been in prison, how serious your charges were (murder’s not the same as a drug charge), etc. I was originally in minimum custody but got ahold of a cell phone, they didn’t appreciate it, so they moved me up to closed custody for promoting prison contraband.
She wants to go to Arizona State Supreme Court... is that what they want? Hrm.. on the other hand, I have no problem with less time she spends in the news... hah.

But, COA is no joke, they respect the lower courts and the process, lol, she's not special. But yeah, just the mention of her name might be enough for some judge to pull a Nurmi... "oh alright, let's just get rid of her once and for all."

I can't figure out how skipping the COA benefits her. Seems to me that it would only lose one state shot @ appeal because she can ask AZSC to review once COA rules. Someone suggested she might be judge shopping, but if the AZSC is more likely to see issues with the case, then they would accept her case for review after the COA ruled anyway. I can't see a good reason for it - all I see is JA angry at that article and trying to get back at Cattani. As if he is wanting to get on her case and have to read the ridiculous amount of paperwork being req'd for this appeal. Hmm, after typing that, maybe Cattani wasn't naive writing that article - he just wanted insurance that his panel wouldn't get the case, LOL!
I can't figure out how skipping the COA benefits her. Seems to me that it would only lose one state shot @ appeal because she can ask AZSC to review once COA rules. Someone suggested she might be judge shopping, but if the AZSC is more likely to see issues with the case, then they would accept her case for review after the COA ruled anyway. I can't see a good reason for it - all I see is JA angry at that article and trying to get back at Cattani. As if he is wanting to get on her case and have to read the ridiculous amount of paperwork being req'd for this appeal. Hmm, after typing that, maybe Cattani wasn't naive writing that article - he just wanted insurance that his panel wouldn't get the case, LOL!

I don't get it either. The AZ Supreme Court isn't obligated to hear her appeal & I can't imagine why they would be interested in doing so.

I'd suspect some kind of crazy like a fox strategy, but not after reading the Motion to Disqualify, in which her attorneys barely managed to write whole sentences.

In any case, the COA isn't going to disqualify itself, so all her attorneys seem to have accomplished is insulting every single judge who will actually hear her appeal. WTG, CMJA!
I can't figure out how skipping the COA benefits her. Seems to me that it would only lose one state shot @ appeal because she can ask AZSC to review once COA rules. Someone suggested she might be judge shopping, but if the AZSC is more likely to see issues with the case, then they would accept her case for review after the COA ruled anyway. I can't see a good reason for it - all I see is JA angry at that article and trying to get back at Cattani. As if he is wanting to get on her case and have to read the ridiculous amount of paperwork being req'd for this appeal. Hmm, after typing that, maybe Cattani wasn't naive writing that article - he just wanted insurance that his panel wouldn't get the case, LOL!

BBM: This, imo, is why it is being requested. I too see no actual benefit to the killer's case by skipping one court's review. If that court were to not do what the killer wanted it can then go to the supreme court. Makes no sense to me for one to start there and bypass a step that might find reason to rule in her favor on a thing or two. Not likely, but not impossible and, for me, even a remote possibility would be better than none. I would leave no stone unturned and for JA et al. to do so I can only surmise there is some really weird reasoning involved here--a personal jab at a judge who has hurt Killer's feelings, perhaps?

The request reeks of Jodi, to me, so I have to wonder if the convicted do not have more say in the appeals process than we know.
Who are they kidding? Every prison, jail, and detention center has an indigent supply. The inmates with no money will get pencils, paper, and envelopes once a month as well as their letters being stamped for mailing. They get toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and so forth. The females get pads, no tampons. All is off-brand and generally not enough, but they do not do without all of the time. I suppose the inmates feel they deserve name brand and as much of it as they want??? NO, this is prison so they need to get used to it!

May Arias never know another peaceful or comfortable day as long as she lives!


A life sentence of off-brand pads? That's pretty dire.....

On a related topic, ahem..... Have you noticed that the shelves at Walmart are showing off some fancy new lines of KY and related goodies? Colors? Tasties? Slick or stick? Bwahahaha! The Perryville Princess has to make do with her off-brand Velveeta with jalapeños to get the kind of, er, stimulation she needs to make those cat yelps.... Maybe she's also by now trained the woodchuck to substitute for a gerbil (urban dictionary required for this reference)?
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