Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

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I believe that JA set her sights on Travis before she ever met him. DB was just not able to keep her in the manner that she wanted.

I think that is why she pressed so hard to catch him. He had everything that she wanted.

When he did not give in to her advances, she pushed harder and then began journaling her tall tales about all the time they spent together. As a PPL member, she had access to his calendar so she could show up where he was or just journal that they were there together in some motel. After all, if she did get him to propose she could just destroy her journals. I also think that is why she had to steal his journals.

As for any texting, instant messaging etc. if she knew he was at a meeting or elsewhere all she had to do was open two browsers, sign into his account and hers, and have the conversation she always wanted to have with him. Then she could just delete the messages from his account and she would have them saved on hers. This would help her with any competition because she could prove what she was saying was true. That is the reason her computer had to be destroyed.

I really do not believe it took her all that long (possibly as soon as she moved to Mesa) to realize he had slipped from her grip and she then decided that she could go for someone else and he was disposable. I believe that is when she started planning his murder.

I hope that when Juan's book comes out that he can speak about evidence that was not admissible, but I have my doubts since she is still in appeals.
OT: I am summarizing "Our Friend Travis" written by the Hughes and I have posted the summaries on the SideBar in case anyone is interested.

It takes a long time to write and I am not finished, so please bear with me. :)
Couldn't have been April 07, Arias even asked Sky during the argument, "Are you going to tell Travis not to date me?" Who would refer to their boyfriend in dating terms like that..? Sky: "Yes!" She breaks down and cries that she can't lose him. It doesn't seem like they had a steady relationship status here. Maybe in May, he got a bit cut off from the Hughes (strained relationship at that point), or there was some trip in June, Travis' friends were making comments to the Hughes about how they didn't feel like 'Jodi was right* for Travis. So that makes their possible relationship status... at best, three months.

And are we sure that Travis didn't have a slip of the tongue again? His speech slurs and he sounds awfully tired at night. He may have blurted out something improperly and she got a kick out of being referred to as *his g/f*. He may have told *her*, they were exclusive, but he rambles at night, I swear. Most of the time, the texts indicate he was very clear with her they weren't going to be serious. She went on like it wasn't an issue for her. What she did, conflicted with that sentiment, is all.

Is it possible that the boyfriend word in the sex tape was a joke between JA and TA (that she wanted taken seriously for the sake of whatever plot she had going), and that there were air quotes around it, i.e. "girlfriend."

They never went on a date date in the way he did with his real girlfriends. I'm wondering how Sky took Jodi's question (bolded above): meaning "in the future"?

We know from trial that JA sent some fake messages to herself from Travis. Why would we not entertain the idea that all suspicious computer and phone messages were manufactured by JA? Their styles and choice of wording were very different.

Gus gave her the phone. She spent 5 days with him in his mobile home. Gus was a tech guru. Voice mimicking technology was available at the time. The up and downs of his voice in the sex tape make the whole thing suspect to me.

The sex tape was obviously spliced together. A digital recorder was found in the trash at her grandparents. The first helio phone, which she said was lost, was never put into evidence. Her hard drive was destroyed and the only thing we saw from it was photos. The rest was not admitted because it could not be fully reconstructed.

Some photos of the two of them on trips are suspect. Matt did photoshop for a living.

Travis's journals had to disappear because they would not jive with her journal recording of the events or the story she wanted to sell.

I believe that Travis had sex with SOMEONE once because he lost his Temple Recommend, but I do not believe it was necessarily JA. He was getting it back, so he did not continue to have sex.

In light of all of this I believe that JA was never truly Travis's girlfriend and what we are looking at her is an extreme case of 'if I can't have him, nobody will'.

Was her account of the relationship a product of her 'fruitful imagination' ?

What you're saying is exactly my position. I don't believe the relationship was at all what Jodi describes. I.e. there was no boyfriend/girlfriend, no real dating, never any marriage potential....

Also, regarding the photo shopping, I believe most every photo of Jodi during the 2006-2008 period was photoshopped. Note the dazzling white straight glossy teeth! The outfits might even have been photo-shopped onto her. E.g. the one with the fake snow-in-the-mountains backdrop.

I never believed TA and JA went to the balloon festival in New Mexico. The festival is in early October. Must have been October 2008. TA was busy seeing other women, e.g. Lisa; he was livid that Jodi had moved to Mesa; Mesa to Albuquerque is not a quick drive. (400+ miles; 6 hours 20 minutes, no breaks); and why would he take a trip like that with Jodi, when the trip to Havasupai had required a chaperone?... I'll bet the background in the balloon festival photo was copyright-infringed from ABQ marketing or something.

I hadn't figured out why she would visit GS when he could have mailed her the phone. She was driving a UHaul truck and a dolly. The truck is charged per mile. It must have cost her hundreds of dollars to drop by GS's, possibly more than the value of the phone. If she's spending that much money on the UHaul, she could have bought one herself?

Anyway, now I see that GS was probably teaching her something devious in return for something rude. He evidently lied on the stand (maybe the AG's office is going after Gus Searcy? he was accessory to murder? he perjured himself?) about what he knew about Jodi's activities.

Note that GS was not one of Jodi's mitigation "character" witnesses. Interesting...
Oh my.

May 1 TA definitely hooks up with CL at his house, she spends the night.

May 2 he texts with her about the 1,000 places before you die book (oops).

The two send multiple texts to each other about their night of passion and NONE are received by either. Each thinks the other hasn't written and each feels like "a piece of meat." (Yet another instance of texts going missing between GF's and T ).

One more constant in T's communication with CL- he's strongly encouraging her to read the Book of Mormon (wonder what the killer thought of that??)

She also has a son. Is this not marriage material for Mormons? I guess not, since she is not a virgin?
What you're saying is exactly my position. I don't believe the relationship was at all what Jodi describes. I.e. there was no boyfriend/girlfriend, no real dating, never any marriage potential....

Also, regarding the photo shopping, I believe most every photo of Jodi during the 2006-2008 period was photoshopped. Note the dazzling white straight glossy teeth! The outfits might even have been photo-shopped onto her. E.g. the one with the fake snow-in-the-mountains backdrop.

I never believed TA and JA went to the balloon festival in New Mexico. The festival is in early October. Must have been October 2008. TA was busy seeing other women, e.g. Lisa; he was livid that Jodi had moved to Mesa; Mesa to Albuquerque is not a quick drive. (400+ miles; 6 hours 20 minutes, no breaks); and why would he take a trip like that with Jodi, when the trip to Havasupai had required a chaperone?... I'll bet the background in the balloon festival photo was copyright-infringed from ABQ marketing or something.

I hadn't figured out why she would visit GS when he could have mailed her the phone. She was driving a UHaul truck and a dolly. The truck is charged per mile. It must have cost her hundreds of dollars to drop by GS's, possibly more than the value of the phone. If she's spending that much money on the UHaul, she could have bought one herself?

Anyway, now I see that GS was probably teaching her something devious in return for something rude. He evidently lied on the stand (maybe the AG's office is going after Gus Searcy? he was accessory to murder? he perjured himself?) about what he knew about Jodi's activities.

Note that GS was not one of Jodi's mitigation "character" witnesses. Interesting...

TA and JA did travel alot in 2008. This is the reason Lisa broke up with him. Because, even though he was telling everyone he was just friends with JA, they were still sleeping together. MOO
Oh my.

May 1 TA definitely hooks up with CL at his house, she spends the night.

May 2 he texts with her about the 1,000 places before you die book (oops).

The two send multiple texts to each other about their night of passion and NONE are received by either. Each thinks the other hasn't written and each feels like "a piece of meat." (Yet another instance of texts going missing between GF's and T ).

One more constant in T's communication with CL- he's strongly encouraging her to read the Book of Mormon (wonder what the killer thought of that??)

Also, towards the end of May, TA seems like he really wants CL to come back over as he is lonely. He seems to have a sense of desperation is his texts tone. She seems to be ignoring him and/or not getting his texts. The last text she sends him is Jun2, and he never replies back.
Perhaps Lisa had a good reason to think JA and Travis were traveling together? Yes, JA did invite herself on a couple of trips with the brother and sister along as chaperones but did JA tell Lisa they went to lots of other places to make her go away?

Perhaps Travis's journal spoke of him going on trips by himself and therefore they had to be destroyed? JA was planning on staying in the Morman group as well as the PPL group. She could not have people thinking she was a liar.

Travis was starting to blog and writing a book too! Perhaps JA thought he would expose her as a liar and ruin her chances of getting a high paid Morman husband?

JA claims to have taken thousands of photos. Where are the dozens or hundreds she would have take if she had been on these trips?

She lies and then she lies some more!
Hopefully Juan's book will answer a lot of the questions we continue to have. I hope he exposes her (the butcheress') bank statements, and I just wonder if she was maybe hacking other peoples bank accounts? Maybe that is what she meant about the BIG mess. :thinking: *RickshawFan* has a good thought too... GUS!!!
UPDATE FROM TANISHA: After three ER visits since last Sunday, Steven is finally being admitted to hospital.
I rewatched Lisa's testimony at trial recently because I'm rethinking all things Lisa.

Anyway, she was asked to explain the whys of each of her 3 breakups with Travis. She testified that-

1st was in September or October 2007 (can't remember which) and she broke it off because she was told T was cheating on her with the killer (killer manipulated T's roommate to accomplish that one).

Okay, that was mentioned in Sky's book, but she was under the impression they broke up twice*. The first due to Lisa feeling Travis was moving along too quickly for her (marriage discussion as well), so that's what you listed as their 2nd breakup, wow, I can't watch the lengthy trial videos anymore, I hate looking at JA.

2nd breakup was in December and Lisa said it was entirely about T being very ready for marriage and she not. She testified they loved each other- it wasn't that, but she didn't want to hold Travis back from finding a wife, since she knew that was he wanted.


3rd breakup was in February, and she said it was mutually agreed upon. Zach told Flores right after the murder that Travis had broken up with Lisa because he knew he couldn't have any relationship until the killer was dealt with. The killer had not yet brought up plans to move back to Yreka.

Maybe he stopped giving her money and started a campaign to basically force her out of Mesa. For sure the real fights began a few weeks later.....

Yup, Feb, that's what she says in court, but dealing with JA, I don't know if she was trying to avoid tarnishing him or giving defense more fuel here but she definately found out about Travis still seeing JA. I mean, I didn't post everything from the book, so many back and forth scenarios but... he admitted outright 'messing around' with JA. He tried to squirm his way out by lying to Sky initially, but she wasn't buying it, so he admitted it... Lisa and Travis may have agreed to call it quits but he certainly didn't realize it was going to sadden him as it did either. It is strange too, but now given what I know about the journal, the car, and what not; he kept seeing her, despite BEGGING her to move back to California. She had him wrapped around her pinky, I really hate that. Victimization
I was re-watching JA's parents interview with Det. Flores.

I feel bad for them. They KNEW something was not right with her, and Sandy even said that's one of the reasons they wanted her to move back to Yreka.
She didn't find out about Jodi through the roommate in Feb. that was in September, the first breakup. The second breakup was due to him being too serious, per her testimony. Her tires getting slashed was never brought up in trial. She got the email in December, along with Jodi opening her front door, which I believe led to Travis' tires being slashed first.

All of that was regularly discussed here during the first trial. I do not recall us discussing Lisa's tire slashing when I was in here throughout the first trial. I find it odd it wasn't.

I just realized they broke up three times... apologies for confusion, I wrote in one post ahead that I missed that detail from the trial. Only going by Sky's book here, more fleshed out details and some less. Then again I never paid that much attention to Lisa for some reason... In the courtroom, Deanna seemed like the one she hated.

I admittedly recall reading more about this trial than watching it. But I saw a LOT, refer back on limited basis now. I already had the darkest gripping sensation whilst sleeping Thanksgiving night that JA was in my room. I am more interested in Travis' life than being intimidated by all these details about Arias, so I shrugged it off and chalked it up to her behaving like a demon child YET still, a child. So bite me, JA.

Anyway, I tried to go by memory regarding that breakup, (and it wasn't even a roommate), what is actually written here is that at some point after their 2nd breakup, JA also* told a friend of Lisa's sister about the 'messing around.' And I've thought this before, but that's a serious danger to Lisa. Sky thought so as well, that Arias was going to do something horrible to her. And I've had this since it was published, so I'm surprised too, that it was not brought up here... hrm. So many details with this trial. It just never ends. Also, is this more prejudice to the jury? I don't get it.
I am beginning to wonder if CL was JAs motive to get her butt back to Mesa?

She probably hacked his texts/emails, and then realized CL was getting a little to close for comfort.

CL was the motive! :gaah: JAs being BPD, could not handle it, impulsive behaviour.
Will we ever know what the LaViolette issue was? Does anyone have any theories?
Adding to May timeline....

On April 16 TA texts her , nudging her about completing work on his chapter.

April 14 2008. TA posts his first blog entry. His journal indicates he was completely psyched about doing a blog, and in fact criticized himself for increasingly putting all of his time into the blog rather than PPL, etc.

April 16. Blog entry: this will be the best year of my life...I will accomplish all these amazing goals "by strict obedience to the commandments of God.". ..

" I will love and then love more. (....) I will find an Eternal Companion."

April 22. Blog entry about creating an amazing day, talks about his daily to-do list and writes what is on his list for the day. The list includes passport stuff, apply for corporate credit card, finish blog, mail package, buy camera.

April 27. The killer posts her first blog entry, about religion. Included is a list of "atrocities committed and conditions endured" in the name of religion. On the list: "morbid guilt, self righteousness, animal sacrifice, human sacrifice."

April 29., Killer blog. tripe, but uses same quote TA has already used in a blog entry ("our deepest fear isn't that we are inadequate.....")

May 4. Killer blog. Says she stopped believing in the Law of Attraction 6 months earlier (but it still works anyway).

May 5. Travis posts the introduction to his book Raising You. He credits Katie Barnes for editing his work.

May 11. Travis blogs. Stepping Stones. Take responsibility for your life, no excuses, just dream big then take action to make it real. Travis makes clear he believes in the Law of Attraction and credits it for finding the inspirational person he blogs about.

May 10. Last blog entry by the killer (allegedly same day as sextape). Tripe about yearning yada yada.

May 16.

The killer sends that long email to T about wanting to be recognized. In it she notes that Travis has given credit to Katie for editing his introduction. She says, I did a lot more work ...the chapter was way longer and TYPING it took a long time, and I want an acknowledgement on your blog, even though you've told me you can't or won't because you don't want to catch grief from the Hughes.

May 18. Last blog by Travis, about wanting to marry a golddigger, and realizing he isn't attracting the kind of woman he wants to marry because he isn't being the kind of man such a woman would want to marry. Resolves to work in being the man he wants to be to attract the woman he seeks to marry.

May 18. Killer writes in her journal that the Helio has been stolen,,and that she has notified Sam, Steve, Ryan and Gus by email or via MySpace text that it had been stolen. (But not Travis. The person who would have been most affected, no? How curious).

May 22. Killer texts TA that she's really messed up, needs to speak to an Atty even, to call her ASAP, it involves him as well as others. He tells her he knows what she did but insists she tell him whatever on a VM or text. They don't communicate again until May 26.

May 22. Killer writes in her journal that the two had a come clean talk that hadn't gone well, that TA went ballistic hearing her talk about guys. Says they decided to not share passwords anymore.

Writes again about the Helio being stolen, and how she sure does hope what's on doesn't get exposed....the 10 page scandalous text from Travis, the 1 or 2 steamy calls. She actually writes that, then about something else and then returns to how it surely would be bad for that phone to be found. That it would cause a huge scandal.

She blames Travis for constantly insisting that she go to his house for sex, and that she just wasn't strong enough to resist him, to turn him down. Says she's in a much better place morally since she left Mesa.

Says she isn't interested in him physically anymore, that she's looking forward to real dates and a real relationship.

Says the " last chapter has finally been written (she and Travis) and that the end is bittersweet."

May 24. Says Ryan hasn't been in touch but that Sam has been, daily, and Sam this Sam that, blah blah blah.

May 26. Killer's journal. Writes about the May 26 fight. Says Travis was just being typically rude, part of a cycle where he uses her as a whipping post, she holds her tongue, Travis apologizes, she forgives, he gets angry at her again.

She says T accused her of tire slashing " which of course I didn't do, " and of going into his FB " he gave me the password, but anyway, I hsven't gone there for at least a week when we decided not to do that anymore.". (Even if one believes her account about passwords, that was all of 4 days earlier).

She writes that Travis got all of his anger out towards daybreak, then they had phone sex.

Imo, that bit pretty much says it all really.

Imo, that bit pretty much says it all really.

Says one big part of it, anyway, imo.

Since she wrote these May journal entries after she killed Travis, they reflect what she wanted to believe or wanted others to believe, not what was true at the time.

I've always been struck by the exchange in May 26 chat where he says to her- admit it. I mean nothing to you, I'm sh--t to you, and she replied- I wish that is all you were to me. I want you to mean NOTHING, would be easier for me.

An echo of what she wrote much earlier in her journal about taping the switch down or better yet cutting the wires (of her feelings towards him).

Yah, she knew she wasn't going to have Travis, but IMO her rage towards him and her obsession were in the way of her moving on to her next prey. He had to be cut out of the picture (literally) altogether.
I can't really, as JM said, "go behind the words." To me, Girlfriend means what it means.

I used to think everyone had the same meaning for "girlfriend", but I've seen quite a bit of variation. I've seen it mean "I have sex with this person" and not any kind of exclusive thing.
Heck, I've heard guys calling their prostitute "girlfriend."
IMO, she lied on her CV about defending 2 males in court. JSS let her off easy.

That didn't "feel" like the whole reason. I'm also not sure about whether she did, in fact, get let off easy though it might have appeared that way. I say that because ALV wanted to escape her court obligation and leave town, but JSS in one of her not-batting-an-eyelid-stabs "corrected" her. (PS I loved it when JSS was in this mode.)
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