Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

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OMG, who was this nutjob I wonder? WOW, her admirers are scary!!!!


"Hi people. I haven’t been on in a few months but I saw JAA Appellate Fund is near $100k. I wonder why some billionaire who heard about her case hasn't "ca-chinged" some "chump change" (i.e. $1 million dollars or so) into it by now. I tried begging a million for her from Warren Buffet. I might try Donald Trump next or one of the other Republican candidates. Maybe one of them would like to morph their "trickle down" into and occasional "deluge down" (where its needed) - lol. It might soften the Republican brand a little and help their campaigns. I guess they’re afraid of “guilt by association”. I’ve been considering suiciding and leaving her my inheritance when/if I get it. After 37 years, I probably won’t suicide, but I might make her the beneficiary of my will when I make one."
OMG, who was this nutjob I wonder? WOW, her admirers are scary!!!!


"Hi people. I haven’t been on in a few months but I saw JAA Appellate Fund is near $100k. I wonder why some billionaire who heard about her case hasn't "ca-chinged" some "chump change" (i.e. $1 million dollars or so) into it by now. I tried begging a million for her from Warren Buffet. I might try Donald Trump next or one of the other Republican candidates. Maybe one of them would like to morph their "trickle down" into and occasional "deluge down" (where its needed) - lol. It might soften the Republican brand a little and help their campaigns. I guess they’re afraid of “guilt by association”. I’ve been considering suiciding and leaving her my inheritance when/if I get it. After 37 years, I probably won’t suicide, but I might make her the beneficiary of my will when I make one."

i'm starting to think they are all trolls now.
OMG, who was this nutjob I wonder? WOW, her admirers are scary!!!!


"Hi people. I haven’t been on in a few months but I saw JAA Appellate Fund is near $100k. I wonder why some billionaire who heard about her case hasn't "ca-chinged" some "chump change" (i.e. $1 million dollars or so) into it by now. I tried begging a million for her from Warren Buffet. I might try Donald Trump next or one of the other Republican candidates. Maybe one of them would like to morph their "trickle down" into and occasional "deluge down" (where its needed) - lol. It might soften the Republican brand a little and help their campaigns. I guess they’re afraid of “guilt by association”. I’ve been considering suiciding and leaving her my inheritance when/if I get it. After 37 years, I probably won’t suicide, but I might make her the beneficiary of my will when I make one."

That's too funny! hahaha
I posted the 4th post from "Picture Perfect" by Shanna Hogan. I can really see why people weren't thrilled with her book. It appears most of the info came from CMJA as she was quoted all through the book. It kinda made me sick.

What I did find interesting, if the dates are actually correct, was that Lisa finally reached back out to Travis on May 28th after his attempts to speak with her went unanswered. If CMJA saw this, could it have prompted the gun theft?

I'm going to have to go back and look at her book again. I got the same impression when I first read it, that Hogan had talked to Jodi, but at the end of the book Hogan says she decided against requesting an interview because she was sure Jodi would never tell the truth. Maybe she meant that she decided not to interview Jodi after the first trial or something. Hate to slog through the book again, but I've forgotten a lot of it.
Just chuckling to myself and wondering how JA is handling Nurmi's book.

Anyone have access to her file in jail to check to see if she has had any infractions lately (I no longer have the link).

Am sure she is having all kinds of issues with anger, depression, rage not being able to spin his words nor control what he has written.

Yeah, imagining how Killer is handling it is about the only positive to come from Nurmi's book. It almost makes me want to thank him for writing such a diatribe, LOL!!
A new rumour is out that BZ was "in love" with JA. Apparently in Juan's book.

"Whenever we had to go to the principal’s office, as I called the judge’s chambers, he would make eye contact with her, going in and coming out. The rest of us didn’t even want to look at Jody,” she said.

Kelley said she and Zervakos often ate lunch together and she could tell from his comments that he had a crush on the defendant.
“We’d have lunch together and he’d tell me how back in the day he was a womanizer. He thought she was young and attractive and he didn’t see how somebody that young and attractive could kill
anybody,” she said."
Part 3.

I think the threads- and threats- began converging around May 18. We don't have the full texts yet for May, but I'm sure they'll reflect that T continued to seek out advise about Lisa from Taylor and from Michelle, as he had done throughout April.

On May 18 T writes in his journal of not being able to sleep, of weeks now spent feeling deep regret, sadness and depression as he comes to understand that he is genuinely in love with Lisa. He realizes that chasing after Mimi et al was his way of diverting himself from those feelings, AND from facing up to what went wrong.

What went wrong, he begins to see with great clarity, keeps coming back to JA.

He writes of Lisa:

"I miss her. I still love her. I thought I'd be over her by now but I am not. Strange feeling." TA. 5/18.

Around this time TA is also IM'ing with Regan H. Some of the IM's flat out mock the killer about her snooping spying ways, the term "stalker" comes up, as does the tire slashing.

May 21. After agonizing about Lisa for many weeks- at least since the end of March, Travis decides at last that he needs to act on his feelings. He writes in his journal "Freaking!!!!!" He's going to call Lisa in 10 minutes to "clear the air." (Texts this to Taylor and Michelle ?) He says- "I'm doing the right thing. Stay tuned."

May 22. Travis writes that Lisa hasn't called back. He says " I am broken up. I made some big mistakes and I am paying for them."
He is even more determined to reach her. He's not going to let it drop, and he's not going to be diverted by anything.

MAY 22. The day the killer texted Travis that she'd done something serious enough that she was calling a lawyer, involved T, urgent, Travis tells her he knows what she did, won't talk with her until she comes clean. They won't be in touch again until May 26.

She writes in her journal this is the day they agreed to share passwords anymore, that they had a big fight because they'd talked about their involvements- she was fine with his, he went ballistic over hearing about Abe and John Dixon, etc.

May 23. Travis writes he still hasn't heard from Lisa, so he will call her again.

May 24. The killer sings the Pledge of Allegiance. Travis not only doesn't come to see her, he stays completely out of touch.


My conclusion: It was always about Lisa. Travis began dating Lisa immediately after breaking up with the killer. Lisa stood in the way when the killer arrived in Mesa. JA became more and more unhinged over Lisa. Seeing Travis with Lisa in August, peeping in the back window, reduced her to incoherent rage and hysteria. She writes in her journal in the fall of something happening that causes her what sounds like a breakdown, that tosses her into an abyss. My guess? One of the days she walked in on Travis hugging Lisa and the two of them exchanging I love you's.

Her journal entries in fall 2007 speak to a woman trying to hold back truly awful thoughts, dark enough she is scared by them. She writes she knows thinking thoughts will make those thoughts reality so she needed to be careful. She hopes thinking good thoughts will bring her what she wants.

She loses control by December, slashing tires, full out stalking Lisa and Travis. She succeeds in breaking them up, twice in 2007 and then again in February 2008. She is no doubt reading T's journal throughout. I believe he wrote of his regret as early as mid-March, which is what prompted her to steal the Lisa journals and the diamond ring.

The killer claims that Travis "came clean" to her about Lisa just before she left Mesa. ( iirc, the killer says Travis physically attacked her during the conversation). That of course was a gigantic lie in the sense that she'd always known about Lisa. I've always thought she told it to distance herself from the tire slashing, etc, and still think that's true.

But I think there was also a grain of truth in what she said, in that I think Travis talked to her about Lisa then, and his feelings for her, and his suspicions about what the killer had done. Travis says as much (though not the feelings part) when he and Michelle text on April 3 and he tells her JA denied slashing the tires and the nasty letter to Lisa had been discussed.

Michelle asks can you believe her when she's lied to you about so much? And T 's reply makes clear he's still willing to believe the killer. Until he finds out by April 8th that she's lied again about how she knew so much about what he said and did with Lisa and Mimi over the previous 6 months.

The killer soothed him yet again after that, but she knew the precariousness of that "understanding." If Travis believed and trusted her enough he would never act on his threat to expose her, or on the "bitter feelings" he was having about her, or on his threat of "revenge" if she kept it up.

By May 21, she knew he'd speak with Lisa and be completely honest with her, the two would compare notes and realize just what she'd done. She would be exposed. Travis would hate her, Lisa would tell, Travis would tell, the word would spread, Travis and Lisa would reconcile, Travis would marry Lisa. It was over.

I think she tried one last thing...the "putting something in the pipeline" when she signed into his FB account as him-- he caught her red handed, and the hacking into his computer to erase a letter he intended for Lisa( he mentions both on May 26).

She may have brought up the sex tape on the 26 but I don't think so. What Travis was waiting for was that last email from her...she'd already said she refused to put anything incriminating in writing.

I don't think there was one last thing on the 26 because I think that last thing had already happened a few days earlier. I think she reached the tipping point of hating Travis by early May, dwelt upon and fed her hatred until the 3rd week of May, and deliberately pushed Travis beyond his breaking point on the 26th to justify to herself the decision she'd already made to kill him.

ETA-- the killer has consistently placed a huge emphasis on that "come clean confession" by Travis of his interest in Lisa. It's there in her journal, in her Manifesto, and in her letter to his family.

I suggest reading what the killer says about wanting to tell Lisa about "being the other woman, " and why she says she didn't. Very revealing, IMO.

BBM Thankyou!! That's the person, Regan H, I had been referring to in my post:

"Iirc, didn't JM have a witness that testified that her and TA had sent texts or talked on the phone as if they were getting intimate just to pee JA off because TA knew she was hacking/eavesdropping? I don't think it was CL but perhaps that was what they were doing too"
Look how much alike the two women are in that photo, as far as bone structure, the cheeks, the eyes, the bared teeth....! But one is "off" in her features, just enough to be not close in attractive quality to the brunette, plus, the brunette just glows.... JA is tense around the mouth, the color of her hair, the lifelessness in her face and hair, the fake cheeks and the McDonalds Golden arches for eyebrows make her look forced. I'm thinking Barbie is JA's heroine.
Does anyone know whose camera was used to take that pic? I'm guessing not Jodi's. Why? It's just a hunch, but we all know by now how self-conscious she is of her small, mis-aligned eyeteeth and she likely wouldn't have flashed a big, Pepsodent smile for a close-up picture without knowing she could correct her teeth in Photoshop before making the picture public for everyone to see how freaking beautiful she is. Like a Goddess!

Her camera + Photoshop = big smile!

Someone else's camera w/out Photoshop = half-smile (or no smile at all)

Does anyone know whose camera was used to take that pic? I'm guessing not Jodi's. Why? It's just a hunch, but we all know by now how self-conscious she is of her small, mis-aligned eyeteeth and she likely wouldn't have flashed a big, Pepsodent smile for a close-up picture without knowing she could correct her teeth in Photoshop before making the picture public for everyone to see how freaking beautiful she is. Like a Goddess!

Her camera + Photoshop = big smile!

Someone else's camera w/out Photoshop = half-smile (or no smile at all)


I know why she smiled so much, it helped hide her pouchy jowls... too bad age is catching up to where the only thing that will pull those back up is surgery.:laughing:

Just chuckling to myself and wondering how JA is handling Nurmi's book.

Anyone have access to her file in jail to check to see if she has had any infractions lately (I no longer have the link).

Am sure she is having all kinds of issues with anger, depression, rage not being able to spin his words nor control what he has written.

I just checked; no infractions. Here's the link:

Just enter last name, first initial, and be sure to check "Female" (I couldn't figure out why she wasn't coming up until I realized it defaults to "Male") :facepalm:
I didn't like SH's book for the same reason- she relied heavily on the killer's word, and seemed to accept a great deal of those lies without questioning/research. A fair number of details and dates in the book are inaccurate.

May 28th. Yes, he and Lisa did finally talk that day. I believe it was Taylor who has said Travis to told Lisa everything, including his certainty that JA had slashed the tires and had stalked them even more than she was suspected. Taylor also said Travis was extremely relieved that Lisa gave him a chance to come clean with her.

The killer did steal the gun on the 28th, but I don't know if those two things were directly connected. The killer didn't have much time before Travis left for Cancun, and IMO she didn't need any more motivation to kill him after May 22 at the very latest.

TA actually wrote about it in his journal dated May 27/08, P.35/36. Note he said they talked the day before, so the 26th! Sorry if I misread/typed anything, his writing can be a wee bit difficult to read.

"Well I'm in the briefing awaiting my turn to speak. All is well but I have plenty to do tonight. Qualifying for E.D. at the end of the month is getting really old. Not much I can do about this month but soon enough I'll get it fixed. So I talked to Lisa yesterday. She actually called me. It was her being slightly cold me being slightly too nice, and me doing all of the talking. She listened to me. I expressed regret, love, and a desire to be more cordial to each other. She agreed. It was about 30 minutes long. It will allow me to get over stuff. Later Mimi came over, we discussed Cancun. We discussed the whole "friends" thing. I don't really care. It is what it is. However the good news is on Saturday I met a cutie pie on Saturday at my UFC party. I saw her Sunday again at church. Two days ago she requested me as a friend on Facebook. We have been sending email flirts ever since. I got the phone number. We've been texting and now we are hanging out tonight. She is young, 19. She is cute and she has great taste in men.:) Now I'm excited about something, so it helps. Her name is Brooke Rogers. So time will tell. I'm just happy to have something to think about it. Anyhow it's my time to hit the stage. I'm out. T.V.A."
I just checked; no infractions. Here's the link:

Just enter last name, first initial, and be sure to check "Female" (I couldn't figure out why she wasn't coming up until I realized it defaults to "Male") :facepalm:

On that entry it says "No movement". Does that mean she's in solitary, no intermingling with other inmates? Also, it lists "special management". Isn't that a downgrade? Wasn't she able to have lunch with other inmates at some point?

I'l bet she hasn't done her homework yet and done the required reading of the prison rule book as well as her practice exercises on drama management.

Jodi is not getting any review of her status until a year from sentencing. I'll bet that is a looooooong time when you're in solitary and have no chance of advancement. I wonder how she's enjoying having her hair in the required ponytail?
I just checked; no infractions. Here's the link:

Just enter last name, first initial, and be sure to check "Female" (I couldn't figure out why she wasn't coming up until I realized it defaults to "Male") :facepalm:

If you study the DOC picture of the killer you can see the hopeless look in her dead eyes. She wasn't startled by the lights, she was crushed by the realization that she was in that awful place for life. I really think she thought something would happen and she would not have to go there. She couldn't keep that desolate look off her face and she wasn't far from tears. Finally a real emotion from her. She is not happy there like she wrote in that stupid note. And no matter what those AA tell her she will not be able to resist writing the COA or the SCA because she thinks she is so smart. Just like the 12 page letter to JSS. I hope she drives them crazy and deny her appeal outright.
I completely agree with you, but also from my perspective, JA's face does look disproportionately long the whole time. She is chameleonlike in that her appearance keeps changing even pre-jail. Plus, she photoshops just about everything. Those are not her real teeth in her photos. I don't believe she had veneers (we would have heard about it or seen the occasional tooth sticking out from her mouth) 'cos she knew she could photoshop them out. She had a preference for doing up her *advertiser censored* and getting cheek implants rather than dental work.

I couldn't ever stand the way she looked. There's something really off, about the proportions, the length of the face, the tightness around the mouth, the obsessed over hair, the eyes with no eyelashes, the messed over McDonalds (i.e. twin arches) brows..... I was creeped out by her appearance way before trial.

It's her eyes and that hair color.. that color might work on other women, definitely not her. The rest of her face... sigh, I don't want to say anything about her genes but... all she does is highlight the rest of her issues with that pronounced hair color and blank eyes... :notgood:
I believe psychopathy is primarily a genetic disorder. If someone has autism or mental retardation, undoubtedly early environment has a role to play in social development and functional outcomes, but the condition will limit the extent the environment can attenuate the condition. The same is true for psychopathy, imo.

Unlike the autism or mental retardation spectrums, psychopathy is a high-functioning disorder, it's difficult to detect because it only effects the deepest parts of the individual's identity. They are able to function socially and intellectually at a very high level, the illness sits deeply hidden in the psychopath's inmost interpretation of their social interactions. That interpretation consists of a profound isolation, a complete inability to be touched by others emotions, a complete lack of conscience because no true connection with others is possible.

Look at Scott Peterson, his mother doted on him, he was the golden child, provided plenty of attention, yet he was a full blown psychopath just the same.

There is a researcher who was doing brain scans to try to identify psychopaths, and he was able to see profound indications in the scans, he was shocked to see his own brain scan showed him to be a psychopath, he was not a criminal, antisocial, or anything. He said he was raised in an extremely loving, socially nourishing, secure environment. What that did was give no ground for antisocial behaviors to develop, yet the condition still showed up via the brain scan. Essentially, his exceptionally positive early environment had made the social consequences of his psychopathy dormant.

Correct, that's what I stated though, that you can have psychopathy, however the environment is KEY. As for whatever the parents CLAIM the environment was, one thing I've learned is that, you can't really take the word of a biased individual who raised said child. EVER. There is a desire to conceal, you can place toys around your child, yet, neglect and/or influential observance(s) is what seems to make the difference if abusive is absent. Corrective behavior is also key, as is therapy.

I don't see JA's parents as gotten this well off with her, nope. And I see some of those traits in THEM as well. I just read over the post about what Bill said to Sky too in their book (I forgot so many things after I read that book); that's just another example of how ridiculous this family will be to mess with someone's mind after the loss of a loved one, nonetheless.
TA actually wrote about it in his journal dated May 27/08, P.35/36. Note he said they talked the day before, so the 26th! Sorry if I misread/typed anything, his writing can be a wee bit difficult to read.

"Well I'm in the briefing awaiting my turn to speak. All is well but I have plenty to do tonight. Qualifying for E.D. at the end of the month is getting really old. Not much I can do about this month but soon enough I'll get it fixed. So I talked to Lisa yesterday. She actually called me. It was her being slightly cold me being slightly too nice, and me doing all of the talking. She listened to me. I expressed regret, love, and a desire to be more cordial to each other. She agreed. It was about 30 minutes long. It will allow me to get over stuff. Later Mimi came over, we discussed Cancun. We discussed the whole "friends" thing. I don't really care. It is what it is. However the good news is on Saturday I met a cutie pie on Saturday at my UFC party. I saw her Sunday again at church. Two days ago she requested me as a friend on Facebook. We have been sending email flirts ever since. I got the phone number. We've been texting and now we are hanging out tonight. She is young, 19. She is cute and she has great taste in men.:) Now I'm excited about something, so it helps. Her name is Brooke Rogers. So time will tell. I'm just happy to have something to think about it. Anyhow it's my time to hit the stage. I'm out. T.V.A."

So all these texts pretty much seem to prove that they never had a monogamous relationship, TA really may have never committed to her and more than ever do I believe she bust in on him the day she killed him, IF there was sex, it was under duress/rape (he looks terrified of her in those pictures).
It's her eyes and that hair color.. that color might work on other women, definitely not her. The rest of her face... sigh, I don't want to say anything about her genes but... all she does is highlight the rest of her issues with that pronounced hair color and blank eyes... :notgood:

For me, a bunch of it is about the hair color, too. And that hideous blonde highlights her other appearance issues, not to mention her easy "availability." I wonder if she did that hair color just to snag Travis?

Maintaining that blonde "do" will have cost a fortune. I never understood where all the money was coming from.

Just shows how shallow she is that she could probably have had her eye problem fixed for medical (i.e. not cosmetic) issues.
So all these texts pretty much seem to prove that they never had a monogamous relationship, TA really may have never committed to her and more than ever do I believe she bust in on him the day she killed him, IF there was sex, it was under duress/rape (he looks terrified of her in those pictures).

From where I sit here looking at this, I don't believe they were ever boyfriend/girlfriend in the sense of being exclusive. In TA's world, monogamy or exclusiveness seems to equate with "marriage material". JA was never marriage material to TA. There was no wish to commit. He doesn't seem really to have worked at commitment. I will leave open the possibility that Sky coerced him into a half-assed version, but Jodi seemed already to have been "not marriage material" by then.

Can you imagine what this all might have looked like if Travis had married Jodi quickly as his faith more or less directed? Travis at least knew himself well enough not to make this happen. Very perceptive. You'd think with her psychopath manipulations, she could have made marriage happen, but no.

Jodi's skills at psychopathy developed substantially during this period—she was getting a lot of practice—but it speaks to Travis' credit that he never buckled on the marriage issue or committed to much of anything.

I don't think they had sex nearly as often as JA wants to claim, but once he had a taste for it, he figured out he could get his jollies with many different kinds of women. It doesn't seem as though Travis was a "player" until he had experience with Jodi.

My question for the day: Why didn't Jodi just chase Gus Searcy? He seems to have been available in the sense that he had a relationship outside of marriage, so faithfulness to vows wasn't an issue. And, he was substantially better off than Travis.
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