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I never thought Borderline Personality = Mentally Ill?? How are they allowed to make that leap??

She is not mentally ill....borderline personality is a personality diagnosis...DeMarte might come back on just to smack JW into place again.

You are correct. Personality disorders are not mental illness like schizophrenia or psychosis. Neither is depression or even PTSD. These people should get their facts straight. I can't believe attorney's can be that ignorant.
I never thought Borderline Personality = Mentally Ill?? How are they allowed to make that leap??

She is not mentally ill....borderline personality is a personality diagnosis...DeMarte might come back on just to smack JW into place again.

IMO, the DT would have played the mental card, the murderer would not let them because it exposed her they are attempting to backtrack via media and beyond the sickos consent to rectify her frickin case all because of 4 people.....makes me sick!
Didn't log off…just had to get my "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune" fix. :blushing:

OMG you are a good writer! Did you have to go outside with him to pick out the buckboard!?

Congrats on winnining first place with your float!

Don't hold out on us again!!:seeya:
Hi MM :seeya: Kyle had blood and platelet transfusions yesterday afternoon into the night. He also has been getting a shot every day to bring up his White blood count.
The Dr. came in earlier and said his counts were coming up, but slowly. Today is the only day he hasn't ran a fever, I am grateful for that. They are also going to try carafate for the sores in his mouth and down his throat. He has GOT to start eating and drinking.....I certainly don't want to see him have to get a feeding tube.

This floor is definitely heartbreaking. There is a baby, she looks about 13 months old, and she has cancer and Down's Syndrome. She's the sweetest little thing.

My heart is with you my friend! I read your updates always and think of you and yours always!
We went thru some possible blood cancer with my daughter when she was young. She went thru so much then with that. My heart ached for her. My mothers heart ached for me, because my heart ached. So much love.
Hang in there my ws friend. Lots of love, good hope, prayers, etc. willingly escape thru this site and more. It will turn out ok.
I remember the Pass Club. Went there for their famous sandwiches a few times. Forty years ago was about the time I lived in Simi. Did you live there, too? I left in 1978.

Do you know about the stories of Simi being a Cancer Magnet and the cover up the government orchestrated about Rocketdyne? If you lived there and want to know more I can provide you with links.

Your story about your car makes me think you were actually in the presence of Angels, keeping you away from the EVIL.

No, I never lived in Simi Valley but my mother may have well since she spent so much time there. I grew up in the San Fernando valley in Sepulveda. My sister and brother still live there but I moved to Oregon in 1981.
I do believe in angels and I feel that I have a guardian angel. One time I was driving on the Hollywood freeway and all of the sudden a car in front of me spun out of control and turned around and was heading straight at me. I was terrified and frozen but I felt something take my steering well and deftly turn it perfectly into the next lane to avoid a head on collision. There was no doubt it wasn't me because I could not move. I pulled off the side of the freeway just shaking but certain in the knowledge that I had been protected. I could tell you many stories like that in my life.
You are correct. Personality disorders are not mental illness like schizophrenia or psychosis. Neither is depression or even PTSD. These people should get their facts straight. I can't believe attorney's can be that ignorant.

I don't think they are ignorant at all. I think they are hoping the general public is, though. This is why I think they will push the PTSD aspect: Poor traumatized JA "snapped" and hurt mean ole Travis.

By the way: Personality disorders, schizophrenia, depression, and PTSD are all mental illnesses (although the preferred term these days is mental disorder). Mental illness does NOT automatically equal the ability to take someone else's life.
I don't know how much more anyone should be expected to take or put up with from this convicted murderer and her DT. I just need to stop, and take a long, deep breath ...
You are correct. Personality disorders are not mental illness like schizophrenia or psychosis. Neither is depression or even PTSD. These people should get their facts straight. I can't believe attorney's can be that ignorant.


Don't think they're being ignorant - I think they're trying to conveniently now "accept" DeMarte's diagnosis since it suits their case now for mitigation. Very sneaky. I think we should be ready for Version 6.0 "Mental Illness" in the next round.

They denied it earlier b/c it didn't fit in with their bogus self-defense...since they were trying to push PTSD at that time. Well, they can't really use PTSD for mitigation purposes...suits them more now to use BPD to try to show she's crazy and doesn't know what she's doing.

If they do that - can't Juan use THEIR OWN WORDS from the previous trial, since that was under oath? I'm sure there is even a sentence in there where JW says, "That's not BPD, that's PTSD." I cannot believe they are now gonna do a 180 and now go against what they said during trial - isn't there some law against that or something??? Doens't that mean they were intentionally LYING during the last trial, when they were trying to say DeMarte was WRONG?? Ugh, I'm really starting to DISLIKE CMJA"s attorneys -don't know if this is their idea or CMJA's.

Juan needs to get ready for this version - needs to EXPLAIN to the jury that BPD is not a mentall illness, just like you said. Don't confuse them, just explain it very clearly. Explain the differences. I really don't know what Juan's strategy could be, because if he tries to talk too much about it, then the BPD thing might stick with a few jurors. So I really don't know what he'll do. IMO, he can't totally ignore it, though.
For the Ladies Downstairs.

:seeya: S

I've been waiting to show you this...another NG doppelgänger!?:floorlaugh:


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OMG you are a good writer! Did you have to go outside with him to pick out the buckboard!?

Congrats on winnining first place with your float!

Don't hold out on us again!!:seeya:

Yes, Eunice and I had to follow him out back to where the buckboards were stored. But on the way home we each revealed to the other that the whole time we were paying attention to possible weapons to use to defend ourselves and paths of escape. There were 2 of us and one of him and he was scrawny. We were both used to dealing with 4 little ones and figured we had the upper hand. :floorlaugh:

I wasn't "holding out". It's just that my whole life is OFF TOPIC.:blushing:
IMO, the DT would have played the mental card, the murderer would not let them because it exposed her they are attempting to backtrack via media and beyond the sickos consent to rectify her frickin case all because of 4 people.....makes me sick!

Yes, I also believe CMJA wouldn't let them use the mental card. It could have played out way better than what CMJA came up with. you're right about CMJA not wanting to admit her weaknesses....I totally agree. Also, she wanted to appear like the "normal one" to contrast with Travis' supposed "craziness." AND....she thought if she pretended to be normal, the jury would think she didn't do it (the stabbing)??? I really think sometimes she thought the jury would forget about the stabbing, maybe in the "fog" too.

Interesting, so you think CMJA didn't sign off on this media ploy? That is very interesting, I didn't think of that. But is her defense allowed to do that? I mean, can they put out media things without checking it with her first (by law, I mean)?

I think that CMJA tossed her aversion to the mental card aside after the jury found her guilty of M1. I don't know...they already found her guilty, so what use is it to her now? Now it suits her case. And remember JW put it into her closing in mitigation...she told the jury that you can find BPD as a mitigating factor, too. And some people on here caught that she only put it in closing so Juan couldn't rebut her on it! But now they know it's a new jury who hasn't heard all of their shpeal before. I think CMJA is signing off on all of this now.
[video=youtube;rYVOLDUfRtU][/video] should like this one...

Tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That poor lady Vashti, Dr Drew talking about the case now....she was so beautiful! She looks absolutely beautiful in every one of her pictures they show.

The husband sounds so fake on the 911 call, just like Caryn Kelly - can't believe they found her non-guilty...I can tell just by the 911 tape that she was acting!! That was not being drunk...that was pure acting. Am I the only one who thinks that? Haven't even heard NG comment on the fake 911 call...but it seemed super-fake to me.
Alright, nighty all. Don't stay up too late! haha.
Yes, I also believe CMJA wouldn't let them use the mental card. It could have played out way better than what CMJA came up with. you're right about CMJA not wanting to admit her weaknesses....I totally agree. Also, she wanted to appear like the "normal one" to contrast with Travis' supposed "craziness." AND....she thought if she pretended to be normal, the jury would think she didn't do it (the stabbing)??? I really think sometimes she thought the jury would forget about the stabbing, maybe in the "fog" too.

Interesting, so you think CMJA didn't sign off on this media ploy? That is very interesting, I didn't think of that. But is her defense allowed to do that? I mean, can they put out media things without checking it with her first (by law, I mean)?

I think that CMJA tossed her aversion to the mental card aside after the jury found her guilty of M1. I don't know...they already found her guilty, so what use is it to her now? Now it suits her case. And remember JW put it into her closing in mitigation...she told the jury that you can find BPD as a mitigating factor, too. And some people on here caught that she only put it in closing so Juan couldn't rebut her on it! But now they know it's a new jury who hasn't heard all of their shpeal before. I think CMJA is signing off on all of this now.

They are chameleons, which are highly adaptable and change their color accordingly. Everything about this case, a song comes to mind.

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