SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm a proud NAVY MOM! (See my profile pic!). My son just graduated from Navy Nuclear Training and will be serving on the USS Carl Vinson! He is my hero!
Thank you to your sailors and all who serve!

A nuclear guy! Wow! :rockon:

My son has friends on the Carl Vinson! Small Navy world, eh? :seeya:

Has this trial made me loco... or do I REALLY see a pencil drawing of an ELEPHANT and possibly a tombstone on the killer's cell wall????
I will play with this with photoshop later, but what I THINK I see is just one more disturbing "creation" from the (huge, man) hands of this depraved killer.

It's possible it was another inmate who drew it and officials can't remove it or just don't bother. Perhaps it's there for a reason and perhaps the reason is Travis. Maybe he left it there as a reminder of what she did to him. Donovan is on twitter and I would be surprised if she hasn't heard about the elephant connection to Travis. She has probably mentioned it to JA.
I don't know how to do that, I really want to see that.

On my iPad, I just put two fingers on the screen and spread them apart.

On my Apple lap top, I us the following keys "command" and "+"

On a PC, "Ctrl" and "+"

To decrease, just use the minus sign instead of the plus.

Hope this helps...hope I remembered right on the PC.....and it is one of the few things I do know how to do on a computer!:seeya:
I really don't think she's crying because of what she has done, the gravity of her actions and the devastation she has wrought. I felt like she was crying because there was so much emotion around her and she was caught up in it. Kind of like when people cry at the scene of traffic fatalities or sad movies. Response to a scene.

Again, 2 cents.

In other news, I had a dream about Travis last night. It was a party, his birthday or something, and everywhere you looked were happy faces, celebrating. Not an Ugly Betty in sight. :)

Speaking of Ugly Betty…Jodi's "look" yesterday was shocking! :gasp:If that's what she usually looks like when she wakes up in the morning she's a freakin' genius with makeup!
Has anyone else noticed how HUGE CMJA's Hands are? I have just recently noticed when she puts her hands up to her face they are extremely huge for a woman? Is it just me or is anyone else seeing that too? Brawny man hands...

It is not just you ! Actually while re-watching some of yesterdays procedings it struck me that it almost appears that as time goes on JA appears to be shrinking while her hands appear to be growing .....alright, I know this cannot be true is probably just my imagination, my family all chuckle at me because her hands just totally creep me out... I cannot stand to look at them...

Man hands ala Jerry Seinfeld,only I know that this pair of man hands has done...freaks me out to look at them...
I refuse to use her at home I call her by words that would get me banned. Here on WS I'd type 30 extra keystrokes to avoid using her name. For me, that name has become shorthand for hate and a bloody knife and a terrorfied Travis and a dispicable person. I'm grateful it is a a name I don't like anyway and that nobody I know has, because I never want to hear it or read it again.

I'm most inclined to call her what she is - murderer. Everyone knows who is being spoken of, no problem.
What happens if the jury cannot agree on sentence?
I think pork rinds' popularity has soared in recent years because it's one of the very few "crunchies" that are low-carb.

Sure has. When I was on Atkins, I use it for just about everything. Crackers for my tuna, breading for chicken.
The plain ones you can make cinnamon crisps. I know…but when it’s no carbs, no sugar…you gotta do some kitchen rigging!
I was a little disappointed so to see that they didn't require her to make her bed. Seems reasonable.

I dont think she should have even the smallest luxury of those colored sheets...jmo...she should have dingy old white scratchy sheets...:twocents:
I'm still hoping it's remorse. We'll find out for sure on Monday. But it could just be part of that "battered woman" act of hers -- showing emotion for her "abuser" because she still "blames" herself for using defensive force to kill Travis. Poor her.

9 days ago she trashed Travis in an interview less than a half hour after the verdict, calling him an abuser (again), a hypocrite and a pedophile (again). She took it even farther this time claiming she had photographic evidence of said "abuse" and "pedophilia" that her attorneys wouldn't put into evidence (riiiiiiiiiight). There is zero remorse in her for what she has done and I doubt there ever will be. If her tears yesterday were real, it was because she knows the jig is up and these jurors really are going to hold her accountable for what she has done -- something she's never ever had to do in her life.

I think when Steven and Samantha spoke, her thoughts were "oh s***, this is bad for me, really bad.". :twocents:
9 days ago she trashed Travis in an interview less than a half hour after the verdict, calling him an abuser (again), a hypocrite and a pedophile (again). She took it even farther this time claiming she had photographic evidence of said "abuse" and "pedophilia" that her attorneys wouldn't put into evidence (riiiiiiiiiight). There is zero remorse in her for what she has done and I doubt there ever will be. If her tears yesterday were real, it was because she knows the jig is up and these jurors really are going to hold her accountable for what she has done -- something she's never ever had to do in her life.

I think when Steven and Samantha spoke, her thoughts were "oh s***, this is bad for me, really bad.". :twocents:

Exactly ! That is why she was Juan stated, she cries only for herself..
I just put on two pairs of reading glasses to see what is on the wall. Two pairs of glasses really magnifies the image and it does look like an elephant with something drawn at it's hind quarters.

Oh my god, the 2 pairs of glasses thing is killing me :floorlaugh:

I'll have to try it!!!!

OT...well actually it isn't cause this is the OT thread :lol:

I will be visiting london next week with my daughter and her friend, any Londoner's here who could give me some tips, and/or must see places??? :)
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